Harm's Hunger (4 page)

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Authors: Patrice Michelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western, #Westerns, #Bad In Boots

BOOK: Harm's Hunger
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“Are we on a date?” he offered, an expectant smile tilting his lips.

“We made plans to go to dinner,” she hedged, “but then we had to run an errand.”

His brow furrowed. “Why can’t I remember you? I think I’d have a hard time forgetting your beautiful face.”

“And yet it feels like I’ve known you forever,” Jena murmured as she glanced away, trying to think how much deeper a hole she should dig. Avoidance was always a good option. Reaching for the handle, she opened the door. Gravity pulled the heavy panel out of her hand toward the ditch. “Let’s go,” she said as she climbed out of the truck, only to ever-so-gracefully crumple to the ground.

Cold, driving rain soaked through her linen dress in two seconds flat. Harm leaned over her seat and poked his head out. “You okay?”

She grimaced and tried to stand, then collapsed again, yelping as pain shot up her ankle. Before she could respond to his question, his arms were around her, lifting her against his strong chest.

“Come on, sweetheart, we need to get out of this rain.”

. That sounded nice, especially with that southern drawl. Jena settled her arms around his neck, enjoying the play of muscles surrounding her body, the heat of his skin a wonderful contrast to the cool rain beating on her. It was a good thing he’d put his Stetson back on; the brim provided some shelter from the relentless downpour. She looked up into his face at the same time he looked down at her. God, he took her breath away. The man exuded sheer confidence in every movement he made. He was simply—magnetic.

Harm set her down on the porch, seemingly unaffected by carrying her hundred and twenty-five pound body the quarter mile hike up the driveway and across Sally’s front lawn.
Yep, hard-working man, no doubt, and a considerate one, too
, she thought as he handed her the oversized purse she usually carried around. When he unlocked the door, she was surprised. “You have a key?”

“Yeah. I take care of Sally’s horses and such. Now that she’s passed on, I keep an eye on her place, too.” He lifted her again and walked inside.

When he set her down and stepped away, Jena began to shiver uncontrollably. The closed up house felt colder than outside. She set her purse on the table and hugged herself as her teeth began to chatter. “Why is it so cold? Texas isn’t supposed to be c-c-c-cold.”

He met her gaze, completely perplexed. “We’re dating, but you don’t live in Texas?”

He thinks we’re dating? Oh, boy. Now I know where the expression “snowballing” came from
How do I get out of this without freaking him out?
“Um, our relationship is a little complicated.”

Harm’s eyebrow shot up right before lightning lit up the room. He glanced outside, then back to her, white teeth flashing in the darkness. “There’s an old saying in Texas: “’If you don’t like the weather, wait around. It’ll change.’”

Harm flipped the light switch. Nothing. “The storm must’ve knocked out the power,” he said as he lifted the phone receiver. “Phone’s dead, too.” He walked over to the kitchen cabinets, then pulled down a lantern and some matches. Once it was lit, the lantern cast a warm glow throughout Sally’s ranch house. Carrying the lantern, he set it down on an end table next to the couch.

Jena looked around as Harm squatted in front of the fireplace to build a fire. The place was just as she remembered it: a stone fireplace, a soft brown leather couch, matching side chairs, and a throw rug in woven earth tones spread out in front of the fireplace. The kitchen and dining area melted right into the living room, a bathroom and a bedroom exited to the right. It was a very small, very cozy house.

Harm tossed the cushions off the couch, then pulled open the foldout bed. As he straightened the white sheets and burgundy insulated covers that were still on it, she asked, “What are you doing?”

He approached her and quickly turned her away from him. “I’m trying to get us dry and warm,” he said, yanking her dress’s zipper down.

He moved faster than she could think to stay one step ahead. Jena clung to the material plastered to her skin when he tried to pull it off her body. “Can’t we just use towels or something?”

He peeled the sodden dress all the way off. “Nope. Sally requested all her clothes, towels, and sheets be donated to charity when she died. All that’s left is what’s on this bed and the one in her bedroom.” He paused for a second. “It surprises me that I can remember that, but I can’t remember us.”

 Unsnapping her bra, his fingers lingering on her skin before he slipped the straps down her shoulders. “Nice panties,” he commented, sliding his hands down her waist toward her underwear.

Jena quickly kicked off her shoes, then slipped her panties off herself. As she dove under the covers and heard him chuckle, she ground her teeth.

I can handle this. He’s just trying to keep me from freezing to death
. She snuggled into the warmth of the covers and watched Harm pull the chairs from the kitchen table closer to the fire, then hang her clothes over them to dry.

Her breath caught as he began to strip out of his own clothes. Strong, muscular arms surfaced along with broad shoulders and an equally impressive chest. Sure she’d seen it before, but now…in this new situation where they weren’t on even ground, she felt like a voyeur. Light brown hair clung to his chest as it veed down to his sculpted abs and narrow hips. Her heart raced as he pulled off his boots and socks, then reached for the button on his jeans. As he released the first button, her entire body tensed in suspense. Was it so wrong to admire such a beautifully built body?

Jena looked up and saw his heated gaze on her. He wanted her to watch him. Her mouth went dry at the sight of his long, thick shaft that emerged as he pulled off his wet pants and underwear. He wanted her. She clenched her legs together and tried to think pure thoughts. She needed to stay focused. Taking several deep breaths helped.

When he turned to put his clothes on the chairs, she loved that his backside consisted of two perfectly sculpted balls of muscle. Jena closed her eyes, cutting off the appealing, yet distracting picture.

A few seconds passed and then the bed dipped as Harm climbed into it. She kept her eyes shut, facing the fire. Maybe he’ll just take a nap. No, he can’t take a nap. He might have a concussion. She needed to keep him awake. That’s it…she’ll get him talking about himself.

Jena jumped when he cupped her breast and used his hold to pull her back against his chest. “Mmmm, now this is my idea of getting warm,” he purred into her ear before placing a kiss on her neck. “Sit up for a second, sweetheart.”

Keep this platonic, Jena. It’s different now that you two have a history, even if it is a short one.
Pulling the covers around her naked breasts, she sat up, facing the fire. When Harm began to rub her wet hair with a towel, she turned back to him, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Could he be faking this whole amnesia thing? “I thought you said all the towels were donated.”

Harm lifted the kitchen towel. “I remembered these. Your hair is soaking wet. Turn around so I can dry it.”

Jena saw sincerity in his gaze. Either he was the best actor she’d ever seen, or he wasn’t faking. He’d obviously taken the towel to his own hair because it stood up on his head, going in a zillion crazy directions. As she turned around, she wondered how the man could look even sexier with his hair tousled. It just wasn’t fair. She didn’t want to think how she looked in comparison.

As his strong fingers massaged her scalp through the thin towel, she leaned back into his hands and moaned. The surety of his touch, the warmth of the fire soaking into her skin; the stirring combination made her feel safe and cared for. Too bad none of it was real.

When Harm traced a finger down her spine, goose bumps appeared on her arms, making her shiver. “You have a beautiful body,” he whispered at the same time he turned her around, his handsome face close. “Tell me about us.” His brow creased. “Starting with your last name. It really bothers me that I can’t remember.”

She placed her hands on his hard chest, loving the feel of muscles underneath her fingers. “It’s Jena Lee.”
my second name. Keep him talking, Jena.
“We’ve had a kind of long-distance thing.”
Very long distance
. “I live in Maryland, so we get together when circumstances allow.”
Twice so far
. She tilted her head and smiled. “That’s probably why you can’t remember me. I’m not in-your-face every day of your life.”
That couldn’t be a truer statement.

He shook his head, frowning. “I’d never settle for a getting-together-when-we-can relationship. I’m not into casual sex.”

She snorted, but caught herself before she blurted out, “Elevator ring any bells?”

Harm’s brown eyes narrowed. “I don’t share. Ever, Jena.”

The protective possessiveness that flashed through his eyes felt as if he was giving her fair warning. Jena couldn’t help the pleased shiver that passed through her. If only they’d met under different circumstances. She touched his jaw. “Do you find it so hard to believe you’d think I was worth waiting for?”
Because you are exactly the kind of man I’d be willing to wait for. I want a man who loves one woman with his heart and soul and expects the same in return. My gut tells me those qualities exist behind the shield you hold up to the world. Who created all that cynicism you carry around?

Harm glanced away and as his jaw tightened under her fingers, as if he were struggling with conflicting emotions, she realized he wasn’t going to tell her.
Why can’t I show him that there’s at least one woman out there who’s worthy?
She gulped over the lie she was about to tell, but now was an opportunity to give him the fantasy he seemed determined not to believe in. “You asked me to move to Texas. I told you I’d come for a while and we’d decide from there.”

Harm’s gaze jerked back to hers and several seconds of silence passed between them. While his expression quickly shifted from suspicion to surprise before slipping into an inscrutable mask, Jena’s stomach did several somersaults. Had she totally ruined it?

Finally, Harm traced a finger down her cheek, a self-deprecating half smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. “My head hurts from trying to figure out why the hell I’d let you leave Texas in the first place. I must’ve been a horse’s ass in certain areas or you’d have said yes as soon as I asked you to stay.”

She chuckled at his arrogance. How could he manage to be both infuriating and irresistible? “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

He ran his fingers along her jaw line, and the roughened feel of his hand stroking her so tenderly made her want to weep. He was being her very own fantasy man.

“This pull I feel when I’m with you is indescribable. If I asked you to move to Texas, then it was because I’d planned to ask you to marry me. Kicks me in the gut just thinking I’d go down that path, but I don’t do anything in half measures. I’m an all-or-nothing man.”

At that moment, thunder boomed as if punctuating his words and backing up his sincerity. Her heart contracted
. Marry him? How did this get out of hand so fast?
And why would it kick him in the gut to think about marrying?
He seemed to truly believe what he said. But if she told him the truth now, he’d be beyond furious. That’s the last thing he needed with a head injury. But damn if her heart didn’t swell at his blunt honesty. The man had a way of turning her to mush and he wasn’t even trying. Was it so wrong that for a little while at least she wanted to believe the fantasy that he really did feel that deeply for her?

Her lips trembled a little but she managed to speak. “How about for now we just focus on keeping you awake to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”

 Harm scowled. “That’s not an answer.”

Her eyebrows shot up and a smirk tilted her lips. “Oh, was that you asking?”

When his frown deepened, she smiled to lighten the sudden tension between them. “Since your memory is on the fritz, let’s keep you talking and alert.”

His lips curved into a dangerous smile as he tugged on the sheet she had clutched around her. “I can think of something to keep my mind
body occupied.”

“I’m serious, Harm.” Jena tried to smack his hand away. “You could have a concussion.”

He gripped the sheet and used his hold to pull her close. Deep brown eyes searched her face. “I apparently have some lost time to make up for.”


His warm mouth captured hers, drowning out any objections and scattering her intentions to keep her distance. It wasn’t fair that he was such a good kisser. His warm lips drew her in, totally obliterating the outside world.

She melted into him, opening her mouth for a deeper kiss. His tongue caressed hers, mated with her while he pushed her back against the bed and peeled the sheet away. Cupping her breast, he pinched her nipple between his fingers, making her arch against him and moan into his mouth.

“All mine,” he rasped against her lips. As his hard thigh pushed between her legs, he kissed his way down her jaw and neck before capturing her nipple into his hot, moist mouth.

“Harm,” she sighed, pressing closer. “Please tell me you have a condom in your jeans.”

His low laugh rumbled against her chest. “Two, as a matter of fact, but I want to save them for later.” His tongue created a searing path down her stomach as his fingers slipped between her legs, where he found her wet slit and immediately plunged two fingers inside.

She called his name again as his aggressive invasion put her on the edge of an orgasm.

Harm slowed his pace, saying, “Not yet,” as he kissed his way down her navel, pausing to lick the crease where her leg joined her body. She never thought of that spot as an erogenous zone, but he just proved that part of her body was very sensitive indeed. His hot mouth had her body primed for his dining pleasure so fast, Jena’s head spun.

He settled between her legs and laved a hot path from the back of her knee up to her inner thigh, touching her intimate swollen skin, then he traced the same path on the other leg. She bucked as he got closer to her wet entrance, but he pressed her hips back down on the bed. “I want you wetter.”

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