Hard to Love You (18 page)

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Authors: Megan Smith

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hard to Love You
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I bend slightly and lift her legs over my shoulder. My tongue darts out over her clit and I circle it a few times. Hailey sucks in a breath between her teeth and her legs start to shake. I lower them so I’m holding them in the crook of my arms. I lick a path to her left nipple. “First base,” I suck on it hard and when I let go there is a loud pop. I lick the path to the center of her neck and bite hard, “Second base.” Hailey moans loudly and this time it’s her entire body that shakes. I trace the path to third, suck on it hard and lightly bite it, “Third base.” Then I trace the final line, “Gland slam.” Hailey’s body breaks out with goose bumps. I lick, nip and suck hard on her clit until her whole body stiffens.

“Fuck, Mase.” Hailey moans.

Once I’ve licked her clean I drop her legs and stand up. I kiss her left shoulder while she runs her fingernails up and down my back.

“My turn,” She gently pushes me back and hops off the counter.

I watch as her hips sway back and forth as she walks over to the fridge and pulls out the chocolate syrup and milk. She looks back at me and gives me that Cheshire cat smile of hers. She places them both on the counter, stands between my legs and reaches over my shoulder to grab a glass.

I eye her suspiciously. Hailey shakes her head while pouring the milk in a glass, and I see a smile spread across her face.
Oh Lord, what does she have in store for me?
When she finishes pouring, she reaches for my belt buckle. She undoes it quickly, then makes work on the button and slowly slides my zipper down, being careful not to catch me. I reach behind my head to pull off my shirt and throw it beside hers on the floor.


“Shh Mason,” Hailey sits on her knees between my legs. She reaches up and pulls my boxer briefs down and my dick springs free.
With my jeans and boxers around my knees, Hailey sticks her tongue out and licks the tip of my dick then swirls her tongue around it. I groan loud, jaw clenched tight. She reaches for the chocolate with her right hand while she has me firmly held in her left hand. Hailey tips the bottle upside down and pours chocolate all up and down my dick. It jumps a few times at the thought of her wrapping her hot mouth around it.

Hailey’s left hand starts to slowly pump and twist while her tongue swirls the tip again. She moans loudly as she licks the underside from root to tip. She reaches for the glass of milk, takes a sip and then takes me in her mouth until I feel the back of her throat. My knees lock and my whole body starts to shake. It’s so cold but feels so incredibly good. It’s taking everything in me to not pump hard and fast into her mouth.

I can’t take it anymore. I reach down and tangle my fingers in her hair. Hailey moans around my dick. I’m so close to exploding in her mouth. I pull away from her and she frowns.

I pull her up and turn her around so her back is to me. “Brace yourself on the counter.” She does as I ask.

I reach down into the back pocket of my jeans, pull out my wallet and rip out the condom. I throw the wallet aside and tear the condom open with my teeth and make quick work of sliding it on.

I grab Hailey’s hips with both my hands. “This isn’t going to be gentle, Hailey. It’s going to be hard and fast. It’s been too fucking long.”

She’s already panting. I slowly push. She’s soaked and I slide all the way in with ease. She’s so fucking tight I know I’m not going to last long and the way she is already moaning and groaning I know it’s not going to last long for her either.

I pound into her, hard, fast. I’m thinking anything and everything besides what I’m doing, trying to make this last as long as possible. I’m so fucking close; then all of a sudden Hailey shudders and squeezes me like a vice while crying out my name. I pull all the way out and slam into her one final time and give her everything I have.

I’m draped over her body trying to catch my breath when the doorbell rings.

“Fuck!” I yell.

“Who the hell is that?” Hailey says with a scratchy voice.

I start to pull out of her when I hear someone yell, “Hello, Hailey?”




“Shit!” I stand up and search around for my clothes. “I forgot I called Jay over to hang out.”

Mason reaches down and pulls his jeans up, tucks everything back inside and makes quick work of his zipper, button and belt. I’m so fucking sticky I’m having a hard time pulling my yoga pants up. Mason quickly reaches for his shirt and pulls it down over my head just as Cooper comes around the corner.

“Oh hell!” Cooper yells.

Jaylinn comes up behind him. “Masey what are you—-” Jaylinn covers her eyes with her hands. “Christ! I’ll never be able to bleach this shit out of my eyes.” She says.

I look around the kitchen and it’s a sight to see. There is chocolate syrup smeared all over the kitchen floor. It looks like someone was finger painting with it on the counters. My face feels sticky so I’m sure it’s all over me.

I start cracking up behind Mason. “Looks like I’m not the only one with bad timing.”

Cooper and Jaylinn grumble.

Mason wraps his arms around me, “Yeah, I was starting to get jealous because you kept talking about Hunter’s naked ass.”

Jaylinn uncovers her eyes only to cover her ears and say loudly, “I’m not hearing this shit.”

Cooper turns and stalks into the living room. “Where’s Chaos? I hope to God you didn’t scare him to death.” He yells. I shake my head and smile to myself, Coop still refuses to call him Ryder.

“He’s sleeping, asshole.” Mason quips back.

I stand on my tip toes, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go rinse off.”

Mason slaps me on the ass and I prance down the hall. I’m sure Mason has to be sticky as shit, maybe he’ll join me. I stop in the guest room to grab a clean pair of yoga shorts and my sports bra.

I go into the bathroom and start the shower, letting the water warm up. I look at myself in the mirror and for the first time in weeks I actually look like my old self. Of course the afterglow of sex is helping too. It feels so easy falling back into routine with Mason.

I pull Mason’s shirt over my head and step into the shower. I’m working the shampoo into my hair and I feel a cold draft, I spin to make sure I closed the curtain and I damn near fall on my ass. Mason is watching me.

“Damn it, Mase! Why do you always sneak up on me?”

He chuckles and looks at me with hooded eyes again. “Oh no, not again. Not with Coop and Jay downstairs.”

Mason lets his already unbuckled pants drop to his ankles and his cock springs free. He stands in front of me in all his naked glory. His six foot frame steps in the shower and he towers over me.

“You keep looking at me like that and I’ll take your sweet little ass up against this wall.”

I gasp, “You wouldn’t.”

Mason raises his eyebrows at me and has me pinned up against the wall before I even realize what’s happening.

“I warned you.”

Mason’s husky voice sends shivers down my spine. He did warn me and I pressed my luck, and I’m so glad I did.

A half hour later, with noodles for legs and a soreness between my legs, we are cuddled up on the couch downstairs. Jaylinn has her head resting on Cooper’s lap and Cooper is watching ESPN. Mason sits exactly how Cooper does, on the other side of the couch, with me sitting in his lap.

I tap Jaylinn on the foot. “What are you reading?”

She looks up from her e-reader, “Fallen Crest High by Tijan.”

“Any good?”

“It’s one of my favorite books ever. It’s only like the tenth time I’ve read it.”

I laugh at her. It must be good if she can read it that many times.

Cooper looks over at me with a serious look on his face. “Did you know people write about dinosaur porn?”

I stare at him for a second, waiting for him to crack a smile but he doesn’t. Mason’s whole body starts to shake and before long we are both laughing so hard I get a cramp in my stomach. I climb off Mason’s lap and lay out on the floor, holding my side while I try to stop laughing.

“Laugh it up, assholes. That shit is disturbing.” Cooper says over our fits of laughter.

“Baby its ok. Some people have a fetish with that shit.” Jaylinn starts giggling and I can see her trying to force her face to keep serious. “Although I do wonder,” She taps her pointer finger on her lips, “What was the name of that book? Shit, I forget, but it was something about being rammed by a dinosaur. I can’t imagine that would be pleasant.”

Mason and Jaylinn fall on the floor laughing, right alongside me. Forget my side hurting, my whole body hurts. Jaylinn keeps talking through her laughter, “I wonder how T-Rex masturbates with his little T-Rex arms?” More giggles.

Cooper tackles Jaylinn on the floor and kisses her so she stops talking. I start to calm down and roll over to cuddle into Mason’s side, giving Cooper and Jaylinn their moment. It’s not like they have many of them so I don’t want to be the cause of interrupting.

Mason places a kiss on the top of my head. “Damn that felt good to laugh like that.”

“Mmmhmm.” I run my fingers up and down Mason’s chest. I look up at him and kiss those full lips that I love so much.

I take a quick glance over at Cooper and Jaylinn and they’re just lying there, Cooper staring intently into Jaylinn’s pretty blue eyes.

I fake a yawn, “I’m calling it a night.” I nudge Mason. Cooper and Jaylinn haven’t acknowledged me.

Mason follows my lead and he stands up and pulls me to my feet. I walk over and grab the monitor off the end table. I take Mason’s hand and we head down the hall, as soon as I take the first step I hear Cooper yell, “Wake me up for practice in the morning.”

“Yeah, alright.” Mason yells back.

Mason and I are lying in bed, facing each other, arms and legs tangled together. We keep kissing each other but not taking it any further. I’m so helplessly in love with him that I can’t see straight right now. He understands me when I don’t understand myself half the time. He knows my wants, my needs, my passions. He’s perfect, caring, affectionate, understanding and absolutely sexy.



I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart feels like it’s about to beat out of my chest. Mason kisses both of my eyelids. “I need you to tell me the truth about Lily. I want what we had here tonight, Mase. I hate not being by your side, in your bed. But I can’t move forward without knowing.”

Mason sighs and pulls me closer. “I want this too, Hailey. I had plans to ask you to move in with me. I was going to ask you the morning after the bachelor party.”

I frown as my broken heart shatters even more.

“I’m going to tell you everything; it’s killing me to keep it from you. I’m trying not to break my promise to you. Just give me a little bit more time.” He kisses me. “I love you more than anything, Hailey. I’d even give up baseball for you. Just …” Mason takes a deep breath. “I need a little more time.”

I nod, if I open my mouth to speak I’ll cry and I’m not crying anymore tonight.

Mason and I eventually fall asleep just after midnight but we are woken up shortly after by Ryder crying.

Mason throws back the covers, “I’ll go get him.”

I hear Mason walk into Ryder’s room, “Hey buddy.” There is some rustling and then a snap, “Damn kid you stink.” I start to giggle. “Alright buddy lets go get a bottle and cuddle with Aunt Hailey.”

Mason and Ryder come back to the room and I move over so Ryder can have the middle. Mason climbs in after getting Ryder settled with his bottle. I’m so in awe of this man. I have no clue what I’m going to do if he keeps hurting me.

Mason reaches for my hand above Ryder’s head and then he lays his hand on my hip. “I love you Hailey Madison Taylor.”

I close my eyes and a tear slides down my face. “I love you too, Mason Jonathan Cahill.”

With my eyes still closed I fall to sleep with my dreams of one day having this with Mason.



After Ryder finishes his bottle I carry him back into his room and try to catch a few hours of sleep.

The alarm goes off at five and I’m still exhausted after only managing three hours. I look over at Hailey’s sleeping body and I never want to be separated from her again. She’s the one for me, that much is clear. Last night sealed the deal. Hailey is the type of girl that will put everyone else before herself, make sure everyone is happy before she makes herself happy. She’s been through so much shit with her family that no one should ever have to deal with and I am going to make it my mission to see that she never deals with it again.

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