Hard Ride (2 page)

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Authors: Trixie Pierce

BOOK: Hard Ride
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Chapter Four


Houston stared at Katie’s limp, half nude body. It was flushed from orgasm, and still primed. His cock throbbed, bouncing lightly. He moved close, letting it rest against the crack of her ass, his fingers still inside, enjoying the feel of her aftershocks. He’d never forget the taste, flowing down his throat, enough to create wet dreams for months. When he removed his fingers, she moaned and lifted her ass a little higher in the air.

He gripped himself, and guided the head. He
entered slowly, pushing, gritting his teeth as the clenching muscles made him work for it. He lifted the white tank top, revealing her back and several scars. Lightly tracing one, he let his hand wander to her shoulders, and held her in place. “My turn.”

e shoved hard, going deep, reveling in her echo of his yell. She was hot, tight, swollen. He lost control. His hips moved, jerky at first, but found a rhythm. Letting go of her shoulders, he gripped her hips, pulling her back as he slammed into her, touching her womb.

Her muscles tensed, and he sensed she was close. He only had a few more strokes. Slamming harder into her, she cried out, and the gentle squeezing, coupled with her
womb tapping the head of his cock, was too much. The orgasm pulled his balls tight, and he jerked two more times before holding her hips hard to his and filling her.

He fell forward, hands barely catching him. He leaned into his arms, hands on either side of her chest. He wanted to slide to the concrete floors, but laying in grease wasn’t an option.

“I don’t think I have a lower body anymore,” her voice muffled by the body protectant draped over the quarter panel.

Houston chuckled, but had to agree. “I’ve wanted to do that for the last two years.” He leaned forward, kissing the base of her neck. “It’s better than I imagined.” He thrust his hips a little, enjoying the moan.

She chuckled. “Can we have pizza? I’m starving.”

Houston pulled out,
groaning at the sensation, wanting to return. But they had to clean up, and figure out what to do next.

He took a few steps back, leaned down and helped to pull up her pants. He noticed white flowing down the inside of her thighs, and
like an egotistical bastard, he loved the sight. He’d marked her, inside and out, kissing the bite mark and blowing gently on it, enjoying the sight of her goosebumps.

Pulling up the jumpsuit, she walked, her gate a little off, to the women’s bathroom.

Houston cleaned up in the men’s, splashing water on his face, wondering what was going to happen next. His two year crush had finally come to a head, so to speak, and wanted to see if they had a chance at a lot more.

Katie was
regimented in many ways, and liked control. She worked on every car, knew every order made, and probably had every payment memorized since she opened the shop eight years ago.

He left the top half of the jumpsuit off, tying the arms around his waist. He walked to the office, seeing Katie on the phone.

She clicked through the computer, frowning. Not a good sign. Mike generally handled all the office work so Katie could be hands on with the vehicles.

“What do you mean I didn’t order that engine?” her voice edging to angry. “I have the receipt. If I paid for that big of an engine, I want it delivered. It was purchased two months ago.”

Her face went blood red. “I’ll double check, but I want a full accounting of my payments to you, just fax it to me today.” She hung up.

“What’s up?” Houston sat in the chair, hands linked across his stomach.

Katie let her eyes rove over his form, face softening. “Why would I order a 442 from Buick?”

“We haven’t had a Buick go through here in almost two years,” frowning at her words.

“Exactly. And ordering directly from Buick? That’s beyond expensive, almost five grand, and it’s a reconditioned engine. So why do I show several purchases of that kind?” She turned the office chair a full one eighty, elbow on the arm, pinching her lip, and staring out the low office window with a perfect view of her cars.

“Katie, there has to be some mistake.” Houston shift
ed in the seat, finding he liked the expression of anger and vulnerability.

“Where did Mike say he was going?” she whipped the chair around, and narrowed her eyes.

“He didn’t. You don’t think …” Houston hoped they were wrong.

She stood, her hands flat on the desktop, and leaned forward, eyes flashing dangerously, “Someone is fucking with my business. I’ll find out who it is, and they’d better run now.”
She straightened and stalked out.

Houston watched her leave, glad he wasn’t the one in the hot seat. He’d been to the shooting range with her.


Chapter Five


Katie stalked to the shop, ready to finish with the engine installation. Seeing the side of the Mustang, her body clenched, remembering. When he’d taken control, her libido hit overdrive. Just the right amount of dominance, making her ride the razor’s edge. It was more than she’d imagined. A hell of a lot better. The anger coursing through her body amped the need to do it again. But she wanted him to dominate her completely.

He’d avoid her for a little bit, waiting for the infamous temper to cool. She dived into the engine compartment, working through the various necessary nuts and bolts, putting wiring through to the dash, hooking up the breaker box, marking the various wires, preparing to install the
fuel pump. Houston joined her, having a hard time keeping her mind on the engine and not ogling his muscular form. She liked them big, muscular, but not Dwayne Johnson big.
Although I wouldn’t turn him down
, she thought.

The next few hours were filled with grunts, moans, groans and sighs. Katie tried not to laugh at how it sounded a lot like great sex.

Nightfall crept across the concrete floors, and after working a total of fourteen hours, Katie double checked the oil, ensured leaks were nonexistent, and sat in the moth eaten seats. She leaned out the door, hand on the ignition. She’d installed a new push button, making it look like something from the late sixties though it was top of the line modern.

“Dude, you ready to see if it’ll crank?” She hated the moment of waiting, but Houston needed to keep his hands out of the engine during initial

He popped his head to the right, smiling. “Go for it, babe.” He hid under the hood.

“Let the damn thing at least start,” she whispered. She pushed the button, giving it a little gas.

A sputter, followed by five clicking sounds.

“Hold up, I see the problem,” he called.

She heard the sound of the ratchet, silence, a banging noise, two grunts, and finally a hand appeared with the thumbs up sign.

“Come on, sweetheart, give me what I want.” She pushed the button, eyes closed, wincing.

Sputtering, one click
, and a deep growling sound as the engine roared to life. She gunned it twice, to get the fuel pushed through the lines, and sat back, heart pounding at the sound of power. She could imagine the oil lubricating the pistons, the antifreeze circulating around the engine, the fuel being pumped and ignited.

Opening an eye, she found Houston standing inside the door, smiling, wiping his hands with a shop rag. Cutting the engine, Katie decided to do something she’d wondered about for some time. She put both feet on the concrete, reaching for his hips and pulling him forward. He tried to bend, but a hand on his chest stopped the movement.
Tugging until his chest rested against the roof, she untied the jumpsuit arms. One side of her mouth quirked up as she took in the sight of his bulge. Rubbing one hand lightly against it, she reveled in the feel of power as he shuffled his feet and groaned aloud. His arms slammed on the roof, and she noticed his knees were locked. Taking her time, she traced the bulge with a finger, then her mouth, pushing her breath through the fabric, biting gently.

“Damn it, Katie,” his voice hoarse, breathing labored.

“Don’t damn me until I’m done,” she nipped the jeans. His hips thrust forward. “Nuh-uh. I get this one.”

Undoing the jeans, she let his cock bounce against her cheek gently. Wrapping it with one hand, noticing it was the perfect size and length, her fingers meeting but just barely.
It was silky soft skin over hard iron, and the sensation forced a groan from her chest. Nibbling the underside, she grasped his balls. In one swift movement, she sucked him inside her mouth, to the back of her throat, and swallowing, as her index finger pushed against the male sweet spot, right behind his balls, and rubbing the delicate skin of his scrotum.

He yelled, hips thrusting without rhythm. She looked up, seeing his hands gripping the body of the car, white knuckled.

“I can’t … I’m not …
oh shit
,” he moaned.

She felt his body tighten and moved against his thrusts, tongue playing against the sensitive head. It swelled, precum dripping. Swallowing, she gave one good push against the area behind his balls, rubbing in a circle, giving little hums as she moved
her mouth up and down, using her teeth to lightly scrape the skin.

He groaned
. She put her fingers around the base of him, and squeezed, knowing it would stop the ejaculation his body sought.

Fuck me!
” he yelled as an orgasm rolled over him, making his thrusts jerky.

worked him, pushing, sucking, and humming. As the head started to swell, she released her hold at the base of his cock. Rubbing it gently, she bit him lightly just under the tip, using her tongue to coax him into a second orgasm. It shot to the roof of her mouth, and she swallowed, using her mouth to beg for all of it.

Finished, every ounce swallowed
, she let go, smiling as he sank to his knees.

“I … never. How …” he looked at her, eyes bright.

She shrugged, “My first degree was biology. You all right?”

He shook his head.

“I’m going to clean up,” she scooted out of the car, gingerly stepping over him and damn near skipped to the bathroom.


Chapter Six


Houston’s head was swimming.
Men could have multiple orgasms? Who the hell knew?
He stumbled out of the bathroom, not sure about a woman being dominant when it came to sex. He loved being the one in control when it came to the bedroom and the pleasures it could contain.

Walking into the shop, he could
see Katie closing for the weekend. Following their routine, he packed away the tools, threw cat litter on the oil, grease, and fuel puddles, locked the shop’s main bay door, checked the others, lowered all the lifts, and triple checked. Several engines were in crates at the back of the shop, and the Mustang itself was worth twenty grand in its current condition. A break in wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.

He found her in the office, with the rarely seen glasses
reflecting the light emanating from the computer screen.

“What are you doing? You need to take the weekend off, Katie. It’s been a long week.” He moved until he was behind the desk, seeing her going through various account payables.

“Houston, since when do we order directly from Ford and GMC? I’ve always ordered from Edelbrock, Tesar, and a handful of others.” She glanced up, the glasses giving her a decided geek girl look.

“Not since I’ve been here. Want to do a quick inventory? We’re about due for one, anyway.”

“Yeah, let me print out the list,” she hit Ctrl-P with practiced ease.

Clipboard in hand, and glasses perched sexily on her pert nose, Houston helped go through all the numbers, calling them out. She checked off every engine in the storage area, counted the various parts always on hand, and marking what needed to be ordered.

Houston straightened after digging to the back of one shelf, and stared at her unabashedly. She was busy counting the engine mounts, frowning.

Two hours later, they sat in the office, reconciling
the inventory list with what the computer said should be on hand.

“It isn’t official, but I’m missing six engines, and almost twelve grand worth of parts,” she mumbled, clicking from one frame to the next.

“Mike? He would never do something like that,” Houston’s mind rebelled, seeing Mike as a friend, albeit a very shy one.

“Well, Susan also works here two days a week. All total, we’re talking over the past six months, damn near a hundred thousand. I can’t afford that kind of theft!” she stood, one arm under her breasts, holding the other elbow, and pinching her bottom lip. “Luckily, the auctions have brought in enough to keep it covered, but it’s going to implode soon.”

Houston stared at the computer screen, mind racing. To pull off something like that, the person would need to know Katie’s habits and have access to accounts. None of the other mechanics could do it.

“Wait, Katie, how many other businesses do you run?”

“I have the food truck, one restaurant, the home renovation, and two rigs for moving things.” She looked at him, a puzzled expression riding her features. She drained of color, jaw dropping, and sat down to tap furiously on the keyboard.

He didn’t watch the screen, staring at her. The long, wavy brunette hair, almost always in a jaunty ponytail, her lightly tanned skin from being outdoors often, her athletic shape because working on cars was a very physical job. He enjoyed watching her mind go in different directions at once, then coming together with an answer.

She nibbled on her bottom lip, and he suppressed a groan, the motion a reminder of the mind altering blow job. He’d never look at a Mustang again without getting a raging hard on.

He made his way to the chair, hoping that with her hidden by the monitor, he could calm the raging hormones.

No such luck.

“Houston, you don’t have to stay, you know. I can handle myself.” She continued typing furiously. If she kept hitting the keys as hard as she was, they’d need a new keyboard.

“I was thinking we could go take showers, change into something casual, and maybe have a beer. Or dinner,” he leaned to the left, giving her as sweet a smile as he could muster.

“I’ll be here for a few more hours, Houston. You can go on
,” her voice sounded absent.

He was being dismissed for the first time since he’d completed puberty. Woman flocked to him, begged him
for all kinds of erotic behavior. Yet, here was Katie, acting as if nothing happened.

He stood in a swift movement, opened his mouth to say something, closed it, and stomped out of the office.

Karma really was a bitch.

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