Hard Ride (8 page)

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Authors: Trixie Pierce

BOOK: Hard Ride
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Chapter Nineteen


Houston wanted to his bed, the hospital recliner killing his back. But the thought of leaving Katie alone for one night was more than he could handle. His brain wouldn’t come back from protection mode, and his heart hitched over every moan, groan, or sigh from pain.

What kept him going to the garage was his promise to Katie.
The Mustang they’d been working on before it all started was almost done. The owner only needed to finish the interior, and it’d be cherry, a head turner on the road. He leaned over the front grill, working on the timing. He wanted to call Katie, to hear her voice, and ensure she continued to heal. Realizing his mind wandered, he straightened, turning off the timing light and stepping back. It was his fourth attempt. It didn’t help that every damn time he got near the Mustang, he had to fight a raging hard on.

a hand through his hair, he put the equipment away, and headed into the office. Mike had been coming and going, occasionally asking after Katie. Houston asked about the books, and recently, his answers had been extremely vague. Houston was going to double check.

Sitting at the desk, he pulled up various Excel spreadsheets and invoices, copying everything onto a flash drive. He and Katie looked them over every night, trying to find the inside contact her uncle used.

He leaned back, pinching the bridge of his nose. So far, they hadn’t found the person, and he worried over the impact on Katie. She was still in danger, and his need to hover getting stronger. She didn’t like it, made comments, but he couldn’t stop.

Packing it in for the night, he locked the shop and headed home. He needed a shower before seeing Katie. The new Challenger bluetoothed to the cellphone, and he pushed the button when it announced an incoming call.

“Hey, big guy.” Katie’s voice filled the car.

“I’m taking a shower and then coming. I have something I think you need to see.” Being surrounded by her voice, sultry and southern, relaxed
tired muscles.

“Good, maybe we can catch the bastard. Doc said they’re finally releasing me in the morning.”

Houston stared out the windshield, battered by emotions he couldn’t put a name to.

“You there?”

“Um, yes. Sorry. That’s great, Hellcat. Why don’t you stay with me? No long hallways or five story staircases.” He rubbed his chest.

She laughed, music to his ears. “I can stay on the first floor of my own house. No need to inconvenience you. You’ve done enough for me already.”

It was a punch to his heart. “I’m home, I’ll be there in thirty. Need me to bring anything?”

“Yeah, a big box for the books and stuff. I’ll see you in a few.” The line disconnected.

He parked in the garage of the complex, killed the engine and stared out the windshield at the cold gray concrete. He was failing. He couldn’t protect her, or get her to see him as more than a friend.

Damn her stubborn nature.


Chapter Twenty


Katie stared at her cellphone. It was the latest and greatest in tech advances, but apparently wishing wouldn’t make a person call.

She laid the phone on her chest, and sighed. She was an idiot. Taking her big ass house over the comfort of a condo, not to mention the hottest caretaker in Arkansas.
His last month of hovering had been exhausting, and at times she’d wanted to toss his big ass out on his ear, but it was also charming. Frustrating, endearing. Not to mention he smelled a hell of a lot better than the antiseptic they used to clean.

On the flip side, she didn’t want him to get more attached than he already was. Houston hadn’t bothered to hide his feelings, even if they remained unspoken. He stood in the corner, eyes never leaving the medical personnel when they were near, carefully checking the room, eyes going over every inch of her with every moan.
She’d become damned good at not making noises.

Trying to
understand why she couldn’t admit her own feelings, she looked up to see Mike walk in the room. He was average looking, about five-nine, in shape, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a peachy complexion. He was smart, although introverted. It’d taken her the first year of his employment to get him to say more than “Hello”.

“Mike! Close up shop?” she smiled.

“Uh, yeah. I, um, came by to see how you were doing,” he stared at the ugly tiles on the floor.

“Thanks for coming by. I’m getting out tomorrow, and should be able to start visiting the office at least a couple of days per week.” Her instincts said something was off, but was unable to pinpoint
the problem.

Houston walked in, and stopped just before running Mike over. “Hey, Mike!” He clapped a hand on his shoulder, going around the startled man and heading for his normal chair.

“Oh, I … I don’t want to intrude. I just wanted to see if you were okay,” he turned to leave.

“No, stay and talk.” Katie straightened in the bed, running a hand over her brunette hair.

“I have to get going. I’m glad you’re getting out tomorrow.” He gave her a nod, and a strange look was aimed at Houston. Turning on his heel, he beat a hasty retreat.

“Is it just me, or was there something weird there?” She looked at Houston, and frowned at his expression. It was a mix of possessiveness, pity … and something else.

“I think he’s harboring a crush,” his voice low.

Katie wondered, but dismissed the notion. Mike had never indicated he felt more than an employee – employer relationship. Shrugging, she smiled at Houston, noting he cut his hair, not sure if she liked that or not. She wanted him to grow it out a little longer, loving the feel of the thick mass when she buried her hands in it.
Images of him naked brought memories of the feel of his body against hers. A flush started low in her gut, and she was helpless to stop the need. It’d been weeks, and she needed to feel skin against skin, the heat, the feeling of being fully possessed. She turned away from him, hoping he didn’t see the reaction to her memories.

“What book are we reading tonight?” his voice cut through her reminiscing, and she heard him going through the box of books.

She breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Ahem. How about that one you brought by Clancy?”

“You got it, Hellcat,” he pulled the book out, and settled into the horrible recliner.

She relaxed into the bed, ready for a night of his velvet voice reading in a smooth rhythm. As he began where they’d last left off, she reacted a little differently to the sound of him reading. A fine tension started in her chest, and spread. It was pleasant, and she recognized the sensation of anticipation.

What changed
? She’d been able to keep him at a friendly distance since coming into the hospital, and yesterday he didn’t have this effect on her. Yet, here she was, listening to Houston read a thriller, and fantasizing about thrills of a completely different nature.

She wasn’t sure, but she had the feeling her heart and mind decided to stop arguing over where Houston would fit. And her heart’s silent battle had been won.


Chapter Twenty One


Houston didn’t pull out the flash drive. Something bothered Katie, she’d been tense since he’d walked in. It wasn’t him, or at least he hoped not. She wasn’t letting him into her thoughts, and badgering wouldn’t do the trick.

hat he’d discovered on the flash drive wasn’t a good thing. While her uncle and the former CEO of her father’s company were the masterminds, they weren’t the insiders. Someone targeted her businesses, and was damn good at hiding. Whether she liked it or not, he wasn’t leaving her alone until they found the person on the inside.

He suspected it was Mike. He’d caught the flash of rage across the man’s features. Houston suspected
Katie had purposefully missed it, didn’t want to think the shy man capable of hurting her in such a manner.

He continued reading, taking note of her intense stare. He withheld the smile. The weeks of being her friend, of staying by her side, and not hiding his feelings, worked. He’d decided Katie was one of those women that if he wanted more than a fling, something lasting, he
must be her friend first. Argue, laugh, and watch over her. He’d had to fight the need to be the boss, to possess, to dominate. She would have kicked his ass to the curb. It’d been exhausting, exhilarating. It’d changed his entire perception.

The hair on the back of his neck stood, and he glanced at Katie. Before he consciously processed the look on her face, or the intent in her eyes, his body knew exactly what she was thinking about. The heat of her gaze held him trapped, and time stopped. In his mind, he saw their children, their life, and without doubt, knew he’d have to fight for it. The life he saw wasn’t going to be
surrendered on demand.

He wanted that life.

“Hellcat,” he whispered.

Confusion spread across her features, followed by fear.

He stood, slow, easy. “Never fear me.” Leaning over the bed, keeping his hands on the rail for balance, watching emotions skitter across her features, eyes widening. Taking his time, he lowered his mouth to hers, lightly brushing against her lips, feeling her shudder. He nipped her bottom lip, followed by a quick flick of the tongue. He wanted to ravish them, to possess her, to take … and take … and take. But she needed to know that wasn’t his only way. He licked the seam of her lips, asking for entrance. She gasped and he took advantage. Deepening the kiss, he slid his tongue against hers, asking for more, waiting for permission. He gave her control.

The feel of her hands sliding across his shoulders made his body tense, the first time she’d touched him in over a month. He’d missed it, and when her hands slipped into his dark locks, her nails gently scraped his scalp,
he couldn’t contain the groan of pleasure. She grabbed fistfuls, tugging. He took it as a yes.

Letting go of control, he ravaged her mouth, sliding his tongue against hers, pulling back, and going back for more. She tasted of the cinnamon toothpaste she favored,
her mouth silky. He imitated what he wanted to do, but didn’t dare until she was healed.

As she moaned, pulling him closer, he fought the dizzying sensation of falling, not wanting to grab and damage her still-healing body. Neither could he resist
the invitation. Putting hands on either side of her shoulders, he leaned closer, grateful for his height.

His heart pumped harder, and he groaned when her hand wandered low, tugging on his t-shirt, rubbing against his skin. She pushed further, lifting the fabric until her hand was against his shoulder blade. He shuddered, and used his tongue to mouth fuck her. She pulled him close, nails digging into his back. Her body tensed, as he tasted her mouth, her tongue dueling with his.

If he wasn’t careful, he’d cum in his jeans.

She sucked on his tongue briefly, and he couldn’t stop the thrusting of his hips against t
he harsh railing. He needed to be between her thighs, slipping in and out of her core, wanted to feel her inner muscles contract around him, wringing him dry.

Her nails broke skin, and he moaned, the pain
creating ripples of pleasure. Using his teeth against her lips, her hips bucked against the bed. Leaning on one arm, he slid a hand down her form, to her hips.

Pulling back from the kiss, “I can take care of you. Do you want me to?”

“Yes, damn it, yes,” voice low, hoarse, her breathing harsh.

Leaning his forehead against hers, he swallowed, “Are you sure?”

“Just do it, Houston! Don’t leave me hurting like this,” voice dropped to a begging tone.

He nodded and nuzzled her neck, nipping the skin, goosebumps rising when her other hand grasped his shoulder and dug in.
Even through the thick cotton of his shirt, he could feel her digging in. Her hips rose in a silent plea. He didn’t resist, needed her satisfaction.

Moving his hand under the blanket, he tugged the flimsy hospital gown out of the way, and slid his hand between her thighs. The springy curls were hot and damp. He put his head on her chest, counting to twenty, thinking of baseball scores, anything to get his body under control. He slipped two fingers into the velvety and slick skin, rubbing up and down for a moment, ensuring every inch of her was wet. With every pass, his hips imitated what he desperately wanted to do.

Sliding a middle finger into her core, the muscles squeezing tight, he heard a loud moan. He took her mouth, using his tongue to imitate the rhythm of his hand. His thumb found the tight little bud, swollen, hard, and begging for attention.

Moving his thumb in circles, while gently
finger fucking her, he could feel her orgasm barreling to completion. Her hips bucked against his hand, and she sucked on his tongue, whimpering.

He knew the moment she exploded. Her core held his finger tight, the muscles clenching and releasing
in  rapid succession, her hips lifted against his hand, rocking, she bit and sucked on his lips and tongue, screaming into his mouth.

He swallowed the sound, keeping her orgasm rolling, wanting to lap
the cum soaking his hand.

After untold moments, she finally collapsed against the bed, boneless. He nibbled her lips, moving his hand, enjoying the tiny orgasms rock
ing her.

Leaning back, he looked into her glazed eyes, “Are you okay?”

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