Hard Lessons (Stepbrother Professor Stand-Alone BDSM Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Hard Lessons (Stepbrother Professor Stand-Alone BDSM Romance)
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Mitch spun the chair around, and Jessica looked up at him, standing—towering—before her. He looked ten feet tall.

“So?” Mitch asked, looking into Jessica’s eyes.

Jessica’s eyes opened a little wider, and her heart raced. She had no idea what to say. She couldn’t even remember what kind of equation she was trying to recall.

“Come on, Jess. The formula.”

Now she was embarrassed. “I—I don’t know. I couldn’t—I—”

“Couldn’t what?” Mitch snapped. His voice had raised in volume, obviously frustrated.

“I couldn’t concentrate,” Jessica spat out. Her eyes were looking at either side of the room, unable to meet Mitch’s.

“Couldn’t concentrate?” Mitch yelled, and leaned over to place his hands on the back of the chair. His face was right in Jessica’s, and he shook the chair as he yelled, “What the fuck do you mean? What were you doing?”

“I was distracted,” Jessica mumbled, looking away.

“Distracted by what?”

Jessica blushed. “Nothing,” she said.

“It’s not nothing. There’s something you’re not telling me. What’s going on, Jessica?” He shook the chair, and Jessica met his eyes. Mitch screamed at her, as if she were being interrogated. “Tell me what’s going on!”

“I—did something. Before the test. I—” But Jessica stopped, unable to continue. She felt her face burning with embarrassment.

“Answer me, girl,” Mitch growled, and Jessica was worried for a split second that Mitch might hit her. Her stepbrother had never been violent before, but she had never seen Mitch this angry.

“I was on my phone,” Jessica said quickly. “On an app on my phone. I was trading photos with a dom!”

“So?” Mitch yelled. “What does—”

And then he went silent. Jessica looked up at him, and saw Mitch’s face drain of color. His eyes had an absent, faraway look to them. He released his hold on the chair and stood up. Then, without a word, he walked slowly out of the room, as slow as a sleepwalker, and pulled the door shut behind him.

Jessica was left panting in her chair. She had no idea now if Mitch would even come back the rest of the night. His face looked—he looked like he was broken. To be honest, it kind of scared Jessica to see her stepbrother that way.

She leaned back and tried to snuggle down into the chair. It could have been worse; she could have been tied to the doorknob or something and not been able to sit down at all. She could sleep here if she had to. And at least she didn’t have to worry about falling out of the chair in her sleep.

Some time passed, and she was just getting drowsy when the door was thrown open with such force that the knob crashed into the wall. Jessica jumped awake, and turned to see her stepbrother running at her. She didn’t really have time to comprehend everything that she saw, but she did notice that Mitch’s cock was out and hard in his hand, and then next thing Jessica knew, Mitch was prying open her mouth with his hands and shoving his hard cock inside.

Jessica garbled something in surprise, and then she gagged as Mitch threw his hips forward and started to roughly fuck her mouth. Mitch had moved his hands to the sides of Jessica’s head, holding her in place while he face-fucked her mercilessly.

Jessica closed her eyes, feeling her stepbrother’s heavy balls slap against her chin, and seeing the wall of his stomach as sped toward her and back again, Jessica’s nose buried in the wiry tangles of her stepbrother’s pubes. She had just begun to control her gagging when Mitch’s cock pulsed in her mouth, and Jessica could tell he was about to come.

Mitch pulled out, pushing Jessica back against the chair, and then groaned as he jacked off furiously in her face. He looked down at Jessica, and Jessica opened her mouth and leaned back with her tongue out. Mitch’s eyes squinted shut at the sight of this, and the hard muscles of his chest and stomach clenched. He let out a grunt as a hot stream of cum spurted across Jessica’s face. Jessica closed her eyes, and felt another long stream fall in a line from her hair to her nose, and then another and another, until her whole face was warm and dripping with her stepbrother’s cum. Then she felt the warm head of her stepbrother’s cock against her tongue. She wrapped her lips around it, and sucked out the last few drops of cum.

Mitch stepped back and Jessica opened her eyes. Mitch leaned against the bed, his giant chest rising and falling as he gasped in air. His cock was still hard and jumping with post-orgasmic shocks, and in his exhausted daze his eyes glanced down to Jessica’s crotch, almost looking through her jeans to see what she had shown him in the photo.

Then he looked back up at Jessica’s face, and his expression was stern. He didn’t say anything, and then looked down at himself. He pushed his half-hard penis back in his pants, and zipped up. He didn’t do this shamefully though. It was more like he was changing his focus of thought, and didn’t need the appendage anymore. Jessica sat in silence, waiting.

After a long moment, Mitch spoke. His voice was calm and reasoned. “I think why you’ve been distracted is because you haven’t been able to find the kind of sex you need. You’ve been wasting your time with boys, when what you need is a man. A man who can train you how to be good, and won’t let you get away with shit.” He said this matter of fact, still looking down as he thought out loud. Then he looked up at Jessica. “What you need,” he said, “is a dom.”

The bed creaked as he stood up, and he walked around to the back of the chair. He untied the ropes, and Jessica slumped forward.

“Clean yourself up,” Mitch said, and started walking to the door. “And then get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.” He stopped, and turned around. Jessica was rubbing her wrists, and she met her stepbrother’s eyes.

“One more thing,” Mitch said. “No getting yourself off. You don’t get to come until you can recite the entirety of Chapter Three. And don’t even
of trying to fool me,” her stepbrother said, holding up a finger, “because I’ll know. And then the whole deal’s off.”

Jessica realized Mitch was waiting for a reply, and she nodded her head. A few drops of cum fell from her forehead and landed on her lips as she did. Her stepbrother was satisfied and left the room.

After a moment, Jessica hobbled down the hall to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She turned on the faucet and stared at her face in the mirror. There was cum everywhere on her, as if she were at the center of a circle jerk when everyone reached their climax. There were even strands of it mixed into her hair, and she splashed the water onto herself, and tried to rinse it away.

She could still taste it on her lips as she went back to her room. Exhausted, numb to thought, she collapsed on her bed and pulled the covers over her.

She had made her stepbrother come twice today. And from what Mitch had implied, she would be doing even more tomorrow. The thought made her squirm with desire, but she was afraid to get off. She rolled over and forced herself to fall asleep unsatisfied.

The next thing she knew, it was morning.

“Up,” her stepbrother bellowed. He was standing in the doorway, and Jessica sat up, squinting at the morning light. She could smell eggs cooking, and her stomach growled, urging her out of bed. She nodded, and Mitch disappeared from the doorway.

Jessica slid her legs over the bed and rubbed her eyes. She was still wearing her clothes from the day before, and she felt grungy and dirty. The events of the night before lingered in her mind like an aftertaste, and part of her was convinced it had all been part of some dark dream. But she wasn’t awake enough to think about it. She needed a shower.

She stumbled out of her room and went to the bathroom. She stripped off her clothes and flung them to the ground, and then stepped into the shower, waiting to step into the spray until it got warm. It was hot in a moment, and she stepped into it, letting it rinse through her hair. Then, suddenly, the water went ice cold, and Jessica let out a shriek. She scrambled to the knob, turning the heat all the way up, but it made no difference.

There was laughter from the next room. Then a voice came from the other side of the door. “Insurance,” Mitch said, “to make sure you don’t misbehave in the shower.”

Jessica finished her shower within three minutes, her nipples hard and body covered with goose bumps as she reached out for her towel and started to dry herself. She didn’t bother to wipe off the mirror to look at herself. Part of her was ashamed to submit to such treatment, but there was another part of her that relished the absolute control of her stepbrother. She didn’t know which side of herself she would see in the mirror.

She walked back to her room with the towel wrapped around her body, and quickly slipped on some clothes:  a pair of white underwear, a matching bra, a breezy skirt, and a low-cut black shirt. It was too cold outside for summer clothes, but for whatever reason, she sensed she wouldn’t be leaving the house today. She dried her hair, combed it out, and made her way down the hall to the kitchen.

Her place had been set for her: two eggs over easy, buttered toast, and a tall glass of orange juice. Her textbook had been opened and placed on the table to the side of her plate. She hadn’t noticed it missing from her desk, but then, she hadn’t looked for it. Mitch was just setting down a French press of coffee in the center of the table, and they sat down together.

Jessica reached toward the French press, and Mitch took it before she could grab it. Then Mitch poured hot coffee into Jessica’s mug on the table while Jessica waited with her hands folded in her lap. The gesture had felt like an odd mix of being pampered by a butler, and being controlled like a prisoner. Jessica took up her toast and looked across the table at Mitch, chewing on the bread.

Mitch had a smug expression on his handsome face. His short dark hair had been perfectly combed, and he had freshly shaved. Jessica felt a moment of bitterness, as she remembered that Mitch was one of those morning people. Jessica was more of a night person. If she had her way, she’d still be in bed, sleeping until noon.

But she was silent. They ate their breakfast—which was the best breakfast she’d had in months, ever since she had to start eating at the dining halls—and then Mitch cleared their plates. As he rinsed the dishes in the sink, he spoke.

“The exam only covers Chapters Three, Four, and Five of your book. I spent two lectures on each, but you can probably read through them and get as much good from them in an hour or so per section.” Mitch set the last of the dishes in a drying rack by the sink, and turned around. He looked at his watch. “It’s ten past nine now. How about I review the sections with you at two? You don’t have to memorize them, just read them.” He grinned, his eyes almost predatory. “And then we can go from there.”

Jessica was surprised and relieved by this leniency. She had expected her stepbrother to be a real hard-ass the entire weekend. But just reading the chapters? That seemed easy enough. She started to pick up the textbook and stand, when Mitch placed his hand in the middle of the open book, pinning it to the table.

“Not a chance,” he said. Jessica looked up into his strong green eyes. “You study here, where I can see you.” He removed his hand. “And if you get distracted, well, you let me know. Don’t keep it to yourself.”

Mitch had left the coffee mugs on the table, and Jessica took a sip from hers before pulling the textbook toward her. Her mind was surprisingly clear, given the circumstances, and she started reading through the introduction of Chapter Three.

By the time Mitch set down a sandwich in front of her for lunch, Jessica had almost finished Chapter Five. She closed the cover of the book and looked up at Mitch.

Mitch had been circulating around the kitchen the entire time. He cleaned down the counters, washed the floors, and even went through everything in the refrigerator and wiped down all the shelves. He was not a guy who could ever be happy with nothing to do.

This was another way Jessica differed from her stepbrother. Her idea of pleasure was having everything done, and nothing left to bother her—not the activity of actually doing it.

Well, there was one activity she enjoyed for itself.

Jessica looked up to Mitch, taking in his muscular torso that stretched out the fabric of his shirt. He was wearing a grey t-shirt that hugged his pecs, and tight jeans that made his ass look fantastic.

“I finished the chapters,” Jessica told him.

Mitch’s eyes brightened. “Great,” he said, and sat down in the chair opposite Jessica. “Let’s do a review.”

“I was thinking,” Jessica said, looking down at the table, “that we might take a break first.” She glanced up at Mitch’s face, to see if he got her meaning. Mitch did.

Her stepbrother swallowed and involuntarily let his eyes drop down to Jessica’s body. Then he shook his head. “Studying first,” he said. “The rest… after.”

But even though he rejected Jessica’s suggestion, he still got out of his chair, and as he went over the review, he stood behind Jessica with his hands on her shoulders. His grip was firm, and as Jessica talked through all that she had read, her stepbrother began to massage her neck and upper back. Jessica was getting wet, and she slowed in her speech, lost in thoughts of her stepbrother’s cock.

Mitch removed his hands, guessing what had happened. “Having trouble concentrating?” he asked, his voice low in Jessica’s ear.

Jessica nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Mitch put his hands back on her. He reached around the front of Jessica’s slim shoulders and down her defined stomach. When they rested on Jessica’s hips, Jessica lifted her waist in the air, desperate for her stepbrother to continue.

“Do you want me to touch you, girl?” Mitch whispered.

Jessica moaned. “Yes, sir. Please, touch me.”

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Jessica immediately obeyed. Her insides clenched in anticipation.

“You’ve been a good girl today, haven’t you, Jess?” Mitch asked, his manly fingers slowly pulling down the hem of Jessica’s skirt.

Jessica was breathing deeply, turned on but also nervous. She realized this would be the first time Mitch had seen her naked in person But she wanted this so much.

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