Hard Lessons (Stepbrother Professor Stand-Alone BDSM Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Hard Lessons (Stepbrother Professor Stand-Alone BDSM Romance)
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She had to rush to get down the stairs, through the lobby, and across the block to get to the building that held her class. It was on the first floor, thankfully, which meant she didn’t have to wait for any long elevators, and she barely stopped as she entered, holding up her security card for the guard to see, and ran down the hall.

The door to the lecture hall was propped open. Jessica froze for a moment outside of it, thinking it might be easier to just ditch the class and come up with some sort of excuse later. But as she was considering this, from inside the room her stepbrother caught her eyes, and Jessica had no choice but to come forward.

Everyone was already in their seats with a test packet in front of them. It was dead quiet, and their heads were bent in concentration, scribbling away answers. Jessica recoiled internally and took reluctant steps forward to take a copy of the test from the pile of fresh copies on the podium. Standing behind the podium was her stepbrother, his expression angry.

“It’s about time,” he whispered.

Her stepbrother, Mitch, was an intimidating man even when he wasn’t angry. He stood 6’2” and weighed 240 pounds of solid muscle. His dad and her mom had married back when Jessica was a kid. Mitch was just graduating high school then, and she only lived with him for a year before he moved out. Then, when she was in high school, her mother and his father were indicted for massive tax fraud and left the country. She got an occasional postcard, but hadn’t heard from them since. Mitch became her legal guardian, and she moved in with him.

 Mitch was a good caretaker, if a bit stern, but Jessica could never really respect his authority. He wasn’t her dad, not even her real older brother, so who was he to tell Jessica how to live her life?

Mitch’s green eyes burned as he looked at Jessica. It was like standing in front of a snarling tiger, and Jessica dropped her eyes, ashamed to meet her stepbrother’s gaze. She glanced down at his shoes—

His brown dress shoes. With pressed khakis. And a faint but definite stain of cum at their cuff.

“To your seat,” Mitch growled, and Jessica turned away, blushing. She went up the stairs of the room—the seats in the lecture hall were raised in rows like a small auditorium—and slid into a chair in the empty back row. The chairs had been equipped with trays that swiveled out from the armrests, and Jessica slid it out to use as a desk. She set her exam upon it and looked up at her stepbrother.

Mitch, she thought in amazement. I got off

Her stepbrother turned to her, and Jessica’s eyes dropped to her paper. She pulled out a pen and wrote in her name, but the tip of her pen paused under the first question. She needed a moment to think first.

She had no idea her stepbrother was a dom. Of course, she reasoned, having a profile doesn’t necessarily make you a dom; he could just be curious like her. But it was more than she ever suspected.

And then the memory of the thick cock in the photo back to her, and she could picture Mitch on the other side of the chat, moaning, looking at Jessica’s naked photos. Coming all over, imagining being with her. It had already been a hot exchange, but now that she knew who it was with, Jessica couldn’t help but get wet thinking about it.

She had gotten off her stepbrother, and her stepbrother didn’t even know it. And she thought, What if Mitch uses the app often? What if he logs in tonight? I get him off again. I could find out exactly what he’s into. I might even be able to get him to meet blindfolded. All without Mitch even knowing who it was.

Jessica realized her hand was down under the desk, feeling herself through her jeans. She hadn’t gotten off, and she could feel herself soaking through her tight underwear. She glanced up and saw her stepbrother was now at his desk, reading a book, and not watching as closely as before. The other students were all focused on their exams, facing forward, and Jessica was in the back row.

Carefully, she pulled down her zipper, one tooth at a time. No one turned around. Then, with one hand on her pencil above the desk, she slipped her other through the waistband of her underwear, and began to touch herself. In a moment she grew more daring, rubbing as she took furtive glances up at her stepbrother in the front of the room. She wished it were a normal lecture, so that there would be some noise to mask the sound of her breathing and rubbing.

She could picture Mitch’s huge cock slapping her face, the full balls swinging, knocking against her chin. She remembered the hairy muscular legs, and thought about sitting on them, having them press against her own thighs.

The heat clicked on in the room, and the white noise of the fan allowed her to go a little faster. She tried not to move her shoulder, and shook her wrist furiously. She was getting close. Her hand tightened around her pen on the desk. She pushed her waist out slightly, and came hard and intensely.

She exhaled as quietly as she could, and held her clit in her hand, rubbing it and savoring the sensation.

Then she looked down at the exam. She had dragged her pen across the center of the page, so that there was a bold diagonal line across it. The corners of her lips turned down as she cursed mentally. She wiped her hand on the cushion of the seat, and pulled up her pants. She didn’t even bother to zip up, and hunched down over the test.

Jessica did her best to fake her way through some of the equations, and gave vague answers to some of the essay response questions, but she didn’t know any of it. She wasn’t even halfway through the seven-page exam when her stepbrother, the professor, called out: “Five minutes left.”

She copied down the equations in the question into the answer space, and spent about twenty seconds each making random notes, repeating the numbers and signs, and throwing in a good dose of square roots, and a whole lot of
equals this, and
equals that. It was all gibberish, she knew that, but she couldn’t hand in

Some of the students had already placed their exams on the podium and left when Mitch said, “Okay, pencils down.” There was a collective groan among the remaining students, and Mitch started climbing the stairs, holding out his hands for the students to give up the tests.

Jessica closed her test, zipped up under the desk, and pushed it back to stand up. She fumbled with her backpack, pen, and exam, trying to meet her stepbrother before he reached the back row. She handed over the test with a strained grin, not meeting Mitch’s eyes, and continued on down the stairs and out the door. She didn’t stop until she was out on the street again, and leaned against a building to catch her breath.

“Fuck,” she muttered to herself. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She put her pen in her backpack, and slipped its straps over her shoulders. Then she continued down the crowded street, grimacing and whispering curses to herself.

How could she be so stupid? The one class that she couldn’t get away with flunking, and she just shat all over the midterm. She shook her head. This was bad; this was very, very bad.

She walked back to her dorm, not talking to anyone on the way, and went back to her room. Her roommate, a shy foreign student who had trouble with English syntax, was thankfully gone. Probably out getting another 100%, Jessica thought bitterly. She threw her backpack down and curled into a ball on her bed. She was going to get hell for this, and she would never,
be able to explain why she was so distracted in the first place.

Physics was her last class for the day, and she stayed in bed for the next hour, frantically going over what little options she had left.

She could drop the class. But this wouldn’t really do anything to help her with her stepbrother, who already had the exam and would not let her drop out anyway.

Maybe she could make up some excuse to visit Mitch, and somehow hide or destroy the tests?

“Ugh,” Jessica groaned, hugging her pillow into her breast. “That’s so stupid!”

She didn’t know what to do. Her stepbrother would see the test, and no matter what Jessica said, she knew Mitch would be angry. There was no getting out of it.

Accepting this, something in Jessica calmed. She relaxed her limbs and turned to sprawl out on the bed.

There was nothing she could do about it. She might as well enjoy her last few hours or days of full privileges and stop worrying about it. It was Friday, after all. She had the whole weekend to herself.

Yes, that made her feel better right away. She could go to the dining hall, grab a quick meal, and then maybe go out and see a movie. That would take her mind off things. She sat up, with a tense smile on her face, and decided to leave at once.

Just as she got to the door, the phone in her pocket vibrated. Without thinking, she pulled it out and answered it, holding it to her ear as she stepped out and closed the door behind her.

“Yes, hello?”

There was a moment of silence. Then a grim voice said, “Jessica. We need to talk.” It was Mitch.

Jessica’s stomach dropped. She hadn’t expected her stepbrother to sit down and grade the tests immediately. Who does that? They didn’t even have another class session for a full week.

“Mitch, I—”

“Save it.” Jessica was afraid to argue. Her stepbrother continued, brisk and concise. “I’m at my office. Get over here. Now.”

Then he hung up.

Jessica stared at the phone a minute before putting it back into her pocket. She locked her door and went down the hall. She made her way down to the street and back to campus like a woman on death row, making that long final walk through the prison. Her eyes were glazed over, and she was too scared to cry or feel upset. A numb dread permeated every cell of her being.

Her stepbrother’s office was on the second floor of one of the main academic buildings. Jessica had been coming to this floor since she was in high school, so everyone recognized her here. The secretary, a frazzled woman with cherry-red painted nails, waved at her briefly before returning to talk into a phone on her shoulder. Jessica nodded back weakly, and continued down the hall.

When she got to her stepbrother’s office, the door was closed. She had to knock, and she heard Mitch say, “Come in.” He did not sound pleased.

Jessica took a deep breath, and then opened the door. Her stepbrother was sitting behind the desk, a few buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair looked puffy, as if he’d been running his hands through it in frustration. There were stacks of papers on his desk, and his computer screen was black behind him.

He didn’t offer Jessica a chair, simply stared at her in silence with his arms crossed. Jessica sat down on one of the two metal chairs by the door, and lowered her head.

There was a tense moment of silence between them. Jessica was too scared and embarrassed to begin.

Then her stepbrother shouted out of nowhere, “What the fuck is this?” He threw Jessica’s exam at her. It hit Jessica on the arm and fell to the ground.

Jessica picked it up, mostly so that she’d have something to hold. She felt so naked just sitting there.

She looked down at the test and saw red circles and slashes through every single question. Curiously, she flipped through the pages, looking for the final score.

“I didn’t even bother to add it up,” Mitch said, guessing what she was searching for. “It would have been a waste of time.” He shook his head. “You
, Jessica. You didn’t get a single question right. How is that even possible?”

“I’m sorry,” Jessica said, eager to interrupt Mitch before the man’s anger built up into a rage. “I—it’s all my fault.”

Mitch was not placated. “Do you know how embarrassing this is for me?” he asked. “My own sister can’t even pass my course. What does that say about me, huh? What does that say about me as a professor? As your guardian?”

“I’m sorry, sir.” Jessica could think of nothing else to say.

Mitch was shaking his head. Jessica could practically feel the fury radiating off of him.

“I don’t understand it,” Mitch said after a moment, and Jessica knew that this wasn’t just going to go away by itself. “You did well in high school. I made sure of that. You’re not dumb. I know you’re smarter than the kids in class doing much better than you.” He turned to Jessica, his eyes softening a little. “What’s going on, Jessica? This isn’t like you.”

Jessica felt like crying. “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry.” She really needed to stop apologizing; it wasn’t helping. “But I’ve just been so…

Her stepbrother considered this, and then his eyes narrowed. “Distracted by what?”

Jessica blushed. “Just, you know, college and all.” She looked down at the paper in her hands.

Mitch was quiet another moment. Then he asked, in a voice that was both firm and coldly emotionless, “Drugs? Are you on drugs now, Jessica?”

“What?” Jessica asked, her head snapping up in shock. “No! Of course not. I would never do that.”

Mitch’s shoulders relaxed. Then his head tilted. “Then what is it?”

Jessica felt her heart racing. There was no getting out of this one. She was going to reveal her secret life.

And she had a thought: maybe this would make her stepbrother forget about the test.

“Well, Mitch,” she said, cringing with the awkwardness of the moment, “it’s like this.” But then she lost her nerve a little. “It was different at home, when I couldn’t—I mean, now that I’m here, I’m able to see things that—” She looked up at Mitch’s bewildered expression, and then let out a long sigh. “Mitch,” she said quietly, “I think I might be addicted to sex.” She couldn’t look up at Mitch’s reaction, or else she might not continue. “I couldn’t do anything about it when I lived at home, and now that I’m here, I’ve been so distracted by this part of myself that I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything else.”

When her stepbrother didn’t respond for a minute, Jessica looked up, curious as to his reaction. Then Mitch asked, delicately, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No,” Jessica said, the anxiety gone from her voice now. “I’ve just been—experimenting a lot.”

A cynical look entered Mitch’s eyes. “So,” he said, his mood darkening, “you’ve become the campus slut.”

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