Hard Lessons (9 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Hard Lessons
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Ah, right. I like the sound of this. My eyes dart downwards, checking out the telltale bulge behind his straining zip. Looks like he’s up for it too, so to speak. I lick my bottom lip subconsciously, wondering how best to start. As ever, he reads my mind. Agile, he pushes himself to a stand and strolls across to the column in the middle of the room. He turns to me as he leans casually back against it.

“I want you to kneel in front of me. Always a good position for a sub. And I’m a nice guy so I’ll let you bring a cushion to kneel on. Not all Doms would, though. So, get over here, Freya.”

I grab two cushions and scramble to my feet. I know I’m clumsy, ungainly, not yet close to achieving the effortless grace of the practiced submissive. The butt plug is not uncomfortable, not exactly, but I’m acutely aware of it there as I walk across the room. The protruding length of silicone brushes the inner cheeks of my bum with each halting step. He nods as I reach him, and I drop my cushions on the floor at his feet.

“I want you to use only your mouth, so I want your hands behind your back. I’d normally tie them there at this stage of a submissive’s training, but in the circumstances…”

He always avoids tying my hands if he can help it, and I appreciate that. I smile my thanks as I sink to my knees, my face upturned to maintain the eye contact he also insists on. His gaze is hot as he unzips his jeans, releasing that glorious cock in front of my face.

“Clasp your hands in the small of your back, and keep them there.” His voice is low and sexy as he issues my instructions.

I do as I’m told. He smiles down at me as he reaches for my face. His palms caress my cheeks as he gently draws me forward. “Now, open your mouth.”

Again I comply, and with a slight movement of his hips the head of his cock is between my lips. I make to move forward, to take more, but he holds me still. “That’s enough for now. Wrap your lips around the head, lick the end. Taste it.”

I obey, drawing my tongue slowly across the thick, smooth head of his cock, the saltiness of the liquid oozing from the narrow slit at the end rippling across my taste buds. It’s absolutely delicious, heady and potent, and I crave more if it. Not thinking, I suck greedily, seeking to draw more of that salty taste into my mouth, to savor it. The pressure of his hands increases slightly, his warning that I should only do as he asks, not improvise.

“Just lick for now. Sucking comes later. Do you like how that tastes, little sub?” His voice is so low it’s almost a growl now, maybe an indication that he’s far from unmoved by all this himself.

I look up at him, manage a brief nod.

“Good. There’ll be plenty more for you. Now, flick just the tip of your tongue over the end.”

I do as he’d asked, and he slides his hands into my hair, grasping my head firmly. But still he doesn’t pull me forward, still it’s just the head of his cock resting between my lips as I lightly tease him with my tongue.

“Scrape your teeth over it too, now.” His voice is breathy, a groan almost.

I draw back my lips to let him feel my teeth against his smooth, slick skin. His cock twitches wildly in my mouth, rearing up, demanding more no matter what Nick might be telling me. My eyes are closed as I allow my tongue and teeth to trail lightly over the sensitive head, the taste of his pre-cum filling my senses. And still he doesn’t thrust, or ask me to take more. His body is just barely penetrating mine a heady promise of more for later. Then suddenly he’s not there anymore. Holding my head still, he eases back to pull his cock out of my mouth. I look up at him, surprised, disappointed. Cheated.

“Run your tongue up, right from the bottom, on the underside, right to the end. Then take the head in your mouth again and repeat all that you just did. Can you do that?”

I nod, and get to it. I lean forward slightly to place the tip of my tongue at the base of his thick shaft, then draw it smoothly upwards, slowing instinctively as I near the sensitive head. I can’t resist lightly flicking that responsive spot just under the rim of the rim, and his eyes flicker shut momentarily.
I continue on, settling my mouth around the full head, lapping the saltiness from the end before letting him feel the scratch of my teeth around his most vulnerable spot. His fingers are in my hair again, lightly combing, caressing my scalp.

“Again.” The command is little more than a growl.

I obey eagerly, loving the effect this is clearly having on my magnificent Dom. And I repeat the action a third time, not waiting for his command. If my hands were free to touch him I’d be cupping his balls, squeezing gently, but instead I content myself by nuzzling them as I start a fourth journey up the length of his wide, deeply veined shaft. His sharp hiss of pleasure is satisfying, and wetness gathers in my pussy as my body clenches in anticipation of what’s to come. Hopefully. Soon.
Please God, soon.

“Back onto the fuck-floor. Now, girl” His hands are firm as he eases my face away from him, forcing me to release his cock once more. He doesn’t wait for me to get to my feet, instead bending to pick me up and stride across the room with me in his arms. He kneels as he deposits me on the cushioned floor then rolls onto his back as he kicks off his jeans. Gloriously naked he beckons me over to him. I crawl the couple of feet across the floor.

“Straddle me, facing my feet. Here.” He indicates a spot just above his chest, and it’s clear what he now has in mind. I’m to suck his cock from that position, which will put my stretched and plugged anus right in front of his face. That could be distinctly interesting, and I realize that any remaining shreds of modesty I might have been harboring have long since evaporated. I carefully maneuver myself into position and even start to clasp my hands behind my back again.

“You can put your hands on the floor if you need them to steady you. But no touching. Right?”

I nod, and lean down to start my work again. This time I take the head and some of the shaft in my mouth, and he hisses his approval. He seems much less inclined to direct my movements now, and I progress into a sort of freeform performance, alternating between lapping and nibbling at the head of his cock, and licking along the length of his shaft. All the time I’m aware of that pretty yellow butt plug protruding from my arse, inches from his face. What a view he must have.

That’s confirmed by the slight twist and tug as he latches his fingers onto the silicone and deliberately shifts it, causing weirdly delicious sensations to swirl through me. My empty pussy clenches in protest, and I want to plead with him to fuck me. Anything. I need something inside me. Now. Then I have it as three fingers—at least three—slide into my pussy, spreading and twisting to hit that most sensitive spot. His other hand is attending to my clit, and I’m bubbling fast toward boiling point.

“You bite me, girl, and you’ll regret it.”

His low growl reaches my ears, and I just wriggle my butt in response.

“You’ve been warned…” is his only further comment as he works me to an absolute frenzy.

A few seconds later, I’m in orbit, my orgasm ripping through me in deep, convulsive shudders as he strokes my clit and plunges his fingers deep into my pussy. The climax seems to continue forever, the ripples subsiding just to rush back at me. My mouth is working around him, I know that, and I know I’m managing not to sink my teeth into anything that might later be deemed unfortunate, but beyond that, this is so not my show. He works me, manages and manipulates me, until eventually I’m spent and lying bonelessly across him. He allows me a few seconds to recover, then he taps my bum.

“Either finish what you started girl, or roll over and let me do it. I’ll count to three.” I try to push myself up onto my knees once more, but can find no strength in my arms. I flop back down.

“Time’s up.” He rolls underneath me, shoving me onto my back and he’s above me now. He turns around to bring us face to face again and leans over to rub his nose against mine.

“Normally I’d insist you finish a blow job, but I did rather distract you. Still, a man has needs…” With no further ado he slips into me, and I spasm around him. The wonderful sense of fullness is overwhelming, truly breathtaking, as my pussy and my rear channel are stretched beyond my imagining.

He hooks his elbows behind my knees to lift my legs up, angling me for even deeper penetration, thrusting deep and hard and fast. Brutal almost. Almost, but still controlled. He knows exactly what he’s doing, exactly how hard to fuck me to get just that perfect degree of response. Despite my exhaustion, I shatter again, spinning away moments before he does. I hear his curse, muffled against my hair as his final, deep thrust plunges him over the edge too, then he holds still, rigid, buried to the hilt inside me. I sink my hands in his hair, hanging on tight as the ripples of orgasm die away once more, and at last we’re both still.

Long moments pass, then his low voice rumbles against my neck, “Christ, girl, this gets better and better. Bloody fucking amazing.”

My thoughts exactly, and I reach up—settle for stroking his cheek in acknowledgment.

“Time for the main event, little subbie.”

No way. No more. I scrunch up my face, nuzzle farther down into the cushions beneath me. I’d sign my protest, but that would just take too much energy, too much trouble entirely when all I want to do now is sleep. Something occurs to me, though—haven’t we missed a stage?

“What about blue?” I roll to my side to sign awkwardly.

But he seems to get my meaning. I daresay he was anticipating the question anyway.

“I think you’re ready now, but if you want to go another round with the blue plug I’m happy to do that…”

I consider his generous offer briefly. In truth, I’m exhausted and I’d be perfectly happy to call it a day now. Nick promised to build my stamina, though, so he’s having none of that. An elbow in my ribs is his announcement that the fun and games are starting up again, and I groan silently to myself. I know the yellow butt plug has to come out. Sometime. And I seem to recall being told that was down to me this time. So be it, as long as I can sleep afterwards.

“I want you kneeling, on all fours. Now.” The Dom voice is back.

Resigned, I heave myself into the required position, my arms and legs protesting at this unfair and unusual punishment. My head is hanging down—it’s just too much effort to lift it.

My Dom is not sympathetic. “We really need to work on your staying power, girl. You’ve only been in here an hour and already you look dead on your feet. Well, knees. Let’s get this done, then. Okay?”

I manage a somewhat unenthusiastic nod as he shifts to take his position at my rear end. He taps my bum playfully, and I smile despite my exhaustion. How can this stuff be so emotionally and physically heavy, how can he leave my head reeling and my body in tatters, and yet be so lighthearted too? I’m still pondering that enigma as he reminds me of my responsibilities.

“I won’t ask you to put the lube on my cock, although that’s another of your jobs for next time.”

The bowl scrapes on the table top as he reaches over to load his fingers once more, and peeping back, I can see the movement of his hands as he smooths the oil over the head and shaft of his cock. Getting ready to penetrate my virgin arse. Not that it feels especially under-used at this precise moment. His preparations complete, he concentrates on me once more.

“Reach back, like you did before. Find the finger grip and pull the plug out. Okay? Can you do that?”

In response, I stretch my hand back and around, groping for the length of yellow silicone. It’s there, protruding gaily from my body, no doubt looking like a little canary-colored tail from his viewpoint. Even an hour ago I’d have shuddered in humiliation, I’d have been mortified at the indignity, but now I feel…different about this. Not unmoved—more exalted. Despite feeling ready to drop, I’m actually becoming aroused again as I imagine what he can see, how I look to him, at this moment. Sure enough, his next words confirm this.

“Christ, Freya, you have one gorgeous arse. And yellow really suits you.”

So buy me a bunch of daffodils then…
But I’m secretly delighted. I catch hold of the strip of bright silicone and tug it gently. Nothing happens. I can feel the pressure inside me, but the thing is not for shifting.

“You have to mean it. Pull hard. Straight out. Now.”

I try again, and this time with feeling. The butt plug shifts, and I gasp as the sensation caresses my inner walls again. It feels so good, so erotic, enhanced immeasurably by my awareness that he’s there, watching, witnessing every intimate detail. Every tingle and pulse, my body his entirely now. I’m utterly exposed, completely open to him, vulnerable yet supremely powerful at the same time, and it’s just wonderful beyond belief. I hesitate for a second then tug again. My body resists, seeking to hang onto the intruder just a few moments more, then I fall forward as the plug slips through the sphincter and my body is once more empty. Bereft. I want, need, must have…

He wastes no time. Moving swiftly into position behind me, his palms on each side of my hips to hold me steady, he uses his thumbs to gently part my buttocks. The head of his cock is at my rear entrance then he’s inside me. He’s slick, so am I. And I’m open for him, ready, welcoming. His penetration is effortless, and I sigh in delight, my fingers sinking deep into the padded floor just as he’s sinking into my body. He thrusts slowly, his entire length sliding into me, filling me. It feels so very strange, and more than slightly dangerous. My pussy was designed for this, to accommodate and accept a huge, hard cock. My anus was not, but perversely I can’t help the shiver of nervous anticipation. Surely he can’t… I can’t…

But I can. I am. He can, and he does. His entire length buried in me, he holds still for a few seconds to let me adjust, stretch and settle around him. Despite my desire to please, and my body’s amazing capacity to accept all of this, I’m still tense and I lie still, waiting for whatever comes next. I expect him to start to thrust, to fuck my arse as he’s been promising to do all morning. Instead, he remains perfectly still, makes no further demands on my straining, yielding body, not yet. Instead he runs his palms up my sides, reaching around to cup my breasts, flattening them as he presses harder.

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