Hard Lessons (13 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Hard Lessons
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“Don’t touch.” The command is growled at me. I drop my hands, knowing better than to disobey a direct instruction in the middle of a scene. His lesson on obedience has indeed sunk in deep. Nick reaches above my head, pulls down a large metal ring hanging on a spring-loaded chain dangling from the ceiling. He quickly reties my wrists to it then releases the spring to pull me upwards. I’m suspended, my feet just on the cushioned floor, my arms stretched high above my head. Nick checks and adjusts the restraints around my wrists until, seemingly satisfied I’m positioned exactly as he wants me, he comes to stand in front of me.

This is unexpected, and scary, and reminds me powerfully of his ‘threat’ the first night we met at the Collar. And I realize, for perhaps the first time, that I’m actually afraid of Nick Hardisty. Despite my determination to stay here, to complete my training, and indeed, despite my dream that we might, somehow, move beyond our current arrangement to some other sort of relationship, the events of the last few minutes, the severity of the pain he inflicted, and the careless ease with which he did it, has unnerved me.

“Look at me Freya.” His low tone is gentle, but shot through with authority. I have no option but to obey. His gaze is compelling, holding mine. The slightest pressure now would push me past my limits. Even a harsh word would probably be enough. I’m close to safe wording—he knows it and I know it.

“Your punishment’s over. I’m going to make this good for you now, little sub. You do believe that, don’t you?” Tuned in as ever, he sees. He knows how I’m feeling.

I’m not sure, just not sure, and he can tell. He smiles, leans in to brush his lips over mine. “Your mouth’s dry, Freya. Let me get you a drink.”

He turns, walks over to the small drinks fridge in the far corner of the room, the fridge he keeps well stocked with bottled water. We both tend to get thirsty during our erotic interludes, and it seems that I become even more dehydrated when I’m being disciplined. He chooses a bottle then opens the ice-making tray and grabs a handful of ice cubes, which he drops into a glass. He comes back to me, the bottle now opened in his right hand and the glass of ice rattling in his left.

“Take a few sips of this.” He holds the water bottle to my mouth, dribbles a few drops of the cool water onto my tongue.

I swallow as he pours some more of the chilled liquid into my mouth. It’s good. Then, standing back slightly, he places the bottle on the solid floor a couple of feet away, and uses his now free hand to pick an ice cube from the glass. “Suck on this, Freya. It’ll refresh you.”

I take the ice gratefully between my teeth and slide my tongue around its smooth edges. The chill is deliciously invigorating.

“Nice?” He smiles at me. I nod. “Good. And this?”

I jerk violently as he trails another ice cube across the tip of my aching left nipple. Pain shoots through me once more. He repeats with the right nipple, and I start to click. It’s too much.

Nick drops the ice cube back into the glass. He cups my chin, lifting my face so I have to meet his gaze once more.

“Trust me, and hang in there, little sub, just a few seconds more. Let the ice start to cool you, take away the pain. Yes?”

I gaze at him, confused. He’s stopped, because I safe worded, and I know he won’t press me to continue if I really don’t want to. But he’s asking me to trust him, and despite everything I’m feeling I have no reason not to. He’s never lied to me or let me down. If he says this will help, then I believe him. I close my eyes, draw in a deep, ragged breath, and nod my head.

“Open your eyes. Look at me, Freya.”

I obey him, naturally. He holds me there, watching, as he continues to stroke my nipples in turn with the ice. And he sees the moment his trick starts to work, the moment the glaze of pain clears, and I can see him again through it. And I know he’s caring for me now.


I nod. Only slightly, but it
better. I start to relax, truly start to believe again.

His smile now is gentle, and does reach his eyes. “You’ve had a hard time, but it’s over. And you’ve done so well. You really are a perfect submissive. A natural. You’ve pleased me, so now it’s time for your reward.”

He holds up a blindfold, one eyebrow quirked, asking my agreement. I nod and he lays it across my face, leaning around me to fasten it at the back. The perfect blackness is soothing, comforting. I can almost feel my head emptying as I wait for Nick’s next move. I let the pain, fear and tension of the last quarter of an hour or so simply slide from me, as I hang there, stretched tight and ready. Welcoming whatever he decides I’m to have now, whatever he wants me to feel now.

He walks silently, his feet bare. His breath is on my naked shoulders and back. He doesn’t speak, but I know he’s there, looking at me, admiring me. I can feel his eyes on my body as surely as I’d feel his fingers or his whip. And I gasp as the first stroke lands.

Not a whip. A flogger. Suede probably, it feels soft, light. It delivers only just enough bite to bring my blood to the surface, to sensitize my skin, but not nearly enough to be painful. This is a caress, a light, erotic stroking, calculated to arouse and tease and tantalize. Designed to make me beg for more. My silent sighs are the signal he’s looking for, the clues that tell him I’m loving this. I’m counting the strokes—three, five, eight, twelve. I feel the slight shift in the cushions under my feet as he moves to get a better angle and allow more space to swing his flogger. I hiss as he lands it across my back and shoulders again, harder this time. Now it does bite in earnest, and I stiffen, my back arching as he flogs me again. Fourteen. Seventeen. Twenty-two. The flogging continues, gathering strength as I twist and arch under it, loving the sharp sizzle of pain as each stroke lands. I can’t see the flogger, but I know it has many strands, each one delivering its own sensual nibble across my skin, and together the effect is absolute ecstasy. My pussy is wet, coated with my juices. My legs are open, my feet widely spread as I silently beg him to touch me there, to use his flogger on my throbbing, needy clit.

He ignores my invitation, instead moving around to position himself in front of me. He starts on my stomach, my lower abdomen, but careful not to allow any stray contact with my swollen clit as it struggles to peep out at him. Then he works upwards, laying the flogger across my breasts, flicking the strands across my nipples. I thought that they were beyond arousal, at least for now, but he shows me how wrong I was. With steady, unerring precision, he drops the soft strands across the swollen, hard peaks. He increases the pressure, just a little, and again I’m arching into the blows, gasping for more.

He ramps up the intensity. But only slightly, and slows down the rate of delivery. The flogger lands across my back, my shoulders, the backs of my thighs, then he moves around to my stomach and breasts again. I’ve lost count, I have no idea how long I’ve been suspended here, subjected to this seemingly endless onslaught of biting caresses. There’s a humming, somewhere close by. Is it me? Surely not, can’t be. My body then, humming and tingling and floating. I can no longer feel the soft fluffiness beneath my feet as my entire consciousness is riveted on the sweet, shimmering sensations now wrapping around my entire body. It’s like being enveloped in raspy, scratchy silk, supremely soft but shot through with sharpness.

My knees start to buckle, and I’m sinking. A voice, Nick’s voice, close by.

“Open your legs, Freya.”


I shuffle my legs apart, and realize I’m kneeling now, my knees sinking into the softness of the fuck-floor. Nick must have lowered me but I never felt him do it. He’s in front of me I think, but I can’t be certain. I’m completely disorientated, confused, my head still spinning. I feel slightly dizzy, and it’s only the fact that I’m still suspended from the ceiling that keeps me upright.

“I want to know how wet you are. Open your legs wider, show me.” The voice is low, sexy, full of promise. Christ, I want him so much, need him. I stretch my knees even farther apart, my thigh muscles straining as my clit quivers greedily, surely now in full, glorious view. I thrust my hips forward as he flicks the sensitive tip sharply with the pad of his finger.

“What a slut you are, Freya. My slut. Is that right, little sub?” His voice is soft, the words whispered against my ear.

I nod, loving that idea now, and desperate for him to touch me. Anywhere, everywhere. Somewhere.

At last, he does. His palm and fingers spread across my bottom, still tingling from the flogger. He holds me still as he slides his other hand between my legs from the front. He rubs across my clit then slips his fingers between the slick, creamy folds, testing my wetness.

“My, my, we are a randy little sub this evening. I’m guessing you might like me to fuck you?”

I nod, frantic now for the feel of him buried deep inside me.

“Greedy girl. I’m not convinced you’re ready yet.” By way of checking, he thrusts three fingers deep into my pussy.

I clench around him, shaking now as my desperation level spikes.

“Mmm, you’re hot and tight and very, very wet. Maybe you
ready for me. What do you think, my little sexy slut?” His fingers slide out, only to plunge deep again.

He finger-fucks me hard as I writhe in front of him, suspended still from the ceiling. I’m reeling fast toward an explosive orgasm as he suddenly stops, his fingers abruptly leaving my body. Bereft, frustrated, I turn my head, searching frantically for him, sightless behind the blindfold. And suddenly I’m in freefall. The restraint above my head is released, and I collapse onto the cushions, my hands till bound in front of me.

“On your back, girl, legs spread wide. I’m going to clamp that greedy clit of yours.”

It never occurs to me to wonder what he might mean, what he might intend to do to me now. All my body knows is that I need to get fucked, long and hard and solid. And soon. So on my back with my legs spread sounds good to me. I obey immediately, lifting my bound hands to lay them behind my head. The cushions shift as he moves to kneel between my legs, and I love the sense that he’s looking at me, spread out for him, wet and swollen and cherry red as I wait eagerly to be fucked.

Please. Soon. Now.

Not quite yet. Moments later he’s stroking my clit from base to quivering tip. I feel the bubble of orgasm again, and I’ll happily settle for that to start with. My body clenches in glorious anticipation then tenses as something hard pinches around my clit. It’s not painful, just…odd. Instinctively I start to close my legs, but his sharp command stops that. I lie still, apprehensive and impossibly aroused as even now I hover on the brink of orgasm. His hands under my bottom lift me up. He positions me with my thighs on his legs, my shoulders on the floor, my legs spread wide on either side of him. I can feel his eyes on me, admiring his handiwork again.

“Your clit looks good, little slut. Would you like to see?”

At my nod he continues, telling me to remove the blindfold. I do, blinking under the brightness of the lights. No subdued mood lighting in here, Nick likes to be able to see what he’s doing. Or should that be who? It takes a few seconds for my eyes to focus and adjust, then, with a sharp tilt of his chin, Nick indicates that I should look down.

He has a small, makeup style mirror, and he uses that to show me the pretty little clit clip now sitting snugly around my swollen, throbbing bud. I gasp, it does look strangely beautiful, the red tip caught, held proudly erect and exposed. Glancing up at me, Nick slowly and deliberately rubs the exposed part with the pad of his thumb. My eyes widen, and probably cross. It feels indescribably fabulous, intense yet achingly tender. He does it again, and I start to unravel. He stops, lifting his thumb just a fraction to break the contact. His eyes catch mine, though, holding my gaze.

“You need to come.” It’s a statement, not a question.

I nod, my brow furrowing now in sheer desperation.

“Then ask permission.”

I shake my head briefly, indicating puzzlement. I’d ask him anything at all if my hands were free. I juggle my bound hands to remind him. He smiles.

“Ah, yes. You’re effectively gagged. How unfortunate. Blow me a kiss then.”

So I do, the simple, almost child-like gesture somehow settling things between us, re-establishing our rapport so massively shaken by his earlier harsh treatment. And he blows the kiss right back at me before dropping his thumb onto my clit to finish what he started.

Seconds later, I’m in orbit, my body shaking and convulsing as the release so long denied at last explodes. It was worth the wait, a tsunami of sensation engulfing and shattering my senses, my thoughts scrambled as sheer physical need and satisfaction takes over. And it seems to go on forever, wave after wave of sensual pleasure, carrying me along like a broken, weightless twig. Each time I think it’s subsiding he manages to scrape his thumb across my swollen clit again, just so, and the release is triggered once more. I’m briefly, irreverently put in mind of buses—you wait for ages then they all come at once. Nick catches my amused smile, but doesn’t interrupt his gentle, relentless stimulation to ask what the joke is. And I stop thinking altogether as I surrender to his demands.

As the final tremors die away and my senses start to unscramble, Nick frees my hands then flips me effortlessly onto my stomach.

“Kneel up, on all fours.”

I obey the terse command, glancing back to see him shucking out of his jeans and boxer shorts. His cock is huge, the shaft thick, solid, the head smooth and round and virtually throbbing. I realize I’m not the only one who’s been denied total satisfaction, and Nick’s still waiting for his. Not for much longer, though. I lift my bum in silent invitation, my need to be filled only marginally less than his need to fuck me senseless. Well, that seems to be the gist of what he’s saying, though his words are somewhat indistinct at this precise moment. Or maybe I’m just not listening. Lust and desperation and being the sluttiest sub he’s ever had the good fortune to sink his dick in—I
catch that bit—seem to be affecting my hearing.

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