Happenstance (16 page)

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Authors: M. J. Abraham

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Happenstance
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“I need to know if I am truly who you want. I told you I won’t
share, if you want to be mine, I am yours and yours alone. Agree?” I ask praying
that she agrees because I would not be able to stand it if she was dating other

Victoria swallows.
But I have
to be yours and yours alone as well.” I stop for a moment because I thought we
had already established where I stood but I guess I haven’t been too
successful. For the first time in hours, I smile.

“I’ve been yours since the moment you walked in the clinic and I
wouldn’t want anyone else, baby girl.” I wrap my hands around hers once again
and kiss her on the inside of her elbows while I continue to work inside of
her. I hear her sniffle and then look down to find out she’s crying.

“What’s wrong baby?” I stop and frown, wiping away the tears that
have fallen from her eyes down to the pillow.

“Did I hurt you?” I ask, waiting for a response.
Was this too soon after leaving the club? Am I a
fucking moron for not thinking this through? My movements have stopped but I’m
still inside of her and I slowly push away to get myself out but she wraps her
legs around me and pulls me back in.

“No,” she says, “it’s not that.”

My hands caress her face and my lips trail soft kisses against
her skin. More tears escape and she tries to speak but instead takes a deep shaky

“Tell me,” I whisper.

“It’s just that . . .,” she whispers and swallows again.

I can see she is fighting with herself and I don’t want her to
fight tonight. When she’s ready to say it out loud she will and until then I’m
not going to push her.

“I just want to make you happy,” I continue and pick up on my
movements once again. “I want you to be
, always.”
I look into her watery eyes and want nothing more than the words I say next,
“Marry me.”

She closes her eyes and sighs.

“I am yours, Jared Owens,” and when those words leave her lips, I
fill her with my love.



February 2012


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me anything!” Maggie
squeals and I push the phone away from my ear. I knew this conversation with
her wasn’t going to help the headache I have but I called her as soon as I woke
up so she wouldn’t worry. I’m sitting on Jared’s sofa in one of his t-shirts
(this one says:
Team Captain
) with my legs curled under me. I
don’t answer her right away since I’m not really sure what I can say.

I hear her exhale, “V, why didn’t you?” She asks again, but this
time quietly.

“I don’t know. I was . . .” I play with my necklace. “I was
embarrassed,” I admit.

“I can understand that but you have to file a report,” Maggie

I roll my eyes. “
, it’s too late
for that.”

“No, it is
too late
for that!” She screams again.

I groan.
“Easy with the yelling ok?”

“Sorry . . . and, V?”

I rub my forehead.

Maggie exhales into the phone and takes a few seconds to answer

“What is it,
?” I encourage her.

“I’m sorry. This is
all my
fault. If I
wouldn’t have pushed you to go out with him . . .”

“Maggie, stop. There is no way that you could have known and I’m
not going to let you blame yourself. We clear?” I say firmly. There is enough
guilt in the room already. I don’t need hers to be added in the mix. She
remains quiet.

“Maggie? Answer me.”

She sighs. “Ok, but I’m still sorry it happened.”

“I am too, but it’s not your fault. Or mine.” I begin to twirl
the necklace with my fingers.

“What does Jared say about all this?”

“We haven’t talked about it yet, he’s still sleeping,” I say and
smile to myself thinking about our love making last night.

“Still sleeping?
At twelve in the afternoon?
Wow, your night must have turned out nice after all.” I can practically see the
smirk on her face.

“It’s just so easy with him, you know?” I tell her. He was so
sweet and gentle with me last night; my heart warms just thinking about his

“He got a little crazy, V,” she responds. “I mean did you see his
face? Lord knows I think that’s hot.”

I giggle, “I happen to agree with you,

I hear a throat being cleared and look over to see Jared standing
in the living room. I’m surprised to see he’s dressed in jeans and a solid
color blue polo shirt. No funny t-shirt today?

, I have to go.”

, love you. Let me know
what happens,” she says.

“Love you too,” I say and hang up the phone.

Jared raises an eyebrow. “Love you too?”

I grin and get up to give him a hug. “Maggie,” I reply as I wrap
my arms around him and give him a peck on his chest.

“How easy it is for you to say ‘I love you’ to her,” he looks
down at me with an intense look in his eyes. Shit. I bury my face in his chest
and avoid his eyes. I can feel my cheeks redden and I inhale his delicious
cologne. I almost broke down last night and told him those three little words
but I didn’t. I was terrified. I nearly started hyperventilating when he said
two special little words.

“I meant what I said last night,” he whispers into my hair. My
body tenses up as I hug him tighter to control the trembling in my hands. He
can’t be serious.

“Why do you say no?” he asks. I wasn’t aware that I was shaking
my head against his chest. I just hug him tighter and breathe him in. Why would
he say that? People don’t just say that to say it.
don’t just say that. But they do . . . all the time. They say
it and don’t mean it. I’ve heard those—

My thoughts are interrupted when Jared pulls my chin up and holds
my face in between his palms. “I meant what I said last night.” He looks me
straight in the eye.

He’s breaking through to me and I don’t know how to stop it. I turn
my mouth to kiss the inside of his palm and stare back at him, into his eyes. It
is now, in this moment, when I decide to give him my own two special words.

I whisper. His eyes widen and he smiles while gently tracing circles along my
jaw. I tilt my head so I could kiss his inner palm again and his breath

He wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the top of my head.
“I love you too baby.” I close my eyes and hug him tighter, relieved that he
knows how I feel now.
As if a weight has been lifted off my
We hold each other for a few more minutes before he lifts up
my chin and looks down at me. “We need to talk.”
Uh oh.
Nothing good ever comes from that.

I glance up at him and frown.
Talk about what?
Last night? What I said? I try to push away from him but he tightens his grip
and pulls me closer.

“We need to go to the police,” he says.

“What? Jared, no we don’t,” I shake my head. “They aren’t going
to do shit about it.”

“I don’t
you have a right to let
them know. He’s an asshole and needs to be shaken up a little.” I can tell by his
tone that this is non-negotiable. He’s set on going. I slump my shoulders.

“Ok, I’ll call tomorrow and see when I can stop by after work,” I
tell him and rub my forehead. This headache is seriously not taking a break

“No, you can get your pretty ass dressed and we’ll go now.”

I scoff and drop my hands to my sides.
Jared . . .” All he does is
my butt and gives me a peck on the forehead. “I’m
going,” peck. “To take,” peck. “Care of you,” peck. I pout. He ignores me.

He rubs his thumb on my cheek.
excuses.” And with that he walks to the kitchen to grab some coffee. I sigh and
go get dressed.



February 2012


I walk slowly from the car to the police station. A
flutter is in my stomach and I pray that I don’t get sick while I’m in there.
Jared is holding my hand and gives me a little tug.

“Hey, you ok?” he asks, concern in his eyes. I
my mouth too dry to speak.

I stand in front of the door and stop. I can’t do this, I can’t
go in there. I’m frozen on the spot and I can feel the panic coursing through
me, holding me in place.
A prisoner in my own body.
looks down at me but doesn’t speak.

“Jared,” I start, looking away from his stare.

And then I remember the club and Steven’s hand passing his drink
to Maggie.
My best friend.
He’s done this to other
best friends, to someone’s sisters, someone’s daughters.

“How many more people . . .” but I can’t finish the sentence.
Jared pulls me into an embrace and I can feel his heart beat against my ear.
He’s nervous too.

“I’m going to be with you every step of the way,” he says firmly,
and I nod again. Taking a deep breath, we walk inside and within a few minutes
meet with Officer Dixon. He is tall with a muscular build and when he shakes my
hand, I can feel the calluses on his fingers. He has dirty blond hair that is
straight and brushes the collar of his shirt. He leads us to a small desk in
the corner of the room. Luckily, no one else is sitting nearby. I’d rather not
have nosy eavesdroppers around.

After writing down my basic information on a form he asks me to
recall everything I remember from the rape. I glance over at Jared who nods
slightly and gives me a squeeze on my hand. He hasn’t let go. My throat is so
I lick my lips to see if that helps.

“Would you like some water?” Office Dixon asks. Water would be
good. I smile and tell him yes. After taking a good swallow I clear my throat
and start from the beginning. He doesn’t interrupt but when I tell him that I
was drunk, I stop speaking and glance over at Jared again. He knows this
already, but I can’t look at the cop and see the disappointment in his eyes
that what I did was go too far, that I should have been paying attention and
been more careful.

Instead, he says, “Ms. Rivera? It’s ok for you to be drinking or
intoxicated. It is
ok for him to
do what he did.”

He says it gently but firmly and when I glance over I see warmth
and understanding in his green eyes. I shouldn’t be ashamed. I had told Steven
no. I remember that much and I didn’t feel right during or after. I continue my
story and tell him what I know about Steven—not much: His username on the
dating site, what he looks like, and what type of car he drives. I know he
works at a bank; I know the branch but not the exact location. Officer Dixon
says he’s pretty confident they will find him and he’ll stay in touch with me.

“Do I have to testify?” I ask as we get up from our chairs to
walk out. I’m not sure how I feel about going to trial since there is no
physical evidence of being violated.

“You don’t have to,” he says kindly. “You can decide that later

Jared and I shake his hand again and then walk out.

The walk to the car is different than the walk inside the
building. I walk just as slowly but it’s as if a weight has been lifted off my
shoulders. For the second time today, Jared tugs on my hand.

“Baby?” he asks scrunching up his eyebrows. He’s so cute.

I lean on tippy toes to wrap my arms around his neck and give him
a soft kiss on the lips.

He’s surprised but stops frowning.

“I feel so much better,” I admit.

He raises his eyebrow.

I nod, “Yup, thanks to you baby.” I smile up at him and bite my
lip. “Thank you.”

He smiles back and gives me a hug.
Believe me, my pleasure.”

I don’t know if they will ever find Steven. I’m not even sure
that I’ll testify if they do. But I do know it feels so good to let my voice be
heard. I hold Jared’s hand and lean my head against his shoulder. Softly I say,
“I love you.”

He slows down until we come to a complete stop next to the
passenger door of his car.

His smile radiates his whole face and he grabs me by the waist
and lifts me up causing me to squeal in delight. “Jared!” I say and whack him
playfully on the shoulder. He pulls me down just enough so I rest my forehead
against his.

“I love you too,” he whispers before kissing me sweetly.


March 2012


I glance over at my reflection in the window as we walk
hand in hand through the luxurious hotel that is Gaylord Palms. I am in a
shimmery champagne colored dress and four inch Jimmy
I pass my hands gently over the fabric and check my posture. We are attending
the 32
annual fundraising gala held by the FVMA for homeless and
abused animals. The weather is pleasant tonight; a light breeze but not cold. My
dress is sheer and does not allow for a bra.

“I shouldn’t have let you leave the house with that dress. Some
ass is going to try and sweep you away.” He looks down at me.
And my chest.

I smile up at him and say sweetly, “I don’t remember asking for
your permission. But if you’re so worried then you’re just going to have to be
by my side the whole time.”

He scowls at me and I lean forward to give him a quick peck on
the neck. “Grump,” I say.

“Smart ass,” he replies.

The Gala is amazing. A ton of local and not so local
organizations pulled together to help raise money. There is a live band
playing, Cristal being poured, and hors d'oeuvre being served before the formal
sit down dinner and live auction starts. I have the chance to officially meet
. During the course of our relationship,
any issues with Lucky have been taken care of by Jared when he’s home or he’ll
pick him up and take him to the clinic. He is short for a man, probably around
five-six with gray hair and bushy white eyebrows. He is slightly overweight and
very kind. Turns out he wants to retire in a few years and leave the clinic to

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