Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2 (22 page)

Read Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #romance, #science fiction, #aliens

BOOK: Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2
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Merrick caught Nadine by her shoulders,
kneeling down to look at her. “Breathe, Nadine. What of the bad

I saw them down by the river. They
took the human female. She was not moving. They took her in one of
the gliders.” Nadine sobbed out. “They hurt Nadu.”

Core swore furiously and
took off. Borj paled as he followed. He had no doubts that the
three men would hurt Hannah the first chance they got. He
remembered Tink’s battered body when J’kar brought her aboard
Prime Destiny
If not for J’kar linking his life force to hers, she would have

Hannah woke slowly again.
She was getting really, really tired of people thinking she was
placed on any planet just to be kidnapped. It was really pissing
her off. She could feel the throbbing in her jaw where one of the
huge males who came out of the forest hit her. She, Nadu, and
Nadine were walking along the river that flowed not far from the
village. Nadu was telling Hannah a little about the history of the
Eastern Mountain Clan when Hannah's danger alarm started blaring at
her. The hairs on the back of her neck and on her arms were
practically standing straight up.

Hannah put a hand on Nadu's
arm to stop her and looked around carefully trying to gauge where
the threat could be. Her eyes narrowed in on a dark patch of
undergrowth about 30 feet or so from the path to the village.
Hannah didn't wait to explain to Nadu or Nadine, she just reacted.
If it had been just her, she would have taken a different route but
she knew neither Nadu nor Nadine would understand without her
taking the time to explain. Hannah turned towards the village and
urgently told Nadine to run back as fast as she could. The warning
in her voice must have been enough for the little girl who took off
like a gazelle for the path. Nadu looked at Hannah in alarm when
Hannah grabbed her arm and tried to hurry her back the way they
came, as well. They were almost to the path when two huge men came
out from the forest. One of them struck Nadu across the face
without saying a word while the other grabbed for Hannah. She was
no match for the two huge males. When she fought, the one who stuck
Nadu turned and struck her across the jaw. That was the last she
knew. Now, she cursed silently under her breath that she forgot to
call to Borj. She was really going to have to work at this mind to
mind thing.

"Yes, you do but for now I
forgive you."
Borj's soft voice whispered
through her mind.

"Help me!
Hannah pleaded silently.
"I really don't think these guys are going to be as easy or
as nice as Merrick and Core."
Hannah said
"They hurt Nadu! I tried to
get to her but one of them hit me while the other held my

"Nadu will be fine. The
healer is with her. Can you tell me where you are?"
Borj asked calmly.
you describe what you see?"

"No, I am still pretending
to be unconscious. Something tells me it is best to do that right
now. I can feel I am in some type of transport. We are weaving from
the feel of it. Borj...I want you to know if anything
Hannah said in a silent husky

"Nothing will happen. You
do whatever they tell you to do. I don't care what it is. Do not
anger them. You stay safe until I can get to you. Do you understand
me, Hannah? You do whatever you have too to stay alive."
Borj growled out in a low dangerous

Hannah fought to keep her
face a blank mask when all she wanted to do was cry.
"I can't make you that promise."
Hannah said softly.
sorry. I will not let them..."
couldn't finish.

Borj's throat tightened as
Hannah flashed back to the women who were raped when she was
younger: the empty eyes, the blank stares, and the devastation. He
knew what she was telling him. She would take her own life if
possible before she let them take her sanity from her.

"I will come for you, ku
lei. Do not give up on us. Believe in me. If it gets bad close your
eyes and think of me, I will be with you at all times."
Borj said desperately.
will be with you, Hannah."

"I love you, Borj. Just
remember that. I love you."
Hannah said
softly before she pushed him to the back of her mind.

Hannah forced herself to remain still and to
blank her mind. She could feel Borj deep down but she did not want
him with her if things got to the point of no return. She would not
let him suffer with her. Hannah felt the transport she was in slow
and finally settle to the ground. She was being held in the arms of
one of the large men who took her. He moved, sliding out of the
transport with her still in his arms. She could hear someone else
approaching even as he turned to talk to the man in the

"Bring her to our home in the mountains. You
better wait before you take her, Mazzum. I will kill you myself if
you take her and she dies. She will satisfy both of us first." The
deeply accented voice said coldly.

"Just get the fuck back if you want a piece
of her, Amurr. Her scent is enough to drive me to take her now. I
don't know why we cannot just fuck her here." Mazzum growled

"Because I want more than
just one ride on her, you stupid
You heard the human male.
Human females like to be fucked. He says they can take two or even
more males at a time. If so, she will be able to take us both. If
we do not kill her then she can be used many, many times until we
find more." Amurr growled out.

"She is also the key to getting back to
Earth." A new voice said. "I told you both. If you get me back to
Earth, I can get you all the women you want to fuck. I'm a powerful
man back there. You will have so many bitches you can have a new
one each day if you want." The voice laughed. "You can use this one
to experiment with. I can show you some really interesting things
that can be done to a woman that will make your dicks so hard you
won't be able to resist fucking her."

Hannah knew the new voice
belonged to the man who almost murdered her sister in cold blood.
She could hear the insanity in it. Hanna swallowed the nausea
building in her throat as fear blossom. If she didn't escape soon
she knew she would never survive what they planned for

"Hannah, I need you to
remain calm. You must help us find you. You must tell us what you
Borj said firmly.

"The human male is here,
the one that almost murdered Tink! He is insane, Borj."
Hannah said fighting to keep her body relaxed but
she knew she failed when the male named Mazzum suddenly tightened
his hold on her.
"The other one is

"I know you are awake, female. Your bond mate
will not be able to find you. If he comes, I will kill him." Mazzum
said squeezing Hannah until she gasped in pain.

"I will meet you at the falls by tomorrow
afternoon. Remember what I said, Mazzum. I will kill you and the
human male if she is damaged." Amurr growled out before closing the
top on the glider.

Hannah's eyes flew open and she watched over
Mazzum’s shoulder as the glider lifted up and took off over the
trees. She bit back a cry of pain as Mazzum's fingers dug into her
waist in warning. Hannah forced herself to relax as her brain
started to kick in.

Hannah called silently.
"They said
something about a waterfall. I have to escape before the other man
gets there tomorrow afternoon. They said you will never be able to
find me where they are taking me and if you do, they will kill you.
The glider…"
Hannah started to say before
she stopped as agonizing pain exploded through her and she withdrew
from Borj to protect him.

Chapter 16

Borj was about to reply to
Hannah when he felt a burst of pain so sharp it took him to his
knee. J’kar grabbed his arm as he struggled to get back up. Borj
drew in a sharp breath as the pain vanished as quickly as it
appeared. He knew what he felt was from Hannah. The bastards were
hurting her and she cut herself off from him.

“Hannah! Hannah, answer
Borj demanded fiercely.
“Open for me, ku lei. Let me in.”
He coaxed gently.

What happened?” Teriff asked furiously
looking at his younger son’s pale, sweat drenched face.

They hurt her. I could feel it before
she cut me off.” Borj swore under his breath. “She will not open
for me now.”

Merrick came forward and put
his hand on Borj’s arm in support. “Was she able to tell you
anything?” He asked quietly.

Borj shook his head. “Not
much. There are the three men. She said the human male is there.
They were taking her to their home in the mountains. They were to
meet one of the men at a waterfall tomorrow. She was about to tell
me which way the glider flew when something happened to her. I felt
her pain before she broke off from me.”

J'kar growled dangerously.
"I should have killed the human male when I had the chance. When we
catch him, I want him to understand the meaning of Prime

Merrick shook his head. "It
seems we have all under-estimated the human male. We have much to
learn about their ways." Merrick added before he shook his head
again. "There are many such places as your mate described. Many are
small but there are a few larger ones. I will have the men break
into groups of two. It is the only way that we will be able to
cover even half of them. There is no way to tell until they show
up. I do not want to risk any of my warriors unnecessarily. If they
are found, I will have them follow the males until others can come.
Both Mazzum and Amurr are extremely dangerous." Merrick grunted

Terriff shook his head. "The
more we can cover the more likely we are to find them. I say we
make sure as many are covered as possible. Whoever finds them can
send for additional help. If the female can safely be spirited away
then she will be; otherwise, she will be followed. If we do not do
this, there is a chance of missing her altogether."

"How many falls are there?" Borj asked

Core grimaced pulling up a
holovid of the region. "There are more than two hundred in all in
the region toward the mountains alone. I remember several years ago
when I was a boy, my father and I ran across Amurr hunting. He
would not have been far from his home as his kill was very large
and he was carrying it. It was in this region. There are over fifty
waterfalls in the area. I believe this is where we should
concentrate most of our men." Core said pointing to a dense area.
"It is very steep and a deep ravine with one of the main rivers for
the region runs through the entire length. That is where the most
falls are found."

“J’kar and I will take this
section.” Borj set pointing to one of the larger waterfalls further
up the river. “If we leave now, we can take one of the gliders a
little over half way there. We will have to scale the rest of the
way.” Borj said looking grimly at the terrain.

Core nodded his head. “We will cover the
others from this point down.” He said pointing to the holovid.
“Teriff, you and Te’mar cover this area. The other males from the
village and the ones that came with you have already been dispersed
to these areas. There is still a lot of terrain not covered. Our
only hope is the human male will slow them down.” Core replied.

Borj turned without another
word and moved toward the glider they would be using. Additional
resources were on their way from the main Prime military but Borj
was fearful if Mazzum and Amurr felt threatened or were cornered
they would kill Hannah. He desperately needed Hannah to open up to
him again. He needed her to understand he was there for her, no
matter what happened.

“I know you are.”
Hannah’s soft voice came.

“What happened? Are you
hurt badly?”
Borj demanded as he climbed
into the glider.

J’kar slid into the pilot’s
seat and quickly activated the glider. Borj was so focused on his
connection with Hannah he ignored everything else. He knew from the
look his brother was giving him that he was aware he was
communicating with Hannah again. This time he would stress how
important it was that she never cut him off. It would mean life or
death to both of them.

“Bachman was wishing me his
type of welcome. I’m going to be a little bruised but I’ve had
worse. Luckily, Mazzum stopped him before he could do too much
damage. I am going to play the ‘helpless’ female and hope it takes
both of the men off their guard. Both are such assholes they think
females are helpless little twits. If they let their guard down, I
hope to escape.”
Hannah’s soft voice

Borj felt a shaft of fear go
through him. If Hannah tried to escape and was caught none of the
men would have any mercy on her. He needed to get to her. He knew
she did not believe he would get to her in time. He refused to
believe he would not.

“There are many warriors
looking for you. We will find you, Hannah. I will find you. You
must not cut me off again. No matter what happens, do you
understand? Our connection might be the only thing that saves us
Borj said fiercely.

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