Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2 (21 page)

Read Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #romance, #science fiction, #aliens

BOOK: Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2
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Teriff laughed out loud. “Yes, much to my
enjoyment. My mate is learning much and I am enjoying her lessons.”
Teriff said with a grin as he adjusted the front of suddenly tight

Hannah blushed. “This is really more
information than I think I want to know. Tink is a lot like my mom,
you ask and she gives you more detailed information than you really
need.” Hannah muttered.

I liked the information she gave on
the holovid.” Core said with a curious smile. “But, is what she
said even possible?”

Yes!” Borj, J’kar and Teriff all
practically shouted at the same time. All three had huge smiles on
their faces.

Hannah looked back and forth before shaking
her head. “I don’t want to know what she told you guys. Something
tells me I would be mortified.”

Borj grinned wickedly and let images of what
Tink said flow through his thoughts to Hannah. He watched as her
jaw dropped and her face turned a brilliant shade of red that could
be seen even in the glow of the fire light. As he continued, he
felt his own blood heat as thoughts of doing them to Hannah began
changing the images to their bodies entwined as he brought her to
release. Hannah’s soft moan filled the air and all the men glanced
at her as she tensed suddenly then melted against Borj. Sniffing
the air, all the men groaned loudly as if they could taste her
sweet cream.

Chapter 15

You have to come out from under the
covers at some point otherwise we will have to remain here.” Borj
said gently trying to pry the covers down from where Hannah had
pulled them.

I’m never coming out again.” Hannah’s
muffled voice said. “I’m going to live the rest of my life right
here and die peacefully.”

Borj was finally able to pull the cover from
over Hannah’s still hot face. “I can’t believe you did that to me
last night!” Hannah whispered fiercely.

Borj chuckled as he rolled on top of Hannah’s
naked body. “I love how responsive you are to me.” Borj said as he
pushed Hannah’s thighs apart so he could settle his heavy cock
against her moist mound. Hannah moaned softly as Borj pushed his
thick, heavy length into her hot pussy.

He had woken more than a half hour ago to
find Hannah’s hand gripping his cock tightly while she still slept.
Thin streams of light were just breaking through the dark sky and
beginning to shine down through the thick canopy above casting
early morning shadows in the room. Sometime during the night their
roles reversed. He found Hannah curled tightly against his back
holding him while he faced the window. Borj bit back a moan as
Hannah’s hand gently squeezed his fast hardening cock as she
dreamed. Unable to hold back, he gripped her hand around his cock
and rolled over until he was facing her. He loved watching as her
eyes slowly flickered as she woke. She lay next to him with a
sleepy smile on her face before a deep blush darkened it. That was
when he knew she remembered how their night started. With a loud
groan, she jerked the covers over her head with a loud mutter about
a painful death to all men.

After Hannah’s unexpected climax at the table
last night thanks to the images Borj sent to her, the men quickly
called it a night. Hannah was too mortified by what happened to
look at any of them as they made a quick exit. Borj swung Hannah up
in his arms and hurried to Merrick’s home. They were staying in the
room she was originally placed in. Borj barely made it into the
room before he set her down and pulled both their pants around
their ankles. He turned Hannah until she was facing the door and
pushed her against it. Hannah had to brace her hands so she
wouldn’t fall with her pants tangled around her boots. Borj quickly
thrust his cock deep inside her as she bent forward. His loud groan
of need fired Hannah’s pussy until she could feel the moisture
running down the inside of her leg. She was already wet from the
climax she had in front of all the men, as it was.

Gods, Hannah. I love you so much.”
Borj murmured as he took her hard and fast. “You are the light to
my soul.” He groaned as her slick channel tightened around him as
she came again.

Hannah’s nails clawed at the wood of the door
and she fought an unsuccessful battle to keep her loud cry of
pleasure from escaping. Borj’s own cries of release echoed Hannah’s
as he pushed in as far as he could. Borj held Hannah’s hips tightly
as he felt the last of his seed spill deep inside her. Afterwards,
he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. He carefully
removed her boots, pants and shirt before turning to the bowl of
water on a nearby stand. Dipping a cloth in it, he cleaned her
first before cleaning himself. Only then did he climb into the bed
next to her, pulling her tightly against his body. He held her
against him running his hand up and down her back until he felt her
slip into a deep, dreamless sleep. Borj lay awake for several hours
longer just enjoying the feel of holding Hannah’s soft body safely
against his own.

Just remembering what
happened last night had him ready to explode all over again.
“You have nothing to be ashamed of. Last night
was beautiful.”
Borj whispered as he moved
slowly back and forth enjoying her tight channel.

“I had a bloody orgasm in
front of a bunch of men including your father and brother and you
say I have nothing to be ashamed of?”
Hannah thought with a groan.
“Obviously it embarrassed them! Did you see how fast they

Borj chuckled then groaned
as Hannah squeezed down on him.
“They left
because the scent of your arousal caused them to become aroused.
They all found a place to relieve their own needs.”
Borj said in a strained whisper.

Hannah looked up into Borj’s
eyes in shock.
“You mean they found other
women? If J’kar cheated on my sister I’m going to mount his balls
on a wall!”
Hannah growled out

Borj shook his head
“He would not betray your
sister. He probably contacted her the way we are communicating now
and found release together even while they were apart. The same for
my father knowing the way he and my mother have been ever since
they met your sister. For the others, I cannot say. I am more
concerned with what is happening now.”
bit out.

Hannah wiggled so she could wrap her legs higher around Borj’s
back. “This feels so good.” She moaned out loud.

The new position forced Borj
to push deeper into Hannah. Borj wrapped his arms tightly around
Hannah pulling her into his chest and began moving faster and
harder. He felt his canines drop and knew he would mark her again
as his. He heard Hannah’s gasp as his teeth pushed through the skin
on her shoulder. An explosion of heat engulfed his cock as the
chemical moved through both of them releasing the hormones needed
to prepare her womb for his seed. They had not talked about having
children but it might already be too late to worry about that. In a
Prime female, he could bite her thousands of times over a course of
years and never impregnate her but if Hannah was anything like Tink
it was possible she was already breeding. He would need to remember
to have the healer exam her when they returned to the

It was over an hour later when Hannah
followed Borj down out of Merrick’s home. Nadu and Nadine laughed
and joked about the lateness of the hour as they emerged out of the
bedroom. Borj finally convinced Hannah there was no need to sneak
off because of what happened the night before. He promised her none
of the men would say anything or think less of her. If anything, he
was proud to show off how responsive his mate was to him. Hannah
shook her head and muttered something about ‘a male peacock and his
feathers’. Borj didn’t understand when she tried to explain what
she meant so she decided to just let him strut his stuff.

Hannah watched as Merrick, Core, Te’mar,
Teriff, and J’kar approach. They each had a grim face. A sudden
flash of them ‘relieving’ themselves flashed through her mind right
before Borj turned to face her. He pressed his lips to hers in a
crushing kiss of possession.

“You should not be thinking
of other men like that.”
He growled

Hannah giggled as she let
her lips soften and returned Borj’s kiss tenderly.
“You are the only one I want.”

Core groaned loudly. “Borj, can you not have
mercy on the rest of us? I am still hard from last night even after
seeking relief.”

Hannah jerked her lips from Borj’s and looked
at Core darkly. “I didn’t need that information, thank you very
much. You are worse than my mom!”

The other men’s faces cleared and they
laughed. “Your mother is a very interesting person.” Teriff said
with a huge smile. “She has been of great help to my mate. I have
learned many new things over the past few cycles.”

Hannah rolled her eyes. “So much for
promises.” Hannah muttered under her breath.

She did not break her promise,
Hannah.” Borj whispered wickedly. “She said she would not mention
it unless asked. My father wanted your mother brought here so she
could share more about human mating. Your sister, Tink, spoke
highly of her knowledge.”

Hannah’s face flushed and she gritted her
teeth. “She is NOT Dr. Ruth. She gets her knowledge from horsing
around with my dad and the Internet. I wouldn’t doubt if she
doesn’t make half of the stuff up!” Hannah hissed back quietly.

Borj slid his arm around her waist and pulled
her closer. “I am happy with what I have learned. Are you not
pleased as well?” Borj asked against the mark on Hannah’s neck.

Hannah answered by jabbing her elbow into
Borj’s ribs. “I am not going to have another orgasm in front of
these guys so knock it off. I’m going to go explore the village
while you guys act macho. Call me when you are done.” Hannah said
sternly before blowing the effect by reaching up and gripping the
sides of Borj’s head and giving him a deep, passionate kiss.

Borj’s dazed stare followed the sway of
Hannah’s hips as she walked off. It wasn’t until J’kar punched his
shoulder that he jerked back to the men standing around him. He
shook his head to clear it.

She really is dangerous and she does
not even have a clue as to why.” Borj said with a dazed

Merrick shook his head.
“Come, refreshments have been laid out for us. There are many
things we must talk about. One of the things we need to discuss is
ways of working together to bring more females here but that must
wait. The human male is gone along with two of my clansmen.”
Merrick said grimly.

Borj’s head turned sharply. “What

I take responsibility.” Merrick said
heavily. “I did not have him locked up as a prisoner merely as a
'protected' guest. I wanted to talk to the female first before you
came. I knew I would not have long. Then, she tried to escape and
by the time we caught her, you had arrived. I had two guards on him
but never told them to hold him as a prisoner. As far as I can tell
he escaped sometime during the night. Two other men are missing as
well.” Merrick finished looking darkly over the village.

What are you not telling us?” Teriff

Merrick looked at Core than back at the other
men. “The two that are missing are dangerous. They tried to rape
one of the women in our village. I explained some of the men of my
clan are getting dangerous. It has been hard on them not having a
bond mate. These two are brothers. They are part of the clan but
have lived in the mountainous region alone for many years. They
have only been back in the village for a few months. Several days
ago, one of the women went down to the river to check the nets she
placed. She was attacked and beaten very badly when she tried to
fight them off. It was only her link with her bond mate that saved
her. He was hunting close by with a small group. He heard her cry
and came to her but not before she lost the youngling she was
carrying. It was a girl.” Merrick said quietly. “I believe the
human male freed them with the same offer he gave to us, protection
for more information on human females and where to find them.”

Teriff let out a loud curse. “I told you he
was dangerous. He must be caught as soon as possible. Do you have
trackers on the human and the other two?”

Merrick nodded. “Yes, but it will not be
easy. I told you the other two have lived in the mountainous
regions alone for many years. They know it as well if not better
than any of us, including me. Core and I will leave soon to join in
the search. I do not want to take a chance of them finding any more
females. From what you have said, the human male is just as bad. I
have given orders to kill them on sight.” Merrick stated

The men discussed different resources they
could use to help expediate the capture of the three men. Even with
the combined force of both clans, it would still be difficult due
to the large amount of rugged terrain that would need to be
covered. Prime was a large planet mostly covered in thick forests
and mountainous terrain. The thick cover would make it difficult to
find someone who did not want to be found. Over the course of an
hour they were not much closer to a solution. They were finally
discussing possible ways to safely bring more human females to
their planet when Nadine ran up to them.

Merrick! Merrick!” Nadine came running
up crying. “The bad men…” She cried gasping.

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