Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5 (13 page)

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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As soon as little Kate laid her head in Molly’s lap, she was out for the night. She lifted the sweet little girl in her arms. “Okay, guys, time for bed.” Molly pulled off Kate’s shoes and socks. She changed Kate into her pajamas. She tucked Lauren in and kissed the girl on her forehead.

“I’m glad you’re back. Uncle Hammer missed you,” Lauren told her.

Molly hoped that was true. “I’m glad I’m back too. I missed all of you so much.”

She headed to Tomas’s room. She knocked before she opened his door. “I just wanted to say goodnight.”

“Goodnight and…I’m glad you’re back,” Tomas told her softly.

“Me too, Tomas.” She closed his door and leaned against it. They had come a long way in their relationship.

She put the games they had played with up and sat on the couch. How long until the end of the event? She turned on the television to watch.


“Welcome everyone to the beautiful sports arena here at the South Eastern Gamma Region. I am Poland and this is my fellow commentator, Johann. We are coming to you live at the Galactic Cage Fighters' circuit event.”

“Poland, what is in the line-up for this evening?”

“First up, we have Rage the Animal against a Beastial. The new comers, Torch and Maxim, have a pair match against a Slurchan and a full Voltan. Hammer is going up against a Plutian. There are a couple of female pair matches with the new female fighters. This should prove to be an exciting night.”

“Indeed. I cannot wait for the first fight to begin.”

“Stay with us folks for what will prove to be an unforgettable night.”


Molly yawned as she watched the television. She wasn’t sure if she was going to stay awake through all the action. She hoped at least to see Hammer fight. He was the most impressive to her.


"Poland and Johann back with you from the sports arena. First fight up this evening is the Sledge Hammer vs the Plutian. They are entering the cage now and the ring girl is circling. Stay with us for the play-by-play."
Just then the bell rang.

"You heard the bell, folks, it signals the beginning of round one. The Plutian just leapt forward with punches. They seem to bounce off Hammer who has a couple inches on the Plutian. Not to mention he is much wider with more muscle mass. Hammer has quickly pushed back with strikes of his own. The Plutian seems to be looking for kicks while Hammer used his range to punch. The Plutian is driving inside for a takedown, but oh no, Hammer stands him up against the fence before he could and has now pulled away. The Plutian was going for a quick takedown and didn't get it so he reached for a leg. But Hammer defends and pulls away, landing a few stiff punches. Look at that, the Plutian is bleeding from his nose,"
Johann spoke with enthusiasm.

"That's because Hammer is using
punches with a mix of knees, Johann. Hammer’s big hands are doing the best work. The Plutian shoots inside, but Hammer seems to have stayed upright on that one. He is answering back with more kicks. Oh wow, it is the end of the round already just when it was getting interesting too."
The bell rang ending the round.

The men broke apart and stepped to their corners as the commentators when over some of the stats of the first round. The ring girl entered, walking around showing the sign for round two. After two times around the cage, she stepped out and the bell rang once more signaling the start of the next round.

"Oh, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like it is going to be another great round as the second one begins with the Plutian looking to bang at the start. Hammer is returning fire, and the blood is flowing from his opponent’s nose again. Hammer dropped the Plutian down and taking this fight to the floor.
He has locked his legs around the Plutian's head and is trying for a kimura. The Plutian is in trouble now. Johann, look at that. The Plutian has somehow gotten out of it. He is moving in a sweep. Looks as if Hammer is going for an arm underneath. No, the Plutian has pulled free once again and is rolling around to his back. He is going to go for the choke. It seems Hammer is patiently defending on that move by the Plutian. He has done it too as he scrambles free, but the Plutian is rolling with him and staying tight on him. Hammer picks up his legs, he is turning, can he do it? Can he take the top position, Johann?"
The excitement roared from the crowd.

"They are grappling with each other, Poland. The Plutian seems to be coming at him from underneath, but Hammer is punching the ribs and trying to secure a hold. He can't and lets go, only holding it briefly. He looks to be moving to set up an arm-triangle but the
Plutian has bucked to move free. Oh no, the bell. It has once again put a stop to some great fighting tonight."

The ring girl once again enters, holding the sign for the next round as the Sledge Hammer and the Plutian break, wiping at the sweat, glistening on their bodies.

"Here we go again, folks, the Plutian has come out with a two-punch combo, following it up with a quick jab. He's trying to go for the legs, but Hammer's caught him with a stiff right hand. The Plutian is faltering.
Not missing that on his opponent, Hammer has just drove the Plutian to the floor. The Plutian tried to keep from falling by grabbing at air. I wouldn't want to be under the Biclops, Hammer has to be heavy on top, and he's dishing out a few shots in the process. Hammer is looking to mount, Poland."

"Not now, Johann. The Plutian is scrambling so he can sweep to the top as Hammer is
keeping the Plutian body from coming underneath. They have clinched. Here comes the referee, moving between them. Both are
at each other on the restart. The Plutian throws the first punch but Hammer is
able to counter. Oh, that had to hurt. Hammer went for an uppercut and it has landed.
The Plutian’s nose is once again bloody. Man, oh, man, this is awesome!"
Poland yelled as the ring girl entered at the end to notify the last round.

"Why should round four start any different tonight, both fighters have come out swinging. Hammer's going for the takedown. He succeeds with a strike. The Plutian has hit Hammer with a knee inside. Hammer returns
with a kick. The Plutian’s nose is bleeding even more than before. The Plutian tries again for a takedown, but Hammer just spun his body, making the Plutian circle around him.
Hammer is going after him with hands and kicks. The Plutian taking every hit and every kick.
The Plutian desperate for a quick takedown on the big Biclops. But Hammer is not going to let it happen. The Plutian tries to land a hit but Hammer has blocked it and countered, landing punches and kicks.
He is all over the Plutian. The Plutian is trying to keep going. Hammer is elbowing him and has landed an uppercut. The Plutian is going down to the mat. Here comes the referee for the countdown. There it is folks, the end of the final round and Hammer is the winner. What a match this turned out to be."


Molly managed to stay away through Hammer’s match, but she dozed for a while after it ended. She woke at one in the morning. Hammer still had not come home. He was probably at the after party. All the fighters were expected to make an appearance. Usually Hammer went there and then would come straight home. But he hadn’t. Molly gave up waiting for him. She headed to her bedroom.

A fear clutched her heart. What if he was with someone else? What if the fight they had had somehow ended their relationship? He could be at the after party meeting other women. Hammer was a very eligible bachelor. He was tall, muscular, sexy, sweet, kind, funny, smart, and he made a lot of money fighting. What woman wouldn’t want him? She had screwed things up between them—royally.


Hammer was beyond exhausted. He took a big beating in the cage. He let out some of his frustration. Then he had to suffer through the after party. Every time he tried to leave, Zen would pull him over to introduce him to more people, mostly females. He wasn’t interested in any of them. Only one female had his full attention and she left him and went off with her ex. She had barely called. It was driving him crazy. He wanted to go after her. He was in a foul mood and physically beat. He couldn’t take any more of this crap and left.

The moment he got close enough to his suite—he got the scent. It grew stronger. Could it be? Was he imagining it?

He opened the door and her scent wrapped around him like a warm blanket. He growled a little. He looked at her door with longing. First, he would check on the kids and then take a shower. Maybe he should wait until the morning before he questioned her about what happened.


Warm hands caressed her body. She felt shivers travel all over her body. She must be dreaming. But no dream felt so real or so wonderful as this. It wasn’t just anyone’s hands on her, large strong hands ran over her body. Hammer’s hands. She moaned with need when she felt those hands easing her panties off.

“Hammer,” she whispered.

His lips kissed her inner thigh moving up to her pussy. His warm breath fanned over her making her shiver with need. He leaned forward and swiped her juices up with his tongue. His eyes dilated when he lifted his head to look into her eyes. He slowly crawled up her body dragging his naked flesh against hers, heating her up and setting tiny sparks of flames all over.

“I have missed touching you, tasting you. I have missed your voice, your laughter, and your smile. Your soft skin, beautiful body, tight pussy.” He hovered over her. His arms braced on either side of her head. “I have missed you.” He leaned down and took her mouth in a slow demanding kiss.

A tear slid down the side of her face. Hammer released her lips and gently wiped the tear away. “Why do you cry?”

“I missed you so much, Hammer. I never want to leave again.”

Hammer growled against the column of her neck. “I will never let you go again. Never.” He took her lips again.

Molly wrapped her legs around his waist, opening herself up to him. Hammer didn’t waste any more time. He centered himself at her opening and plunged himself deep within her. They both stilled, enjoying the completeness of their joining.

“I am going to make love to you all night long,” Hammer promised her, setting a strong steady rhythm.

Molly locked eyes with him as he moved in and out of her. He stretched her and filled her. She felt the build of fire within her entire body. Hammer was the only man who made her feel this way. They moved against each as if they had been doing this their whole life. It was as if they were created for each other. They fit so perfectly, every caress, every slide, pure ecstasy.

She was floating, riding a cloud of pleasure. She knew by his expressions and the passion in his eyes that he was feeling the same thing. She reached for the back of his head and brought his lips back down to hers. She moaned as she kissed him with everything she had inside of her.

Lava seared through his veins and Hammer pounded into her harder and deeper. He wanted to mark her somehow, make her his in every way possible. She was different from any other female he had ever been with. They all seemed to fade away. All he knew was Molly and her glorious body that fit him.

As Molly felt the waves of pleasure crashing through her with her climax, she realized this was where she was meant to be. She was finally home. She was never leaving it or him again.

“Mine!” Hammer yelled as he released his seed deep within her.

“Yes,” Molly whispered back in answer. She was his and his alone.



Chapter Sixteen


Over the next few days everyone seemed to get back into a routine. Molly returned to caring for the kids and the suite. They had breakfast and dinner together as a family. They walked the kids to school. Molly visited her friends and told them all about her trip. Hammer made love to Molly every night.

Molly felt more and more secure each day with her and Hammer’s relationship. She wasn’t sure exactly where it was going, but it felt like it had gotten a jolt and now they were moving forward. She had hope they were moving forward. Everything was finally falling in place. She was divorced from Jerry. The insurance company paid for the damages to the condo and it was back up for sale. She had a life here with Hammer and the kids. She was falling in love with the sweetest man alive. Everything was perfect.

On her fourth day back, she received another letter.
‘Leave, you are not wanted here. If you stay you will be sorry.’
It wasn’t signed. Molly felt her heart crash. Did the kids still hate her? She had thought they moved past this. She was glad no one was there because she broke down into tears. She loved them all so much and the thought the kids wanted her gone tore her apart. She was so distraught that she hadn't heard the door open.

“Molly?” Hammer was at her side in a split second. He had come home for lunch to surprise Molly and have a quick romp. He hadn’t expected to walk in and see her in tears. It tore him up inside to see her hurt.

“Wh...at are you…doing here?” Molly wiped her tears from her face and quickly shoved the letter underneath her leg.

“I came home for lunch. What has happened?” He cupped her face with his big hands.

She shook her head. No matter how hurt she was, she had to protect the kids. They were resenting her for something. She needed to try to talk to them. If she couldn’t work things out…she may have to leave. She didn’t want to cause problems between Hammer and the kids. It was the last thing she wanted.

“Talk to me, sweetheart. Tell me what is wrong.” Hammer lifted her up and placed her on his lap as he sat on the floor. When he did, the crumpled letter fell to the floor. “What’s this?” He got the letter before Molly could reach it.

“Don’t!” Molly tried to grab it from him, but Hammer had really long arms.

“Is this what has you so upset?” Hammer knew he was right without her admitting it. He managed to open the letter up and he read the message. “What the hell is this?”

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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