Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5 (11 page)

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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“Did he just slam the door in my face?” Torch stared at the offending barrier.

Zen laughed. He had been leaning against the wall in the hallway out of sight. “Yes, yes he did.”

“Why is this amusing?”

“You should have seen the look on your face. It was priceless,” Zen told him.

Torch glared at him. “I was doing you a favor by agreeing to go out with this human female. I don’t appreciate being laughed at.” A little smoke came out from behind his ears.

“Sorry. You did do me the favor. I was trying to push Hammer to admit his feelings for Molly. You were a catalyst to help with that.”

“Great, so I am helping other males get females now.” Torch stomped off.

“You’re next on the list!” Zen called out.

“Don’t even think it!” Torch yelled back.

Zen laughed even more. He looked at the closed door and gave it a friendly pat.
Way to go Hammer. Don’t screw it up.


Later that evening, after all the kids were asleep in their beds, Molly laid in Hammer’s arms in his bed. They had just made love and Hammer was still buried deep within her. Neither of them wanted to be separated yet.

“What are you doing tomorrow for lunch?” Hammer asked as he ran a hand down her spine. She was so delicate compared to him.

“I have to meet with my lawyer. I was messaged that he is coming to the spaceport and he wanted to meet for a couple of hours.”

“What about?”

“Probably about the condo. Hopefully it sold.”

Hammer frowned. If she got money from her condo would that mean that she would leave him? He didn’t like that idea at all. “Why would the lawyer come for that instead of a realtor?”

“If it was sold then the lawyer probably has paperwork I need to fill out to close the case.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“No, you are busy training for your next fight. It will only take a couple of hours. Then I’ll pick up the kids.”

Hammer pulled her tighter against him. He might only have a few nights left with her. He wanted to make the most of it. “How about I call the babysitter for tomorrow night? I would love to take you out for dinner?”

She turned to look back at him and smiled. “Like a date?”

Hammer smiled back. “Well, I do owe you a date since I slammed the door in Torch’s face.”

Molly laughed, which caused her inner muscles to grip Hammer’s cock. He groaned while moving slowly within her. “I wish I could have seen his face when you did that.”

“Torch, what the hell was Zen thinking?” Hammer nuzzled his face against her neck.

They were in the spooning position. His cock was growing harder while still buried inside of her. She wiggled her ass making him moan with need.

Hammer reached over and cupped one of her breasts in his large hand. He squeezed and caressed it. He took the nipple in his fingers and tweaked it until it was a hard bud. “You are so hot.”

She squeezed her inner muscles and was rewarded as he thrust harder inside of her. “Yes.” She moved back against him meeting each thrust.

Hammer lifted her leg up over his thigh making more room for him. Damn she felt good. The thought this might be his last chance made him more aggressive. He would bring her so much pleasure that she would have a hard time leaving him. He pushed her onto her stomach and lifted her ass up as he slammed into her.

“Oh, Hammer, yes!” Molly used her elbows to give her more leverage. She could feel him hitting all the right places inside.

Hammer pounded into her harder and deeper. He had a single thought that kept going through his mind. Mine…mine…. “Mine!” He found his release at the same time that Molly found hers. He collapsed next to her careful not to crush her.

Molly couldn’t move. She didn’t want to move. She was completely satisfied, blissfully happy, and for the first time in her life—in love. She was in love with Hammer. How it happened, when it happened, she didn’t know. But when he yelled out, ‘Mine’, she agreed with him whole heartedly. She was his, for as long as he wanted. She hoped it would be forever.



Chapter Thirteen


The next morning Molly and Hammer took the kids to school. Hammer was all over her in the elevator. He wanted to follow her back to the suite but she refused, telling him that he had practice.

She did laundry and cleaned the kitchen. She made Hammer’s bed, picking up his pillow to get a sniff of his scent. The man made her tingle all over with just a thought.

When it was time to meet the lawyer, she grabbed her purse and headed down to the lobby to wait for the shuttle that would take her to the spaceport hotel. She couldn’t help but smile. Her life was looking up. She was happily divorced. She would be getting money from the sale of the condo. She would no longer have any ties left to her ex. She was sort of dating the hottest, sweetest man alive. She had a job that didn’t feel like a job but more like a family. What more could she want?

Fifteen minutes later, her smile was in place. She followed the directions to the hotel room. She hoped this wouldn’t take long. She had asked Maya to pick up the kids and take them back to her suite just in case. She rang the doorbell. The door opened slowly and her smile fell away.

“Jerry? What are you doing here?” She had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Hi, honey. Why don’t you come in.” Jerry flipped his blond hair back. He was wearing it shoulder length. He always primped more than a girl.

Molly shook her head. “No. That’s not a good idea.” She took several steps back ready to bolt. Why the hell was Jerry here?

Jerry followed her out into the hallway. “Okay. How about we go down to the hotel restaurant. There are things we need to go over regarding the condo and the rest of our joint accounts.”

A public place was better. “Alright.”

She waited while he closed the door. They were quiet as they headed down to the first floor restaurant. Jerry asked for a table in the corner. Molly would have preferred a table right in the middle of the room, or one closest to the door so she could make a quick escape. Jerry made her very uncomfortable.

As soon as they were seated, Molly asked, “What’s this all about, Jerry?”

Jerry tried to smile his self-important smile. “Let’s relax a little. What have you been up to while traveling around with the GCFA ship? Have you gone through all your savings yet?”

“That’s none of your business.” Molly was starting to get pissed.

“Easy. I don’t care what you do with your pitiful money, that’s separate from our joint accounts. You can blow it all you like.”

“One more time, why are you here, Jerry?” She was losing patience.

“Someone broke into the condo and caused some damages. I was in the vicinity when my lawyer contacted me. He said your lawyer made arrangements to come here to talk to you about the situation. I told my lawyer to let your lawyer know that I would discuss it with you.”

“Why did you contact my hotel claiming you were my lawyer?” Something just didn’t add up.

“I figured you would come see your lawyer quicker than you would me.”

“Damn straight.” Molly stood and was about to walk away but Jerry reached out and grabbed hold of her arm.

“Stay for a few minutes.”

“Let go.”

“Will you stay and listen?” he asked.

“Fine. Make it quick.” She stared at his hand. When he removed it from her arm, she sat back down slowly.


The waitress came to take their food order. “I want a steak, medium rare, and a bottle of Merlot.”

The waitress looked at Molly. “Just a glass of water please.”

“Eat something, Molly. You are not on a diet…clearly.” He gave her a look up and down.

Molly glared at him. He was always critical of her weight and appearance. He acted embarrassed to be seen with a woman that had a little weight to her.

“I’m not staying here that long. What happened to the condo?”

“Like I said earlier, someone broke in and did some damage. The insurance company needs us to both go through the condo and price out the items that were destroyed so we can be reimbursed.”

Molly sighed. “When do they need me to do this?”

“Immediately, within the next few days. There was some damage done to the door locks and a few windows were broken. Those are being repaired as we speak. But the insurance wants to finish out this claim.”

“I don’t know if I can get a flight out at this short a notice.”

“I took care of that already. I have two tickets booked for first thing tomorrow morning.” He cut into the steak the waitress just had set before him.

Tomorrow morning? Crap. She didn’t want to go. “Is my presence really necessary?”

“Yes, since the condo is in both our names and the insurance policy is in both our names then both of us have to be present to go through the condo and make a list of what was damaged and what each item was worth.”

Moly bit her bottom lip. She didn’t want to go back. It wasn’t her home anymore. She didn’t want to go back with Jerry. But most of all, she didn’t want to leave Hammer and the kids.

“I don’t know.” Molly checked her watch. Wow, it had already been three hours. Maya would have the kids with her by now.

“The condo cannot sell as is. Repairs need to be made immediately and the insurance won’t pay until they receive the estimates.” Jerry poured himself another glass of wine.


“Great. Did you want to stay here so we can leave first thing in the morning?”

“No, I have to go back and make arrangements for the kids.”

“That’s right, you babysit a bunch of brats.”

“They are not brats! They are wonderful children. And I am their nanny.”

“Which of those creepy halfsies do you work for?” Jerry kept stuffing his face.

“Hammer, and he is not creepy.”

Jerry almost spit his wine out. “The Cyclops?”

“He’s not a Cyclops, he is a Biclops halfsie.”

“I hear that he has a brain the size of a squirrel. All muscle but dumb as a doornail.”

“He is not! You will stop speaking bad about him right now or I will not go back to get the claim to the insurance company!”

“Fine. You staying?”

“No. Come by the GCFA ship and pick me up at eight in the morning.” Molly stood and started walking away.

“See you in the morning, honey.”

Molly didn’t look back. She really hated him sometimes. What was she going to do about the kids? She called a shuttle and waited for it in the lobby of the hotel. She also made a few calls.


It was almost evening before she arrived back at the GCFA. Molly had called Maya who was more than happy to feed the kids and to notify Hammer to pick the kids up from her suite. Maya also offered assistance with the kids while Molly went back to handle things with the insurance company. Maya’s grandparents were going to help her too. Now all she had to do was let Hammer and the kids know.

Molly was bone tired and nervous as she headed to Hammer’s suite. She hadn’t called to let Hammer know what was going on yet. She wasn’t happy about leaving and she knew he might not take it well. They were growing close fast. Maybe it was too fast. This time away might help them step back and make sure this relationship was what both of them wanted. She sighed as she opened the door and entered the suite.

“Molly!” Little Kate ran up to her and hugged her leg.

Molly picked her up and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Hey there, sweetheart. What have you been doing?”

“Nothin'.” Kate hugged her neck.

“What took so long with the lawyer?” Hammer asked from across the room. He was suspicious when he was notified that Maya had the kids stay over for dinner. All he was told by Maya was that Molly was running late from her meeting. But Molly never called him.

“I have to go back home for a few days.”

“Why?” Hammer felt an uneasiness build within him.

“I’ll talk to you about it later.” Molly turned her attention to the kids. “Did you all finish your homework?”

Lauren and Tomas nodded their heads. Kate shrugged her shoulders because she was too young to have homework yet.

“You guys ate at Maya’s. So now, it’s time to get ready for bed.” The kids moaned as they headed off to take their baths and get ready. Molly went with the girls to help get Kate ready.

By eight, the kids were all tucked into bed. By eight thirty, they were completely asleep. Molly put away clothes and finished cleaning up the kitchen. She was avoiding the topic but she knew she had to go over things with Hammer.

“What did your lawyers say exactly?” Hammer asked, leaning against the wall, watching her in the kitchen.

“It wasn’t my lawyer. It was Jerry, my ex-husband. He came to tell me about the condo being broken into and that there were damages.”

“You told me it was your lawyer.” Hammer moved closer. He was getting angry and didn’t dare touch her.

“I thought it was. It was supposed to be. My lawyer made the plans but Jerry intercepted. He said he was doing business in this region.”

“But why would he make you think you were meeting your lawyer? Why not just call you and tell you about the condo?” Something didn’t add up for Hammer.

“I don’t know why Jerry does half the stuff he does. Maybe he figured I wouldn’t meet with him in person otherwise.”

“Now you are going back…with him?”

“He says the insurance company needs both of us to take inventory on the damages and estimate what it will cost to fix everything.”

“Good ole Jerry, couldn’t handle this himself?”

Molly sighed. “He says the insurance company requires both of us.”

Hammer didn’t say anything. He just stood there staring at her. He wasn’t sure what to believe. He didn’t scent deceit on her. But his senses weren’t as strong as some of the other halfsies.

“Look, the sooner I go and take inventory, the sooner the condo can be fixed, then sold.” Molly approached him slowly. “Maya and her grandmother are going to help with the kids the next few days while I’m gone. I’ve made extra food and put some in the freezer. All you’ll have to do is heat it up.”

He looked at her angrily. Was that all she thought he cared about. “You are leaving with your ex and you think I am worried about the damn food?” He didn’t wait for her to reply but stomped off to his own bedroom.

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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