Read Guarding Light Online

Authors: Cate Mckoy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

Guarding Light (34 page)

BOOK: Guarding Light
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   Jack couldn't believe how explosive the sex was between them. He knew they had chemistry, always had. But, this was unbelievable. His heart had nearly stopped when he came. He smiled to himself. And, she was all his.

   Besides, the wonderful jiggle of her tits when she rode him so perfectly, Jack had liked watching his necklace jump in her cleavage, his woman, wearing his necklace. Wanting to cement this feeling, Jack turned them while she was still in his embrace, moaning as he slowly pulled from the warmth of her body's tight clasp and sitting up. "Let's open gifts."

   Feeling like a little kid, Catlyn sat up too. "Oh, goodie, presents." She clapped.

   Her enthusiasms was infectious, "You like getting gifts?"

   She smiled and handed him his small pile. "Love giving them more, but, yeah, who doesn't like presents?"

   Jack handed her two small packages and a large cellophane wrapped bowl, "You first sweetheart."

   Catlyn opened the bowl first. Inside were an assortment of chocolates and edible flowers, in the center of each flower was a chocolate covered strawberry. Catlyn sampled the chocolate covered strawberry first, taking a bite before offering the remaining to Jack.

   "Mm, these are good. I love chocolate. It will probably be my downfall."

   Jack nodded, smiling. "I got them because they remind me of your pussy, all chocolaty goodness on the outside and juicy pink on the inside."

   "Jaaaaack!" Catlyn playfully slapped his arm.

   "Whaaaaat?" He laughed.

   "You are such a guy." They laughed. "Oh, my God, I am never gonna be able to look at another chocolate covered strawberry again without blushing my head off."

   "Good, because I can't look at one without getting a hard dick," As if to prove his point, his shaft twitched.

   "Down, Stud Muffin, let's finish this first." Catlyn shook her head. "I thought men needed a long cooling off period before they could," She pointed at his penis, "You know, perform again."

   Jack shrugged. "It's different for everyone, depends on the motivation and the guy's health I suppose."

   "Hmm, nothing wrong with your health I see."

   He winked. "Not a thing, Kitten." Jack took the bowl and set it on the nightstand. "Come on, finish."

   Catlyn took the smaller of the two small boxes, slipping off its only adornment, a bright red ribbon. Upon opening the box, she gasped, covering her mouth with a hand that became less steady. "Oh, Jack, they're beautiful!"

   Inside were diamond studs in a square shape, at least 3 carats. Catlyn set the box on the bed and took out her simple small gold loops. With trembling hands she put the diamonds in her ears. She had tears in her eyes as she reached across the small gap separating them. Her fingers threaded through his hair and she kissed him breathless, looking deeply into his eyes she whispered, "Thank you."

   Jack roughly cleared his throat which was suddenly dry, "You're welcome."

   Smiling Catlyn opened the last box. She raised the charm bracelet. It was white gold with a diamond chip between each link. Although it was obvious more charms could fit, presently, three were strategically placed along the links. One was a tiny replica of her federal badge. One was her astrological sign, Virgo. One was what looked like a fountain pen. They were all made of the same white gold. The detail was very intricate. It was a stunning piece of jewelry.

   Confused Catlyn looked at Jack, "My badge I get, my sign I get, but, I don't understand the pen."

   He gave her a serious look before he explained, "Ever since I've known you, you have been consumed with writing. You used to eat, breathe and sleep writing. You wrote for the school newspaper." His look turned sad. "I think if it were not for the rape you'd be a writer. I just wanted you to have something to remind you of your earlier dreams."

   Shaking her head, she cupped his cheek. "Such an incredible man you are Jack Anthony Gard." She kissed him. "Mm, kisses that are superhero status. Thank you." She tipped her head towards his gifts, "Your turn."

   Jack eagerly tore at the first package. He wagged his eyebrows, holding up the boxer-briefs. "Dressing me so you can undress me?"

   "I was thinking about how sexy your cock is going to look in those."

"God, woman, you're insatiable."

"I am now."

   "No complaints here." He reached over and kissed her. "Thank you, sweetheart." He reached for the flat square package.

   Catlyn took it from his hands. "Do this one last."

   Curious he looked closer at the package before picking up the other. Opening it quickly he revealed an expensive black watch. "Oh, baby, this is nice. I will have to find a nice place to take you to dinner so I can wear it."

   "Not digging the bar and grill, honey?" She teased.

   "Not digging bringing my lady to a place where a possible serial killer is hanging around." She handed him his other gift.

   Jack opened it slowly, feeling the tension coming off Catlyn. This gift made her nervous. It was a copy of the Kama Sutra. One of the pages was marked with a Post-It. He opened it to reveal a paper pink heart with neat feminine handwriting:

My Darling Jack,

I want to thank you for giving back to me something that was stolen so long ago. Thank you for giving me my femininity, my womanhood and most importantly thank you for giving me your love and heart. Please know that you have mine.

Always, your loving, Catlyn

   Close to tears Jack lifted the heart to look at the page she marked. Jack drew in a sharp breath his eyes flying to Catlyn's. Huskily he asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

   Catlyn nodded. "I want you to take me in every way." Nervously she twisted her hands. "I thought we could start with a 69 and move on from there." She looked at him expectantly.

   "So, let me get this right, you want us to make love, starting with a 69 and finishing in the sunflower position with me penetrating your anus?"

   "Uh, huh."

   At her worried look, Jack laughed, "Baby, stop looking as though you asked me to have root canal without the benefit of drugs. No man in his right mind is going to tell the woman he loves no to any kind of sex she wants to try. And, I am here to tell you, I am not that guy. I will have sex with you, anywhere you want, anytime you want and any way you want."

   She threw herself in his arms. Her momentum carried him back against the mattress. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She punctuated her gratitude with kisses all over his face.

   "Believe me, Kitten, it's

   He liked having her weight atop of him. "So, are we doing this tonight? I think you might be sore enough sweetie."

   Catlyn shook her head. "No, I am not sore."

   Jack gave her a skeptical frown, before she owned up to her ache. "Ok, so I am a little sore." She reached up to kiss him persuasively, "But I am deliciously sore." She licked his Adam's apple. "Come on, Stud Muffin, make me more, sore."

   "Christ, sweetheart, you are driving me nuts." He rasped as he took her mouth hungrily. Remembering the small traces of blood earlier in the bathroom, Jack took his time, making sure Catlyn was relaxed and pliant and turned on. He prepared her anus for his penetration, first with fingers, mouth and finally with the lubrication Catlyn had set on the nightstand. When the time came he altered their position a little from the Sunflower Position so that he could watch her eyes as she took him in her ass. He pushed slowly, feeling the tight ring of muscles, he pushed harder.

   Catlyn gave a shout at his slow entrance. The sensations of the slow painful heat of his penetration of her anus warred with the wonderful tingle of his gentle tapping against her clit. Stretching, Jack took her mouth in an intense kiss as he gave a final hard thrust, breaching her sphincter muscles completely.

   She screamed against his mouth. He took her ragged breaths into his mouth. When he was seated deep in her ass he paused, seeking her eyes. "Ok, Kitten?" He whispered, searching her eyes to get the answer himself. At her nod, he pulled out slowly. "Fuck!" He hissed at the sensation. Unable to stop himself he picked up speed.

   The pain was sharp at first but as Jack started to pump in earnest Catlyn felt a tingle along her spine directly to her anus. And when Jack plucked and pulled at her nipples, teased her clit, Catlyn felt that whirling sensation, a prelude to her coming. She went over the edge when Jack thrust two of his fingers in her pussy and orchestrated the thrusting of his fingers with the thrusting of his cock.

   "Oh, God, Jack! Yes, yes." She screamed as orgasm overtook her and she felt Jack's hot sperm in her ass. His grunting and heavy panting had her pussy clenching in reaction, a series of tiny convulsions.

   "Mmm, God Damn, Kitten, you're gonna kill me with your loving." He laughed as he gave one of her ass cheeks a substantial smack. "But, what a way to go," He laughed again, pulling his cock out of her body.

   Catlyn smiled up at him. "Mmm, yeah, what a way to go," She was pleasantly weak. "I think I will just stay like this for a month while I recover from your loving. I think I am gonna be walking funny for a week."

   Jack smiled as he smacked her ass again and leaned over and kissed the sting away. "Mmm, baby, that was good."

   "Hmmm," Catlyn intoned as she started to drift.

   Jack watched her lids flutter close. "A sign your woman's been truly fucked well, she can't keep her eyes open." He laughed again. "Come on, sweetie, shower time."

   Catlyn shook her head as she tried to snuggle in the sheet.

   Smiling lovingly at her, Jack got up and went into the bathroom. He turned on the shower to a nice warm temp. He went back to the bed and gathered Catlyn in his arms. She snuggled against his chest and got down to some serious snoozing until Jack put her under the shower's downpour.

   "Aaagh! W-what the heck are you doing?" She screeched with her, now wet, hair falling in her face, obscuring the glare she was currently giving Jack.

   "Come on, baby, wake up," He pointed to one of the showerheads. "Shower then sleep. I promise. I'll leave one of my t-shirts on the vanity table for you to sleep in." Assured that she was fully awake, Jack left her to it as he went to the bedroom. He quickly blew out the candles, turned off the music, neatly piled their gifts on the dresser and took Catlyn's edible flowers and chocolates down to the fridge. Back in the bedroom he grabbed one of his t-shirts and stripped the bed putting the soiled sheets in the hamper. He went into the bathroom to get fresh linen. He put the t-shirt on the counter. Catlyn was drying her hair with one towel and another wrapped around her body. "Hey, babe, almost done?"

   She sheepishly looked at him via the mirror's reflection. "Yes, sorry about falling asleep."

   "No sweat. I just knew you'd be uncomfortable if you went to sleep with all the evidence of our loving still all over you and I didn't think you'd want to sleep in any of the wet spots we created."

   Catlyn blushed furiously. Jack laughed out loud. "Baby, you can't possibly be embarrassed with me?" With the fresh sheets under his arm he walked towards her. His eyes probed hers in the mirror. "Kitten, you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

   Giving him peeks beneath her eyelashes, she said, "It's just embarrassing that most of those wet spots are ones I made."

   He put his hand on her hip and kissed her cheek, winking, "That's because all my wetness is inside your body." She gasped, shocked.

   Jack turned, laughing, shaking his head at her shyness. "Finish up, baby."

   Excited about sleeping with Jack for the first time in his bed, Catlyn quickly finished her bedtime regimen, drying her hair, applying lotion to her body and brushing her teeth. Back inside the bedroom Jack had straightened the bedroom and remade the bed. All the candles were out. Just one small lamp on the right nightstand softly lit the room.

   Jack came to her and took her hand. He led her to the left side of the bed, pulling back the comforter and sheet. He waved her in and then pulled the covers over her as she settled back against the pillows. He leaned over her, his eyes glowing with contentment. "Happy Valentine's Day, Catlyn."

   Softly smiling she cupped his strong jaw. "Happy Valentine's Day, Jack. Thank you for making this the best one ever."

   He kissed her. Not a heated kiss or an overly passionate kiss, just a simple loving kiss. "Right back at ya, sweetheart." He stood. "I am gonna grab a shower. Go to sleep. You're exhausted. I will join you just as soon as I am done."

   Jack made quick work of showering and brushing his teeth. Even so, Catlyn was still out like a light when he lay down beside her, pulling her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, turning out the light as he whispered, "Goodnight, Catlyn, I love you."

   A slight snore was his only answer.







Chapter 13


   Catlyn came slowly, reluctantly awake. She didn't want to wake up. She hadn't slept so well in ages. Besides the expensively comfortable mattress, being in Jack's arms had given her a feeling of belonging. She was home.

   She stretched, feeling the twinges of pain from muscles she didn't know she had. Or rather she never used. She felt the slight ache between her legs and the more demanding one in her anus. But she wouldn't trade a single moment of pain for anything. Last night, Jack Anthony Gard had made her a woman, his woman, in every sense of the word.

   Smiling happily, Catlyn sat up looking for Jack. He wasn't in the bedroom. Leaving the bed she checked the bathroom. He wasn't in there either. As she made her way into the hallway towards the stairs, Catlyn now got the sense it was a noise or something that had woken her rather than her waking naturally.

   Walking slowly down the stairs Catlyn thought she heard Jack's voice. Glancing into the living room to ensure he wasn't in there, she rounded the staircase and took the long hallway to the kitchen. The closer she got to the kitchen the louder Jack's voice got even though he was speaking in a murmur. Catlyn wondered to whom he was speaking. He had to be on the phone. She doubted anyone would come to call so early. Perhaps it was a phone ringing that had woken her.

BOOK: Guarding Light
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