Read Guarding Light Online

Authors: Cate Mckoy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

Guarding Light (31 page)

BOOK: Guarding Light
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   Jack had also asked her to use her vibrator on herself one night. When she explained she didn't bring her vibrator on her job, he said he would buy one for her, he had asked the size of the one she used.

   Embarrassed she explained further that she used one about the size of a human thumb. When Jack asked, how she possibly kept a hold on something so small while putting it inside her, Catlyn had been thankful he was on the phone rather in person so he couldn't see her blush as she told him that she had never penetrated herself with a vibrator. She only used it against her clit. There had been a long silence on Jack's end of the line. Catlyn had thought they got disconnected. But when she called his name he answered with a gravelly voice. "Baby, I am going to penetrate you very soon, on Valentine's Day. I am going to be so deep inside you." He describe what he was going to do to her once he was inside her, then he huskily whispered, "Tell me you want that too Kitten."

   He had her in such a state she answered automatically, "Yes, Jack."

   "Say it again."

   "Yes, Jack."

   "On Valentine's Day, Catlyn. Say it." He insisted.

   With a voice gone thick with emotions she told him what he wanted to hear. "Yes, Jack. I want you deep inside me on Valentine's Day."

   "Mmm, I can't wait, baby. Just three more days and then you are mine."

   "I will see you early on the 13

   "Yes, my flight gets in really early and I am coming straight to you."

   She smiled. "Good. I can't wait either."

   "I miss you Kitten."

"I miss you too. I love you Jack."

"I love you back." And then they hung up.

   That had been last night. Now Catlyn carefully wrapped the presents she bought for Jack to give him on Valentine's Day.

   There was a knock on her door. Quickly she placed the wrapping paper and tape on the bed and went through the living room to answer the door. The other agents were standing at the door. They were all dressed as members of the community. Sanchez wore black jeans, belted well below his waist flashing his navy boxers, a T-shirt with NY emblazon on the front. He also had on the latest release of the currently popular sneakers all topped with a black leather jacket. The female agents were dressed in various tight fitting outfits, hair and nails looking as though they just left the salon. They all looked like they belong to the neighborhood. And, none of them looked their age or as though they held a government job.

   Catlyn waved them all in, pointing to seats around her living room. "What's up?"

   Sanchez sat on the loveseat, giving her a sly look. "So, you and the chief are going to be dancing the night away the day after tomorrow?"

   "More like making spectacles of ourselves for a nut-job. We will probably be the oldest couple there." Catlyn said.

   Mackenzie chimed in, "But, neither of you look your ages. I mean, Catlyn you don't have a gray hair or wrinkle to speak of and your body can match anyone in their 20s, in fact it's better than some of the 20 some-things I've seen."

   Jabaria added her endorsement. "It's true. I am 26 and your body is just as good as a lot of my peers. And we already established that you're a smoking hot babe." Catlyn blushed and sat on the sofa.

   Sharonda then spoke. "And, Chief Gard is very sexy and doesn't look his age, especially when he is with you. I put him in his late 30s when I first met him but the more I saw him interact with you the younger the man looked. And talk about phenomenal bodies, I'd say the chief's is right up there in the top ranking."

   Catlyn held up her hands for quiet as she saw Sanchez about to speak again. "Ok, enough. I am convinced Jack and I will fit in at the dance."

   "I will be entered as a contestant too with Tasha." Sanchez said.

   Catlyn rolled her eyes at Sanchez who only smiled and wagged his eyebrows.

   "I'm with the DJ." Mackenzie said.

   Catlyn nodded.

   "I am a waitress for the function." Sharonda said.

   Catlyn gave a sympathetic smile. "I apologize for your feet in advance."

   "I am one of the judges that will be tapping out couples to clear the floor. At least this way we can insure you and the chief are among the last standing." Jabaria said, then warned, "But, I am not the only judge that will be tapping couples off the dance floor so bring you're A-game."

   Catlyn gave a thumbs-up sign. "Well, it looks like we are all set."

   "Mackenzie, any closer to figuring out David Mathews' name yet?" Sanchez loved to annoy Mackenzie any chance he got. Catlyn suspected it stemmed from the many rejections he received from her.

   Mackenzie glared. "I am narrowing it down."

   "It's taking kinda long, longer than your normal time to work one of your nutty ideas." Sanchez poked at her.

   "My idea is not nutty."

   Sanchez blew out a breath. "No, I wouldn't call searching all the old title and deeds in and around the area for the last 40-something years nutty. I call it a waste of time. The guy is in the wind. He wouldn't have documents in any of his real or assigned names. That would be an invitation for the law to come and get him."

   Catlyn jumped in to defend Mackenzie. "And, what was
idea for finding him again, Sanchez?"

   Sanchez threw Catlyn a dirty look, the silenced lengthened.

   "That's what I thought. Why don't we cut Mack some slack?"

   Sanchez shrugged and Mackenzie smiled.

   Sharonda broke in the slight tension. "We're all headed to the waterfront to make ourselves seen. Want to come with?"

   Catlyn shook her head. "I am down there enough thank you. I have to wait tables tonight."

   "Ok, we will see you later." With those words all the agents rose and went to the door.

   Mackenzie held back. She waited until the other agents had left. She reached in her purse and handed Catlyn a small bottle. It had a pale pink liquid. "Here"

   Catlyn stared at the bottle not sure she had ever seen it before. "What is it?"

   Mackenzie smirked. "A Valentine's Day present for you and Dean from me."

   "For crying out loud, Mack, stop calling Jack, Dean."

   "Sorry, it's just too funny. The guy looks just like Jack with brown eyes."

   "So you've said. Now please drop it."

   "Ok, I will try. But, you know, everyone thought you were my lesbian lover and that you didn't find guys attractive at all. It's just really funny that not only do you find men attractive the one to get your motor running is the epitome of man. Sexy, muscled, intelligent and I imagine has great equipment and knows how to use it."

   Catlyn's face couldn't get any hotter from her blushing. "Fine, we established that I am straight, now can we move on."

   Laughing, Mackenzie tapped the bottle. "If you don't know how to use it, read the directions or give it to Dean, I am sure he knows exactly what to do with it." Mackenzie exited quickly before Catlyn could object to her using the actor's name to refer to Jack.

   Catlyn went back to her bedroom to finish wrapping Jack's gifts.




   Jack waited patiently to retrieve his bag from the airport luggage pickup. He had a tiring few days and he couldn't wait to see Catlyn. He had missed her terribly. It felt like months since he had seen her.

   Jack had decided to tell Catlyn everything. Like her, he wanted total honesty between them. Although he wanted to protect her from everything, specifically anything that could bring all her memories of her rape to the forefront, it didn't feel right keeping this from her. He had successfully solved the riddle of how they both could be telling the truth about J.T. Dark. And the answer had blown his mind. In fact, he was still reeling from the knowledge. He and a whole town had been duped.

   Now all he wanted was to explain everything to her, apologize for his part in her childhood being painfully cut short. Then he wanted nothing more than to get the man that had beaten and raped Catlyn Lyte, who had beaten and raped his woman.

   Jack spotted his one duffle, grabbing it quickly he turned and headed to the car rental booth. Just as he was about to get in the small line he spotted his contact in a far off corner, giving him a signal. Jack immediately changed his direction.

   Without preamble the man turned, headed outside to the parking area, directly to a black SUV. "Spotted your man completely on a fluke at a gas station and followed him to the Hilton Garden."

   Jack placed his duffle in the backseat and sat in the front passenger seat. The vehicle took off at a clipped speed.




   Jack stared through the high powered binoculars into one of the hotel rooms' window facing the back property. He gripped the binoculars hard until his fingers went numb. Clenching his jaw, Jack fought the urge to go busting into the room and beating the man within an inch of his life.

   But he knew he had to play it cool. He wanted this guy bad but he wouldn't break the law to do it, no matter how much his instincts screamed at him to just put a bullet in the guy's brain and call it a day. Under all his anger there was a feeling of betrayal. He had trusted this guy, forged a lasting friendship with him when he had been pulled out of that lake when they were nine.

   He pulled out his cell to call Catlyn to let her know that he wouldn't make it back to her for a while. He explained something came up with another high profile case. He asked her to meet him at his house this evening. She still had his extra set of keys. He wanted her to sleep over his house so they could spend the whole day together and they would go to the dance off from his place.

   Jack felt excitement and warmth when he heard her voice. Even through the phone line he could hear her disappointment. It gave him hope for their future because he also was terribly disappointed they wouldn't be seeing each other until tonight. He promised he'd get to her as soon as he could. In her sweet voice she told him she loved him and he responded with he loved her back. And he would show her how much he loved her.




   Catlyn clicked the end button on her cell, feeling disappointment wash through her. She was like someone on drugs. She needed to see Jack. But being in law enforcement herself she understood how at any moment a lead could pop and that needed to be followed. She understood it, that didn't mean she had to like it.

   Catlyn sat at one of the external tables at Rainbows on the Hudson, staring at the boats moving across the choppy waters of the Hudson, drinking her tea, thinking about Jack. Her disappointment in not seeing him soon was mixed with her strong feelings of love. She knew deep in her heart that Jack was the one. Had always been the one. From the moment she had looked into those jade eyes and saw his genuine smile, Catlyn had known they would be good friends. Catlyn smiled, thinking about her conversation with her mother last night.

   She had called to tell her mother that she was in love. By telling her mother those words she was letting her know that she was finally completely healed from J.T. Dark's attack. It took 25 years and one extraordinary man but Catlyn was finally healed. May Lyte had known right away, saying in her no nonsense tone of voice 'It's that Gard boy isn't it?'

   Catlyn had been thrown for a few seconds surprised that her mother had even been aware of her feelings for Jack. Catlyn recalled their conversation:

"Child, don't you know by now, you can't fool mama?"

"Not trying to fool you mom."

"I knew you kids were into each other as you young folks say these days."

"Mom, why didn't you ever say anything? And, how did you know?"

"There was never a need for me to say anything. That young man was very respectful. I never saw any signs of him being disrespectful with you or hurting you. I knew because you two could barely stop eating each other up with your eyes whenever you got within ten feet of each other."


"Don't 'Mother' me in that tone. It was hard to miss." Her mother had gone quiet and then continued. "I really knew he respected you when he decided to date the Dolson girl."

"Oh, yeah, that shows loads of respect." Catlyn was derisive.

"Sweetie, you were just too young for him at that time. He did the right thing by trying to move on. And from what I can tell, that young man is all about doing the right thing."

"Yes he is, very much."

"And I saw his torment when you were in the hospital and remained unconscious." May Lyte sighed. "He never left
your side. He even took some of my time by your bedside. I didn't have the heart to tell him to move. So I'd go to the cafeteria drink a cup of coffee before I intruded on his vigil."

"I didn't know that. Tasha told me they came every day but never went into the room."

"That's true. I'd come and see them sitting on the floor outside your door. But that was after you woke up. Before that, Mr. Gard refused to leave. In fact when he first bought you in he told them you guys were related so he could stay by your side and go to the OR waiting room."

"They believed Jack and I were related?"

"Let's just say no one wanted to call him on it."

"I love him mommy."

"I know you do dear. And, I am so very happy you are healed enough to claim your young man. I was so worried for my baby."

   With tears in her eyes she had finished her conversation telling her mom that she and Jack would visit her soon.

   She was gripped into a quick hug from behind. "You are supposed to be casing the joint before the dance, not day dreaming about Dean." Mackenzie gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, laughing.

BOOK: Guarding Light
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