Guardian Domination (30 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Guardian Domination
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My bottom was cherry red by the time I was let up. Even redder in the face from being held upside down. I pulled my panties up and glared at him. “You need to go back to school and learn how to count, Mister! You said you were only going to do double! That’s forty!”

“I did! Twenty for each of us is about ninety…”

“80,” Mark corrected smiling at Jace’s reasoning. Gayle elbowed him, also grinning.

“So it’s about 160 doubled. Just what I did,” Jace said happily.

Ben laughed loudly, looking at my face. “That’s what I counted, too. That was fun. I like your party games. Can we do it again later?” he teased. I did notice him rubbing his hand.

“Sure, why not. Now, let’s have cake!”

Sitting for my birthday dinner was uncomfortable, but I felt loved. Jace promised to get up early and take me to the DMV in the morning where I passed my licensing exam. Jace, being a spoilsport, made certain that there were rules with it. No borrowing his car without asking, curfew, calling, etc. And, no, I wasn’t allowed to drive his car to school. Ever.

I tried not to pout, but it was hard. Even harder was holding down my excited shriek when we pulled into the driveway and there sat a gorgeous little black Smart Car convertible with grey trim and wrapped with a giant pink ribbon. Jace looked very pleased as I thanked him and covered his face with kisses. The girls were in my car, of course, thinking they were going for a ride.

“Care to take her out?” he asked, handing me my keys.

I started laughing when I saw he had placed a little purple paddle on the key ring with my name on it. “May I? Oh thank you, you are too much. Do you think, well…”

“Go on.”

“I wanted to go to downtown Monterey. Is that too far?”

“No, but why?”

“There is someone I need to see. And thank,” I said.

Jace nodded, calling the girls. “Be home before dinner, okay? And call me if you have any problems.”

“I will. Thank you so much.” And with a kiss, I was off. I don’t know why, but this little trip was an important one for me to do. I parked my car in the parking lot and walked through the courthouse doors. Pausing, I knocked on the door that read Imelda White, LSW.

“Come in,” I heard a voice say. I walked inside and Ms. White paled, recognizing me. She slowly stood.

“Celeste? How are you? You look well.”

“Yesterday was my birthday. I’m 20, now,” I said uncomfortably.

She nodded. “Happy Birthday. How are things going with you and Jace?”

“I, uh…” I looked down, then back up with tears in my eyes. “I came to thank you. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and it’s because of you.”

Ms. White flung herself into my arms to hug me, her relief clear. “Oh, thank God. I was so worried I had done the wrong thing. I have been following your progress…”

We talked for two hours, catching up on what had occurred over the last two years and how Jace (and Mark) had changed the direction of my life. Ms. White finally gathered the courage to ask about the discipline and I unashamedly admitted to being spanked (frequently) and how it made me feel. Again, her face registered relief.

“I tried not to judge him… You know, social workers are always taught to approach things non-violently. I just didn’t know what else to do with you.”

“Ms. White, just for future reference, if the spanking is done fairly and with love, it isn’t violent or abusive. I’m sorry, but I think if more girls like me had men like Jace, we’d be better off. Wanna see my new car?”

She happily followed me outside, but not before we stopped to see the judge who had granted Jace the conservatorship. I hugged him gratefully and briefly caught him up with my life.

He smiled, patting my cheek. “So, a few trips across that young man’s knee definitely made a difference? He’s a good boy. I like him.”

I giggled, never thinking that anyone would view Jace as a boy— but then, the judge was older than dirt. He was sweet, though.

“I wish I could admit to only a few, but yes, he made a difference. Thank you so much for giving him the chance. Too bad the state wouldn’t allow him to be a counselor.” I laughed.

The judge chuckled. “Unfortunately, not everyone is as liberal in their thinking as I am. Actually, as old-fashioned. The best to you, Honey, and thank you for coming by. It means a lot when we get to see some success stories.”

Ms. White and I went out to my car and then sat for a cup of latte. She shook her head, unbelieving how much I had matured and blossomed under Jace’s care. She admired the necklace as well, not knowing, of course, its meaning. She did catch one thing, though.

“You are in love with him, aren’t you?” she asked gently.

I blushed, nodding.

She sighed. “He’s a good man. Give yourself time and see where your heart leads you. Don’t be afraid to follow it. I’m sure he feels the same about you, too. You both are good for each other.”

Jace was waiting for me outside when I pulled in, looking a little anxious. The girls, of course, jumped right into the car and waited impatiently to go for a ride. Jace joined us and as we drove around the neighborhood, I shared where I had been. Glancing over, Jace had tears in his eyes.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“You have no idea how proud I am of you. It took a lot of courage and maturity to do what you did. I never would have even thought of it,” he said, kissing my palm.

I beamed, praise from Jace was not a frequent thing, and it always left me feeling happily woozy. “If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be with you. I figured they deserved to know that. I also didn’t want them ever judging you or anyone like you.”

“My precious girl, let them judge. All they have to do is look at you and all doubts will be washed away. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered, meeting his lips. The romantic moment was quickly spoiled by two jealous border collies wanting to get into the action and laughing, we left for home.

“Like the car?” Mark asked as I hugged him. I nodded and watched Mark’s face as Jace proudly told him what I had done at the courthouse. Like Jace, Mark also got teary. He kissed me, holding me tightly.

“I am SO proud of you, Baby. You did good.” He sounded choked up, and quickly changed the subject, “I have dinner in the oven, I hope you two are hungry.”

“You’re such a good mom,” I giggled, jumping out of reach of his swat. Jace captured me, though, and administered his own.

During dinner, Jace informed me that he was taking me with him to Las Vegas to work as a substitute on a gig for a friend of his. He wanted to give Mark and Gayle a chance to be alone and also give us a change of scenery. I was excited, of course; I had never been to Vegas and even though I was still too young to gamble, I could still hang out with the musicians backstage and be immersed in the excitement. Jace didn’t even give me the typical lecture of how to behave.

We flew up in a private plane that next afternoon and were taken by limo to the Bellagio, where Jace had a suite reserved. He had me dress formally and led me to the showroom where the Cirque De Soleil was putting on a command Jazz performance with Jace playing lead guitar. After a brief rehearsal, Jace took me out to show me the city.

I was overwhelmed, needless to say. It was too much to take in at once and I found myself longing for our quiet, secluded estate and wooded property. I met Jace’s friends and coworkers, stayed on my most perfect behavior, and presented myself in a manner that Jace could only be pleased with.

I also could tell his friends had no idea how old I was, even when I politely declined offers of drinks. Jace watched carefully, approval in his eyes. I could only think, ‘good, no spanking for me tonight!’

The show was fabulous; I had a front row seat and watched everything with awe. Mostly Jace; I had never seen him perform before. He was amazing; lost in the music and stroking the neck of his guitar like it were a lover. He was a beautiful piece of art to behold. The show was based on improvisation—music and dance—and Jace immersed himself in the joy that was his music.

The other musicians, drawn to his call, followed him like they had played together all their lives. I felt tears coming to my eyes as the sound rippled through the air, touching my heart with passion. Even the performers paused at certain moments, caught up in the spontaneous melody. It was pure magic, earning a standing ovation and encore request three times.

I met Jace backstage and hugged him tightly. “It was amazing. So beautiful. Thank you for letting me come,” I said.

He kissed my lips briefly before hugging me back. “I’m glad you liked it. I think we had a good response.” He was so humble. He knew he was good, one of the best, yet he always played it down.

The stage manager came over and shook Jace’s hand. “You were incredible, Jace. The Bellagio owner asked me to give you this.” He handed Jace an envelope. “I also have these to give the other musicians. Thank you so much!”

“My pleasure.” Jace smiled, handing me the envelope without opening it. “This is yours, for being so good and making such a great impression. I’m proud of you.”

“But, aren’t you going to even see what it is?” I asked, tucking the envelope in my purse.

“It’s a little tip, maybe fifty bucks or so. It was nice for them to do it.” Jace said, packing up his guitar. I looked over at the other musicians; by their reaction, this was no $50 tip. I peeked in the envelope—$300!

“Jace? Um, he gave you $300….”

“Really?” Jace looked surprised. “Well, it’s yours. Let’s get back to our room and then go out for a bite. I’m famished.”

Since I wasn't not used to these hours, it took more than a shake to get me up the next morning. In fact, Jace found it necessary to ‘motivate’ me into moving by yanking down my PJs and smacking my bare bottom while I still laid there in bed. Even squealing and squirming, with statements that I was motivated, didn’t cause him to let up until he was good and ready, and my bottom was quite stingy.

We boarded the private plane a few hours later, Jace holding my hand as we took off. “Did you have fun?” he asked.

“Very much. Thanks for taking me.
I behaved myself!” I boasted proudly.

“Everyone was very impressed with the ‘lady friend’ I brought with me. They commented on your exquisite manners, carriage, and ability to converse in many different venues. I think you might be a wonderful pleasure slave one day,” he stated.

I elbowed him. “Hah, hah, very funny. Be serious. Did they like me?”

“I am serious. If you choose to keep me, that is how I will train you. But that means that you are mine and you will never be shared with anyone else.”

“I’d… I’d really like that. And of course I choose to keep you,” I said, my voice trembling at his bold comment, “Jace?”

“Yes, Babe?”

“Is it normal for subbys to want to play, even if it hurts?’

“Of course. Why, you in the mood?” he grinned, grabbing my wrist.

“Not here!” I hissed. “I was just asking a question.”

“I suspect that’s why you get yourself into so much trouble. You can’t yet bring yourself to ask for what you think you want. Just like sexual pleasure, you must learn to ask without fear or shame. I would never laugh at you,” Jace commented, flipping through a magazine.

“I can’t very well come to you and ask to be spanked for no reason. Plus, it hurts. The fantasy is so much better than the reality.”

“That’s always the case. I need to ask you a personal question, and I need you to be totally honest. Are you starting to get sexually stimulated when you’re spanked?”

“Um… Yeah,” I said quietly. “Are you?”

“Of course, but I have the ability to control that part of me,” he said carefully. “I just believed that it would be inappropriate to act on it just yet.”

“Ben does,” I giggled. “He got a major woody on my birthday.”

“Be nice to the poor guy. He’s a red-blooded male and your bottom is a great one to smack,” Jace teased. “So great that I think I’m going to have a go at it when we get home.”

“But, I’ve been so good!” I protested. I did NOT like the gleam in his eye.

“You don’t have a choice. You’ve been collared now. It’s for my pleasure,” Jace stated.

I slapped his arm. “Isn’t this supposed to be consensual?” I demanded.

Jace raised an eyebrow. “Are you telling me it’s not? Just remember, there is a line between discipline and pleasure. You may not always be able to tell the difference, but I will. And that’s all that matters.”

Part of me trembled with the idea of the play, the other dreaded it. Jace was watching my struggle, a sardonic smile plastered on his face. “Having second thoughts?” he asked.

I nodded, then shook my head, then nodded again.

He just laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll live through it.”

“Asshole,” I whispered.

He heard it, raising an eyebrow. “Yep, you’re gonna get it for that. I think I see how things will be going. You don’t fool me for an instant.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you names,” I whispered shamefully.

“Oh, it doesn’t bother me. Not as much as it’s gonna bother you, anyway. Love you.” He smiled.

Jace did not hesitate for a moment after we exited the plane and got to the car. He opened the back door and gestured for me to get in. “Come on now, you know what to do,” he said firmly, patting his lap. Reluctantly, I positioned myself across it, my head close to the floor and trying to support myself with the seat. I held my breath as Jace slowly lifted my skirt and skimmed down my panties. I felt a cold rush of air over my exposed bottom before he placed his hand on it.

“Now, what did you call me?”

“An asshole. I’m sorry,” I whimpered.

“You will be, I promise.” His hand landed with a loud smack across my bottom and I gasped. “It isn’t very respectful now, is it?” Another smack fell, then another.

“No, Sir, I’m sorry!” I whimpered, unable to struggle due to lack of room. He “uh-huhed” me and launched his assault against my poor backside, making certain to cover every inch plus with heavy, sharp spanks. I fought back the tears and continued to plead for mercy as it started to really hurt.

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