Guardian Domination (29 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Guardian Domination
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The phone rang a little later. It was Jace. “Hey sweetie, how’s everything?”

“Fine… I , uh…”

“Hey Jace, it’s Ben.” He yanked the phone from my hand, vaguely explained my chills and asked what needed to be done before returning it to me.

“I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, Honey. Will you be okay with Ben until I get home?” Jace asked with concern.

“Yes, Sir. It’s my fault,” I admitted quietly, telling him the details of what happened.

Jace was silent for a moment. “I knew I should have spanked you before I left— if anything, just to remind you to behave. And to make it uncomfortable to ride. Well, we’ll get you better first then discuss this. I have my cell so call me if you get worse. You can always call Dr. Parker if you need to, okay? Just take the Tylenol and try to get some rest.”

“Yes, Sir. Are you angry with me?” I felt like crying, I was so miserable.

“No, of course not. I just don’t like you feeling bad. Can I get anything for you on the way home?”

“No, just you. I miss you.”

“Miss you too, Love. Feel better, okay? And thank Ben for me. I owe him.”

I hate being sick and started to cry after hanging up the phone. Ben held me close, stroking my hot face and trying to soothe me. I fell asleep on Ben’s lap and found myself in my own bed the following morning. Groaning, I made my way to Jace’s room, climbed into his big bed and was still there when he got home that afternoon.

“Hey, Baby,” he whispered, stroking my face, “How are you feeling? You’re burning up.”

“She’s stubborn, Jace. She didn’t want to take the Tylenol,” Ben snitched. “She’s a terrible patient.”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry, Buddy. Didn’t mean to put you in this situation,” Jace sighed, going to the bathroom for the medicine. “I really appreciate you being here. I owe you.”

“No problem. I just wish I would have known the restrictions. Not happy with her right now.” Ben frowned.

I stuck my tongue out at him. I swear, he was more like Jace every time I saw him!

“Stop it, Celeste. Take this and don’t argue,” Jace ordered. He turned as Mark entered the room.

“How’s it going? Are you any better?” Mark asked, joining Jace on the bed next to me.

I shook my head. “My head is pounding and these two are yelling at me.”

“Stop whining,” Jace ordered.

Mark grinned, patting my hand. “I’m sure they aren’t yelling. Can I get anything for you?”

“Sympathy would be nice.”

“My, aren’t we grumpy? I know you’ve been getting plenty of sympathy, Brat. How about if I make you some soup?”

“'Kay. Thanks.” I was grumpy, that was for sure. I just wanted to be held and loved on, not lectured.

“I’m going to call Dr. Parker to see if there is anything else we can do and then I’m going to run to the store,” Jace announced.

Mark was bringing up the soup when Jace returned, Ben in tow. “I’ll take that to her,” Jace said, taking the bowl. He found me balled up in bed, crying pitifully. As hard and tough as Jace can be, there is a side that is so incredibly tender. He gently massaged my aching joints and put cool washcloths on my face. He finally just held me in his arms as he sat against the back of the bed and rocked me until I fell back to sleep.

“Don’t leave me,” I cried, burying my face into his chest.

“Shhh, you feel like crap and that isn’t helping. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

Jace was true to his word. He hardly left my side for almost two days as I fought the flu bug that Dr. Parker insisted I had.

Unfortunately, Jace’s patience as a nursemaid combined with my lack of cooperation as a patient did not work well for either of us. Jace had it when my final act of stubbornness included breaking the digital thermometer in half and demanding he go away and leave me alone. Upon Mark’s suggestion, he presented me with a new thermometer and, after pinning me to the bed, aptly inserted it deep into my bottom while lecturing the entire humiliating time about how to behave responsively while others were caring for me.

An elevated temperature and ongoing sore throat led to the appearance of Dr. Parker who, much to Jace’s amusement, also insisted on gaining a rectal reading. I fought him desperately and was stunned when he landed a heavy smack over my rump before telling me to behave like an adult and stay still.

I buried my head under the pillow as he held the thermometer in place and chatted with Jace about how to improve my condition. He confirmed Jace’s findings that I, indeed, was feverish and, after swabbing my throat, prepared an injection of Rocephin and received the fight of his life.

Mark leaned against the bedroom door, arms crossed and laughed as he watched the events. It took two full grown men to hold down one 110 pound girl, and both emerged looking worse for wear. I had managed to bite, scratch, punch, and pinch both before Dr. Parker was able to plunge that horrendous harpoon into my hip, and my scream nearly deafened everyone in the room.

Exhausted, Dr. Parker offered his condolences to Jace for having to take care of me, and scurried away. Jace snarled at Mark, who continued to laugh, wondering why he hadn’t stepped into help.

“Maybe because I’m not dumber than dirt. I’m not going to back a mean, nasty wildcat into a corner when I can just stand by a watch you do it. Nice bruise, by the way! Scratch?”

“Teeth,” Jace answered, rubbing his arm and looking at my hateful glare.

Jace suspected I started to feel better when I teased him about spanking me back to health. His refusal made me cranky. I came downstairs in my pajamas to find Jace, Mark and Gayle in the dining room playing Monopoly. Gayle didn’t look happy— they probably incorporated Jace’s rules to the stupid game.

“Well, hello, bed-head,” Mark said, standing up and hugging me. “How are you feeling?”

“Hungry,” I said, sitting next to Jace and starting to sort his money and cards.

“Go get your hairbrush,” he ordered. My mouth hung open. He frowned. “Do I need to repeat myself?”

“No, Sir,” I whispered, hurrying upstairs to retrieve my brush.

He gestured to the Royal Lounge and my stomach started doing flip-flops. He sat down and beckoned to me. Reluctantly, I laid across his lap and he and Mark started laughing.

“Do I have you trained! Sit on the floor, I just want to brush out your hair.”

“Jace, that was really mean,” Gayle said, sliding onto Mark’s lap, “I was thinking the same thing she was.”

“Submissives. I couldn’t resist. Sorry, Hon,” Jace chuckled. I wasn’t amused and even less so as he tugged at my tangles.

“What do you want to eat, Celeste? I’ll get it for you,” Mark offered, dumping Gayle on the floor.

“Anything. Pizza. Chinese. Steak. Burger.”

“Which one?”

“I can’t have all of them?”

Mark shook his head.

“I don’t care, then. Just no more soup.”

Jace chuckled again, smoothing my hair in place. “So, Kiddo, are you ready to talk about your little adventure?” Jace asked, pulling me up next to him on the couch.

I hung my head. “It was stupid of me. And Shadow was perfect until we got down to the water. I rode him back without problems. I really didn’t do anything that bad.”

“I don’t like you leaving the property without me knowing.”

“I know and I wasn’t alone or unprotected. I mean, isn’t the point of telling you so that you can expect me back and figure something happened if I’m late? And I had my cell. But seriously, I was already chilled before that. Come on, be fair.”

Jace looked at me closely, studying my face. I met his eye and didn’t waver.

“Next time, please let me know that you are going, okay? And if you can’t talk to me, leave me a message. And no more taking Shadow out without me until he calms a bit more.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.” I said, sighing with relief.


Chapter Twenty-Four

It's My Birthday!



In just two days, I would be twenty. Hard to believe, all this time that had gone by. I had completed my high school requirements and been promoted to undergraduate college level classes, and the courts agreed to allow me a driver’s license. I was talking with Cara on the phone when Jace walked into my room and plopped down on the bed. She and I were catching up with plans to get together during the summer again. Jace waited patiently for me to hang up and then tackled me to the pillows.

“What’s with you?” I giggled.

“Felt like it. Wanna go out for dinner? Just us?”

“Sure, lemme get ready.”

We had a lovely dinner, catching up and trying some new things on the menu together. Afterwards, we went to the beach and walked along the board walk, still talking. Jace had his arm around my shoulders, keeping me warm and close. We stopped several times to kiss, lingering in each other’s arms. It felt like I had been with him forever and I could not see my life without him in it. I loved it when Jace was relaxed; he didn’t allow his guard down very often and it felt good to know he could do it with me.

“I can’t believe you’ve been with me for two years now,” Jace said, holding my hand as we sat on some rocks.

“It’s seems like forever, doesn’t it? I still vaguely remember the first spanking I got!” I giggled. “That sticks out in my mind more than anything. You know, that woman was horrid.”

“You were no gem yourself,” Jace laughed. “I was so scared. I thought I would mess you up worse than you were,” he admitted.

I leaned against him. “I thought I would get you to throw me out in the first month. I was scared too. Not so much anymore.”

“What are you scared of?” Jace asked, kissing the top of my hand.

“That sometimes you still seem to see me as your little girl,” I confessed. “I’m almost 21 now. No more excuses.”

“Almost, but not quite. And don’t worry, part of being a Dom is always seeing his subby as his little girl, as well as his friend, lover, sister, and companion. You’re stuck with me forever. You know I love you, right?”

“I love you too, but I want more,” I whispered. Now seemed like the right time to talk about our future.

“I can’t give you that yet, for many reasons. You need to be patient, it will happen. In due time,” Jace said, holding me. Part of me felt thrilled, the other rejected. I understood, but yet I didn’t.

Jace caught my silence. “Sweetheart, besides our age difference, there is our relationship. I can’t, and I won’t, get involved with you any more than I have until I know we both are ready. That might be a while. You have to trust me. To push this before its time will destroy it. And I don’t want that for us.”

“Are you saying you will wait for me?” I asked, tears in my eyes.

Jace kissed my lips. “My darling, I will wait forever if I have to. There is no one else I want. Let’s get home, it’s cold out,” he said, pulling me to my feet.

I sadly talked with Ben the next day about the night with Jace. I was confused and heartbroken, but Ben quickly explained the quandary that Jace was facing and the confusion that was there for him. Even as far as we had gone sexually, Jace was not ready to cross that final line and to push it was wrong, and risked our relationship. He encouraged me to hang on and wait.

My birthday fell the day after Easter Sunday this year and the DMV was closed. To my surprise, Jace gave me a stunning diamond choker with a chevron dip in the front. From the tip of the chevron hung a tiny white gold charm of a Japanese symbol called a Kanji. I asked what it said and Jace just smiled, kissing my cheek as he placed it around my neck.

What I found most interesting was that Gayle had tears in her eyes as he did this. I was being collared? Next to a ring, this was the biggest commitment a Dom could make to his sub. I flung my arms around Jace’s neck, kissing him soundly on the lips and thanking him profusely. He returned it, then broke away with a blush.

Clearing his throat, he fingered the chain. “This is temporary. You still have to earn it, but we’ll wait for your next birthday for that,” he whispered.

Mark laughed, hugging Gayle. “Do you remember when you got your first one?”

“I was seventeen and you gave me a little gold choker with your initial on it. I still have it.” Gayle said. She looked at me fondly, “I always viewed it like a promise ring. It was very precious to me. That collar was replaced by this one,” she showed me her wedding ring. I flushed, feeling very accepted and finally being treated like a full adult. Until…

“Birthday spankings!” Jace announced. “Everyone gets to participate!”

“Even me?” Ben asked, rubbing his hands together. I sneered at him, knowing he was itching to smack my bottom after I had sassed him earlier that day.

“Yep, even you,” Jace said gleefully, ignoring my glare. He pointed to the couch. “Bend over it, birthday girl, and be prepared. Twenty for each of you, but I get double!”

“No!” I yelped.

This part of birthday celebrations was
fun for me. Gayle went first, smacking my bared bottom sharply twenty times. I merely grunted, more embarrassed than hurt. Mark was next; his impact was
pronounced. I forgot how hard that drummer’s hand could be. I fought tears with him. Ben’s turn. THIS was going to be interesting; I had never experienced his hand before. I screeched as the first blow landed on my sit spot. It

“Good job, Ben,” Jace praised. “Let’s see another. I like the reaction. It’s almost like you’re getting her for something earlier…”

He knew
! I wriggled and squirmed, trying to escape the twenty blows of Ben’s hard hand. No wonder Jeannie had wanted to go vanilla, this guy was
. Almost as hard as Jace. Well, almost, but not quite.

“My turn!” Jace announced, pulling me over the couch and across his lap. He began to rein spanks over my already pink backside, laughing as I tried to escape. I know he exceeded his 40, too; but he was so happy reddening me that he didn’t feel like stopping.

I finally gave up fighting and bit my lip, trying to take it. It wasn’t a punishment so he had no reason to make me cry. No, he was just spanking me because he felt like it. Now that I wore his collar, he was certainly going to show me who I belonged to.

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