Guantánamo (68 page)

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Authors: Jonathan M. Hansen

BOOK: Guantánamo
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Abraham, Stephen
Abu Ghraib
Adams, John Quincy
Addington, David
Administrative Procedures Act
Afghanistan; war in
Africa; slave trade
agriculture; colonial; late-nineteenth-century; of 1900s–1930s; of 1950s–1960s; planter community; sugar ;
see also specific crops
alcohol; naval base life and; Prohibition; rum-running operations
Alford, Zeb
Alien Migrant Interdiction Operation (AMIO)
al Qaeda; prisoners
al-Qahtani, Mohammed; interrogation and torture of
al-Rabiah, Fouad Mahmoud
American Federation of Labor
American Revolution
Anderson, Jack
Andy Griffith Show, The
annexation debate
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand
Army Field Manual
Assange, Julian
Atkins, Edwin
Atlantic Monthly
Auténtico Party
Avril, Prosper
Baccus, Rick
Barron, David
Barrows, John Henry
Batista, Fulgencio
Bay of Pigs invasion
Beaupré, A. M.
Belcher, Jonathan
Beveridge, Albert
Billard, Jules
bin Laden, Osama
black Cubans; discrimination against; of 1900s–1930s; revolt; slavery
Black Hawk
black market
Blackmun, Harry
Blanco y Erenas, Ramón
Boston Herald
Boston Journal
Boumediene v. Bush
Bourbon monarchy
Bowman, Spike
Brant, David
Breckenridge, Joseph C.
Brook, Thomas
Brooke, John
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, James
Buehlman, Victor
Buehn, Robert A.
Bulkeley, John D.
Burke, Arleigh
Burleson, William
Bush, George H. W.; Haitian refugee policy; Kennebunkport Order
Bush, George W.: arrogant, go-it-alone style of; Geneva policy; interrogation and torture policy ; post-9/11 Guantánamo policy; Torture Memo
Caimanera; life on naval base; prostitution;
see also
Guantánamo naval base
Cajigal, Francisco
Camp Bulkeley; riots
Camp Delta; cages; religion abused at; torture techniques
Camp McCalla
Campos y Antón, Arsenio Martínez
camps, refugee; riots
Camp 7,
Camp X-Ray
Canning, George
Carmichael, William
Carpenter, Frank
Carter, Jimmy
Casimiroid people
Castellanos, Gerardo
Castillo, Leonel J.
Castro, Fidel; Cuban Missile Crisis; Kennedy's operations against; Mariel Boatlift and; refugees and; regime of; resistance movement; rise to power,
; water fight with naval base
Castro, Raúl; kidnapping of U.S. Marines
Cayman Trench
Cédras, Raoul
Central America
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); covert operations in Cuba; Cuban Missile Crisis
Cervera y Topete, Pascual
Céspedes, Carlos Manuel de
Chambers, Elizabeth
character, Cuban
Cheney, Dick
Chertoff, Michael
Chibás, Eduardo
Chicago Tribune
China; labor
civil war
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill; Haitian refugee policy
Cochrane, Henry Clay
Cold War
colonial America; introduced to Guantánamo; Revolution; sugar industry and;
see also specific colonies
colonization; British; French; Spanish
Columbus, Christopher; discovery of Guantánamo Bay
Combatant Status Review Tribunals (CSRTs)
communism; gun running; Haiti and; of 1950s–1960s; resistance movement; Soviet
Communist Party
commuters; firing of
Conrad, Joseph
Conseil National de Gouvernement (CNG)
constitution, Cuban
Convention Against Torture
Cooke, Charles M.
Corey, Herbert; article on Guantánamo naval base
Costa Rica
Crane, Stephen
Crawford, Susan
Crittenden, William
Cuba,; “Africanization” of; aftermath of Spanish-American War; annexation debate; anti-Americanism; Batista government; Bay of Pigs invasion; British interests in; British occupation of 1762–1763, ;
character; Cold War; colonization of; Communism; constitution; Cuban Missile Crisis; Cuban refugees; discovered by Columbus; of early to mid nineteenth century; of early nineteenth century; of early twentieth century; economic expansion; of eighteenth century; of fifteenth century; filibustering plans for; formation of independent government; gun running; Haitian refugee problem; imperial competition for; imperial reform and economic expansion; independence; Kennedy's operations against; of late nineteenth century; lawlessness; Mopox Commission; of 1900s–1930s; of 1940s, ; of 1950s–1960s; of 1970s–1980s; of 1990s, ; prehistoric; prostitution; racial conflagration; resistance movement; rise of Havana; of seventeenth century; of sixteenth century; slave trade; -Soviet relations; Spanish-American War; as Spanish colony; sugar ; Ten Years' War; Twenty-sixth of July movement; War of Jenkins' Ear; War of Independence; as welfare state; World War II and;
see also
U.S.-Cuban relations
Cuban American Bar Association, Inc. v. Christopher
Cuban Army; civil war; Spanish-American War
Cuban Committee on Relations
Cuban Constitutional Convention
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Revolution
Cuban Revolutionary Party
Cuban War of Independence
Cuzco Well
Davis, Jefferson
Deer, Lorenzo Salomon
Delany, Martin
Dennison, Robert
Detainee Treatment Act (DTA)
Días Ane, Higinio
Díaz de Priego, Baltasar
disease; HIV-positive refugees; Vector Control; venereal
Dobbs, Michael
Dominican Republic; U.S. occupation of
Drake, John
Dulles, Allen W.
Dulles, John Foster
Dunlavey, Michael
Dunphy, William
Dupuy de Lôme, Enrique
Duvalier, François; rise to power
Duvalier, Jean-Claude
Economic Society of Friends of the Country
economy; barter; colonial; free market; expansion; late-nineteenth-century; naval base; of 1900s–1930s; of 1950s–1960s; post–Ten Years' War; slave; War of Independence and
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Ellis, R. B.
enhanced interrogation techniques
Escario, Federico
Estenoz, Evaristo
Estrada y Palma, Tomás
Europe; Hungarian Revolution; Jewish refugees; War of Jenkins' Ear; World War I, ;
see also specific countries
eye gnats
Faulk, Roland
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Ferdinand, King of Aragon
Filipino labor
Fillmore, Millard
Fisherman's Point
Fitzugh, George
Fleet Training Group
flora and fauna
Florida; as British colony; Haitian refugee problem; Mariel Boatlift
Florida Straits
Fort Dimanche
France; colonization
Franco-Prussian War
Franklin, Benjamin
García, Calixto
Garvey, Michael
Garwood, Walter
Gates, Robert
Geneva Conventions; Guantánamo and
Geneva Memo
Germany; World War I, ; World War II,
Gibbs, John Blair
git' mo'
Gleason, S. Everett
Godoy, Manuel
Goldwater, Barry
Gómez, José Miguel
Gómez, Juan Gualberto
Gómez, Máximo
Gonzalez, Alberto
Goodrich, Caspar F.
Gourgue, Gérard
government; Batista; Castro; Cold War; formation of independent government; of 1900s–1930s; of 1940s, ; of 1950s–1960s; revolutionary
Grau, Ramón
Great Britain; American Revolution and; colonization; interests in Cuba; slave trade and; Spanish-American War and; War of Jenkins' Ear
Great Depression
Grenquist, Peter
Guantánamo Basin
Guantánamo Bay; aftermath of Spanish-American War; Bay of Pigs invasion; beginnings of garrisoned city; British interests in; Cold War; colonial Americans introduced to; Cuban Missile Crisis; discovered by Columbus; early-mid nineteenth century; early nineteenth century; early twentieth century; eighteenth century; fifteenth century; fortifications; future of; habeas rights; Haitian refugee problem; late nineteenth century; Mopox Commission; of 1900s–1930s; of 1940s, ; of 1950s–1960s; of 1970s–1980s; of 1990s, ; Operation GTMO; post-9/11; prehistoric; prostitution; racial stratification; refugee camps; seventeenth century; sixteenth century; Spanish-American War; as Spanish colony ; trade winds; transformation into a naval base; twentieth-century ambiguous legal status of; Twenty-sixth of July movement; of 2000s, ; underdevelopment of basin and bay; U.S. occupation of; used to deny constitutional protections to detainees; War of Independence; War of Jenkins' Ear; World War II, ;
see also
Guantánamo naval base; Guantánamo prison camp; U.S.-Cuban relations
Guantánamo City; fleet business; prostitution
Guantánamo naval base; alcohol and sex; American impunity at; Bay of Pigs invasion; covert operations contemplated from; “credible fear” hearings; Cuban Missile Crisis; debate; economy; fear of Cuban attack on; funding; future of; gun running out of; Haitian refugee problem; housing; labor relations on; life on; Mayberry myth; minimum pillar; of 1900s–1930s; of 1950s–1960s; 1958 kidnapping of U.S. Marines; of 1970s–1980s; of 1990s, ; Operation GTMO; petty crime and torture; Platt Amendment; post-9/11 policy; press on; prostitution; racial divisions; recreation; society; transformation into a prison; Twenty-sixth of July movement; of 2000s, ; used to deny constitutional protections to detainees; water fight; wives; World War II,
Guantánamo prison camp,
; construction; CSRT system; detainees' transfer to; enhanced interrogation techniques ; fake interrogations for visiting VIPs; first detainees; Geneva Conventions and; Geneva Memo; habeas rights; handcuffing and leg-shackling procedures; interrogation and torture policy ; naval base transformation into; post-9/11 detainee operations; religion abused at; Supreme Court rulings on; Torture Memo
Guantánamo River
Guantánamo Sugar Company
Guatemala; Cuban exiles training in
Guerra Chiquita, La
Guerrier, Frantz
Guerrier, Weber
Guevara, Che
Guiteras, Antonio
Gul, Awal
Gulf of Mexico
gun running
Guter, Donald J.
Guzmán, Jacobo Árbenz
habeas rights
Haiti; Aristide government; communism and; Duvalier-era; hurricane; immigration to U.S.; labor; of 1990s, ; 1991 coup;
prostitution; slave revolution; society; U.S. occupation of;
see also
Haitian refugees
Haitian Army
Haitian Centers Council, Inc.
Haitian Refugee Center v. Civiletti
Haitian refugees; boaters; Bush policy on;
ruling; constitutional rights denied; court battles; at Guantánamo refugee camps; HIV-positive; INS response; 1980s exodus; of 1990s, ; Operation GTMO; racism and;
St. Joseph
; torture of; voodoo rituals
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Havana; British occupation of 1762–1763, ; free trade; rise of
Hay, John
Haynes, William J.
health care
Helms, Jesse
Hepburn, Arthur J.
Hepburn Board
Hernández, Rafael
Herrington, Stuart
Herter, Christian
Hicacal Beach
Hicks, David
Higginson, Francis
Hildreth, James
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe H.
Hispaniola; Spanish conquest of
HIV/AIDS; Haitian refugees; testing
Holderness, W. H.
human rights; Guantánamo torture policy and
Human Rights Watch
Hungarian Revolution
Huntington, Robert

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