Groupie/Rock Star Bundle (8 page)

Read Groupie/Rock Star Bundle Online

Authors: Ginger Voight

Tags: #celebrity, #curvy heroine, #rubenesque romance, #bbw heroine, #rock star fantasy

BOOK: Groupie/Rock Star Bundle
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From the minute I entered the club I
was on the hunt. Lourdes was there, and looked amazing in her
leather pants and gold sequined halter top that draped low in front
of her own ample breasts. I tried not to make any comparisons
because there were really no comparisons to make. We were as
different as night and day. Instead I sat with Iris, Alana and
Jacob in the table next to Jasper and Lourdes.

From the smile on his face I knew
Jacob knew exactly what I had planned. He signaled for the
champagne as the bands started to play, and encouraged me to dance
right up next to the stage when Dreaming in Blue came

They played covers as well as
original material, and they included the 70s classic ode to
lovemaking into the set. Like in Philadelphia he would sing the
verse to each female down in front, of which I was one.

This time I sang back.

After the band finished their set we
were all off to a club down the street, with a private room in the
back booked just for the occasion. There were similar faces from
Jasper’s party, those influential in the music industry to help
vault Vanni into superstardom. He spent the better part of the
night schmoozing, with Lourdes hanging off his arm like a pretty,
sparkly bracelet.

Jasper took his leave first, and
this time Jacob went with him. Lourdes was soon to follow, giving
me forty-five minutes to get Vanni all to myself for his special
birthday kiss at midnight.

It must have been on his mind too because he
found his way to me shortly after her departure, and we spent the
twenty or so minutes dancing close while the champagne

With about twenty minutes to spare
he whispered to meet him out front as he said his gracious

Turned out “out front” meant a
hansom cab waiting right at the entrance of the club. I climbed in
and cuddled under a blanket and waited.

He emerged fifteen minutes later,
just after a light snow had begun to fall. He hopped in and I
lifted the blanket for him to join me as the driver prompted his
horse and we were on our way.

Vanni wrapped an arm around me and pulled me
close against him. “I’ve been waiting for this all day,” he
confided softly.

I looked deep into his dark eyes, searching for
any insincerity. “Don’t believe what you hear,” I heard Jacob
whisper into my ear. But all I could say was, “Me too.”

He reached over to brush a strand of hair out
of my face, and then pulled my glasses off to get a better look at
my face. “So pretty,” he said as one finger trailed the line of my

I wanted to make a snide comeback to brush off
the unfamiliar praise, but it felt right just to hear the
compliment. I graciously said, “Thank you,” with a

He bestowed that sexy smirk. “That
accent is going to do me in one day,” he swore. He had often teased
about my accent, and how it was his kryptonite from the time we
met. That and my “dangerous curves” as he had often described

Taking it all in now he seemed intoxicated as
he bent his head toward mine and the heat of his breath warmed my
lips. “It’s not midnight,” I tried to protest.

“It will be,” he assured. With that
his mouth covered mine for the first time.

Though we were chilled under the
snowy New York night, his kiss warmed me right to my toes. At first
it was a tentative, teasing, open mouthed kiss that savored my lips
until I was reaching for him, silently begging for more. His mouth
tasted like champagne when his probing tongue gently parted my
lips. I groaned as I surrendered to that gentle, sweet

We rocked closer together with the gentle
motion of the cab, the rhythmic sound of horse’s hooves muffled by
the lightly falling slow. The clamor of the city was just blocks
away, but for a moment it felt like we were caught in a snow globe.
It felt totally natural to make out with him even in full view of
the public, because in that moment it felt like nobody else
existed. There was no world behind the touch of his hands or the
taste of his lips.

It was so much better than any daydream I had
ever indulged.

His hand cupped the back of my head
and fingers grasped into my hair as he kissed me deeper in
response. With his other hand pulled my legs over his and pressed
me back against the cushion of the cab. My hand was in his hair,
like long strands of silk between my fingers.

He was breathless as we broke apart, and his
eyes never moved from my face. “Happy birthday,” I

“It is now,” he said as his hand slid down the
side of my body and then rested lightly on my hip. “I’ve waited a
long time to do that.”

My finger traced his jaw. “What’s the

“I want to do it again,” he said
softly, touching his mouth to mine, toying with my lips playfully.
“And again,” he murmured before another tantalizingly slow

“And again,” I repeated as I
brazenly kissed him back. It was his turn to groan as my tongue
slipped in between his full lips and he pulled me closer – as if
skin to skin wasn’t close enough.

The cab slowed to a stop and I
realized we were in front of my hotel. A moment passed between us
and all I could do was climb into those beautiful dark eyes. Again
he bent toward me. “Invite me upstairs,” he commanded softly in
between inquisitive kisses.

I felt the urgency of his body – one that I
fully shared. I could picture every moment from the time we left
that cab, the elevator ride up to the room, and each kiss and
caress that would follow behind closed doors. I could see the
enraptured look on his face as my mouth teased and tormented him,
to the very moment he’d enter me and claim me like I wanted, and
needed, him to do.

It was everything I dreamed, and it was
literally at the tips of my fingers. Everything else just sort of
melted away. “Okay,” I found myself whispering.

“Say it,” he commanded again, this
time stronger, with more urgency.

I fell headlong into his bottomless eyes. “Come
upstairs with me, Vanni.”

His face broke apart in his sexy smirk. “I
thought you’d never ask.”

He stood and exited the cab, then
held a hand out to me to help me down. He thrust some bills into
the driver’s hand and then led me into the hotel. By midnight the
crowds had thinned in the elegant lobby so we were free to snuggle
all the way to the elevator.

Once the doors closed he pulled me to him until
the front of my body was molded against his, with his hands locked
behind my waist. “You’re an evil woman to make me wait so long for
this,” he said as he bent for another kiss. His lips left me
speechless; all I could do was slip my arms around his neck and
kiss him back with pent-up ardor.

As much as I dreamed what it would it would be
like to have his mouth on mine, nothing beat the reality. Nothing
whets the appetite quite like anticipation. By the time we reached
my floor we could barely bear to break apart to stumble four feet
to my hotel door.

The minute the door clicked shut
behind us his passion kicked into overdrive. I was pressed up
against the wall and lifted up into his arms until my legs locked
around his waist. His hands slipped off my jacket until it fell
into a heap on the floor. Just as desperately he ripped the sheer
shirt over my head until I was in nothing but those curve hugging
jeans and my tightly cinched corset. He let out a happy sigh as he
looked down at me. “So evil,” he breathed as he carried me to the
bed, where we topped rather ungraciously trying to preserve our

He propped up on one elbow and his
hair fell like a curtain over his shoulder, tickling me on my bare,
exposed skin. Tenderly he traced a finger across my chest, over to
my shoulder and down my arm. His fingers linked with mine as he
bent down, hungry again for another kiss, as if he couldn’t get

I arched my back toward him and he rewarded the
action by cupping his large palm over my full breast, still hidden
under satin and lace. He kissed his way across my cheek to the
curve of my neck as he pressed against me while his strong fingers
finally explored my aching breast. Each squeeze and every flick of
his thumb made me crazy to feel his fingers against my bare skin,
his mouth against my hungry body.

I pushed him back against the
pillows stacked up against the headboard. He watched through deeply
hooded eyes as I reached around to unlace the corset. I lifted up
on my knees to unfasten the jeans and slip them over the curve of
my hips before I kicked them free onto the floor.

I lay back on the bed, and ran my hand along
his arm, bringing his hand once again to my body. “It’s your
birthday gift,” I murmured. “You should be the one to unwrap

He groaned as he leaned forward until he was
poised over me, and released the last few loops that held the
corset in place until I was exposed for him. My heavy breasts
bounced free and I felt the cool air hit my body before the warm
rush of excitement of how he appraised me. “Best birthday gift
ever,” he huskily declared as he bent to take one pert nipple
immediately into his mouth. It sent white hot volts of electricity
right to my core as he savored the curve of my breast with his
tongue and his fingers.

I gasped and wound my hand in his hair.
“Vanni,” I groaned.

“Say it again,” he murmured against
my skin.

“Vanni,” I said louder, more
decisively. He rose against my body to lie on top of me.

With one deft finger I unbuttoned
his shirt and slipped it from his body until we lay naked chest to
naked chest.

“I’ve dreamed of this,” he confessed
against my lips.

“So have I,” I admitted. Then, “How does it
measure up to what you thought it would be?”

He chuckled softly as he spun us
around until he was on his back and I was straddling him in nothing
but my underwear. I could feel him beneath me, under his clothes,
pulsating with need. “You tell me,” he said he challenged with a
suggestive grin.

I ground against him and he caught
one of my breasts as it swayed in front of him. I tossed my head
back and continued to torment him. He dug his fingers into my soft
hips as we continued our erotic dance with only two pieces of
clothes between us.

Just when I was about to remedy that little
problem, his cell phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He groaned
in frustration and tossed me onto my back. He kissed me harder as
if to ignore the phone that would not quit buzzing in his

I probably wouldn’t have complained had it been
positioned in a different spot, but as it was if it was an annoying
pack of mosquitos suddenly attacking our picnic. He broke our kiss
with a curse, and I just smoothed his hair. “You might as well
answer it,” I said. “They’re not going to leave you alone until you

“Okay,” he relented. “But remember where I
was,” he instructed with another sweet peck on the tip of my

He leaned back to reach into his pocket, and
groaned at the almost painfully engorged silhouette of his desire.
His desire for me, I mentally corrected. I tucked an arm under my
head with a satisfied smile.

His face became stern when he glanced at the
caller ID. He turned off the sound and put it on the nightstand. “I
can call them back later,” he said as he turned back to me. “Now
where was I?”

But I couldn’t forget the photo that popped up
on his phone as easily as he could. It was Lourdes. And she was
calling no doubt to wish him a happy birthday like any devoted

It was as if a bucket of cold water washed over
me, and I drew into myself as a result. Vanni took immediate
notice. “Andy,” he started as he reached a hand for me.

“You should answer,” I replied, my voice small
and hard. “She probably wants to wish you a happy

“Nothing so sweet,” he assured. “She’s probably
just calling to find out when I’m coming home…”

He stopped, as if he had said too
much. And of course he had. “You live with her?”

“Andy…” he started but I had already grabbed
the blanket at the end of the bed to wrap around myself. What a
fool I had been. Had I really believed that this night was mine to

“I think you should go,” I said.

“Let me explain,” he begged as he
reached out for me again, but I was already off the bed and halfway
to the bathroom.

I glared at him momentarily from the door. “Go
home to your girlfriend,” I spat, and then slammed the door behind
me. Once inside I slid all the way down to the floor to use my body
weight to barricade it should he try to force his way

Strangely, I wanted him to. I wanted him to
tell me that there was a misunderstanding, and he and Lourdes
weren’t serious enough to actually live together. It was a
hallucination… a nightmare. Anything but the stinging reality that
I was nothing more than just a notch on his belt, a conquest to
boost his ego while his beautiful girlfriend lay in their bed

In their bed, I thought again, with my throat
closing like a vice. Where they made love – something I very nearly
almost tasted, and my body still wanted to spite it all.

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