Ground & Pound (7 page)

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Authors: Emily Minton,Alexis Noelle

BOOK: Ground & Pound
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“Yes, sir.” She smiles at me, in a way that lets me know she’d be happy if I tossed Emmy out the door and took her home instead. She’s out of luck. With Emmy sitting across from me, everyone else is not even a blip on my radar.

She just stands there, staring at me, until Emmy clears her throat. “That’ll be all.”

“Oh,” the waitress mutters, turning and rushing toward the kitchen.

“Does that happen to you all the time?” she asks, looking a bit pissed.

I attempt to
keep a straight face. “Does what happen?”

Her eyes narrow as she leans her head to the side. “I know you’re not blind, so you had to have seen the waitress panting over you.”

I smile at the fact that she’s jealous. “She knows who I am. That’s the only reason she was acting like that. If I weren’t Kane “Knock Out” Travis, she wouldn’t have even noticed me.”

It’s not exactly the truth, but then again, it is. Women have always come on to me. I’ve never had to beg for pussy. Still, since I started fighting, they fall all over themselves to get close to my dick. I’m not stupid enough to think it’s me they want and not my name.

Understanding hits her green eyes before she blinks and changes the subject. “Why did you order so much food? Even with your appetite, there’s no way we’re going to be able to eat all that stuff.”

“I wanted to give you a chance to try a little bit of everything. Hopefully, you’ll like something. If not, we can do another late night Taco Bell run.” I think we may have to stop for more cinnamon twists, anyway.

“It all sounds really good.” She’s fidgeting in her seat, her eyes scanning the restaurant. When they land on the back hall, she looks at me. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

With that, she stands up and all but runs toward the bathroom. What the hell did I do now?


Chapter Nine


hurry to the bathroom, needing to breathe for a minute. I rush in, slamming the door behind me, needing to think without his intense gaze on me. Walking over to the sink, I consider how Kane affects me like no other guy ever has. He makes me want to drop my walls, which is something I’ve never considered before.

I look into the bathroom mirror, wondering what the hell he sees in me. Questioning myself, I look at my reflection.

What the hell does he want with me? I’m just a stripper he found at the club, not someone a guy like him needs. Am I just a momentary distraction or a fun time he can brag to his friends about? When it’s over, will I be the pathetic girl left behind?

While I’m still staring at myself, the door opens and a gorgeous brunette walks in. She walks straight to me, looking me up and down. She smiles at me then stops just a foot away from me. “You’re the girl sitting with Kane, right?”

“Yes, I am.” I nod, already having a good idea where this conversation is heading.

“You must be the new girl. I swear that boy has ADD with women. I haven’t seen a girl last more than a week.” She giggles, stepping to the mirror beside me and reapplying her lipstick.

Her comment cuts me to the quick. I can feel my eyes start to well with disappointment, but do my best to hide it. “Guess I’m the new flavor of the week. That would probably make you one of the old girls?” I arch my eyebrow at her, trying to play it cool, like I don’t care, like I already know the score.

Her eyes narrow at me before a smile crosses her face. “Oh, sweetie, you didn’t think he was going to settle down with you?” she asks, pausing to study me. “Oh my God, you did.”

She lets out a little laugh before sticking her lipstick back in her purse. “Let me give you some advice, babe. You can’t tame a wild stallion, and that boy is as wild as they come.”

“Whatever,” I mumble, not wanting her to see how much her words are affecting me.

“The sex is fantastic, though, so take what you can get before he moves on.” She winks at me then leaves, letting the door slam with a bang.

Grabbing the sink, I let my head fall to my chin. Just a few minutes ago, I was considering letting him in. How could I have let him fool me into thinking he was different? I believed him when he said he wasn’t like the guys at the club. When he offered to take care of Trey, I let myself believe it was a sign.

Now, I’m stuck in this stupid ass restaurant, hiding behind the bathroom door. Sitting on the other side of the door is the man who made me think life could be different. Seems he’s just like all the other assholes at the club. I shake my head at my own stupidity, realizing I’ve become one of the girls I hate.

I stand here in shock, tears filling my eyes. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Before I can make my decision, the door opens once more and Kane is standing there. My eyes narrow at him. “What the hell are you doing in here?”

He doesn’t reply. Instead, he studies my face, instantly noticing that something is up. “What’s wrong? Is it Trey? Did the hospital call?”

I shake my head, taking a step back. “Just a taste of reality.”

“What the hell?” he mutters, walking toward me.

I try to push past him, but he stops me, wrapping his hand around my arm. “You’re gonna tell me what the hell’s wrong with you.”

I pull away, trying to maneuver myself around him. “Don’t touch me. You aren’t even supposed to be in here.”

He grabs my arm again, leading me into the handicap stall. As soon as the stall door closes, he demands, “Spill.”

I cross my arms in defiance, trying to stop my tears. “I’m not telling you anything.”

“I’m prepared to spend all damn night in here, if that’s what it takes to get you to tell me why you have tears in your eyes.” He mimics my arms, leaning against the door in an attempt to block my escape.

My anger takes over, and I shove him in the chest. “I just had a run in with one of your many conquests. She warned me how you throw girls away like trash.”

“What the hell?” he mumbles again, grabbing my wrists.

Not giving him a chance to say anything else, I lay into him. “You must bring all your whores here, for them to know I’m the new girl.”

“You need to calm down and listen to me.” He tries to pull me closer.

Not willing to listen, I jerk away from him. “I can’t believe I fell for the bullshit you were spewing. I actually started thinking about giving you a chance, started wondering what it would be like to have a man by my side.”

He catches my hands, spinning me around so my back is now pressed against his front. His hands are holding my wrists, and my arms are crossed over my chest. He has me completely imprisoned. “Let me go.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. The only woman I have ever brought here before is my mother,” he shouts, tightening his arms. “If they thought I was fucking my own mother, they have to be one messed up son of a bitch.”

Part of my anger starts to slide away but not quite all of it. “She said you were a great lay, so I should keep you around as long as I can.”

He relaxes his hold just a bit. “Was she a brunette with an overdone boob job?”

“I didn’t notice her tits, but she was a brunette,” I confirm, my anger snapping back in place at the thought of him noticing another girl’s boobs.

“Her name is Sarah. She’s a model, or at least she likes to call herself one.” He takes a deep breath. “My manager set us up for a charity event last year, and yes, I slept with her, but that was a long time before I met you. I didn’t go back for seconds, and I never will. It pissed her off, and she took that anger out on you.”

I’m not really happy about the fact that he screwed her, but I do like the fact that he fessed up to it. “How about the rest of the stuff she said? Do any of your women last more than a week?”

“No, none of them have,” he admits, leaning down to whisper in my ear. “But, none of them were you.”

“Oh,” I moan out as his hand slips over my breast. 

“Nothing I have told you is bullshit. Don’t ask me why, but your bitchy ass turns me on. I want you, Emmy, just you.” He places a kiss on my neck.

A wave of heat crashes through my body, causing me to press closer to him. “Just me?”

“Just you, baby.” His free arm crosses over my chest, holding my arms in place, while the hand that was covering my breast trails down my side. “I am going to show you, you’re mine. Then, we’re going to go out there and eat all the expensive food I just ordered and pretend this never happened.”

His hand dips under my dress, quickly finding my bare pussy. “No panties. That’s my girl.”

His fingers tease my clit before dipping into my pussy, stroking me hard and deep. I let out a little mewl, and he whispers, “Do you like that, baby?”

“Yes,” I murmur, spreading my legs to give him better access.

His teeth begin to slowly nip at the skin behind my ear. “You are mine, Emmy. After tonight, you won’t be able to question that fact again.”

His thumb presses down onto my clit, while his fingers push deeper into me. “I’m going to own every inch of you.”

“Please,” I beg, not quite sure what I’m asking for.

Harder, deeper, faster, he slides his fingers in and out of me. “Do you want to be mine, baby? Not just for tonight, for a long damn time.”

“Yes, I’m yours,” I scream as he pinches my clit. My orgasm slams through me, nearly bringing me to my knees. Only his strength keeps me standing. “Oh...”

He releases me, and I stumble forward. His hand catches mine as he holds me up. “Don’t fall, Emmy.”

“I’m okay.” Straightening my disheveled dress, I try to smooth out my hair before looking up to meet his bright blue eyes. “It was all bullshit?”

His hands cup my face as he stares down into my eyes. “You need to understand that there will be jealous bitches saying stuff to you. They’ll try to get in between us, using every trick in the book.”

“I think I figured that out already.” I replay the brunette’s comments through my head.

“I may be a lot of things, Emmy, but I’m not a liar. If I didn’t want you, or only wanted sex, I’d just tell you that.”

“Okay,” I reply, listening to his every word.

“Do I want you again? Hell yes. In fact, I plan on fucking you a hell of a lot, but I want everything else, too. I want to try this relationship. It may not work, but I think you’re worth the effort to give it a try,” he says, placing a kiss on my lips.

My mind eases at his reassurance. I lean in, deepening the kiss, hoping that he realizes how sorry I am for blowing up. Pulling back, I give him my apology. “I should’ve never let that girl get into my head. I really shouldn’t have acted the way did. I’m sorry.”

Brushing his lips over mine once more, he says, “It’s okay. Like I said, you’re worth the effort.”

Realizing he’s right, a smile creeps across my lips. I need to accept that, in life, there are no guarantees, but if I never take risks, I will never gain anything. I need to step off the edge and take a risk. I’m ready to take that step with Kane, ready to give him a chance to prove me wrong, and give myself the chance to be happy. Hopefully, he doesn’t let me fall.


Chapter Ten


I notice the time and look at the kids training. “Okay, boys that’s enough for today.”

A few mumbles reach my ears as I reach over and stick my gear back in the gym bag. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back next month.”

I’ve been coming to Bright Futures for nearly two years now. It’s a group home for teenage boys. My publicist thought it would be good for my image if I did something for the community, and he found Bright Futures. Some of the boys and I put a new roof on the place and did a few repairs to the inside. I ended up really liking working with the kids, so I started teaching a MMA class once a month. 

Tossing my bag over to the corner, I watch as Emmy walks into Bright Futures carrying a plastic bag. This is her first time here, and I hope she likes it as much as I do. If we’re gonna have any kind of future together, she’ll have to spend some time volunteering, too. I doubt she’ll have a problem with it. 

My eyes land on Trey and Ozzy, following closely behind her. Both are carrying a large pot. Walking over to them, I ask, “Whatcha’ got?

“Emmy made chili for the kids,” Trey says, walking toward the kitchen. 

My brow cocks as I look down at my woman. “You didn’t have to cook. I always order pizza after class.”

“If you’d rather have pizza, I can take the chili home and eat it my damn self,” she says, placing a hand on her hip. 

She can be sweet as hell sometimes, but every once in a while, I get a glimpse of that fire I found so interesting the first night we met. “No, babe. I want your chili.”

“Well, then, shut your mouth and grab a bowl.” She lifts the grocery bag she is carrying in her hand. “Here, I don’t know where to put this.”

Grabbing the bag, I lead her to the kitchen and start passing out Styrofoam bowls. As soon as that’s done, I fill my own bowl and take a place at the table beside Emmy, Ozzy, and Trey. “You guys should have come for the class.”

Trey smirks at his sister before answering. “I was going to, but Emmy sent me and Ozzy to pick up stuff from the grocery store.”

Taking a bite of Emmy’s chili, I can’t keep a groan from slipping out. My woman can cook. “This is amazing,” I say, shooting her a wink. 

“Thank you.” A blush covers her face. “It’s one of the few things I can cook.”

Trey lets out a bark of laughter. “Don’t let her lie to you. Her cooking is the bomb.” He barely gets the sentence out before shoveling more food into his mouth.

"I don’t doubt it. This is good," Ozzy says, putting another spoonful of chili into his mouth.

"You should try her homemade chicken noodle soup. It’s my favorite," Trey adds, crunching crackers into his bowl. “She doesn’t make it unless I’m sick, though. Sometimes, I fake it just to get her soup.”

I laugh when Emmy looks at him with shock written all over her face. “You do not. I can tell when you’re faking.”

“You just keep right on thinking that.” Trey gives her a wink before taking a bite of his chili.

Taking a bite of my own, I have to agree with him. “If it’s better than this, I think I might be getting sick soon.”

"You’re gonna have to marry her, so we can eat like this every night,” Ozzy says, still shoveling his chili in. “Mom is an amazing cook, but all her meals come with lectures.”

The word ‘marry’ would have sent a chill down my spine before I met Emmy. Now, it doesn’t scare me as much. I’m not stupid enough to think we’re anywhere near ready for that yet, but I have a feeling it’s in our future. 

“If you marry Emmy, I’ll get to tell everyone you’re my brother-in-law.” Trey sounds more like a kid than the adult he always claims to be. “All the girls want me now that they know you’re dating my sister. They’d be throwing themselves at me if we were family.”

“Welcome to my world, bro,” Ozzy says with a laugh.

I let out a chuckle, setting my empty bowl on the table. “I’ll let you know before I ask her to marry me, so you can be prepared.”

“Just shut up,” Emmy says, looking at me. “Quit getting his hopes up. Before you know it, he’ll be telling everyone we’re planning our wedding. Just so you know, that isn’t happening.”

Leaning toward her, I place my lips against her ear. “Keep telling yourself that.” She shivers against my mouth. After having her, I know there is no way I am willing to give her up.

“What makes you so sure I’d say yes?” She arches her eyebrow at me, as if she is challenging me.

Wrong move,
I think with a smile. “You already said yes, over and over last night.”

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