Grid of the Gods (12 page)

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Authors: Joseph P. Farrell,Scott D. de Hart

BOOK: Grid of the Gods
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When the war began, Hitler the occultist realized that he needed the real thing, so he personally took possession of all the regalia of the countries that the German Army overran. From Vienna they looted the coronation regalia of the Holy Roman Empire from the Imperial Treasure Room. This wealth included the jeweled crown of the Emperor Conrad, a magic shield, two swords and an orb. These was also the famed Spear of Destiny… Although the regalia had been kept in Vienna since 1804, the Nazis discovered a fifteenth century decreee by the Emperor Sigismund that they should be kept at Nuremberg… From Prague, the regalia of the ancient Bohemian kings disappeared into Germany, and from the bombed ruins of Warsaw Castle disappeared the Polish royal treasures.

In appropriating these regalia, Hitler continued the ancient magical tradition of conquerors taking away relics of national power as symbols of their victories, for possession of the emblems of rule is traditionally believed to ensure the continuance of that power. The Emperor Napoleon I took the emblems of sovereignty from his subject nations, and the practice was continued in the British Empire. The magical jewel of the Sikhs, the Koh-i-Noor diamond, whose name means
Mountain of Light
— was taken from India to grace the symbols of British monarchy.

It is important to understand that this activity was not merely understood by Hitler as the mere exercise of the rightful possession of the victor over the treasures of the vanquished.

Something more was involved:

The ancient tradition of the divinity of kings also applied to their regalia, which were not merely symbols
but actually instruments of a magical technology.
By appropriating the regalia of subject nations, he believed that the magical powers of rulership inherent in the symbols would be transferred to him.

This belief in the divinity of Kings and the special powers inherent in their symbols of authority goes back, of course, to ancient Mesopotamia, and to The Cosmic War that was fought over the possession of the Tablets of Destinies.

While this is not the place to review extensively the beliefs of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures, it is to be noted that two things about those beliefs would have immediately caught the Nazis’ attention: (1) the belief that the ancient kings were chimerical human- divine offspring of a mingling with “the gods,” a belief well in keeping with the Thule Society’s belief that the Aryans originated from “Atlantis” and ultimately, off this planet entirely, and (2) the belief that the Tablets of Destinies and their magical powers showed all the signs of being a lost high

All this breathtaking Nazi “regalia collecting” was accompanied by an even more sinister activity: actual geomancy. As we shall see in subsequent pages, the buildings and temples on sacred sites, sites whose locations were themselves determined by arcane methods,

were specifically designed to channel and enhance those (Earth) energies to the exclusive use of the priesthood that owned then, for to possess these sites was to have control of the ‘psychic body’ of the whole country. In ancient times, the sacred layout of the country was held to be essential for the well-being of the fields, the
flocks, and mankind, so the government of a nation depended upon control over the country’s geomancy.

The origin of this Nazi interest in geopolitical geomancy was most likely Hitler’s geopolitics guru, General Karl Haushofer, head of the
Institut für Geopolitik
at the University of Munich, and university mentor to Hitler’s first deputy, Nazi Party
and occultist Rudolf Hess.

Hess, in command of the Nazi Party’s own intelligence gathering organ, the People’s Organization for Germans Living Abroad, or the so-called
division, placed his mentor Haushofer at the head of this organization. In this twin role of the head of the premier geopolitical institution in the world as well as having access to the party’s own considerable intelligence organization, Haushofer conceived of his grand geopolitical scheme. “His was the head which conceived of the plan by which Germany was to conquer the world.”
A veteran of the Kaiser’s General Staff, Haushofer was a military attaché to Germany’s embassies in the Orient including a stint as the military attaché to the German Embassy in Tokyo. There, he learned Japanese and “became initiated into one of the most arcane Buddhist secret societies.”

But that was not all there was to the general. While in Japan he came to believe

that the Germanic race had originated in Central Asia, and that, in order to preserve German superiority for ever, the Reich should expand to the east. This expansion should not only include Eastern Europe, argued Haushofer, but should encompass the Ukraine and Russia, Turkestan, Iran, Mount Pamir, the Gobi and Tibet.

The reason for this modern-day expansion of the Teutonic Knights’
Drang nach Osten
was for more than just
, an idea that also originated with Haushofer, but also because Tibet and Iran were also “places of great importance in sacred geography…”

This occult influence underpinned the massive research Haushofer’s
Institut für Geopolitik

He had long believed that Germany would give birth to a leader who would rule the earth; and astrological predictions had convinced him that this leader would accomplish his mission in an alliance with Japan. He often had premonitions, upon which he acted. He convinced Hitler that the Institut(sic) must find out everything about its enemies: strengths, weaknesses, impending famine, religious sensibilities, the personalities and tastes of officials, the morals and corruptibility of even minor bureaucrats, the views of opinion makers. To collate, sift through, and interpret all this material on every country in the world, Haushofer enlisted a staff of more than a thousand students, historians, economists, statisticians, military strategists, psychologists, meteorologists,
, geographers, and other specialists, working in Germany and abroad.

The researches apparently paid off. When, in 1938, the General Staff was worried that France would mobilize if Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, Haushofer assured them that it neither could nor would. He turned out to be right. He argued that Poland could be conquered in eighteen days. The military disagreed. They feared their armored trucks would bog down in the Polish mud. Haushofer said it was not likely to rain. It did not. The General Staff didn’t believe Germany should invade Norway. Haushofer prophesied that it would be easy. The military wanted to invade France when war first started. Haushofer urged that they wait until German propaganda had made its full impact on the people. He also dictated when the campaigns in Africa and the Balkans would begin. It was his idea that the Nazis make temporary friends with Russia, despite widespread anxiety about collaborating with the Communists. He wooed Latin America for its usefulness against America.


It is to be noted that among the types of experts that Haushofer gathered in his geopolitical institute were physicists, strongly suggesting that the Nazis knew there was something deeper to ancient geomancy than just peculiar alignments of structures on an astronomical grid. In short — and it is a crucial point to comprehend
— Haushofer was attempting, and in a great measure succeeded, in bringing scientific rationalizations to ancient geomancy, transforming it into the modern “science” of geopolitics, a geopolitics that had something to do with physics. There are other clues suggesting this fact, and we shall return to them momentarily.


General Karl Haushofer, Mentor to Nazi Party Leader Rudolf Hess, and Geopolitical Guru of Adolf Hitler


The upshot of Haushofer’s geopolitics, however, and of the Nazis’ more generalized interest in all manner of claimed occult “powers,” was that they were searching for modern scientific rationalizations of ancient legends and lore, and by finding such rationalizations, were attempting to restore lost technologies of power:

…Nazi occultists were deeply interested in all obscure manuscripts. They carefully investigated all the ancient archives they plundered in their rampage across Europe in a search for some further knowledge which could aid their creation of the ‘New Order’.

Amongst this welter of half-forgotten occult lore resurrected by the Nazis was the physical control of nations by means of the ancient science of geomancy which some call ‘earth magic’. In ancient times, they found, a nation’s most sacred place was also
invariably its seat of government. Possession of this sacred place, the psychic centre of the nation, meant dominion over it…


… (The) whole science of geomancy finally became an essential magical tool in the conquest of Europe.


Thus, the “lines of force” which German grid researchers had uncovered in Central and Western Europe were understood by the Nazis as tools to be “used as lines of conquest.”

But why would Haushofer’s geopolitical institute employ — amid its grab bag of meteorologists, geographers, psychologists, strategists and other specialists —

C. A Deeper Physics?
1. Ashlars and Engineering


The answer to that question brings us more directly into contact with the Earth grid, and the mysterious energies that may inadvertently have been tapped in the thermonuclear theurgy of those first h-bomb tests. In bringing down the thermonuclear fire of the gods-stars to the surface of the Earth, the scientists and engineers involved in designing and testing those devices were in fact engaged in a very ancient undertaking: alchemical architecture.

The conception of “alchemical architecture” — an architecture deliberately employing sacred geometries and numerology in an attempt to bring down to Earth the transforming powers of the heavens — is an old conception, and forms one of the pillars, pun intended, of Freemasonry. Those “transforming powers” however, are both of a purely
, but also a purely
spiritual and social
, nature, and the two, as we shall see throughout this book, are closely
connected in the ancient mind by what it considered to be the underlying physics of the medium.

One may understand the Masonic obsession with the
aspect of this alchemical architecture by a closer look at its conception of “ashlars.” In my previous book
LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy
I noted both these aspects — the physics and social engineering aspects — of the symbolism of the Masonic ashlar, and it is worth citing those remarks at length here, for they are now germane to the wider context of the geomantic energies that such alchemical architectures seek to evoke in the Earth grid by the placement and design of certain types of temples and structures:

According to Albert Pike, author of the Scottish Rite’s “Bible” of Freemasonry,
Morals and Dogma
, an ashlar is a symbol of the whole philosophy of the Masonic Craft:

You will hear shortly of the
ASHLAR and the
ASHLAR, as part of the jewels of the Lodge. The rough Ashlar is said to be “a stone, as taken from the quarry, in its rude and natural state.” The perfect Ashlar is said to be “a stone made ready by the hands of the workmen, to be adjusted by the working-tools of the Fellow-Craft.”… They are declared to allude to the self-improvement of the individual craftsman, — a continuation of the same superficial interpretation.

The rough Ashlar is the PEOPLE, as a mass, rude and unorganized. The perfect Ashlar, or cubical stone, symbol of perfection, is the STATE,
the rulers deriving their powers from the consent of the governed
; the constitution and laws speaking the will of the people; the government harmonious, symmetrical, efficient, — its powers properly distributed and duly adjusted in equilibrium.


It is to be noted that the context of this piece of Masonic ritual is understood to be a symbol of
, both in an unorganized condition — the “rough ashlar” — and in an organized, that is to say, a
socially engineered
condition — the “perfect ashlar.” This will be an important interpretive context in a moment.

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