Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler (69 page)

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Authors: Simon Dunstan,Gerrard Williams

Tags: #Europe, #World War II, #ebook, #General, #Germany, #Military, #Heads of State, #Biography, #History

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“Evita died of cancer”:
Fraser and Navarro,
“The Tyrant”:
David Crassweller,
Perón and the Enigmas of Argentina
(New York: W.W. Norton, 1987).
“I’m not superstitious”:
Tomás Eloy Martínez,
La novela de Perón
(London: Vintage Books, 1997). See also
magazine, “The Hemisphere: Daddykins & Nelly,” October 10, 1955,,9171,937225,00.html
; Charles Keely, “Peronism Still Strong in Argentina,” Copley News Service, Buenos Aires, December 5, 1964, reprinted in
The News and Courier
, Charleston, South Carolina, December 6, 1964.
“president fled the country”:
magazine, “The Hemisphere: Daddykins & Nelly.”
“move to a smaller house”:
Kristenssen (Manuel Monasterio),
Hitler murió en la Argentina.

Chapter 23: G

Heinrich Bethe and the “Lehmann papers”:
Kristenssen (Manuel Monasterio),
Hitler murió en la Argentina
(excerpted throughout chapter); authors’ conversations with Kristenssen (Monasterio), Buenos Aires, 2008. See also Chapter 18, page 223, and note, “Petty Officer Heinrich Bethe and Capt. Manuel Monasterio,” on page 316). At the beginning of Monasterio’s own book is a quotation from Pablo Glocknik/Heinrich Bethe (see note, “Petty Officer Heinrich Bethe and Capt. Manuel Monasterio,” on page 316 for more on Glocknik/Bethe) describing a funeral. It reads, in part:
“The men move thoughtfully forward, dragging with them an old darkness with memories of glory, of defeat, and of crimes. I watch them silently, from behind, removed, observing expressions, gestures, movements.… I am sure that when the pastor said his words, they all imagined a mausoleum in Berlin … a strong army, hardened and victorious, parading and bidding farewell to the pain of his death with clarinets.… I see them defeated, by the fear and the cowardly pain of having to [keep] closed and silent lips—unable to shout, to demand silence, and to tell the world: Adolf Hitler died yesterday?”
Capt. Monasterio recalled spending many hours talking with “Glocknik,” who wanted to tell someone his secrets before he died. The German sailor revealed details of the Nazi spy network in Argentina, the arrival of two submarines, and his life with Hitler “near Bariloche” until the Führer’s death on February 13, 1962. As noted, he also handed over to Monasterio’s keeping the Lehmann papers, apparently lost during one of many house moves since the 1970s. These documents, recounted in
Hitler murió en la Argentina
, detailed Dr. Otto Lehmann’s life while treating the aging Hitler as his personal physician. Intriguingly, one reference can be found to a man who might fit the doctor’s profile, in a genealogy site hidden in the depths of the Internet. This Dr. Otto Lehmann was born in Stettin in 1894 and later practiced in Buenos Aires. We have discovered no more about him, and anyway “Lehmann” may well have been a pseudonym.
“magical battle”:
For more on this supposed conflict, see
Gisela Heuser:
Gisela Heuser and Philippe Mervyn,
Adolf Hitler Mon Père
(Paris: ALE Impressions, 1966). See
Der Spiegel
, “Hitler,” July 18, 1966,
. Gisela Heuser, on the basis of a “confession” by her mother, published with her husband Philippe Mervyn—who appears to have ghostwritten it on her behalf—a book in which she claimed to be the daughter of the Führer. Mervyn was the son of a rabbi who had died in a concentration camp, and he met Gisela while carrying out research in Germany for his 1964 book
À chacun son juif
Everyone Has His Jew
). When the young woman told her mother that she was going to marry the son of a rabbi, Frau Heuser suffered a panic attack. “You can’t marry a Jew,” she protested; when Gisela demanded why not, she replied, “Because you’re the daughter of Adolf Hitler. Your father was the Führer.” Gisela left home, left Germany, converted to Judaism, and married Philippe Mervyn in a small town near Paris. In the book she writes: “My mother resides in Frankfurt, West Germany, and was as much against my marriage as she was against my decision to enter the Jewish faith. I believe she is still a staunch Nazi and is still in love with the father of her daughter. But I am of a sufficient age to judge my parents objectively and to decide my own way.” When last heard of, Gisela and Philippe Mervyn were contemplating emigrating to Israel. Her mother denied the whole story.
Helmut Goebbels:
The Associated Press, Munich, October 7, 1946.
Heinrich Bethe’s death:
Authors’ conversations with Jeff Kristenssen (Manuel Monasterio), Buenos Aires, 2008.
Bormann and Müller trail:
Robert Taylor, “Nazi Martin Bormann Is Alive in Paraguay, Says Israeli Ex-spy,”
Boston Globe
, July 26, 1971; also Farago,
, and Manning,
Martin Bormann
“There are two possibilities for me”:
Inside the Third Reich.



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