Green Broke Woman (22 page)

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Authors: Zoey Marcel

BOOK: Green Broke Woman
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“You know if I were to take a look up your
pussy, I bet I'd be able to see your G-spot glowing green,” he teased.

She giggled, and her vagina squeezed his
cock, eliciting thankful moans from both of them. God, he loved the sound of
her laughter. The fact that she was able to relax enough to find humor in the
darkness made his heart smile. She would mend. If it was the last thing he did,
he'd fix the poor thing and make her whole again.

“I think a man invented these things. That
way if the power ever goes out and his wife is bored he can be all 'Wait. I
have an idea. We don't need electricity to have sex. Behold, my glowing

Keith laughed, feeling a soaring sensation
when Kayla laughed harder this time. “Well, I guess I owe him a big thank you.”

Her tone became pleading. “Please don't stop
talking completely. A little bit is okay, but I
to hear your voice from time to time.”

“Okay. Do you want me to tell you how the
horses were doing last time I checked?” He groaned when her cunt slid down on
his cock and she began to pump him up and down with her movements.

“No, silly, I was thinking something more
sensual and romantic.”

He grinned, trying to come up with a way to
talk while focusing on the delightful friction. “I was just kidding anyway.
That feels good.”

“It does.”

“If you change your mind and want me to touch
you, just let me know.”

“I'm okay. Thanks.”

Her response saddened him. Worthless sons of
bitches scarring his lovely sweetheart—he'd kill them if he ever met them.

The thinner condom did wonders for the
stimulation on his organ. She moved up and down on him, making his cock tingle
with each slide of the foreskin and each insistent rub of the condom and her
pussy on his dick.

“Keith!” she shrieked.

Keith jerked his wrists, and the binds broke
off as he sat up suddenly. He didn't touch her since she hadn't permitted him
to. “What is it, baby?”

“All I feel is a cock moving in me. I want to
feel more. I don’t want to be afraid of the dark anymore. I want to make love
again. Show me how.”

.” His arms
ached to hold her while she sobbed.

“I'm going to put my hands on you, Kayla.
All right?”

“Okay,” she choked out through her tears.

He wrapped her in his embrace and rocked her
while she clung to him and wept. It surprised him when she started pumping her
hips again. He stilled her motions. “You're upset. We don't have to do this.”

“No. I want to. I need you to heal me.

He pulled her off his erection and pushed her
stomach-down onto the mattress.

“I'm here, little bird. Nothing bad will
happen to you.” He caressed his hand over her shoulders and back, making her
sigh and still beneath his touch. “You don't have to be afraid anymore, Kayla,
and I don't want you go numb to shut out the pain either. I want you to feel

She sniffled. “But I can't. When I’m not numb,
I only feel sick and scared.”

“If that's what you have to feel to get past
the numbness, then that's what we'll do. Beyond that is pleasure. When you
learn to trust us, you'll open yourself up to us and you won't feel numb
anymore. We'll help you through the pain and the fear until all you feel is

“Really?” she breathed, sounding hopeful.

“I promise,” he whispered into her raspberry scented
hair. She always smelled fruity and divine. “Feel me, Kayla. Feel every inch of
my cock as it slides into you.”

She gasped, and her body gave a slight jerk
when he penetrated her again. He eased into her damp channel, bearing down on
her small body with his weight. The heat of her soft, curvy form warmed him.
ass cushioned his groin nicely, and her
plump, meaty arms excited his exploring hands.

“You're beautiful, baby.”

“Well yeah, in the dark.”

He would have spanked her for the
self-deprecating remark, but this moment was about building trust, not
discipline. “I saw you in the light, and you're absolutely stunning. But even
if I were blind and could only feel your body, I could tell it was perfect.”

“I'm not perfect, Keith, but it's sweet of
you to say.”

He thrust his pelvis with ease, lazily
fucking his cock into her. A soft, feminine moan told him she liked his strokes
very much.

“You are perfect, Kayla. You're just too
blind to see it.”

His rhythmic strokes turned erratic, but her
needy whimpers exposed her satisfaction in his decadent throttling. The
tingling in his penis turned to a warm pressure. Heat suffused from the base of
his spine as the sensations intensified and spread.

He couldn't let her distance herself from
this. “Hold my hand, baby.”

She timidly took his left hand while he
guided her hips toward him and reached under her with his right hand. Kayla
wailed softly when he massaged her clitoris. The squishy nub felt as though it
had doubled in size. It became quite hard as he manipulated the stub toward the
release she deserved.

“Oh, Keith.”

“Don't let go of my hand, Kayla.” He rubbed
her harder and faster.

She mewled softly and kissed his hand several
times. The soft brush of her lips over his skin seemed to imply adoration. The
act reminded him of cock worship between a Dom and sub. Was she worshiping him,
or was kissing his hand merely her way of reassuring herself it was really him?

“Who's fucking you, Kayla?”

“You are.”

“And who's touching you?”

“You are,” she whispered with obvious

“I want you to say my name when you come.
It's not those men inside you. It's me.” He felt his muscles tighten with
readiness as his groin burned with fire. “Come for me, Kayla.”

About a heartbeat later her body locked
beneath him, and she convulsed helplessly against him. Her pussy clenched
around his cock with involuntary spasms of pleasure.

“Keith! Oh God, Keith!” she wailed,
succumbing to the climax before jerking suddenly and going limp beneath him.

Her cunt pulsed and rippled around him as she
lay boneless, trying to catch her breath. Keith drove into her more swiftly
now. His testicles felt as though they were being squeezed as the liquid fire
swept through his cock, commencing the end. The peak hit like a volcano,
erupting into the condom. He cried out as the clutches of rapture seized him.

Kayla's submissive whimper when he pressed on
her shoulder blade and pinned her to the mattress made him come that much
harder. He gasped and came down on top of her, thrilling at the dove-soft skin
that greeted his. She felt smooth and warm with lush curves and delicious
padding in all the right places.
His perfect little woman.

She still held his hand, but she felt languid
beneath him. He touched a light kiss to the sensitive spot behind her ear,
smiling when she shivered.

“Are you scared?” he asked, running his hand
all over her arm.

“No. Not when I'm holding your hand like
this.” She breathed a warm kiss onto his knuckles. “How did you know holding
your hand would calm me?”

“I figured the men who took advantage of you
had never done that.”

Her hushed tone resonated with tears and a
smile. “You wanted to give me something that wouldn't remind me of them?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

Something wet and small dripped onto his

“Thank you,” she whispered.

The pause was thick and heavy.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Kayla.”

He nuzzled her cheek and just held her for a
while. Healing would take time, but they would find a way to make her whole

Ten: Damaged


Kayla found it sweet that Keith took the
bullet and went shopping with her. She needed more clothes anyway, and it had
been years since she'd been to Fayette Mall. She set her purse down on a pile
of folded tank tops to pick one up from another pile she liked. She stepped a
few feet away, matching the top up to her and studying herself in the mirror.
Olive green always looked good on her. It brought out her hazel eyes and looked
well against her olive-toned skin, especially when she had a tan like she did

She glanced over at her purse, relieved that
no one had snatched it. She headed over to—Well, wasn't that cute? She took the
skirt off the rack and marveled at the way it matched the tank top she held.
When two garments matched, they were fated to be purchased together, she

She peeked over at her purse, noticing it was
in a different spot. Keith was still in the bathroom, so he couldn't have moved
it. Maybe someone had lifted the purse to peek at the clothes underneath. She
walked back over with her super cute outfit, frowning and panicking when she
saw that her purse had been opened. A sealed white envelope had been stuffed

She looked over her shoulder but couldn't see
anyone around that would give her cause for suspicion. She carefully peeled
away the seal before mentally “screwing that” and ripping the envelope open,
hands shaking with dread. Her blood ran cold in her veins when she recognized
the penmanship in the letter. Three men had contributed to this letter, though
the penmanship of one was unfamiliar to her. This had to be some terrible hoax.
How could they have found her?

She sucked in a shaky breath of worry and
quickly read the letter, too shocked to fully absorb the reality of the written
words in front of her.

Greetings, cunt,

Did you miss your bodyguard? I
thought so. I'm more than a little pissed off by your ingratitude, running away
from me when all I've ever wanted was to keep you safe.
Actually, I prefer punishing you. When I get a hold of you, I'm
beat you with the fucking cane. You always loved that
one, didn't you, bitch? I'm
fuck your ass
without lube so you bleed and cry. Fuck, I'm hard. Hurting you gets me that
Got to stop writing now so I can beat my dick around.
I'll be thinking of you, cunt.


Kayla's eyes welled and her scalp tingled
with fear. She didn't want to go back there ever again. She loathed the nasty
brutality of the cane. Sometimes when he'd used it on her she would've sworn he
would kill her with it. Other times she wanted him to kill her.

She read the next portion of the letter that
she recognized as Beck's writing.

Hey, baby,

You left me. I warned you not to do that. Now
pay big time. I want my fucking tape
back. I'm still debating whether to rendezvous with you for it or just to
abduct your plump ass.

hurt you, Kayla. Slade's
mess you up good. And
make sure you're degraded and fucked by so many
you'll never forget the slut you are ever again. And
from now on I'm not having the men get tested either. Serves you right for
leaving me, bitch. And this time I hope you really get a disease.

Kayla's mouth fell open when she read that
last sentence and had to reread it to be sure her eyes weren't playing tricks
on her.

That's right, slut. I fudged
your test results. There's no Dr. Smith at that hospital, and you never had
HIV. I bet you're crying all over this letter. Good. If you go to the police
again or tell anyone about this letter, your three cowboys might wind up with
bullets in their heads.

I'm coming for you, baby. You
can come along quietly with me when I come for you, or you can resist and your
boyfriends will suffer the ramifications of that.


Tears spilled from her eyes. This couldn't be
happening. She didn't want to go back with him. The dickhead was bad news, and
this time he might kill her for having gone to the police.

She didn't have HIV. Relief battled from
within until the warm moisture pooling in her eyes clouded her vision.

One more person had written in the letter,
though she didn't recognize the penmanship.


She quickly folded the letter and crammed it
back into the envelope, spinning around to see Virgil Paisley approaching her
with a disbelieving smile on his cute, attractive face.


“It's me. God, it's so good to see you.” He
was beaming until he saw the tears in her eyes. “What's wrong, honey? Are you

“I'm okay.”

Keith's voice drew near as he walked up to
them. “Who are you?”

He sounded suspicious, and the sudden hand on
Kayla's shoulder felt overprotective, though it touched her that he cared
enough to be possessive of her.

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