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Authors: Zoey Marcel

Green Broke Woman (17 page)

BOOK: Green Broke Woman
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“Jake, are you sure? What if—”

. I've never
been surer of anything in my life,” he whispered with a loving cloud over his
eyes. “No second thoughts?”

She shook her head with an amorous smile.

He pressed against her entry and gradually
sank in more and more. His girth stretched her as he took it slow at first,
steadily gaining ground inside her.

“You okay?” he rasped.

“Yeah,” she whispered. “You feel really

“Oh God, so do you.”

He drove his cock forward, making them both
gasp suddenly when he became situated to capacity inside of her. She braced
herself on his arms as he slowly rocked inside her body. The in and out strokes
of his erection seemed to charm the nerves in her pussy awake again. The
vibrator had been amazing, but she would always prefer the feel of a loving
man's cock inside her more.

Jake threw caution to the wind and throttled
into her, creating a delicious friction inside her tight, wet cunt. This
standing up and facing the stud fucking into her, she decided, was a most
glorious position. She felt everything he did to her. Her pussy had become a
cavern of nerves that heated with sensation at each precise stroke of his cock.

He looked like he was enraptured by her and
quickly losing control. The idea of the cowboy player being so captivated by
her made her feel good. She hoped it was more to him than just sex. It seemed
like it was, but some men were good at acting romantic to get what they wanted.

Jake would never trick her, though. If all he
wanted was a good time, he would have been up front about it. Her heart swelled
with joy, wanting to believe that his heartfelt words had been genuine. He was
a sincere person. They must be.

Her eyes drifted to the place where their
genitals joined, and she watched his protected penis moving in and out of her
body, growing hotter at the private sight. She lifted her focus back to the
conquered expression on his handsome face. As sexy as the cowboy hat was, it
needed to come off so she could kiss him more thoroughly. She tossed it aside
and ruffled her fingers through his hair, delighting in his adoring smile.

The smoking friction provoked her sweet spot
into a soft, enduring climax that rolled through her in gentle waves that were
no less powerful and all-consuming than the dynamic release of earlier. Kayla
whimpered helplessly, breathing his name as she clung to him for refuge from
the overwhelming pleasure she couldn't escape.

They shared another kiss, and this time she
didn't have to keep her eyes open. Her pussy fluttered around his moving
erection, and he cried out in orgasm. His hips jerked against her, and she
wobbled on her tiptoes as he held her still and came.

They stood there a moment shuddering
endlessly and struggling to breathe again. Kayla sniffled, realizing she was
weeping, but not with tears of terror and remorse. She felt happy and a strong
sense of release.

Jake withdrew and wiped away her tears,
seeming to understand. “We'll take care of you, baby.”

She nodded, unable to stop the stream running
down her face. She threw her arms around his neck and held him close praying
that they really could protect her from the potential harm she hoped was only
in her head.

Eight: Secrets


Keith Langley walked up the hill around
sunset where they'd buried Kayla's father after he died. She stood alone at his
tombstone, talking aloud to him as though he could still hear her. Keith's
heart tugged at the sight of his little Kayla weeping and devastated. He wasn't
sure if it would be best to leave her alone, or to put his arms around her in

He opted for the latter and drew closer,
hearing her sob and squeak an apology to the deceased out loud.

“I'm sorry, Daddy,” she uttered through
tearful noises. “I'm so sorry. I failed you. I never became successful, and I
didn't stay good. I let you down.”

“You're not a failure, Kayla,” Keith insisted
in a firm voice. “And you didn't let him down. He was proud of you. He just had
too much pride after your falling out to pick up the damned phone and tell you.
But he loved you with his whole heart.”

She gave him a weak smile and wiped away her
tears with a tiny sniffle. “I know. I just wish I'd been here when he needed

Keith felt the dark tormentor in his soul
come out from hiding, readily accusing him of his greatest failing. He punched
the thought from his mind, refusing to go there tonight. It would hurt too much,
and he had Kayla to comfort.

“I know what you mean. He wouldn't want you
to stay sad, though.”

She wiped her nose and blew it on the tissue
he gave her. “Thanks. I'll be okay. Do you see much of your sister anymore?
Travis said he hasn't seen her since she moved to New Orleans, but he mentioned
you going there a few times.”

Keith stiffened, trying to hide his trauma
and self-loathing. He forced a smile. “Yeah, I've seen
her a
couple of times.”

“Is she happy?”

Her question ripped the heart from his chest.
He nodded swiftly, feeling a painful lump begin in his throat. “Yeah, she's
real happy.”

“Travis said she's living with two
.” Kayla shook her head with a cute grin. “I never
figured Miranda to be a submissive. She probably raises hell when they tell her

He let out a rueful chuckle that made his
eyes sting. “Yeah, she definitely gives them a run for their money.”

Or she would have if she'd ever gotten the
chance to meet with the
. Keith crowded the
devastating memory from his mind. He couldn't bear it. The guilt of lying would
never compare to the trauma of living with regret every single day of his life.
He'd better change the subject fast or tears would spill from his eyes.

“How is therapy going for you?”

“It’s fine.” She shifted on her feet. “It was
hard at first, but I think it helps that the therapist is a woman. She said I’m
making good progress.”

“That’s good, Kayla. I was really worried
about you.”

A serene silence settled between them.

“That suggestion you made to the three of us
earlier—you sure you’re ready for that?”

I really want to shower with you guys.”

“Don’t do anything you’re not ready for.”

She took his hand in hers. “I’m ready,

He smiled and threaded his fingers in her
satiny tresses. “I’m glad. Little intimate moments like that will help you get used
to having us touch you. Not just Jake.”

She blushed, looking adorable. “He told you
about the orchard, huh?”

Keith rolled his eyes with an annoyed little
smile. “He didn't have to. I smelled him on you when you came back into the
house. That and he had a couple of buttons in the wrong holes on his shirt.”

“Ah.” She bit her lower lip and gave him a
guilty smile.

Her sweetness stole his heart as he put his
arm around her. “Come on, you. Let's get you in the shower and clean you.”

She raised a mischievous eyebrow at him.
“To clean me, huh?”

He chuckled. “Correction, make you dirty.”


Kayla stood nervously as the three men
stripped around her. Looking at their erections from an artistic perspective
they were large, powerful, and gorgeous, but imagining them inside her at once
was unsettling. She'd had Jake inside her a while back, and the stretch had
been noticeable when he entered her. She shuddered to think how much Travis's
fat girth would hurt stretching her, or how painful Keith's freakish length would
be digging in her pussy.

There were a few similarities with the
brothers. Jake and Travis both had brown hair, though of different lengths.
Travis and Keith both had blue eyes like their sister, Miranda.

Jake's were the color of black coffee, and he
was packed with thick cords of tightly woven muscle.

Keith had plenty of muscle, but unlike Jake,
his body was a leaner muscled structure. Not skinny, but not stocky like Travis
or as ripped as Jake. They were all in their early to mid-thirties and the same
height, which she found adorable, like three coyotes perched on a hill in the
desert, plotting trouble.

She studied Keith's lighter features. His
shaggy hair flopped in his face when his head bent forward, but the ends were
still above his shoulders. It was straight and choppy with layers, but the look
was done just right to make him still look masculine. The sandy strands were a
dull shade with natural highlights in them that added golden attributes as
though he wore a halo.

He had a dusting of stubble on his appealing
face, and he'd apparently gotten his left ear pierced. Not every man could pull
off such a daring feat, but it looked good on him.

She smiled when she saw the tattoo of angel
wings on the inside of his left forearm. He'd gotten that for her on the same
day she'd gotten the little black bird tattooed on her left thigh for him.
They'd gone together on her eighteenth birthday. He'd always called her his
little bird, and she'd always seen him as her guardian angel. He was the good
one she'd said, while Jake was the devil, though she'd be lying if she said she
wasn't equally tempted by his devilish brother.

Kayla swallowed, realizing her hands were
clammy and her heart raced. She wanted them badly, but what if she wasn’t the
survivor her therapist claimed she was? What if she was the victim she feared
Beck had turned her into?

She had to know, had to keep trying until she
became that survivor her therapist talked about. Trust her men to heal her and
use their mutual love and devotion to replace pain and fear. Could they restore
her love of sex and BDSM to her? She missed both so much.

Travis cupped her face so she had to focus on
him. “We're
undress you now, Kayla. Nothing has
to happen unless you want it to. We're just
wash you and see where we go from there.
All right?”

She nodded, trying not to tremble.

“Kayla, when we give you an order we want you
to answer with 'Yes, Sir.'
All right?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

She knew where this was going. They wanted a
submissive, but she didn't know how to submit in the way she once had with
Master Hugh. She'd been his slave, worshiped him. And the day he walked away
from her had cut her far deeper than any knife Slade had ever used on her. She
would rather her Master had beaten her and left her for dead, but Hugh wasn't
abusive. No. He'd treated her like a priceless jewel and then cast her aside
like he'd discovered she was just fool's gold and he'd found something better.

She didn't want the demons of her past to
keep her from feeling with the Langley brothers, but how could she surrender to
them completely as she had with her Master? It would feel disloyal to become a
slave to someone else, and what if they tired of her, or came to realize she
simply had too much baggage to deal with and wasn't worth the effort?

They'd already turned her down once years
ago. They'd been unwilling to take a chance on a virgin and a novice to their
lifestyle. Why on God's green earth would they be willing to tackle these
issues? She was far more work now than she would have been back then. She'd been
pliable then like fresh clay ready for the molding.

Now she was hard, used clay that couldn't be
sculpted. What the hell did they see in her, a challenge? Would fixing her give
them a sense of accomplishment, or a reason to get bored and chase a new piece
of ass?

Travis wasn't like that. She didn't think
Keith was, but what about Jake? He was a cowboy Casanova. Even her Master had
recognized this just from looking at his picture. He'd told her to pick Travis.
Wise man.

Wait a minute. Why the hell did Master Hugh—No.
Mr. Randall—
a say in who she settled down with, if
anybody? Damn his lingering control. He wasn't the boss of her anymore.

Kayla drifted back to the present when she
felt hands on her body as Jake and Keith slowly undressed her while Travis kept
her cheeks trapped lightly between his warm, open palms.

be okay, girl,” he murmured affectionately.

She offered him a feeble smile, but really
there was likely nothing they could say to her that some manipulative bastard
hadn't already said ... except “I love you.” Her Master—Mr. Randall—had said it
in a roundabout way without actually speaking the words, but then he rejected
her, so what the hell was she to think?

“Are you okay, little bird?” Keith asked, caressing
her arm.

She tried to break free to see the hand on
her naked skin, but Travis wouldn't let her look away from him.

“It's just Keith,

BOOK: Green Broke Woman
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