| 16. D'Entrèves, Natural Law , pp. 3839.
| 17. The Decretum Gratiani is contained in the Corpus iuris canonici , which is the name given by the Council of Basel in 1441. Gratian was an Italian monk working at Bologna. The Decretum is also called the Concordia discordantium canonum , and it recalls the Digest of Justinian, as the rest of the collection recalls the Code .
| 18. Isidore, Decretum Gratiani , I pars, dist. I, proem.
| 19. D'Entrèves, Natural Law , p. 40.
| 20. Verbeke, Presence of Stoicism , p. 5.
| 21. Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica 1 2ae, 91, 1 and 2.
| 22. Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica 1a 2ae, 95, 2.
| 23. Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica 1a 2a, 94, 2.
| 24. D. J. O'Connor, Aquinas and Natural Law (London: Macmillan, 1967), p. 84.
| 25. Walter Ullmann, Law and Politics in the Middle Ages: An Introduction to the Sources of Medieval Political Ideals (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1975), p. 272.
| 26. D'Entrèves, Natural Law , p. 45.
| 27. D'Entrèves, Natural Law , p. 46.
| 28. D'Entrèves, Natural Law , p. 48.