Grab (22 page)

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Authors: Anne Conley

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Four months later

Mia had been out to Krista and Ryan’s cabin in the woods but had never seen it decked out so cute before. Everything was covered in pastels—pink, blue, green, and yellow—softening the rustic décor. Miriam, Jake, and Jake’s son, Drew, were sitting on the lounge chair on the patio, surrounded by a mountain of baby things. Drew wore a look of disbelief that matched his dad’s. There was everything they could ever need, and it would take at least two pick-up trucks to get them home. They had a baby swing, high chair, car seats, baby bouncers, carriers of all sorts, and more toys and clothes than any one baby could need. Even if it was a girl.

Who knew six men would be so generous?

They had all stood around awkwardly as Miriam opened the gifts, and as she oohed and aahed, they had each blushed profusely, shuffled their feet, and murmured something like, “Well,
Consumer Reports
said that was the safest one, so…”

Mia thought it was precious. She had been practical, getting them diapers, burp rags, and gift cards. Miriam and Jake seemed grateful for every gift, the gracious people they were.

Rose was here but had been attached to Quinten’s hip like a puppy dog all afternoon. He was nice to her, indulging her sophomoric crush, listening to her talk about her worldly travels and complain about school. Mia watched as he bent his head toward her, interested in whatever story she was telling with a vague smile on his face. He was a sweetheart for not shutting Rose down. Rose was still talking to the guy she’d met at the mall. He was in classes with her and even went to the after-school program with her, too. But Rose insisted they weren’t serious. Jordan wanted him to come to the apartment for dinner so he could put more of the fear of the Lord in him, but so far, that hadn’t happened.

Mia liked Miriam. On their monthly gatherings at Ryan’s house, she’d gotten to know Miriam, Paige, and Krista. She’d even brought Misty by one time, but all the testosterone had made the other woman uncomfortable.

Presents were done, and most of the guys were heading over to the refreshment table for seconds, complaining that the devilled eggs were all gone. Paige made her way over to Mia.

Paige was one of the busiest women Mia had ever met, but as her fiancé’s brother’s girlfriend, Mia probably saw her more often than most.

“How’s Grounds for Redemption going? Have y’all started the remodel yet?” Mia and Misty had picked out a location on near the capital building, which was seriously expensive real estate. But Paige and Evan had insisted on going in as investors. Once the business plan was finalized, it seemed like a sound idea, so they’d all taken the plunge and now it looked less like a pipe-dream and more like a reality.

“It’s going good. The remodel started last week, actually, and I think it will be a good thing.” She had initially wanted to open the store below where they lived, but Jordan had balked at the idea, since he was making payments and buying the building from his brother.

Paige kept talking, but Mia zoned out, the patterns of pastel colors fading together and swirling slowly. Feelings of peace and belonging swept over her, and Mia realized she wanted this for herself someday.

Someday, but not today.

Krista stood next to Ryan and cleared her throat. “Can I have everyone’s attention? I have a little announcement.”

Paige raised her eyebrows at Mia and turned to Miriam with a questioning look. Miriam just shrugged. The men all got quiet, and everyone turned to Krista.

“I just wanted to let you all know you’re going to be aunts and uncles times two because Ryan and I are expecting.” She beamed around at the group of people, then all eyes focused on Ryan.

He gripped Krista’s hand with one of his meaty fists and crushed his little plastic cup of punch with the other, while his face turned gray. He had a comical look on it, and Mia giggled at the realization Krista hadn’t broken the news to him first.

He stumbled on his feet, then as the blood continued to drain from his face, Ryan went down.

Mia had never seen a dude faint before. And it was funny.

She wasn’t the only one who thought so as the guys all laughed uproariously at their brother in arms’ dilemma. Jordan made his way over to her as Mia watched Krista dump a bottle of water on Ryan to revive him.

“Hey, babe. You doing alright?” Jordan’s arms snaked around her waist and Mia leaned against him.

“Yes. I’m perfectly fine.”

“Promise me something.” Jordan kissed her nose, searching her eyes.


“When you have my baby, you’re not announcing it to the Team before I hear about it?” He was grinning at her, and her heart swelled.

“You’ll be the second to know. I promise.” She tugged him closer, glad he hadn’t sounded fearful of children, just fearful of being embarrassed in front of his buddies.

Ryan was coming to, amid laughter and back slaps. Zack pulled out a box of cigars and passed them around, effectively chasing a third of the party inside the cabin.

Mia and Jordan chose to stay outside, upwind of the heavy smoke, as the men joked around. She was comfortable here, in Jordan’s arms as he leaned against the railing of the porch. And the guys were funny to listen to.

Rose was still hanging on Quinten’s every word as they spoke quietly while he puffed idly on his cigar.

When Zack said something to Quinten about teaching him some moves so he could fight blind, Quinten got a thoughtful look on his face. Mia watched him carefully. Quinten held his cards close to his chest, but right now, he was transparent as glass.

For some reason, the idea of getting into the ring with Zack was pleasant to Quinten. A small secretive smile quirked his lips, and Mia’s curiosity got the best of her.

“What’s their story? Why does Quinten look like he’s ready to smash Zack to pieces? He’s blind, right?”

“I haven’t gotten that whole story yet, but it looks intriguing. We’ll have to just wait and see, I guess.” Jordan squeezed her around the middle, his caress raising higher, close to her breasts. Mia inhaled sharply.

“What do you say we go home? Maybe we can drop Rose off at the library or something for a while?”

Jordan’s eyebrows waggled, and Mia giggled, a wave of anticipation rushing through her. Life was so good.

Anne has written her entire life and has the boxes of angst-filled journals and poetry to prove it. She’s been writing for public consumption for the last four years. Currently she is writing two romance series. In Stories of Serendipity, she explores real people living real lives in small town Texas in a contemporary romance setting. In The Four Winds, she chronicles God’s four closest archangels, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael, falling in love and becoming human. She lives in rural East Texas with her husband and children in her own private oasis, where she prides herself in her complete lack of social skills, choosing instead to live with the people inside her head. Check out her blog,
 for updates, book blurbs, and more.



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She loves comments and thoughts. You can email her at
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Serendipity Series

Welcome to Serendipity, Texas, a town where real people deal with real problems. Meet characters in their thirties and forties struggling with day-to-day issues and managing to find love in the process. Visit Serendipity, where the days are hot, and the nights are steamy! The first story, Neighborly Complications, is free!

The Four Winds Series

The Four Winds series are Paranormal Romances dealing with the Archangels. They are the biblical archangels, so there are aspects of Christianity in them. But the conflict in the stories are about the archangels falling in love and turning human, so they are dealing with human emotions and feelings. Due to various reactions of shock and outrage, I feel the need to put the spoiler out there: These books have sex in them, but also Christianity. So if either of those bother you, please don't buy these books. First book in the series is free!

Pierce Securities

A group of misfits come together to form
Pierce Securities & Investigations
; doing the best they can with their collective and individual strengths; becoming unlikely heroes in the process.

Stand Alone Novels

Best Laid Plans of Boys and Men

Fixer Upper

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