Read Grab Online

Authors: Anne Conley

Grab (21 page)

BOOK: Grab
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As his tongue delved inside her mouth, his fingers plunged in and out of her, wreaking havoc on her mind. Because that’s what was happening. She was trying so hard not to think about that night, but the memories kept flooding back. She tried to stay in the moment, but it wasn’t until Jordan broke the kiss and looked at her that he managed to bring her back to the present.

“Look at me, Mia. Stop thinking so much.
this.” His cobalt eyes pleaded with her, and as she drew her fingers across the back of his neck, she felt herself quicken as she let go and flew into a fiery abyss. She clenched his neck and focused on the feral look in his eyes as he watched her come undone. Shudders wracked her body, and her legs came off the bed as she experience the tiny death, the pain she wished would never end, and Jordan’s hands on her body.

“There you go.” His voice was a sweet seduction, one she could listen to for days. “That’s one.” He grinned at her proudly and kissed her again, a kiss of triumph, of promise.

She was limp, but he wasn’t done. Sitting up and stripping off his shirt, he looked at her earnestly. “I’m going to kiss you now. I want you to stay in the present
with me
, okay? Touch me, look at me. Don’t close your eyes.” As he lowered his mouth to her collarbone, his hands went back to their journey across her skin.

As his kisses fell on her neck, her collarbone, her shoulders, he imprinted her with his emotions, his intensity. He cared for her and worshiped her with his hot, seeking mouth as it scorched kisses across the tops of her breasts. When he moved between her legs, his lean hips cradled by her thighs, he filled his hands with her breasts and squeezed them together, kissing and licking them.

It felt so good, Mia couldn’t remember sex
feeling like this. Of course, that thought brought to mind the last sexual experience she’d had and she stiffened.

“Me, Mia,” Jordan growled before taking a nipple between his lips. She ran her fingers across his hair and the tactile experience brought her focus back to him. Sensations shot straight to her core, and she arched under him, causing his hands to grip her waist as she ground her pelvis mindlessly.

His fingertips had callouses on them. She focused on that. Mike’s had been smooth, almost oily, and Jordan’s were so different—rough, calloused, and way more skillful.

When Jordan dropped his focus to her pelvis, licking and suckling around her navel, she watched his eyes, wholly focused on her. “Stop it, Mia.”


“You’re thinking way too much.”

She didn’t know how to stop, but when his face dropped between her thighs, she suddenly figured it out.

As his tongue swept the length of her folds before circling the little bundle of nerves at the top, she gasped at the sensations. Without warning, Jordan sat up with a groan.

“I have to take my pants off, this is starting to hurt.” He let out a rueful chuckle as he rolled over and unfastened his jeans. “That, and I’m pretty sure listening to you have another one is going to make me explode.” Mia’s eyes widened at the size of the outline in his underwear.

“Give me that.” She held out her hand as he cocked an eyebrow at her. “What? How many orgasms do you expect to give me if you’re going to blow within thirty seconds of entrance? Let me take the edge off.” At his still, obstinate expression, she continued, “You look pretty virile, I’m sure your turnaround time is good.” Besides, she needed a break. She was still reeling from her first one, and not having any idea what Jordan had in mind, she figured any recovery for her would be good.

He scooted toward the edge of the bed, eyes glued to her, and slipped his thumbs in the waistband of his boxer briefs, lowering them. Mia cooed in awe of the specimen in front of her as she reached for it eagerly to wrap her hands around its velvety warmth.

Jordan stiffened and lowered himself to the bed, facing Mia, leaning his forehead against hers. His girth was impressive, his length was astounding, and the feel of it was heaven. She wanted to lower her cheek to it and test its smoothness, but honestly, she didn’t want him to come in her hair. So she contented herself with stroking his length.

Jordan’s legs wrapped around her, caging her in, and his arms stroked her back as they sat up in bed together while she slowly pumped him. He breaths ragged in her ears and across her face, she felt him tremble all around her and relished the sensation of power over him.

She certainly had the power. And he was right. It didn’t take long before he exploded everywhere. She tried to aim for her belly because the sticky warmth was a nice sensation, and before she realized what was happening, she was covered in ropey threads of white spunk, and Jordan was kissing the hell out of her.

“My God, woman…” he breathed into her mouth as his tongue claimed her. Her finger drew through his essence on her belly and she brought it to her mouth to taste it. She’d never swallowed before. It always made her gag, and she wasn’t sure if it was the texture, the temperature or the taste, but she didn’t particularly like it. Mia wasn’t sure what made her try it now, except everything else with Jordan had been different.

Including this. The tangy, salty flavor on her tongue made her regret she hadn’t gone down on him, and she vowed to do it soon.

When he’d recovered from his little break time, Jordan was still at half-mast and Mia vaguely wondered if it would always be like this. Would he always be so ready for her? Would it always be perfect?

“We’re even…” he murmured as he kissed his way back down to the apex of her thighs. “Now for number two,” he muttered before he attacked her clit with a purpose that nearly made her weep.

“Oh God, oh!” Mia was on fire. It was immediate and all-consuming, a strange concentration of wonders she’d never known on such a tiny part of her body. As his tongue went to work—flicking, sucking, and licking—he pressed a finger inside her. Mia detonated, flying into the abyss—a trembling, quivering mass of need.

He made it all seem so easy. Where other men had never even come close to giving her orgasms, Jordan knew just where to press, what to touch, where to kiss, to make her fly off into oblivion. It made her wonder what would happen if he had his heart set on prolonging things? Could he make her go all night, waiting for release? She didn’t doubt it.

As she lay there, watching him as he dug through his jeans for a condom, ripping the package, and sliding it onto his length, she marveled that she wanted
from him. She did indeed want to give him forever. If he could make her feel this special, this cherished, this needed, she would reciprocate and give him everything.

“You ready for this?” he asked her as he poised himself at her entrance. She could only nod as he reached for her hand and entwined their fingers. “I love you, Mia, you know that, right?”

“I love you, too,” she whispered as a tear leaked out of her eye. It seemed weird to be proclaiming love in the middle of a sex act, as if they only loved each other during the heights of feeling good. She’d heard those words a lot during sex and never really paid them any mind, but with Jordan it was different. They meant these words; what they were doing was the physical act cementing the words.

He raised their joined hands over her head and rested his weight on them while he kissed her neck and pushed himself in with a soft moan. She felt him, inch by magnificent inch, taking him fully, arching under his body. Clutching his back with her free hand, she whispered into his ear, “You make me feel so good.”

He was still inside her, getting used to her as she stretched around him, but when he started moving, she couldn’t help but respond.

Every nerve ending was on fire. As he thrust inside her, she buzzed with sensations of warmth, pleasure, and love. He alternated between kissing her neck and behind her ear, making love to her skin as much as he was physically making love to her. It was glorious.

Their bodies slid together, sticking together with sweat and co-mingled sex, and the noises filling the room took Mia away from her body. She was floating, watching them together, and it was beautiful, their bodies entwined together in a writhing mass. She couldn’t tell where one of them ended and the other began.

Disbelieving, she felt her body climb higher again, and Jordan sensed it. He focused on the spot he was reaching with his plunging cock and stroked it purposefully, increasing his tempo and pressure until Mia flew apart underneath him.

Their eyes were latched on each other’s, and his mouth quirked up with satisfaction before he sat back, still joined with her, but changing his position. Now, he was reaching all sorts of new places inside her, and before she could come down from her third orgasm, she was climbing another precipice.

“Oh, God, Jordan, I don’t think I can take any more,” she gasped, clutching handfuls of his skin in her fingers.

He only smiled at her, lifted her leg to his shoulder, and increased his powerful thrusts. When he bit on the curve of her ankle, then sucked on it, her surprise at the action sent her into another more powerful orgasm than any she’d had before.

“Christ! Shit!” Mia arched and trembled, her body wracked with the sudden onslaught of sensation while Jordan roared his own release before falling back on top of her. His weight was comforting, and his kisses soothed as she came down from the most intense experience of her life.

Mia’s body quivered and trembled as Jordan curled himself around her and nuzzled her neck. Neither of them spoke, both lost in the emotions of what had just happened. She was speechless, unable to wrap her brain around all the love poured into the act of lovemaking they’d just shared. It was indescribable. Something she couldn’t hope to repeat, even though she wished with all her heart she could.

His arms wrapped around her shook as they clutched her tightly. Was it strain or emotion? She couldn’t tell, but she tangled her legs in his, unwilling to let him go.

Mia had called it months ago. She knew that a couple of hours between the sheets with Jordan would be life-changing, but she never in a million years knew how life-changing they would be. She was ruined for other men now. Ruined. Nobody would ever compare to this. Ever.

The embrace his steely arms encased her in even now was changing her life. She knew, without a doubt, this was where she belonged—with him. Mia could only hope he felt the same way.

After a while, he squeezed her once then removed himself, sitting up. She tried not to feel the disappointment his absence left her with.

“I’ll be right back. I bought you some stuff today,” he said as he left the room, magnificent in his nudity.

Wrapping the sheet around her, she sat up and waited. When Jordan returned, he brought a shopping bag with him and extricated a wrapped gift.

“Why? It’s not my birthday,” she said stupidly. She was surprised she could form a sentence. She was unsure as to whether she’d be able to effectively communicate ever again.

“This one’s a just because present.” He grinned at her, and Mia acknowledged her inability to think clearly when he did that.

“Okay.” Unwrapping the paper and opening the box, she withdrew a dish. It was small and bright blue, with cracks painted on it in gold leaf. “Oh, it’s beautiful.” It was a simple little bowl, but the gold cracks made it so pretty, and she couldn’t explain why.

“It’s a Japanese bowl, an example of Kintsugi. It’s how they fix broken pottery.” His voice was a soft and soothing murmur. His eyes held an earnestness that took her breath away. “The Japanese believe when something is broken and repaired, that’s part of the history of it. Instead of hiding the broken parts with glue and paint, they use gold leaf to emphasize it. If something is damaged and survives, it becomes more beautiful.”

Speechless, Mia just turned the bowl over in her hands, looking at it from all angles. Tears slipped out of her eyes, but they were tears of wonder at this man in her bed. He took her face in his massive hands and kissed her tears.

“You are so damn gorgeous to me. Your strength, your resilience, your sense of humor, your intelligence, every damn thing about you, even the experience you’ve been through. It all makes you, and you’re a fucking goddess to me.”

“You’ve been so good to me, Jordan. I gotta say, I’ve seen a side of you I never expected to see. Before, you gave off this total badass vibe, and it was intimidating, for sure. But now I know how caring and sensitive you can be, and this…” Mia held up the bowl. “I don’t even know… You’ve blown me away. On so many levels.” Her tears were falling freely now, and she choked back a sob. “I love you so much. I’m scared of what’s going to happen.”

“Why are you scared?”

“Because I don’t know how long this can all last. It can’t be this perfect forever, can it?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he dug around in the bag again and came back with a small box. Licking his lips, he swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. She saw a rare glimpse of uncertainty in his eyes.

“What do you say we find out together? Marry me, Mia? Give me forever with you?”

With shaking hands, he opened the box to reveal a diamond solitaire ring, a simple affair, yet unmistakable in its intentions.

“Oh, God, yes,” she squeaked, launching herself into his arms.

He held her in the most perfect embrace, where Mia imagined a future with the man of her dreams. It was a perfect, idyllic fantasy, broken when the key in the lock at the front door sounded through the house.

Jordan chuckled into her hair. “Rose’s home. I’ll go meet her and get her a snack. You jump in the shower.”

Well, perfect, idyllic fantasy aside, there wasn’t any other way she would have it, Mia thought as she rose and walked on unsteady limbs to the shower.

BOOK: Grab
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