Gordon Ramsay's Great British Pub Food (19 page)

BOOK: Gordon Ramsay's Great British Pub Food
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Meanwhile, put the duck fat into a sturdy roasting tin and place in the oven to heat. Tip the potatoes into a colander to drain and give them a gentle shake to fluff up the sides. Sprinkle with the flour and give another few shakes to coat evenly.

Take the roasting tin out of the oven and carefully add the potatoes to the hot fat, along with the herb sprigs, if using. Toss the potatoes gently to ensure an even coating of fat and spread them out in a single layer.

Roast for 40–45 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp, turning them every 15 minutes or so, to ensure they colour evenly. Pat with kitchen paper to remove excess fat. Serve piping hot.

Yorkshire puddings

150g plain flour

1/2 tsp fine sea salt

2 large eggs

150ml whole milk

2 tbsp beef dripping or vegetable oil

Blend the flour, salt, eggs and milk in a blender or food processor for a few minutes until smooth, stopping and scraping down the sides of the bowl after a minute. Pour the batter into a jug and chill until ready to cook.

Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas 6. Spoon the fat into the moulds of a 6-hole muffin tin and place in the oven for 5-10 minutes or until it is really hot. Take out the tin and quickly pour in the batter to three-quarters fill the moulds. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the batter has risen dramatically and is deep golden and crisp. Serve hot.

Shortcrust pastry

200g plain flour

1/4 tsp fine sea salt

100g cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes

3-4 tbsp ice-cold water

Put the flour and salt into a food processor. Add the butter and whiz for 10 seconds or until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Tip into a bowl. Add 3 tbsp water and mix with a butter knife until the dough just comes together. If it seems too dry, add a little extra water, but try not to make the dough too wet.

Lightly knead the dough into a smooth ball, wrap in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before rolling out.

Sweet flan pastry

125g unsalted butter, softened to room temperature

90g caster sugar

1 large egg

250g plain flour

1 tbsp ice-cold water (if needed)

Place the butter and sugar in a food processor and whiz until just combined. Add the egg and whiz for 30 seconds. Tip in the flour and process for a few seconds until the dough just comes together. (Do not over-process or it will become tough.) Add a little cold water if the dough seems too dry.

Knead the dough lightly on a floured surface and shape into a flat disc. Wrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes before rolling out.


250ml whole milk

250ml double cream

50g caster sugar

1 vanilla pod, split lengthways

6 large egg yolks

Heat the milk, cream and 1 tbsp sugar in a heavy-based saucepan. Scrape out the seeds from the vanilla pod and add them to the pan with the pod.

Beat the egg yolks and remaining sugar together in a bowl. When the creamy milk is about to boil, take off the heat and gradually pour onto the yolk mixture, whisking continuously.

Strain the mixture through a sieve into a clean pan. Stir over a low heat until the custard thickens enough to thinly coat the back of a spoon. Take off the heat and strain through a fine sieve. Leave to cool, stirring occasionally to prevent a skin forming.

Pastry cream

350ml whole milk

150ml double cream

75g caster sugar

1 vanilla pod, split lengthways (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)

6 large egg yolks

40g cornflour

Put the milk, cream and 1 tbsp sugar into a heavy-based saucepan over a low heat. Scrape out the seeds from the vanilla pod and add them to the pan with the pod (or add the vanilla extract). Slowly bring to a simmer.

Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks and remaining sugar together in a bowl. Whisk in the cornflour, a third at a time, keeping the mixture smooth.

When the creamy milk is about to boil, slowly trickle it onto the egg mixture, whisking all the time. Strain the mixture back into the pan and return to a gentle heat. Stir continuously until the mixture is thick and smooth, but take care not to let it get too hot or it will curdle. The pastry cream is thick enough when you can draw a line across the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon.

Strain through a fine sieve into a wide bowl. As it cools, give the pastry cream an occasional stir to prevent a skin forming on the surface. Use at once, or chill and use within 3 days.


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on toast with poached egg and spinach 43

roast lamb with rosemary, garlic and anchovies 192

Scotch woodcock 38

angels on horseback 25

apple charlotte 226

Huntingdon fidget pie 133

mulligatawny 73

roast duck with orchard stuffing 197

roast partridge with braised red cabbage 199

slow roast pork with apple and lavender sauce 198

Somerset fish casserole 120

asparagus and spring onion tart 124

veal escalope with asparagus and mushrooms 183

angels on horseback 25

baked stuffed herrings 112

chicken and smoked bacon pie 134

cod with clams and smoked bacon 109

devils on horseback 25

Huntingdon fidget pie 133

liver, bacon and caramelized onions 188

mussels and bacon cooked in cider 83

potato, bacon and oyster soup 76

venison stew 160

Manchester tart 225

Welsh mutton broth 77

Barnsley chop with kidneys 176

hake in beer batter with mushy peas 99

toad-in-the-hole 147

Yorkshire puddings 248

honeyed pork stew 164

rabbit hotpot with perry 154

beef cheeks braised in stout with dumplings 167

beef cobbler 128-9

Black Country beef stew 151

Cornish pasties 137

cottage pie with Guinness 130

hodge podge soup 78

potted hough 52

pressed ox tongue with lamb’s lettuce salad 95

rib-eye steak with chips and sauce choron 184

roast beef with red wine gravy 208

sirloin steak with green peppercorn sauce 187

steak and kidney pie 138-9

stock 244

beef cheeks braised in stout with dumplings 167

Black Country beef stew 151

cottage pie with Guinness 130

hake in beer batter with mushy peas 99

hodge podge soup 78

pig’s liver faggots braised in ale 149-50

steak and kidney pie 138-9

beetroot salad with grapefruit and goat’s cheese 84

Black Country beef stew 151

black pudding:
Black Country beef stew 151

salad of black pudding with poached egg 92

bone marrow with caper and herb dressing 56

Bosworth goat’s cheese tart 141

apple charlotte 226

bread sauce 201

croûtons 69

summer pudding 222-3

see also

bream fillets with fennel and orange 115

queen of puddings 236

summer pudding 222-3

broad beans:
marinated chicken with minted broad beans and peas 175

herb butter 175

lemon and tarragon hollandaise 246

butter beans:
rabbit hotpot with perry 154

roast partridge with braised red cabbage 199

calf’s liver:
liver, bacon and caramelized onions 188

mutton with parsley and caper sauce 155

rainbow trout with sorrel and capers 116

roasted bone marrow with caper and herb dressing 56

salmon steaks with brown shrimps, capers and parsley 106

tartare sauce 119

crispy pork belly with roasted vegetables 195

stews and casseroles

champ, pork chop with 189

asparagus and spring onion tart 124

beef cobbler 128-9

chicory, walnut and stilton salad 88

Montgomery cheddar and potato pie 142

pan haggerty 26

Welsh rabbit 57

white onion and cheddar soup 65

see also
goat’s cheese

sherry trifle 234

chicken and smoked bacon pie 134

chicken stock 243

cock-a-leekie soup 60

marinated chicken with minted broad beans and peas 175

roast chicken with gravy and bread sauce 201-2

chicken liver pâté 91

chicory, walnut and stilton salad 88

chips 184

chocolate fondants 214

Christmas roast turkey infused with truffles 204-5

cider braised ham 166

honeyed pork stew 164

Huntingdon fidget pie 133

mussels and bacon cooked in cider 83

pears poached in perry 239

rabbit hotpot with perry 154

slow roast pork with apple and lavender sauce 198

Somerset fish casserole 120

citrus spatchcocked quail with sautéed potatoes 180

cod with clams and smoked bacon 109

seafood salad 104

clementine cakes with cranberry sauce 213

cobbler, beef 128-9

cock-a-leekie soup 60

cocktail sauce 86

coconut milk:
mulligatawny 73

cod with clams and smoked bacon 109

Cornish pasties 137

cottage pie with Guinness 130

court bouillon 244

crab cakes with mayonnaise 103

potted crab 49

cranberry sauce, clementine cakes with 213

custard 249

London syllabub 232

pastry cream 249

plum fool 217

sherry trifle 234

crème fraîche:
plum fool 217

pork chop with champ 189

smoked salmon and watercress tart 126

crisps, homemade 31

croûtons 69

cullen skink 75


Manchester tart 225

sherry trifle 234

devilled kidneys on toast 53

devilled whitebait 18

devils on horseback 25

Dover sole with brown butter and grapes 100

potted duck 48

roast duck with orchard stuffing 197

duck eggs:
gammon steak with pineapple and fried duck egg 172

dumplings, beef cheeks braised in stout with 167

eel, stewed 118

anchovies on toast with poached egg and spinach 43

gammon steak with pineapple and fried duck egg 172

pickled quail’s eggs 32

salad of black pudding with poached egg 92

Scotch eggs 20

Scotch woodcock 38

faggots, pig’s liver 149-50

baked bream fillets with fennel and orange 115

crispy pork belly with roasted vegetables 195

fennel and roasted red pepper soup 70

fidget pie 133

fish 97-121

Somerset fish casserole 120

stock 245

cod, sprats

fool, plum 217

summer pudding 222-3

see also
apples, strawberries etc

cider braised ham 166

gammon steak with pineapple and fried duck egg 172

roast chicken with gravy and bread sauce 201-2

roast lamb with rosemary, garlic and anchovies 192

giblet gravy 205

ginger, rice pudding with poached rhubarb and 221

goat’s cheese: beetroot salad with grapefruit and goat’s cheese 84

Bosworth goat’s cheese tart 141

tomato, goat’s cheese and herb tart 143

golden syrup:
treacle tart 218

beetroot salad with grapefruit and goat’s cheese 84

citrus spatchcocked quail with sautéed potatoes 180

grapes, Dover sole with brown butter and 100

gravy 150

giblet gravy 205

onion gravy 147

red wine gravy 208

grouse with Madeira sauce 203

beef cheeks braised in stout with dumplings 167

cottage pie with Guinness 130

steak and kidney pie 138-9

Welsh rabbit 57

gypsy tart 235

smoked haddock

hake in beer batter with mushy peas 99

cider braised ham 166

London particular 69

smoked ham hock with pease pudding 152

haricot beans:
honeyed pork stew 164

herb butter 175

herring roes on toast 46

herrings, baked stuffed 112

hodge podge soup 78

hollandaise, lemon and tarragon 246

honeyed pork stew 164

Lancashire hotpot 163

rabbit hotpot with perry 154

hot water crust pastry 28

hough, potted 52

Huntingdon fidget pie 133

jam roly poly 224

Manchester tart 225

queen of puddings 236

jellies, Pimm’s 229

Barnsley chop with kidneys 176

devilled kidneys on toast 53

Lancashire hotpot 163

steak and kidney pie 138-9

kippers, grilled 110

roast saddle of venison with poached kumquats 207

Barnsley chop with kidneys 176

braised neck of lamb with turnips 168

lamb steak with redcurrant sauce 179

Lancashire hotpot 163

roast lamb with rosemary, garlic and anchovies 192

stock 245

see also

lamb’s lettuce salad, pressed ox tongue with 95

Lancashire hotpot 163

apple and lavender sauce 198

chicken and smoked bacon pie 134

cock-a-leekie soup 60

lemon and tarragon hollandaise 246

Sussex pond pudding 230

lemon sole with tartare sauce 119

Pimm’s jellies 229

prawn cocktail 86

salad of black pudding with poached egg 92

chicken liver pâté 91

liver, bacon and caramelized onions 188

pig’s liver faggots braised in ale 149-50

seafood salad 104

London particular 69

London syllabub 232

London syllabub 232

roast grouse with Madeira sauce 203

Manchester tart 225

roasted tomato and marrow soup 66

beef or veal stock 244

roasted bone marrow with caper and herb dressing 56


crab cakes with mayonnaise 103

pint of prawns with mayo 15

prawn cocktail 86

tartare sauce 119

queen of puddings 236

custard 249

pastry cream 249

rice pudding with poached rhubarb and ginger 221

minted pea soup 63

Montgomery cheddar and potato pie 142

mulligatawny 73

baked stuffed herrings 112

Black Country beef stew 151

chicken and smoked bacon pie 134

mushroom stuffing 204-5

St. George’s mushrooms on toast 44

steak and kidney pie 138-9

veal escalope with asparagus and mushrooms 183

venison stew 160

mussels and bacon cooked in cider 83

seafood salad 104

mustard mash 156

mutton with parsley and caper sauce 155

Welsh mutton broth 77

see also

neeps, bashed 159

nuts, spiced 23

baked stuffed herrings 112

seafood salad 104

old-fashioned pork pies 28

crispy pork belly with roasted vegetables 195

Huntingdon fidget pie 133

liver, bacon and caramelized onions 188

Montgomery cheddar and potato pie 142

mulligatawny 73

onion gravy 147

pan haggerty 26

red onion marmalade 247

slow roast pork with apple and lavender sauce 198

steak and kidney pie 138-9

white onion and cheddar soup 65

baked bream fillets with fennel and orange 115

citrus spatchcocked quail with sautéed potatoes 180

orchard stuffing 197

ox tongue with lamb’s lettuce salad 95

angels on horseback 25

oysters with shallot vinegar 16

potato, bacon and oyster soup 76

pan haggerty 26

rabbit hotpot with perry 154

partridge with braised red cabbage 199

pasties, Cornish 137

hot water crust 28

shortcrust 248

sweet flan 248

pastry cream 249

pâté, chicken liver 91

pearl barley:
Welsh mutton broth 77

pears poached in perry 239

chilled minted pea soup 63

hake in beer batter with mushy peas 99

marinated chicken with minted broad beans and peas 175

peas, dried:
London particular 69

pease pudding 152

sirloin steak with green peppercorn sauce 187

fennel and roasted red pepper soup 70

sausages with mustard mash and sweet and sour peppers 156

pears poached in perry 239

rabbit hotpot with perry 154

pickled quail’s eggs 32

chicken and smoked bacon pie 134

Cornish pasties 137

cottage pie with Guinness 130

Huntingdon fidget pie 133

Montgomery cheddar and potato pie 142

old-fashioned pork pies 28

steak and kidney pie 138-9

wild boar sausage rolls 34

pig’s liver faggots braised in ale 149-50

Pimm’s jellies 229

pineapple, gammon steak with fried duck egg and 172

pistachio nuts:
potted duck 48

sherry trifle 234

plum fool 217

crispy pork belly with roasted vegetables 195

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