Good for Now (Book One of The Now Series)

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Good for Now


Book One of The Now Series



Rebecca J. Ryan



For Candy Cop




“When you are happy, you can forgive a great deal.”

Princess Diana



This ebook is a word of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living for dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.


Copyright July, 2015 by Rebecca J. Ryan


All rights reserved


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“I remember the evening like it just happened.”

Violet looks up and says, "you do?"

"Yes, I couldn't forget it, even if I wanted to. Maybe that is why I can’t let go of him. How can I get rid of a memory?” I ask.

"Go on tell me what happened," Violet says.


"I'll be right in," Katie says.

"I thought we were going in together," I say, not wanting to walk in a party I knew no one.

"We are, but I want to say hi to someone," Katie says, letting out a devious smile.

"Well, I'll just wait outside until you get back then we can go together."

"Come on, go inside. It's too cold.”

I watch her walk away, still standing, not wanting to go in the party.

I turn to go home when our eyes meet, we both smile. He walks over and I know I will never be the same. I could feel the sexual pull between us making me nervous in a good way, until Katie came back and took him away, messing everything up.

Yet it was a beautiful night, the one that started everything good and bad.







Chapter 1




From the corner of my eye, I see Kevin looking my way. My heart jumps a beat. I really shouldn't be looking at him but Katie is not around. I have my overgrown bangs to hide my stares, but then our eyes meet, neither of us looks away. Suddenly I feel weightless.

"Hey Julie, can you come here? he calls, slouching with his hands in his pockets.

Katie would flip if she knew he was talking to me. Still his few words take my breath away. Did he really call me over? Or did I imagine he did? I take a quick look around to see if anyone else is behind me, to my relief there isn't. I bite my lip, feeling butterflies start swarming in my stomach, wondering what he wants. We both know the unspoken rules, given by Katie. No eye contact, no talking and no alone time.

I turn to walk to his direction next to his Jeep, feeling shaky drunk. What an idiot I am. He probably sees that I am having a hard time walking over. I take three deep breaths as I make my way to him. Looking at him close up takes my breath away. Man, is he to die for.

"Hey," he says, with a bashful smile, his head tilted to the right, looking right in my eyes.

“Hi,” I say, feeling my insides pull back. His eyes reminding me of the first night we met.

Kevin looks down at the gravel, looking like something is bothering him.

"Is everything ok? I ask after the silence becomes uncomfortable.

"Have you seen Katie around?” he asks.

I take a deep breath, of course he called me over to ask about Julie. I feel my heart drop in disappointment.

"Um, not since the morning when I was making my coffee to take for morning class...she was still eating breakfast when I was leaving," I say, surprised at how much I said. Still I could tell he wasn’t happy with my answer, as he let out a sigh.

“Well, she was suppose to be here with my notebook and I don't know where she is,” he says, brushing his hand through his golden brown hair, letting out another frustrating sigh. I could smell his peppermint gum.

“Um, did you text her?" I ask, realizing what a stupid question, of course he did. They text all the time. Still it was the only thing I could think of saying, to keep the conversation rolling.

“I did, but she hasn’t text back, and I called too,” he says, rolling his eyes. “I’m over her games."

My heart starts racing, did he finally realize what a drama queen she is and how she treats him like garbage. Still I had to be supportive.

“Here let me try calling, maybe there is a good reason why she hasn’t text you back. She should still be on campus,” I say, as I dial her number. I shake my head as the call goes to voicemail. “Sorry the call went to voicemail.”

“Why are you sorry?” he asks.

"Maybe Mrs. Randell called her last minute to babysit and you know how she doesn't like it when Katie is on the phone,” I say, trying to remember if Katie mentioning it earlier. “You know, I’ve heard Katie complain many of times how Ms. Randell thinks its a distraction,” I say in Katie's defense.

"Well, I need my notebook and she knew I needed it, or I'll fail biology.”

“I left it over last night,” Kevin says.

“You were over last night?” I softly ask. I didn’t think Katie ever had him over. I wonder why she never said anything about having him over.

“You look surprised.”

“A little, I thought she always went to your place,” I say.

“Not always, but when I do come over it’s around 11 p.m.”

"That's kind of late."

"And sometimes I see you sleeping on the couch,” he says with a grin, “looking real cute.”

My stomach drops, "Oh."

"What is wrong?"

"It's just I wish she would have told me, that's all."

"Don't worry I see you for a few seconds, she sort of pulls me away from you."

That statement hit it on the nail. She did pull him away from me, but there is nothing I can do about it now. Katie is his girlfriend.

I'm just relieved that there’s a bathroom separating her bedroom from mine, and that I am a deep sleeper. It would tear my heart if I heard them fooling around.

"I know she has a few notebooks by her computer. I’ll go look and see, and you can wait here until I return, and maybe she’ll even show up."

“I can't wait, get in the car, I'll drive," Kevin demands.

Kevin turns and opens the driver's side to his Jeep, and I rush to the passenger side feeling an adrenaline rush .

The engine is already humming, Kevin's looks over and smiles, waiting for me to buckle up. He then switches gears, and off we are, driving like we're on a goose chase to find a treasure chest. Driving well over the thirty-five speed limit.

My heart races, thinking all of this is crazy; I must be losing my mind. How is it that Katie blew Kevin off ? And just knowing that Kevin has seen me in my pjs, sleeping on the couch gives me goose bumps. finding it strange that Katie never mentioned anything about him coming over at night. Very, very, bizarre. It just doesn't seem true.

I look over at Kevin, his eyes drawn on the road, turning perfectly at each turn. I feel like I'm in a Jeep commercial, Kevin, my pretend boyfriend and I, his pretend girlfriend. I wish it was for real though. I look around the Jeep surprised to see it neat, free from any mess. Looking in the back I see a backpack and a tennis racket. I bet he is a good tennis player with real good strokes. If I had any guts, I'd ask him to play tennis sometime but Katie would see it as a threat.

Good thoughts, only good thoughts, ones without Katie. I think.

I snicker again, thinking how I am actually seated right next to him, the closeness is intoxicating, even if it's for a short while. I don’t want the ride to end. I wish the tire would blow, giving me more time with him.

Wishful thinking, because we just pulled in the apartment parking lot and he parks.

"I'll be right back," I say, turning to open the Jeep door, ready to make a dash to the apartment.

"I'm coming in with you," Kevin says.

Panic and doubt, yank at me. Calm down, don't make this more than it is. It’s no big deal, it’s not like you two are going to have sex. Still the awkwardness of being alone with him is overwhelming.

"If that is OK with you?"

“It's OK,” I smile, taking a deep breath again. He's so hot that my heart starts pounding again, come on, get a grip. Why can't I shake this nervousness?

"Are you OK?" he asks, standing just a few feet away.

"Yes, it's just cold. I'm just cold," I say, again feeling stupid.

He smiles, "that's right, you get cold easily."

Shoot, he remembers the night I acted like a complete fool. I did say something about feeling cold that evening.

At the entrance, Kevin is inches behind me, as I try to open the door, but the key won't turn. I turn it harder to no avail, falling against him, his hands touch my waist, "sorry," I say. Not daring to turn around, feeling hot, not wanting him to see my blushing face. Though his touch feels good. I could just melt in his arms.

He lets go of my waist, "Do you need help? he asks. "Because I’m good with my hands."

I can't help but smile, is he flirting with me? I can't help but think so.

“No, I’m good, this key is tricky, it usually works the second time," I say, placing the key in the lock again hoping it doesn’t fail me. Sweat bubbles form at the back of my neck, please God let the door open. I turn the key with heighten anxiety and it opens.

Thank God.

Once in the building's foyer, its empty. Kevin follows me past the elevator, down the narrow hallway to 4A, the apartment Katie and I share.

I knock on the door, just incase Katie is home, but I don't hear movement or anything else like music behind the door. I knock again, still not hearing anything. My throat becomes dry, feeling hot, seconds away from being alone with Kevin is both terrifying and exciting. I just hope I don’t faint or worst act stupid.

"Well I doubt she’s home." I open the door and walk in, Kevin follows behind. "Well, she's not here," I say.

“Let me check her room to be sure,” Kevin says.

I wonder why he has to be sure.

“OK. I’m going to see if your notebook is by the computer.”

Kevin just smiles as he walks down the hall to Katie’s room, hearing him open the door.

“Nope, she is not here,” he calls out.

“Is your notebook red?” I call out.

I hear his steps as he walks in the living room. Man is he hot, I’m actually happy it is cold outside because he still has his winter coat on. I couldn’t bare to see his body outlined from under his clothes.


I walk over and hand it to him.

“Thanks Julie, you saved my life."

“Well at least now you'll pass your biology class,” I look at Kevin, foolish to think that telepathy works, thinking, “I liked you the moment our eyes touched, but I was afraid of telling you.”

He takes a few steps closer to me, my heart starts racing. Maybe he did get my message. What is going on here? The room feels like its spinning, standing inches away from the first person who could ever take my breath away. He proved that the saying “love at first sight” was not just for fairytales or the movies. And here we are standing just a few inches away from each other, looking deep in each other's eyes like two love sick lovers wanting to make love.

I hear a buzz, breaking our stares, Kevin looks to the side of his coat, reaching in his pocket for his phone and reads the text. His smile drops.

“It’s Katie. I better go.”

Just as he heads out the door he turns to say, “Don’t tell her I was here.”

“What about the notebook? She’ll ask about it.”

“I’ll think of something.”

Kevin walks out the door, and I think what a fool I am. I don’t have a good feeling about this.









Chapter 2




At dinner, Katie is upset, her eyes puffy and red. She must have been crying. Like an ocean wave, panic washes over me. Was she in a fight with Kevin over me?

I take a bite of dinner, waiting for her to tell me how upset she is about me being in Kevin's car and how I was breaking the friendship code.

“Hope you had a better day than me," Katie says.

“It was alright,” I say, “You look sad,” feeling a little anxious, yet Katie’s question wasn’t asked in a snooty tone like she usually does when she’s pissed off. Her tone was sincere. Great now I am feeling awful.

“I hate it when Kevin is a jerk.”

I take a sip of water, not knowing what to say, or what angle to take.

"I have a feeling he is crushing on someone else, Cindy said she saw him driving off campus with a girl but wasn't able to make out who it was."

My face drops, suddenly feel violently sick, wanting to get the heck out of the kitchen. The guilt was eating me up. I start inhaling and exhaling steady breaths, afraid to lift up my fork in fear that she will see how nervous I am.

"I can't believe it," I say.

"I know, either can I. He can be so damn moody.”

“What happened?”

“He never picked me up.”


How could that be? I wonder, because Kevin was waiting for her. I saw him.

"He was suppose to pick me up at the library. I even text him but nothing."

Someone was lying, was it Kevin or Katie?

“Isn’t that fucked up?”

“Wow,” I say, then remembering when I called Katie it went straight to voicemail. Maybe there was something wrong with the phone network.

"I don't think he is seeing anyone else," I say.

“Where did you get that? I said he was crushing on someone, that means he is liking someone. He told me that he can't help having feeling for other girls he finds extremely

attractive. So whoever this bitch he is driving around, better keep herself hidden or I will kick her ass. The last time this happened, I almost got arrested, nobody is gonna take my man,” Katie says.

Now I feel like throwing up, this is too much. I didn't know what to say, other than, "Are you OK with that? Him crushing on someone?"

"Yes, it is who he is, it just sucks waiting for him to come back."

I want to say, maybe he won't come back.

"Oh, have you seen my red notebook?"

My heart takes a nosedive to the bottom of my stomach.

"It was next to the computer, it has all my British lit notes," Katie says.

Again I am feeling sick to my stomach.

"Maybe Kevin knows where it is, maybe I should call him."

"Maybe," I say. "I' have a lot of studying. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

"Didn't you take British lit last year?" Katie asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Do you still have your notes?"

"I'll have to check, let me see," leaving for my room.

I open the door to find a card on my bed. I rush to it and stare at it as I sit on the bed. Who was in my room? Is it from Kevin?

“It was you that I wanted to be my girlfriend. It was you that I wanted to go home with the first time I saw you. I still want you.”

Could he have gone in my room when he was here? Or was Katie up to another cruel prank? I have seen her do stupid stuff like splash a sunbather who is enjoying the sun to have them open their eyes to see where the water came from to see Katie act like she knew nothing about it. She knew how to lie in anyone’s face. So I wouldn’t be surprised if she left the card on my bed.

“Julie,” she calls. “Did you find your notebook?”

“I’m still looking,” I call back.

I am now about a hundred percent sure she was the one who left the card on my bed. Her wanting to see if I had my Brit notes was a way for me to go in my room and find the note. It was sort of a test to see if I would say anything about it and a slap in the face reminder of what could have been between Kevin and I. It was also a sick reflection of how she stole Kevin not just from me, but me from Kevin. She really is something. I wonder how I managed to live with her and not get hurt of attacked. Then I hear footsteps, coming down the apartment hallway.

“I’m calling Kevin, I just feel it that he has my notebook.”

“Well, I don't have mine, so that may be a good idea,” I manage to say, feeling a sudden surge of strength.

“OK, well I think I’ll invite him over.”

Was she that in denial? Didn’t he say that he wanted a break? I wasn’t going to remind her. Another realization about Katie, she doesn’t respect a person’s wishes.




I keep tossing and turning, not able to settle, desperately wanting to fall asleep. I look at my phone, it’s two a.m. I need my sleep, but all I can think about is Kevin. Looking over to Katie I feel guilty, should I just tell her that I was the one in Kevin's Jeep? No, I don't want to tell her that I am responsible for his crushing heart.

I feel myself get sleepy. Katie is in deep sleep, not having a care in the world. I feel like I am headed there, finally my eyes are heavy and they close. I am sleepy.

There is a knock at the window, my heart starts racing, who could it be? I stay still, hoping the knocks stop, then I hear, "Julie, open the window." I feel lightheaded, wanting to disappear in thin air. "It's Kevin, open up. It's freezing."

I look to see that Katie is not in her bed, I rush from under the covers to go to the window. Where did she go?

I run over to the window, looking behind the curtains, seeing Kevin smile. I lift up the window as fast as I can, Kevin jumps and once he is on his feet, he grabs my waist and brings me close to him. We desperately kiss like our lives depend on it. I can also feel his manhood pressing hard to get out of his pants and I am can’t get his pants off fast enough.


Then the alarm goes off.


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