Read Gone Country Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Western

Gone Country (17 page)

BOOK: Gone Country
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“Oh sugar,” Joely said. “You were just a baby yourself.”

“I know. But I loved my baby so much. She was perfect and all mine. I didn’t have sex again until the night of my twenty-first birthday. I ended up doing it with some sweet-talkin’ cowboy in his pickup. I went home with him afterward and we had sex again. I tried oral. Received oral. But it wasn’t great. I thought there was something wrong with me and decided sex wasn’t worth the hassle. Plus I had that whole ‘young, single mother’ stigma and I didn’t want to have a reputation that Rory would have to deal with. The two other times I’ve been attracted to a guy and we ended up having sex, it’s always been a disappointment. So, like I said. I’ve always figured it was me.”

“Was it a disappointment with Gavin?”

“Only in how I reacted. I was shocked because I’ve never had an orgasm with a man during sex. During oral? Yes. I can get off by my own hand, so I know I’m not incapable. I’m just…”

“Inexperienced,” Joely finished.

“At age forty. Gee, wouldn’t you wanna get all up in this?”

“I totally would, if I didn’t have a serious love of cock.”

Rielle choked on her drink.

Joely grinned. “I love shocking you.”

“No shit. So, tell me, Doctor Love, what should I do?”

“First off, do you want a sexual relationship with Gavin?”


“Then I’m writing you a script for birth control pills.” She pulled a pad out of her purse, filled it out and passed it over. “Get that filled tomorrow, you hear me? Use alternative birth control methods for a month.”

“Yes, Doctor Monroe.”

“Do you think your inexperience will scare him off?”

“Maybe it already has. How do I convince him to give me another try?”

“Besides getting on your knees?”


She laughed. “That would work, trust me. But in all seriousness, come on to him. Tell him he made you come so hard that night you were speechless. Tell him you can’t stop thinking about him. Tell him you want him. Then prove it. Seduce the fuck outta him.”

Rielle considered that advice and polished off another martini. She had a decent buzz going. “How many of these have we had?”

“Three. Each. And now that one is empty.” She signaled to the cocktail waitress for another round.

“I’m hardcore tonight.”

“Damn straight. Besides, you wouldn’t have the guts to talk to me without a little liquid courage.”

“True. Now I’m mulling over your advice and it’s your turn to confess how Joely gets her jollies.”

“Hilarious. Like you, I can only admit what I really want when I’ve put away several of these babies.”

“Wanna explain that?”

She ran her hand through her short red hair. “I can’t explain it to myself. It’s so fucked up. Every time I swear I’ll never do it again…I do.” She scowled over her shoulder. “Where the hell is my damn drink?”

“Hey, look at me.” When she had Joely’s attention, she said, “This road runs both ways, girlfriend. I’m as good at keeping confidences as you are. Any time you’re ready to spill, I’m here.”

“I appreciate it, Ree, I really do.”

“But you’d rather help other people than yourself.”


The cocktail waitress dropped off the martinis.

Joely plucked hers up. “Right now, I’m helping myself to another drink. Cheers.”

Rielle knew the subject was closed. So they switched gears, talking about cooking and yarn, since Joely was an avid knitter. Then out of the blue, Joely said, “So what are you going to do about Gavin?”

“Taking your suggestion to
seduce the fuck outta him.

Joely raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Good. ’Cause sugar, he just walked in the door.”



The Golden Boot was packed on a Saturday night. Gavin wasn’t much into the bar scene, but sitting home by himself was borderline pathetic. He’d headed to the closest honky-tonk to soak up some atmosphere after Ben and Tell both had mentioned a good local band played some weekends. But with the dark stage it didn’t appear to be this weekend.

He found a spot at the bar and ordered a whiskey, neat. He felt a little out of place wearing jeans, a wool sweater and loafers amidst all the cowboy hats and boots, but no one glared at him like it was a hanging offense.

After ten minutes or so, the guy on his left struck up a conversation. He’d just settled in when the guy’s eyes locked on someone behind Gavin. He turned and his heart rate spiked at seeing Rielle. For the first time in two goddamned days.

She offered him a little finger wave.

His new buddy from the bar gave him a huge grin and took off.

Rielle moved in. Right in. Slid her palms up his chest and snuggled her body into his. She tipped her head back and smiled at him. “Hey, roomie.”

She looked so good and her sexy little body felt so good against his that he bent down and touched his lips to hers. She tasted like lemons and smelled like heaven. “Hey, yourself. Fancy meeting you here.”

“Joely picked me up for a few cocktails. I was about to order coffee to sober up before the ride home. Then I saw you and thought I’d ask if you wanna give me a ride?”

I’d like to ride you like you wouldn’t believe.

“But I wouldn’t want to tear you away from anything…pressing.” Keeping her eyes on his, she pressed her pelvis into his, adding a tiny grind of her hips.

Gavin instantly went hard.

But Rielle wasn’t done. She dug her fingers into the back of his neck and pulled him closer to whisper in his ear. “Are you avoiding me after the other night?”

“No. Why?”

“I thought maybe you were since I might’ve come across a teensy bit of a lousy lay.”

He froze. “What? God no, Ree, I’m the one—”

“But here’s the secret I tried to keep from you. Why I might’ve seemed so motionless and quiet.”


“You made me come so hard, so fast that I forgot how to breathe.”

Gavin curled his hands on the side of her face and tilted her head back. “How much have you had to drink?”

“Enough to give me the courage to talk to you but not enough to make me forget what I want to say,” she said softly.

“What do you want to say to me, Rielle?”

“I want more of you. More of us. But naked this time. I wanna feel your hands on me. I wanna feel your mouth on me. God, Gavin, I’m dying to feel every inch of your body rubbing on mine. Like at least four times tonight.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

“What do you have to say to that?”

“We’re leaving. Right. Now.” Gavin didn’t even finish his drink. He grabbed her hand and towed her out of the bar. He didn’t stop moving until he reached his car.

Then he pressed her against the passenger’s side door and slammed his mouth down on hers. Taking the kiss that he’d wanted for two damn days. Pouring passion into it. Licking and sucking and biting at her succulent mouth, then easing off. Stroking her tongue with his. Pulling back a fraction of an inch, feeling her stuttered breaths as he teased her with a soft, barely-there glide of his lips. “Ree.”

“Don’t stop kissing me.”

“I’ll kiss you all you want, just not here. Let’s go.”

She blinked. “Where?”


“But Sierra—”

“Is staying over at Marin’s tonight.”

“Oh.” She smiled. “So we have the house to ourselves?”

“All night.” He dropped another kiss on her mouth. “Get in the fucking car before I throw you on the hood and fuck you right now and prove to you that you’re nowhere
to a bad lay.”

Rielle got in the car.

Gavin was giving himself a stern talk about being a man and lasting longer than one goddamn minute this time, when Rielle grabbed his right hand and shoved it between her legs. “What are you—”

“Get me off. Please.” She rubbed the side of her face on his arm and squeezed her thighs together. “I’m wet. Just from that damn kiss. Stick your hand in and see for yourself what you do to me.”

His first thought was to tell her to keep her pants on; it’d wait until they got home. His second thought was, what the fuck was wrong with him? Rielle was begging him to touch her. No woman had ever begged him.

That was fucking hot.

He briefly took his focus off the road. “Take your jeans off.”

Her eyes widened. Then she released a little moan and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. She shimmied the denim down her legs, revealing a tiny pair of pink panties. So unexpectedly girly. So unbelievably sexy.

When Gavin glanced up, he saw he’d drifted clear into the other lane. This was too damn dangerous. He pulled onto the shoulder and cut the headlights. The lights from the instrument panel cast a golden glow over her half-naked body.


He unbuckled and leaned over to run his fingertip over the lace band stretching between her hips. “I want to see you. All of you. Off. Now.”

Rielle didn’t hesitate.

This being in charge was heady stuff. “Lower the seat. Top button on the side. That’s it.”

Her teeth were digging into her lower lip; those beautiful pale eyes didn’t venture from his face.

Gavin caught her scent; sweet honey. Like her hair, like her skin, like her mouth. He ran his index finger up and down her slit. “You are wet.”


“What should I do about that?”

“Touch me. Make me come.”

“With my hand?”

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Or…” He swirled just the tip of his finger over her clit, backing off when her hips bucked up. “Maybe I should make you get yourself off and I should watch.”

He could almost feel the heat from the way her body flushed. So she had no problem being naked from the waist down, but masturbation made her tense. Gavin didn’t blame her. Had the situation been reversed, his face would be cherry red if she demanded he whip out his cock and stroke it until he came.

“Or…I could get you off with my mouth.” He brushed his lips over hers after he heard her swift intake of breath. “Put one foot on the door and one foot on the console. Spread your legs as wide as you can. That’s good. Now slide up. That’s perfect.”

Her ass was a little more than halfway up the back of the seat, which put her pussy within range. He leaned across the console, biting back a wince at the painful position of his cock. He breathed her in. Flicked her clit with his tongue. Just one time.

Rielle moaned.

Then he gave her one thorough lick, getting his first complete taste of her. Goddamn, she tasted so fucking sweet. He could suck up her cream all night. He worked her with his tongue, lips and teeth. Losing his mind in the fact that he was going down on Rielle, in his Lexus, on the side of the road.

“Oh God.”

He traced her hot folds with his tongue, top to bottom. He drew lazy circles, broad circles, stilling her hips with a firm push of his hands when she tried to grind upward.


“Mmm-hmm?” he answered, the sound vibrating against her blood-engorged tissues.

Her whole body quivered. “Please. I can’t take any more.”

He heard the words, “Hold on,” rumble from his mouth in an animal-like growl. He grabbed her left ankle and swung her body around, almost clipping himself in the head with her heel as he wrapped her leg around the back of his seat. Slipping his hands under her butt, he pulled her closer and buried his mouth in her juicy sex.

She gasped when he wiggled his tongue inside her opening. After a few fast flicks over her clit, Gavin enclosed that swollen flesh between his lips and sucked hard.

Rielle exploded. She clamped her hands over his ears and wrapped her right leg around his shoulder, holding him in place while she came in violent waves against his mouth.

Gavin watched pleasure overtake her. It was one of the hottest experiences of his life.

When she finally went limp, he released his hold. He nipped the inside of her thigh, earning a sharp, surprised yip from her. Although his cock was smashed against his belly and constricted by his jeans, he took a second to burn the image into his brain. Beautiful, sated woman sprawled in front of him, bared to him fully, breathing hard and peering at him from beneath lowered lashes. He unhooked her leg from his seat, kissed the outside of her ankle and swiveled her around to face forward.

He did the same. Then he smiled at her as she just sat there, unmoving, sort of stunned. “You getting dressed?”

“Oh. Right. Although, I’m pretty sure I won’t be wearing these clothes long when we get home.”

“That’d be a sure bet.”

Chapter Sixteen

Gavin kept hold of Rielle’s hand on the drive home. Stroking his thumb on the inside of her wrist. Moving his palm up and down to rub the tips of his fingers between the webbing of hers. Then he brought her knuckles to his mouth. Kissing and nipping, drawing the backside of her hand across his goatee.

BOOK: Gone Country
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