Going Nowhere (6 page)

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Authors: K. M. Galvin

BOOK: Going Nowhere
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“Yeah?” He smirked, leaning forward
, both forearms on the tabletop. “You like banjos, sweetheart?”

I returned his smirked and mirrored his position, “Oh yeah, sweetheart. I love banjos.”
I crooned. He laughed.

“She’s being modest. S
he freaking obsessed with them. Always wanted to learn.” Kayla interjected.

“Really?” Declan asked, looking at me appreciatively.

“Sure, but I heard it was incredibly hard to learn and I haven’t met anyone who was able to teach me.”

“Have you ever played an instrument?”

“Nope. Always wanted too, though. I love music.” I glanced at Jason, smiling, since we already discussed how much we both loved it, but he was staring hard at Declan. I frowned a little and then looked back at Declan when he spoke again.

“It’s actually easier that way believe it or not, since you play the banjo and read the music
a little differently. If you want, I could maybe show you sometime?” There was nothing flirtatious in his offer, which was good; I could always use more friends.

“Actually, that would be really cool. Hopefully, I’ll have a job after Monday and I can pay you.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’ll be fun and it’s more practice for me.”

“Are you sure?” I asked skeptically.

“Definitely!” It’ll have to work around my work and rehearsal schedule, but it’ll be cool. We can work it out, give me your number and I’ll text you next week with what works best.”

“That would be awesome!” I handed my phone over to him and he gave me his to input our info in each other’s cells. I started bouncing in my seat with excitement.

I’ve always loved the sound of the banjo. Everyone always thinks it’s a hillbilly instrument or that it was unsophisticated, but there was something about the sound that plucked at my heart.

“I can’t believe this shit! I’m the lead singer and friggin’ Huckleberry Finn over here gets more play then me!” Blake said. I looked over at him; he was c
ute in an all American/Ken doll way. I couldn’t imagine him having any trouble in that area. Declan had deep auburn hair with blue eyes with sharp cheekbones and lush lips. They should have made him look feminine, but he was incredibly masculine despite being so damn beautiful.

“Shut up, dude, you don’t get any play because Lindsey would kick your ass!” Trent said laughing, and shoving Blake’s shoulder.
Trent was your regular Southern boy. He had curly brown hair, or at least I assumed since he had a Gators cap pulled low on his head and smooth tan skin. He had big brown eyes and long lashes that he probably didn’t appreciate. Why God wasted long lashes on men was beyond me.

“Lindsey is Blake’s girlfriend. They’ve been together forever and are so in love.” Declan explained, batting his eyelashes and putting a hand over his heart as he gave a dramatic sigh. I laughed at his antics.

“It’s really not about looks anyways. Not that I don’t find you attractive, Declan, but it’s all about how you handle that instrument.” I laughed as I grabbed the table and growled at him.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Dec, Mari here isn’t looking for anything other then friendship.” Jason said, flatly. I glanced at Jason as he says this. He’s looking right at me as he takes another sip from his beer bottle. Who knew drinking beer could be so passive aggressive?

And what the hell? What he said wasn’t untrue, but he didn’t have to get all cave man about it. I frowned at him and looked back at Declan. Dec was glancing between us with interest.

“You’re just jealous, Jase. First girl to not fall at your feet after playing.” Trent laughed. “Don’t let him fool you, Marisol, this guy has plenty of chicks who love how he, uh, strums his guitar strings.” He cracked up at his not so subtle innuendo.

I raise my eyebrows at Jason who’s blushing. I never noticed how cute it was when a guy blushes. I think I loved the color that rode high on his cheekbones.

“Shut the hell up, Trent.” Jason mumbled, eyes on the table.

“Oh don’t be modest,
! Who knew you were such a stud?” I said. I loved that he was uncomfortable. It was a nice change of pace considering the majority of the time I was a blushing, stuttering mess around him. “You have fans.”

“Yeah, when he used to tour, we all gave him the nickname, Jason ‘Panty Dropper’ Scott because the minute he started playing the girls just threw their underwear at him.”
Trent continued.

That’s right! You went on tour with these guys on the festival circuit about four years ago and then just quit on them. Blake still bitches about Panty Dropper, dropping them.” Johnny yelled. He was definitely getting drunk.

He tended to
get progressively louder with each beer. I pushed my beer over to Kayla, who was laying her head on Johnny’s shoulder taking everything in. Neither of them would be ok to drive by the looks of it, so I would need to keep a clear head. Especially since I wanted to remember this conversation.

“You went on tour?” Turning back to Jason. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was still staring at the table, but at my question he glanced up at me. I tilted my head in question at the look in his eyes.

“It was a couple months, years ago.” He said shortly. Touchy touchy, I thought intrigued.

“Why’d you stop? By all accounts you had quite the following.” I joked, trying to lighten him up. He was getting tenser as the conversation continued.

He just shrugged and turned his attention to the crowd. I caught a look between the guys and was about to keep fishing when Jason pushed back from the table and went over to the bar. He immediately caught the attention of two bar flies next to him and I had to swallow the vomit when they slithered their barely clothed bodies next to him.

It took all the maturity in me to not yell ‘Slut!’

I’ve graduated high school, I’m a mature woman, and I am way more sophisticate-The redheaded troll’s hand just inched up his thigh!

I stared at her hand, willing it to catch fire when I saw that Jason had swiveled his bar stool towards our table. I immediately jerked my gaze to Declan, “Wanna dance, Declan?” Before he could answer, I hopped down from the chair and almost fall when my heel slips on something wet. Do not look down, I yelled in my head as I slapped the table, jerking Kayla awake off
Johnny’s shoulder. Way to be subtle, Marisol.

“Come on!” I grab Declan’s hand and move out to the dance floor. I weave in and out of couples until I find a little room to turn around and put my arms around Declan’s shoulders.

He just stood there, a little shell-shocked. I took his hands and put them on my hips and then put my arms back around his shoulders.

“Dec come on, even if we sway back and forth like eighth graders, it would be better than just standing here.”

“I don’t like to dance.” He mumbled at his shoes as he barely shuffled. I moved my hands down to his hips and gripped them.

“Dec, look, move your hips side to side, slightly while moving in a circle.
” I moved his hips with my hands before putting them back around his neck. “It’s a slow song so we don’t need to dirty dance.” I snickered out a laugh when he moved his hips exaggeratingly to the left and right. I looked up at his face and saw that he was smiling down at me.

“Come on, dork!” I was about to take his hips again when he grabbed my right hand and spun me in a circle, before he dipped me. My mouth dropped open as he lean
ed over me and whispered in my ear.

“I said that I don’t like to dance, not that I couldn’t.” He leaned up yanking me with him, until I was flush against his body. Holy hand grenade, that was hot. Hot, hot, hot.

“Are you trying to get in my pants, Banjo boy?” I murmured at him, looking over at Kayla who basically looked like she was going to explode out of her seat and tackle me in happiness. I smiled at her and shook my head slightly. While Declan was hot and flirty, I felt nothing from him but friendship.

“Nope, no offense, you’re hot, but I’m interested elsewhere.”

Bingo. “Then what’s with the moves, Travolta?”

“Just trying to help you accomplish your mission.” He said innocently. I jerked back a little in his arms and looked back at him.

“What are you talking about?” I said, surprised.

“Come on, Marisol. The minute those chicks sta
rted hanging all over Jason, I saw the daggers shooting out of your eyes.”

I glanced down at my shoes now, imitating him early. He tucked his hand under my chin and lifted my head up until I was looking into his eyes. “Declan-“

“Do you like him, kiddo?” He asked softly.

“I’m not looking for anything like that right now. Dude, believe me, not a whole lot to offer at the moment. I’m just focusing on me right now.” I said
, sounding completely rehearsed.

“That’s not what I asked.”

“He said I wasn’t his type.” I hedged.

He began, his grip tightening on my chin. Feeling frustrated with the turn of events, I jerked out of his grip and practically barked out my answer.

“Do I like him? Sure! I don’t know him very well, but I can see that we get along and have chemistry. Am I attracted to him? I’m not blind. Do I want a relationship with him? No, absolutely not. Not even a casual one. We are friends. Possibly becoming really good friends.
what I need.”

He nodded and took my hand and began leading me off the dance floor. I looked for Jason, but didn’t see him anywhere. Right before we got back to the table, Declan leaned down
and whispered in my ear, “What are you so afraid of, kiddo?”

He released my hand and waited as the rest of the band stood up, getting ready for their second set. Kayla was asking me if I was ready to leave and I nodded. I blindly followed them out, Declan’s question echoing in my mind.

What are you so afraid of, kiddo?
I caught the keys, Johnny threw at me and slid in the drivers seat and began to make our way home lost in thought.
What are you so afraid of, kiddo?
I could hear Johnny and Kayla talking softly to each other in the back; I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that they were cuddled up with each other, laughing quietly. I white-knuckled the steering wheel and looked back to the road.
What are you so afraid of, kiddo?




The rest of the weekend was really nice. On Saturday Kayla, Johnny and I went to the beach and on Sunday, Kayla and I went shopping most of the morning and early afternoon. It was so good to spend some time with just us. I didn’t realize how much I missed her. Though we were complete opposites, she still got me. So she knew not to push all the whole lovey-dovey crap.

We mostly talked about her, thank God. After Jason’s disappearance on Friday night, I didn’t hear or see him for the rest of the weekend. That was fine because I didn’t want to have to analyze either of our actions that night too closely. Currently I was sitting on the couch with
Johnny watching football, Kayla had to run to school for a study group so we said goodbye earlier.

I looked at
Johnny who jumped up and looked the through the peephole. He snorted and looked at me over his shoulder while unlocking the door.

“Who is it?” I asked. He said nothing, just pulled the door open.

“Hey man, is Mari here?” I recognized his voice immediately because my stomach dropped to my knees. Holy shit fuck! I looked down at myself. Yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt I stole from Johnny that fell to my knees, my hair was on top of my head in a messy bun and I was wearing no make up. Sonofa
! I had a feeling that he would always catch me in my most sloth-like apparel. I texted Jason Kayla’s address last night and told him to text me when he was ready to leave. Dammit! I do not like surprises for this reason right here!

“Pinky! You’re friend is here!”
Johnny yelled at the top of his lungs, meanwhile
three feet away
I cringed at the use of my nickname. He dropped down next to me on the couch and I immediately punched him in the arm. “Ow, Pinkster!”

“I swear to God,
Johnny!” I growled and continued hitting him while he laughed like a lunatic. I froze when I heard Jason clear his throat. I looked at him, now standing in front of the TV. “Uh, hi!” I hopped off the couch and patted my hair.

“Hey Pinky
” He said, thoroughly amused. His eyes were practically blinding me they were shining with so much laughter. I blushed furiously.

“I’m going to kill you,
Johnny.” I snarled at him.

“Aw, come on, Pinkster-”
He began and stopped when he realized he used my nickname again. My eyes narrowed in warning.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked turning my attention back to Jason. He tucked his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, looking casually sexy in jeans, a white t-shirt, and converse with no socks.

This is my favorite outfit on a guy. I glare at him while I walk into Kayla’s room and grab my stuff. Why did he always have to look perfect while I looked like a hobo? Walking back into the living room I can hear Johnny and Jason talking quietly, whatever they were saying was apparently hilarious since Jason was cracking up. I walk over to Johnny who shuts up immediately and opens his arms for a hug; I go into them easily.

“Bye, idiot.” I mumble into his hoodie. He squeezes me so tight my feet come off the ground.

“Bye, Pinkster. Don’t be a stranger, we miss you around here.” I can’t even be mad at him of my nickname again; he’s being sweet, dammit.

“I won’t, promise. Love you!” I call walking out the door with Jason following right behind me.

“So Pinky, huh?” Jason asked from behind me. I make it to my car and sling my bag in the back seat in silence. He does the same on the opposite side.

“Quiet you!” I said finally, pointing a warning finger at him. I get in the car and shut the door, when he’s settled in his seat; I toss my iPod at him. “Hit it, DJ.”

Humming, he immediately starts scrolling through my music. It takes me a second, but when I realize he’s humming the Pinky and the Brain theme song I slap his arm. “Stop!” I yell, laughing at him as he just hums louder.

“One is a genius, the other is insane!” He sings loudly, laughing his ass off. “Guess we know which one y
ou are.” He looks over and leers at me.

“Yeah, yeah. The comedic styling’s of Jason Scott everybody!” Incubus’s “Drive” comes on through the speakers again and I settle back in my seat, listening to Jason as he sings the lyrics softly. W
e slipped into the easy silence without the awkwardness I was dreading. We could do this; we could be friends.



Monday morning I jumped out of bed and right into the shower thinking about the
drive last night. Jase made me promise to stop by the bar after I met up with Emily, Jase’s sister, for our interview.

I had forty-five minutes to meet her at the Starbucks by Shenanigan’s. Of course, this makes my stomach turn, having more to do with a certain bartender next door than the thought of my interview. Emily seemed cool when we talked on the phone, but then again it was a five-minute conversation so
who knows?

I rinsed the soap off my body and hair and quickly dried myself off. Looking at the clock on my IPod dock, I bolted into my room and started searching in my closet for an “I am the perfect nanny, trust me with your kid” outfit. I settled on khaki skinny jeans and a navy loose fitting blouse with little anchors all over it, very nautical.

I hopped my way back to the bathroom, sliding on a pair of yellow ballet flats and set about fixing my hair into a braid a la Katniss Everdeen with subtle make-up. Leaning back I checked out my look in the mirror: unassuming, sweet, girl next door. Perfect. I take the stairs and hop down the last step and head into the kitchen to grab some toast and coffee. My dad is sitting at the kitchen table with his breakfast and tablet, but he looks up when I take the seat across from him.

“Good morning, Father.” I nod seriously.

“Good morning, Daughter.” He nods back, playing along. “What is on the agenda today, my girl?”

elp! In about twenty minutes I have an interview with Emily, Jason’s sister.” I said over a mouthful of toast. I sweep away the crumbs that flew out of my mouth.

“Marisol! Eat like a lady, not a rabid wolf.” My mother called from somewhere in the house.

I didn’t see her so I’m not sure how she saw me eat. Growing up I used to think she had the cameras all over the house. She says she has eyes in the back of her head so she’s always watching us, but what about when she’s not in the room? She’s sneaky and I respect that.

“I thought you already had the job?” My dad asks, ignoring my mom.

“Well, Jase thinks I’ll get it for sure. And Emily seemed pretty settled on me given that her brother gave her the recommendation. But I don’t know-“ I shrug.

“Well, good luck anyway. It’ll be nice to get some money in that bank account I bet.”

“Is this a hint of my rent bill being slipped under the door soon?” I joked.

“Well you will be gainfully employed and you know how I feel about squatters.” He smiled at me.

“Squatters!” I crack up. “Dad, if you want me to chip in, I’m totally for it. I should contribute since I’m using y’alls stuff.” I tell him seriously.

He gets up from the table with his plate and walks around to my side and drops a kiss on top of my head. “We’ll talk about it later. You just go make that bread.”

I take a huge bite, finishing off the rest of my breakfast. “On it!”

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