Going All In (7 page)

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Authors: Jess Dee

BOOK: Going All In
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She squeezed another drop from Hunter and repeated the process. This time when Jay’s lips met hers, he groaned low in his throat.

Keeping her gaze on Jay’s face, she held Hunter’s dick in her hand and licked it from the base up to the tip and then back down again. Twice she did it, and then a third time, conscious of Jay staring, his eyes glazed with hunger.

Perhaps it took her a few seconds to see the truth because her glasses were off. But once she noticed it, she couldn’t deny the fact. It wasn’t just her mouth Jay ogled. It was Hunter’s penis as well. Hunter’s delectable penis.

She licked the head of his dick and then paused to watch Jay.

He licked his lips.

She did it again.

He licked his lips again.

Her pussy tightened.

Jay wanted Hunter’s dick.

Ever so slowly she raised her head. While still holding Hunter’s shaft, she tilted it, offering it to Jay.

Jay didn’t move an inch. Indecision flashed across his face, made obvious by his frown.

Julia pursed her lips and sucked Hunter into her mouth, sliding her lips up and down, making him mumble on the bed. She watched Jay while she feasted.

He watched Hunter’s dick.

When he bit his lower lip and his tongue flashed over it, soothing the reddened spot, Julia pulled away, and once again offered him Hunter’s penis.

This time he faltered for a second. Then he leaned over and swiped his tongue over the tip of the proffered cock.

Blood raced to Julia’s head, making her dizzy. In her entire life she had never seen anything as mesmerizing.

Jay did it again and then again.

Hunter writhed and his hips surged up, as though asking for more.

Jay obliged. Tentatively he opened his mouth and lowered his lips over Hunter’s shaft. They touched Julia’s fingers, and she released her grasp on Hunter, giving Jay free rein.

Hunter let out a long breath. His arm still covered his eyes, but his lower body was moving now, thrusting up into Jay’s mouth.

God, Julia thought, stunned. She was watching Jay go down on Hunter. A man on a man. The one man she loved doing the other man she loved. It was shocking. Scandalous. It was outrageous. And fascinating. And hot. Oh, dear Lord, the very sight turned her on almost more than sleeping with both of them did.

Julia pushed her hand against her pussy, hoping to ease the sudden ache between her legs. Desire burned within, growing hotter as Jay devoured Hunter. Jay’s face was a study in concentration. His eyes were closed, as though he relished the experience. With each bob of his head, Jay’s confidence seemed to grow, his movements became faster, his expression more intent.

She closed her other hand around Jay’s penis, stunned to find it harder than ever, with a vein pulsing tangibly through it.

“Jules,” Hunter cried. “Fuck, Jules!” he flung his head from side to side, his eyes still closed. “That feels unbelievable.”

Jay froze. His eyes popped open.

“No.” Hunter panted. “Christ, don’t stop.”

Jay stared at her aghast.

Hunter’s hips surged up, and Jay was wrenched back into action. He returned his attention to Hunter, his actions so sensual Julia found herself wishing she were on the receiving end of his mouth’s exploits.

“That’s it,” Hunter moaned. “Oh, God. I’m gonna…come. Don’t stop. Oh…God.”

Hunter began to spasm, his hips jerking against Jay’s mouth.

Watching Hunter’s orgasm was so exhilarating, so stimulating, she could come herself. All it would take was one swipe of a finger across her clit. She yanked her hand away from her pussy. No way would she come this way. Not when the men of her fantasies could offer so much more.

Jay closed his eyes, extreme satisfaction glowing in his face as he accepted everything Hunter pumped into his mouth.

Several seconds passed before Hunter relaxed and collapsed on the bed. It was then that Jay swallowed, twice, without releasing Hunter’s cock.

“Oh, fuck,” Hunter gasped. “Jules, Jesus,” he said in a scratchy voice. “That was the best damn blowjob I’ve ever had.”

Again Jay looked at her, startled.

Julia inhaled and then climbed on the bed to kneel beside Hunter. She kissed his cheek. “Not Jules, Blondie. Jay.”

His eyes flew open. He stared at her in disbelief before pushing up to observe his waist. The evidence he faced was indisputable. At Hunter’s sudden movement, his cock slid out of Jay’s mouth.

Jay wiped his lips, looked up at Hunter and grinned. “Hey, mate,” he said. “You don’t taste half bad.”

Going All In
Chapter Six

“The hell I’ll calm down,” Hunter snarled as he paced the length of the living room. “Goddammit, he gave me a fucking blowjob.”

He’d paused long enough to pull on his jeans before storming out of the bedroom, furious. Jay had tried to go after him, but woman’s intuition told Julia Hunter wouldn’t want to see his friend. So she’d convinced Jay to stay put, and she’d gone instead, pulling Jay’s T-shirt on in the process. It hung down to her knees.

“The best blowjob you’ve ever had,” Julia reminded him now, desperate to pacify him. She’d never seen Hunter lose his cool like this. Ever. If either of the men was prone to blowing his top in a stressful situation it was Jay. Yet here Hunter was, way beyond the point of reason.

“Fuck, Jules. You know I thought it was you. Not…not him!”

“But it was him, Hunter. It was Jay. And it was beautiful. The sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Hunter blanched. “It is not sexy when one man puts another man’s dick in his mouth. It’s abnormal. It…it’s twisted.”

“And two men sleeping with one woman at the same time isn’t?” she asked. “You think you can classify a threesome as normal behavior? Hell, I let you and Jay fuck me. It’s not the kind of thing I’d refer to as regular kind of sex. But you don’t seem to see that as twisted or wrong. You said, not half an hour ago, that you liked it. A lot.”

“We make love to you, not to each other. It’s a man with a woman, or two men with a woman. Not a man with a man.”

“There is nothing wrong with two men together,” Julia insisted. She believed that one hundred percent. Especially now, after seeing Jay and Hunter together. Far from being wrong, it seemed both alluring and right.

“There is when one of those men is me.” He stabbed his chest with his finger for emphasis. “I like women, Jules, not men. Not Jay.”

“You like him well enough when his naked penis is in me, right beside yours.”

“His…his dick is separated from mine by you.”

“Yet how often is Jay the one who makes you come?” she pointed out calmly, although she felt anything but. “Soon as he increases the pace of our lovemaking, you lose control.”

Hunter collapsed into a dining room chair and thunked the table hard with his fist. “Fuck it. This is so not what I imagined. I can’t do this.”

Julia’s stomach dropped. The best sexual experience of her life was turning into an unmitigated disaster. Hunter was on the verge of throwing it all away because of Jay’s actions.

Her mind raced. A million thoughts bombarded her at once. Desperation merged with misery, resulting in unexpected revelations. Julia was about to lose everything—Hunter, Jay and the incredible intimacy the three of them had created together. The certainty and the horror combined to give her a startling moment of clarity. Suddenly she knew what she wanted. And it wasn’t what she—or her family—expected.

Julia wanted Jay and Hunter. Both of them. For as long as they’d have her. Her goals and her focus had changed. She’d changed. Jay and Hunter had changed her. Her focus was no longer on choosing one man, it was now about keeping two of them. Together, Jay and Hunter had become the present and the future she desired. The present and future she’d have to fight for—and damn it, she was willing to fight.

It was up to her to sort out this business. To get Hunter to accept that what Jay had done wasn’t as perverse as he seemed to think it was.

“It’s not a bad thing, Blondie.” Julia lowered her voice. “When you come, I come too.”

He glowered at her.

“Hunter—” Julia walked over to him, “—whatever is happening between the three of us, it’s wonderful. The best experience of my life. The best sex too. Having you and Jay inside me… God, I love it. I never want it to end. I want the three of us to go on forever.”

Hunter shook his head. “The three of us are over, Jules.” He grimaced. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get a hard-on again if Jay is anywhere near me. If you and I sleep together, it’ll be just the two of us. Full stop.”

Julia might as well have collided with a brick wall. The impact of his words almost broke her. Hunter was dead serious, as was evident from the set of his shoulders and the determination in his face.

Damn it, she wouldn’t let Hunter destroy this magic between them. Not over a blowjob. “Jay liked having you in his mouth,” she said, not to goad him, but to make a point. “He liked it a lot. His dick was hard as steel while he blew you.” She flexed her fingers, recalling the texture of Jay’s shaft, the satiny skin covering the iron-like rod beneath.

“I’ll tell you something else,” Julia rushed on. “He didn’t mean for it to happen. He came to be with me, not to touch you. But one thing led to another and I encouraged him, and the next thing—”

“You encouraged him?” Hunter cut her off, outraged.

She nodded. “You bet I did. He couldn’t get enough of your taste when he kissed me, I figured he’d prefer to sample your merchandise firsthand.” She shrugged. “I was right. And you preferred it too.”

“Bullshit,” Hunter barked.

“Not bullshit. True. When Jay had his mouth on you, you went wild. You couldn’t control yourself.”

Hunter eyed her warily.

“You know I’m right,” she told him. “Think about it. The first time his lips touched your cock, something told you it was different. You loved it. In fact, when he stopped you yelled at him not to.”

“I yelled at you.”

“But I wasn’t touching you. Jay was. And when he continued you went out of your mind. You couldn’t hold off. He had you so turned on, so aroused, you came in his mouth. Jay’s mouth, not mine.”

“Goddammit,” Hunter exploded. “I thought it was yours.”

Before she could respond, a second masculine voice spoke up.

“What’s upsetting you, Blondie?” Jay asked. “The fact that a man had your dick in his mouth, or the fact that you liked it?”

Hunter’s eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as he glared at Jay. His cheeks turned beet red. “Fuck you, Baxter.”

“Fuck me, or fuck you?” Jay asked, his voice sharp. “Which one do you really want?”

“I want you to get the hell out of my house and not come back. Ever.”

“Hunter,” Julia gasped. “You don’t mean that.”

“You bet I do!”

“Yeah, see, I also don’t believe you mean that,” Jay taunted. “I think what you want is for me to take your dick again and give it another stupendous blowjob.” Jay walked forward so Julia could now see he wore a pair of boxers and nothing else. “Or maybe,” he continued, his gaze fixed on Hunter, his mouth grim, “maybe you want your own mouthful of man juice. Maybe you want to try blowing me.”

If possible, Hunter’s cheeks turned even redder. “Don’t push me, Jay. I’ll kick your sorry ass out of the door faster than you can blink.”

Jay raised an eyebrow. “So that’s what you want to do with my ass? Kick it?” He snickered in obvious disbelief. “Mate, after the quality of that blowjob, I think there’s a lot more you want to aim at my ass than your foot.”

Julia’s jaw dropped open.

Hunter’s chair crashed to the floor. He was on his feet and advancing on Jay at killer speed.

“Hunter. No!” She grabbed his arm, trying to yank him to a halt. Her shoulder about jerked out of her socket before Hunter reacted to her anxiety and stopped.

“I’m sorry, Jules,” he said without looking at her. He stared daggers at Jay. “But you need to let me go. Now.”

Damn it, so much testosterone flooded the room there was only one way this argument was going to end. With someone lying on the floor, injured. While Jay might be taller than Hunter, Hunter was broader. It was anyone’s guess who’d be the first man down.

Jay stood a little straighter. “No worries, Jules. You can drop your hold on him.”

Not a chance. The muscles bulged in Hunter’s arm, warning Julia he was preparing to throw the first punch.

“See, he’s not going to hurt me,” Jay explained as he stared straight back at Hunter. “He doesn’t want a fight. He wants…this.”

To Julia’s flabbergasted surprise, Jay flashed Hunter. Even from five odd paces away, she could see the way Jay’s cock stood proud and erect. Good God, he was turned on. With all the craziness going on around them, he was aroused.

Before she had a full second to process her thoughts, Hunter had ripped free of her grasp and leapt at Jay. He landed against him with a sickening thud. The force of his attack sent them both crashing to the floor. Jay landed on his back, spread-eagle. Hunter landed on top of him.

Hunter pulled back, lifted his arm and clenched his hand into a fist. He looked murderous.

If his hand connected with Jay’s nose, he’d break it.

Jay said something in a voice so soft Julia couldn’t hear. But Hunter did and he froze. He relaxed his hand then clenched it into a fist again. Then relaxed it.

Julia dropped to her knees, closer to the men. When Jay spoke again, she heard him.

“It’s what you want, Miles.”

“No, Baxter.” Hunter’s hand formed the fist again. Muscle strained in his back and neck. “What I want is to smash your teeth in.”

Again Jay spoke too softly to hear.

“Never,” Hunter roared and his arm flashed through the air.

Before his fist met its target, Jay flipped them both. This time Hunter landed on his back, with Jay on top of him, pinning his body down with his chest and holding his arms with his hands. They were inches away from Julia.

“You’re lying,” Jay snapped. “You want it as much as I do.”

“I want Jules, you stupid fuck. Not you.” Hunter panted as Jay pressed his weight on his chest.

“Then why do you have a massive hard-on?”

Hunter bared his teeth. “It’s adrenaline, asshole. I’m about to beat the shit out of you, and I’m excited by the thought.”

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