Going All In (6 page)

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Authors: Jess Dee

BOOK: Going All In
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A pang whacked Julia in the stomach. What if she wasn’t still seeing them? The thought filled her with dread and gloom. But then, considering all the odds they faced, continuing their alternative arrangement into the New Year terrified her. All she knew for sure was that she couldn’t wait to get back to Hunter’s place after lunch. Couldn’t wait to see them both again. But that was as far into the future as she’d considered.

“It’s not a bad plan,” Julia told Kim. “But let’s just play this whole introduction stuff by ear. We can speak on the first and decide then what to do depending on the circumstances. Okay?”

Kim regarded her thoughtfully. “Okay, little sis. I just hope the circumstances turn out the way you want them to. The way that’ll make you happiest.”

And therein lay Julia’s biggest problem. She had no idea how said circumstances would turn out.

Going All In
Chapter Five

Julia relaxed in the bath, swirls of steam spiraling above her. In the bedroom next door Jay lay fast asleep, while Hunter took a shower in the glassed stall beside the bath.

Julia watched as Hunter soaped himself and shampooed his hair, wishing she could focus on the sleek movement of his muscles as he washed. But without her glasses she couldn’t see her own toes clearly beneath the water. Still the scent of his lemony shampoo wound its way through her nose, making her hungry for a taste of him.

Ah, crap. Truth was, she was never not hungry for him or Jay.

What now? Where did they go from here? Her conversation with Kim at lunch had her anxious. No matter how uncertain she was about the future of this threesome, one thing she had no doubts about were her feelings for the men. She was seriously in love with both of them. Enough in love that the thought of ever finding anyone else was ridiculous. Julia knew that after Jay and Hunter no other man could ever come close. No one else could compete. She’d suspected it months before anything had happened between them. Their last week together had cemented her convictions.

But her convictions only complicated issues. What would Hunter and Jay say if they knew her feelings towards them went way beyond sexual desire? Sure, they knew she found them both irresistible, but apart from physical satisfaction, none of them had discussed the emotional side of things. They were too busy having sex.

“You know what, Four Eyes?” Hunter said as he stepped out of the shower.

I know I love you. “Tell me.”

Hunter toweled himself dry. “You are some kind of wonderful.”

She grinned at him.

“Smart, sassy, sexy and beautiful. And a tigress in bed.”

She couldn’t be sure, but she thought he smiled.

“You’re pretty good in bed yourself, Blondie.”

He wrapped the towel around his waist and came to sit on the side of the bath. “Is this all okay for you?” The concern in his voice was unmistakable. “You know, being with both of us?”

Had he read her mind? “Okay?” She laughed lightly. “It’s freaking amazing.”

He was close enough for her to notice his frown at her answer. “You’re lying,” he said in a soft voice. “You’ve been too quiet this evening. Is something bothering you?”

Damn eyes of his. They saw way too much. She sighed. “I am lying.”

“What’s the problem?”

Julia bit her lip, but said nothing.

“Are we too much for you? Both…both of us together? Jay and I were worried about that.”

“God, no!” Julia knew her answer left no room for doubt. “I love making love to both of you. Love, love, love it.” Even talking about it got her hot, and she squirmed in the water, her body tightening in awareness.

Hunter’s gaze caught on her breasts and stayed there for a couple of seconds. When he spoke again, his voice was gruff. He had to stop and clear his throat. “So what’s the matter?”

Oh Lord, how did she explain this?

“Jules, I’ve licked your ass. I’ve fucked you in every way known to mankind. And I’ll be damned if I don’t want to do it over and over again.” He took a shaky breath. “We’re past the point of pretending to be shy around each other. If you’re worried about something, tell me. Let me help.” Hunter trailed a hand in the water.

She gave him a half smile. “Well, when you put it like that…” She gnawed on her bottom lip. “Are you comfortable with the way things have turned out between the three of us?”

He thought about her question. Emotion flashed in his eyes, but she couldn’t identify it. “Surprised would be a more accurate description.”

She snorted. “Oh, I can relate to that.”

“I never thought I’d enjoy sharing you with another man, but with Jay—” He hesitated, as though he were measuring each word. “I like it. A lot.” He swept his hand along her ribs and up over her breast. Her nipple beaded in response.

“I like it a lot too.” Julia licked her lips. “More than I ever imagined I would.”

“I’d always wanted you to myself,” Hunter told her. “Up until that first night we kissed, I hadn’t…” Again he paused. “I hadn’t thought this could be an option.”

Julia blushed. “I fantasized about both of you—all the time, but in my wildest dreams I never saw the three of us together.”

Hunter’s eyes darkened, hunger shadowing his expression.

“The reality is pretty different from the fantasies,” Julia mused.

“Do you regret the reality?” he asked.

“No. I wasn’t kidding earlier. I love making love to both of you.”

“So why do you look so worried?”

Because I love our threesome but fear nothing can become of it. Because I always imagined myself with either you or Jay, and now that I’ve had you both I have no idea how to adapt to the circumstances. Because the thought of my family finding out about you two scares the crap out of me. “My, er, sister wants to meet you.”

Hunter looked surprised. “She knows about us?”

Julia nodded. “As soon as she saw my face today she knew something was up. She demanded I tell her what.”

Hunter nodded and sat up straight. “Family is sharp that way. My mother asked too.”

It was Julia’s turn to register surprise. “About me and Jay?”

“Not quite.” Hunter looked uneasy. “She wanted to know if I’d met someone.” He used his fingers to quote his mother’s words.

She could relate to his discomfort. She was troubled by the idea of telling her parents about Jay and Hunter. He must feel the same way. “And what did you say?”

He regarded her for a long time before answering. “I told her I had.”

Her heart lurched. Hunter had thought their relationship important enough to tell his mother.

“But I didn’t say anything else. I wasn’t ready to speak about it.”

Julia gave a little snort. “Yeah. Not such an easy topic to broach with family, is it?”

“Nope. It’s not every day you share the news that you and a mate are sleeping with the same woman—together.”

“Try telling your family two men are sharing you.”

He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

She laughed. “Was your mother okay with your not giving her details?”

He nodded. “She’s pretty cool that way.”

“Sounds like the two of you are close,” Julia mused.

Hunter shrugged. “We are now.”

“You weren’t always?”

He shifted in discomfort. “We had our issues. It took a while, but we’ve sorted them out.”

Hunter had told her a few days ago that his parents had divorced when he was a teenager. His father had not been very involved in his life since then, and apparently Hunter preferred it that way.

“Are you going to tell her about us?” she asked.

“Maybe.” He turned the question back on her. “Are you going to introduce us to Kim?”

Julia frowned. “I…I don’t know. It’s all too…soon to tell. We decided to talk about it again on New Year’s Day, and see how I felt then.”

Hunter was quiet for a long while. “You know, I’d be happy to meet her,” he said at last. “If you’re ready to introduce us.”

Warmth suffused her. “And if I’m not ready?”

“I’m happy to wait.”

The warmth turned to heat. Damn, she loved him. Full-on, head-over-heels loved him. “You know what, Blondie?”

“Nope. Tell me,” Hunter invited.

“You’re some kind of wonderful.”

His eyes glinted. “I know, I know. Smart, sassy, sexy and beautiful. And a tigress in bed.”

She chuckled at the thought. Hunter was as male as men came. Hot, hard, dominant, alpha and masculine through and through. And the man in him called out to the woman in her. The muscles in her pussy clenched as desire tugged at them.

“You up to showing me your tigress skills now?” she invited.

“I’m up for it anytime,” Hunter answered, his voice sinful as sex.

The air around them changed. Awareness sparked between them.

The bathroom door opened and Jay walked in.

Julia’s heart skipped a beat. His timing was impeccable. How’d he known to join them just as things heated up?

“Hey, baby,” Jay said. “You’re looking good in there. Good and naked.”

She undulated her hips as her desire grew. “Hey, sleepyhead,” she answered. “We’ve been talking about you.”

Jay was as naked as she was—with the exception of the Santa hat on his head. “Saying good things, I hope?”

“Very good.” Lust raced through her veins. “Hunter just told me he likes sharing me with you.”

Jay growled a deep, sensual growl.

“I think my exact words were, ‘I like it. A lot.’” Hunter dipped his hand back in the bath and ran his finger along the curve of her breast, making her shiver. Warm water rippled around her skin.

“I love sharing you too, baby. I love fucking you, knowing Hunter’s doing the same. Feeling his cock in there, near mine, is a huge turn-on. Massive.” He walked over to the bath. His erection was growing by the second. Jay stood close enough to Hunter that his hip brushed the blond man’s arm.

Hunter jerked away as if he’d been burned.

“Are you okay?” Julia asked.

Hunter rubbed his biceps. “Uh, yeah. Fine.”

“You sure?” He didn’t look fine.

“Jay just gave me a shock. There must be static in the air or something.” Cautiously he returned his arm to rest against Jay’s hip. “That’s better.”

“It’s all the electricity snapping between us and Jules,” Jay joked. His gaze was trained on her breast and Hunter’s hand.

Damn, she wanted to lick Jay’s erection all over. She wanted to feel both of them inside her, both of them fucking her. “Whatever it is snapping between us, I like it. I love being shared between you.”

Julia looked at the point where the men’s bodies touched. Her men’s bodies. Touching. Just like that she lost her breath.

There it was again, the hunger to taste them, consume them. It seemed her desire for Jay and Hunter knew no boundaries. It just multiplied and expanded on a daily basis.

Hunter drew his hand over her belly, stopping above the curls on her pussy. Jay muttered something unintelligible.

When she could inhale again, she looked at them through a lusty haze. “Boys, are you just going to hang around there and watch me bathe?”

Hunter dragged his fingers through the curls. “You have any better ideas?” His muscles bunched in his arms as he moved, and Jay drew in a sharp breath.

“I sure do. See, I’m looking to create a lot more sparks between us.” Desire seeped through her, trickling into every cell in her body. “How about you jump in the shower, Jay, and get all nice and clean? When you’re done, come on out of the bathroom and watch me…” She paused, looked at Hunter and licked her lips. “Watch me suck Blondie’s cock into my mouth.”

Hunter’s hand stilled. His eyes turned black as night.

She looked in Jay’s direction. The desire in his expression made her swallow before she could talk again. “Y-you never know what else may develop from there.”

Jay yanked off his hat and threw it on the bathroom counter. “Get out of the bath and get dried, Jules.” Lust masked whatever humor she’d expected to hear in Jay’s voice. “I’ll be done here in two minutes. I expect to see you on your knees on the carpet when I walk into the bedroom.”




She made sure that was exactly how Jay found her. On her knees, on the carpet, with her lips wrapped around Hunter’s shaft.

God, he tasted good. Clean and musky, with an occasional salty drop for flavor.

Hunter lay on the bed with his legs hanging over the side. His upper body rested on his arms so he could watch Julia at work. The air was filled with his soft, encouraging murmurs.

Julia’s one hand held the base of his penis, the other caressed his balls. His cock was slightly thicker than Jay’s, but just as delectable.

Julia felt someone’s gaze on her back and turned to find Jay standing butt-naked by the bathroom door.

“Fuck,” he swore hoarsely and strode over to the bed where he dropped to his knees beside Julia.

She swirled her tongue around the tip of Hunter’s dick, watching Jay’s face the entire time.

“Jesus, Jules,” Jay gasped. “If I thought I fancied you before, I reckon I’m falling in love with you now.” He did not take his gaze off her mouth.

Her heart lurched beneath her breast, but she forced herself not to get too excited by his words, no matter how much she loved him. After all, they were being said in the heat of passion. Nevertheless, still holding Hunter’s cock in her hand, she lifted her face to Jay’s, inviting him to kiss her.

He did so, hungrily, and when he pulled away and motioned for her to return to Hunter, her lips were swollen and puffy.

Hunter let out a loud groan. “I reckon I’m falling pretty damn hard myself.”

He dropped backwards onto the bed as Julia sucked his cock into her mouth again, tickled pink by his confession. She loved Hunter too. She had for the last four months. Once again she warned herself not to get her hopes up. There was very little a man wouldn’t say when a woman knelt at his feet.

Hunter flung an arm over his eyes and thrust his hips upwards, filling her mouth. She had to relax every muscle in her throat to fit his dick in.

Jay breathed heavily beside her. “Watching you blow Hunter is giving me a hard-on from hell.”

Julia smiled around Hunter’s shaft and stilled his movements with her hand. She drew away from him then dipped her head back to lick off the precome that leaked from his cock head. Without swallowing, she turned back to Jay and offered him her mouth. She was mildly surprised by the greed with which Jay kissed her, licking the offering from her tongue. Mildly surprised and majorly aroused.

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