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page numbers refer to illustrations

Abraham, 256, 294, 295 acupuncture, 330 Adam and Eve, 56-57 Agong, 18, 31 Akeu, 83-84

Alcock, Rutherford, 200, 204 All Souls' festival, 29, 30, 35 A-lum, 273

American factory in Canton,
Americans, the, 192-93, 308-9 Hong Rengan's views on, 277 Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, visit to, 204-9

(Confucius), 227 animals and birds, symbolic meaning of, 37-38

"Annotated Reader for Saving the World,

An" (Liang Afa), 17 Anqing garrison, 280 Antonie, 238 Arius, 289

arms market, 310-12 Athanasius, 289

Baisha village, 117 bandits, 81, 84-87, 88, 94, 110-11 Qing campaign against, 124

in Taiping Heavenly Army, 129, 132, 133

baptism, 63, 66, 77, 93, 275 Basel Missionary Society, 269-70 Bible, xxii, xxv—xxvi Baptist version, 287 "errors and falsehoods" issue, 233, 234, 254-61

Hong Xiuquan's commentaries, 291-

97, 367n28 Hong Xiuquan's revisions, 254-61, 294 of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, 177-79 translation into Chinese, 16 Big-head Yang, 83, 129, 133, 137, 155, 156 Black Lotus sect, 158 Bonham, Sir George, 193-96, 197, 198,

199, 204
Book °f Changes,
xxiii, 90, 162
Book °f Poetry,
Book of Rituals,
90 Bourboulon, Mme. de, 200, 204 Bourboulon, M. de, 200, 201, 202, 203 Bridgman, E. C., 207, 269 British, the, 7, 192-93

Elgin's exploits, 262-63, 264-67 Ever-Victorious Army, 312,
328, 329

British (

Hong Rengan's views on, 277 Opium War, 51-56, 61-62 piracy, campaign against, 81, 82, 111 Qing government, conflicts with, 249,

262-63 rights granted to, 62 Taiping campaign against Shanghai

and, 300, 302 Taiping Heavenly Kingdom: assault on, 264-65 visits to, 193-99, 229-32
see also
Hong Kong British Royal Engineers, 272 Bruce, James,
Elgin, Lord Buchanan, Frank, 205, 206, 207 Buddhism, xxiii, 38, 39, 60, 61, 63

Taiping policy on, 176 Bunyan, John, 282 Burns, William, 269, 282

Caldwell, Daniel, 272 calendar of Taiping, 142 Canton:

American factory,

British shelling of, 263

foreign community, 3-9,
10, 11,

14-16 map of, 6

Opium War, 51-56, 61-62 Canton Jargon, 8
Canton Register, 21
Catholicism, 176-77, 199-200, 201 Changsha campaign, 163-65 Chen Chengyong, 124, 241 Chen Ermei, 121 Chen Yucheng, 216
explosion of, 56 Chinese language, 31
Chinese Monthly Magazine, 21
Chinese Union, 88-90, 92, 270 Christianity:

baptism, 63, 66, 77, 93, 275

government's hostility toward, 21 Hong Xiuquan's introduction to, 30—33 Liang Afa's tracts, Hong Xiuquan's

reading of, 55, 56-65, 67-68
see also

Christian missionaries, xxi, xxiv, 14-15 Chinese manner and dress, adoption of,

Chinese renderings of God's name,

271, 364«9 Chinese Union, 88-90, 92, 270 examination candidates, focus on, 18 Liang Afa's work, 16-18 restrictions on, 20-21 rights granted to, 62 self-assurance of, 22 tract printing and distribution, 18-20,

21-22, 89-90
see also specific missionaries
Chui-a-poo, 83

Clavelin, Stanislas, 201, 202, 206 cocks, symbolic meaning of, 38 Confucianism, 28, 38, 61, 73-74, 75 Hong Xiuquan's attack on, 97-98 rehabilitation of Confucian texts, 225— 28, 253

Confucian state examinations, 18, 23-24,

30, 33, 45-46, 59-60 Confucian tablets, destruction of, 68-69 Cudgels (secret society), 158

Daozhou occupation, 160 Death-has-gradations,
45 demons, 115-16 dogs, 306

Dragon Boat festival, 34, 338n 1 dragons, 37, 220-21 Drinker, 238

Earthly Paradise (Xiaotiantang), 137, 138, 142, 172, 372-6 Biblical explanation of, 293 eastern campaign of 1860s, 278-80, 283,

298-300, 302-3 East India Company, 7 Edkins, Joseph, 288-89, 295, 307-8 Elgin, Lord (James Bruce), 262-63, 264—

67, 270-71, 280 elite families, 102-3, 114

God-worshipping Society, opposition to, 103-6 Endicott, J. B., 83

Epic of Gilgamesh,
xxii Esau, 256-57

Ever-Triumphant Army, 328-29 Ever-Victorious Army, 312,
328, 329 evil, Liang Afa's writings on, 56-57, 59,

62-63 executions, public, 44

Fei Changfang, 35

Feng Yunshan (South King), 87, 95, 96, 99, 100, 109, 120, 122, 224 arrest and imprisonment, 101-2, 106-7 calendar of Taiping, 142 Confucian tablets, destruction of, 68- 69

conversion of, 67 death of, 156, 160

God-worshipping Society, formation

of, 80 honorary title, 143 Jintian campaign, 130 preaching activities, 69, 71-72, 78, 79-

Taiping Heavenly Army, 127, 128 Thistle Mountain, journey to, 80 Thistle Mountain breakout, 139 wounding of, 156, 353n8 Xiao Chaogui's wounding, 146 filial piety, commandment on, 74, 78 Fire God festival, 35, 338
firewater, 15-16 First Chief Moon, 48-49, 108 Fishbourne, E. G., 195, 196-97, 198, 205 foreigners:

arms market, 310-12 in Canton, 3-9,
10, 11,
12-13, 14-16 disillusionment with Taiping, 307-8 Hong Rengan's views on, 277-78, 285-

language concerns, 7—8 medical services provided by, 9, 12 sailors, 15-16

in Shanghai, 199-200, 299-300, 302, 309-12

Taiping campaign against Shanghai

and,278-80 in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, 237—41
see also
Americans, the; British, the;

Christian missionaries; French, the

French, the, 192-93

Hong Rengan's views on, 277 Shanghai concession area, 199-200 Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, visit to, 199-204

gambling, prohibition of, 75, 87 Gan, King, 99-100
Genesis, Book of,
178-79 Germans, the, 277 God (ye-huo-hua), 92

on apocalyptic fate of mankind, 123 on Biblical falsehoods, 233 on capital punishment, 233 Chinese renderings of God's name,

271, 364n9 communication through human mouth­piece, 107, 135, 219-20, 223, 225- 26, 233, 235,236, 241-42 on Confucian texts, 225-26 Hong Xiuquan, criticism of, 219-20 Hong Xiuquan's Biblical Commentar­ies and,291-97 Hong Xiuquan's Biblical revisions and, 254-55

Hong Xiuquan's debate with Edkins

regarding, 288-89 Hong Xiuquan's description of, 221-22 Hong Xiuquan's dream of 1837, 47-49,

64, 98-99, 221 Hong Xiuquan's dreams of 1860, 284 in Liang Afa's tracts, 56-57, 62, 63 as Old One on High, 114 silence of, 314-15, 331-32, 370n80 Ten Commandments, 97 Yang-Wei power struggle and, 223 Yang Xiuqing's questions about, 230- 32

gods and spirits, traditional, 28 God-worshipping Society, xxi anti-government stance, 114—16 centers of operation, 110 doctrinal issues, 111, 113 elite members, 106, 114 elites' opposition to, 103—6

God-worshipping Society (
Feng Yunshan's family, addition of,


formation of, 80 growth of, 96

holy visits, dreams, and portents, 107-9 Hong Xiuquan's family, addition of,

122-23, 124-25 initiation of new members, 118-20 Jintian, move to, 125 legal actions against, 101-2, 106-7, 113, 114

map of area controlled by, 112 military organization, 116-18 money issues, 113-14 punishment for wrongdoers, 120-21 sexual separation policy, 120-22 "solidarity against threatening forces"

dimension, 87-88 working people, appeal for, 80-81
see also
Taiping Heavenly Army; Tai­ping Heavenly Kingdom; Taiping Rebellion

"Good Words for Exhorting the Age" (Liang Afa), 17, 30, 32, 51, 66, 89 Hong Xiuquan's reading of, 55, 56—65, 67-68

Gordon, Charles, 305, 312, 323, 324, 328 Goverston, Charles, 299 Great Britain,
British, the Guanlubu, 25 Guan Ning, 74, 75 Guanyin, goddess, 44, 107—8 Guilin campaign, 155—56 Guiping township, 84 Gutzlaff, Karl,
20, 21, 62, 177, 271 Chinese Union, 88-90, 92, 270

Hakka people, 25-26, 80, 87-88, 102, 129 Hamberg, Theodore, 270 Han dynasty, 116

Heaven-and-Earth Society, 84-87, 102,

110, 115-16,216, 345«24 hell, traditional beliefs about, 38-39, 40-

41,42-46 Hobson, Benjamin, 269 Holy Ghost, 222-23, 228-29, 230

homosexuality, 81-82 prohibition of, 184 "Hong" as basic word of Heaven-and-

Earth Society, 86-87 Hong Daquan, 353«31 Hong family, 23-24, 25, 26-28, 336«2 God-worshiping Society, joining of, 122-23, 124-25 Hong Huoxiu,
Hong Xiuquan Hong Kong, 52, 55, 87, 269-70 growth of, 271-72 pirates and, 82, 83

poisoning of Western residents, 272—73 hong merchants, 9

Hong Renda (Blessings King), 124, 247 Hong Renfa (Peace King), 46, 247 Hong Rengan (Shield King), 46, 69, 93, 268-69, 280, 282, 288, 298, 326, 342« 11

capture and execution, 330-31 Confucian tablets, destruction of, 68-


conversion of, 67

demotion of, 308

eastern campaign of 1860s, 278

foreigners, views on, 277-78, 285—86

foreign visitors, handling of, 276-77

in Hong Kong, 269-73

Hong Xiuquan's death, 325

honorary titles, 268

at Huzhou, 322-23, 328, 329

Legge and, 270-71

Nanjing, journey to, 273

poetry by, 269

residence of, 276

reunion with Hong Xiuquan, 268 Roberts' work with, 93 suggestions for Taiping Heavenly

Kingdom, 274-75 Taiping beliefs and rituals, views on, 275-76 Hong-wu, 86 Hong Xinying, 50

Hong Xiuquan (Heavenly King) (born

Hong Huoxiu), xxi, xxv-xxvii, 96, 172

anti-government stance, 114-16

apocalyptic view of fate of mankind,


baptism of, 66 bathing habits, 252

Biblical commentaries, 291-97, 367n28 Biblical revisions, 254-61, 294 calendar of Taiping, 142 capital punishment policy, 274 Changsha campaign, 164, 165 childhood home, 28 Christianity, introduction to, 30-33 Confucianism, attack on, 97-98 Confucian state examinations, 23-24,

30, 33, 46, 59-60 Confucian tablets, destruction of, 68-69 consorts kept by, 150-51, 250-51,

353n31, 362nl6 corpse, Qing defilement of, 371«23 death of, 325

demons, views on, 115-16 divinity, reaffirmation of, 290 dragon symbolism, 221 dream of 1837, 46-50, 64-65, 97-99,
dreams of 1860, 284 Earthly Paradise, 137, 138, 293 eastern campaign (1860s), 280, 283 Edkins and, 288-89 eyesight problems, 288 family's joining God-worshiping Soci­ety, 122-23, 124-25 father's death, 109

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