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Ibid, 84.

Ibid, 85, 152 n. 46.



1521, 1529; Jen,
Revolutionary Movement,

1532, slightly modified following Xiang,



Revolutionary Movement,
536. For some time after the deaths of these Taiping leaders remnants of the various Taiping field armies that had been out foraging for sup­plies at the time Nanjing fell fought on in Fujian and in northern Guangdong; the last of these Taiping forces was destroyed by Qing troops in early Feb. 1866. See ibid, 537-44. Jen notes ibid, 535 n. 63 and 536 n. 65, that one son of Hong Rengan and one son of Li Xiucheng managed to survive, and grow to maturity. Jen's further assertion (536 n. 65) that Hong Xiuquan's two youngest sons also managed to survive is not generally accepted by Taiping scholars.

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