Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (61 page)

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Authors: Douglas R. Hofstadter

Tags: #Computers, #Art, #Classical, #Symmetry, #Bach; Johann Sebastian, #Individual Artists, #Science, #Science & Technology, #Philosophy, #General, #Metamathematics, #Intelligence (AI) & Semantics, #G'odel; Kurt, #Music, #Logic, #Biography & Autobiography, #Mathematics, #Genres & Styles, #Artificial Intelligence, #Escher; M. C

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omplished first step up from machine language. A summary of these rather tricky concepts is presented in Figure 58.





compilers are both translators into

machine language. This is indicated

by the solid lines. Moreover, since

they are themselves programs, they

are originally written in a language

also. The wavy lines indicate that aa

compiler can be written in assembly

language, and an assembler in

machine language.

Now as sophistication increased, people realized that a partially written compiler could be used to compile extensions of itself. In other words, once i certain minimal core of a compiler had been written, then that minimal compiler could translate bigger compilers into machine language-which n turn could translate yet bigger compilers, until the final, full-blown :compiler had been compiled. This process is affectionately known as `bootstrapping"-for obvious reasons (at least if your native language is English it is obvious). It is not so different from the attainment by a child of a critical level of fluency in his native language, from which point on his 'vocabulary and fluency can grow by leaps and bounds, since he can use language to acquire new language.

Levels on Which to Describe Running Programs

Compiler languages typically do not reflect the structure of the machines which will run programs written in them. This is one of their chief advantages over the highly specialized assembly and machine languages. Of course, when a compiler language program is translated into machine language, the resulting program is machine-dependent. Therefore one can describe a program which is being executed in a machine-independent way or a machine-dependent way. It is like referring to a paragraph in a book by its subject matter (publisher-independent), or its page number and position on the page (publisher-dependent).

As long as a program is running correctly, it hardly matters how you describe it or think of its functioning. It is when something goes wrong that it is important to be able to think on different levels. If, for instance, the machine is instructed to divide by zero at some stage, it will come to a halt and let the user know of this problem, by telling where in the program the questionable event occurred. However, the specification is often given on a lower level than that in which the programmer wrote the program. Here are three parallel descriptions of a program grinding to a halt:

Machine Language Level:

"Execution of the program stopped in location 1110010101110111"

Assembly Language Level•:

"Execution of the program stopped when the DIV (divide) instruction was hit"

Compiler Language Level:

"Execution of the program stopped during evaluation of the algebraic expression `(A + B)/Z'

One of the greatest problems for systems programmers (the people who write compilers, interpreters, assemblers, and other programs to be used by many people) is to figure out how to write error-detecting routines in such a way that the messages which they feed to the user whose program has a "bug" provide high-level, rather than low-level, descriptions of the problem. It is an interesting reversal that when something goes wrong in a genetic "program" (e.g., a mutation), the "bug" is manifest only to people on a high level-namely on the phenotype level, not the genotype level. Actually, modern biology uses mutations as one of its principal windows onto genetic processes, because of their multilevel traceability.

Microprogramming and Operating Systems

In modern computer systems, there are several other levels of the hierarchy. For instance, some systems-often the so-called "microcomputers" come with machine language instructions which are even more rudimentary than the instruction to add a number in memory to a number in a register. It is up to the user to decide what kinds of ordinary machine-level instructions he would like to be able to program in; he "microprograms" these instructions in terms of the "micro-instructions"

which are available. Then the "higher-level machine language" instructions which he has designed may be burned into the circuitry and become hard-wired, although they need not be. Thus microprogramming allows the user to step a little below the conventional machine language level. One of the consequences is that a computer of one manufacturer can be hard-wired (via microprogramming) so as to have the same machine language instruction set as a computer of the same, or even another, manufacturer. The microprogrammed computer is said to be

"emulating" the other computer. Then there is the level of the
operating system
, which fits between the

machine language program and whatever higher level the user is programming in.

The operating system is itself a program which has the functions of shielding the bare machine from access by users (thus protecting the system), and also of insulating the programmer from the many extremely intricate and messy problems of reading the program, calling a translator, running the translated program, directing the output to the proper channels at the proper time, and passing control to the next user. If there are several users "talking" to the same CPU at once, then the operating system is the program that shifts attention from one to the other in some orderly fashion. The complexities of operating systems are formidable indeed, and I shall only hint at them by the following analogy.

Consider the first telephone system. Alexander Graham Bell could phone his assistant in the next room: electronic transmission of a voice! Now that is like a bare computer minus operating system: electronic computation! Consider now a modern telephone system. You have a choice of other telephones to connect to.

Not only that, but many different calls can be handled simultaneously. You can add a prefix and dial into different areas. You can call direct, through the operator, collect, by credit card, person-to-person, on a conference call. You can have a call rerouted or traced. You can get a busy signal. You can get a siren-like signal that says that the number you dialed isn't "well-formed", or that you have taken too in long in dialing. You can install a local switchboard so that a group of phones are all locally connected--etc., etc. The list is amazing, when you think of how much flexibility there is, particularly in comparison to the erstwhile miracle of a "bare" telephone. Now sophisticated operating systems carry out similar traffic-handling and level-switching operations with respect to users and their programs. It is virtually certain that there are somewhat parallel things which take place in the brain: handling of many stimuli at the same time; decisions of what should have priority over what and for how long; instantaneous "interrupts"

caused by emergencies or other unexpected occurrences; and so on.

Cushioning the User and Protecting the System

The many levels in a complex computer system have the combined effect of

"cushioning" the user, preventing him from having to think about the many lower-level goings-on which are most likely totally irrelevant to him anyway. A passenger in an airplane does not usually want to be aware of the levels of fuel in the tanks, or the wind speeds, or how many chicken dinners are to be served, or the status of the rest of the air traffic around the destination-this is all left to employees on different levels of the airlines hierarchy, and the passenger simply gets from one place to another. Here again, it is when something goes wrong-such as his baggage not arriving that the passenger is made aware of the confusing system of levels underneath him.

Are Computers Super-Flexible or Super-Rigid?

One of the major goals of the drive to higher levels has always been to make as natural as possible the task of communicating to the computer what you want it to do. Certainly, the high-level constructs in compiler languages are closer to the concepts which humans naturally think in, than are lower-level constructs such as those in machine language. But in this drive towards ease of communication, one aspect of "naturalness" has been quite neglected. That is the fact that interhuman communication








communication. For instance, we often produce meaningless sentence fragments as we search for the best way to express something, we cough in the middle of sentences, we interrupt each other, we use ambiguous descriptions and "improper"

syntax, we coin phrases and distort meanings-but our message still gets through, mostly. With programming languages, it has generally been the rule that there is a very strict syntax which has to be obeyed one hundred per cent of the time; there are no ambiguous words or constructions. Interestingly, the printed equivalent of coughing (i.e., a nonessential or irrelevant comment) is allowed, but only provided it is signaled in advance by a key word (e.g.,
), and then terminated by another key word (e.g., a semicolon). This small gesture towards flexibility has its own little pitfall, ironically: if a semicolon (or whatever key word is used for terminating a comment) is used inside a comment, the translating program will interpret that semicolon as signaling the end of the comment, and havoc will ensue.

If a procedure named
has been defined and then called seventeen times in the program, and the eighteenth time it is misspelled as
, woe to the programmer. The compiler will balk and print a rigidly unsympathetic error message, saying that it has never heard of
. Often, when such an error is detected by a compiler, the compiler tries to continue, but because of its lack of insihgt, it has not understood what the programmer meant. In fact, it may very well suppose that something entirely different was meant, and proceed under that erroneous assumption. Then a long series of error messages will pepper the rest of the program, because the compiler-not the programmer-got confused. Imagine the chaos that would result if a simultaneous English-Russian interpreter, upon hearing one phrase of French in the English, began trying to interpret all the remaining English as French. Compilers often get lost in such pathetic ways. C'est la vie.

Perhaps this sounds condemnatory of computers, but it is not meant to be. In some sense, things had to be that way. When you stop to think what most people use computers for, you realize that it is to carry out very definite and precise tasks, which are too complex for people to do. If the computer is to be reliable, then it is necessary that it should understand, without the slightest chance of ambiguity, what it is supposed to do. It is also necessary that it should do neither more nor less than it is explicitly instructed to do. If there is, in the cushion underneath the programmer, a program whose purpose is to "guess" what the programmer wants or

means, then it is quite conceivable that the programmer could try to communicate his task and be totally misunderstood. So it is important that the high-level program, while comfortable for the human, still should be unambiguous and precise.

Second-Guessing the Programmer

Now it is possible to devise a programming language-and a program which translates it into the lower levels-which allows some sorts of imprecision. One way of putting it would be to say that a translator for such a programming language tries to make sense of things which are done "outside of the rules of the language". But if a language allows certain "transgressions", then transgressions of that type are no longer true transgressions, because they have been included inside the rules' If a programmer is aware that he may make certain types of misspelling, then he may use this feature of the language deliberately, knowing that he is actually operating within the rigid rules of the language, despite appearances. In other words, if the user is aware of all the flexibilities programmed into the translator for his convenience, then he knows the bounds which he cannot overstep, and therefore, to him, the translator still appears rigid and inflexible, although it may allow him much more freedom than early versions of the language, which did not incorporate "automatic compensation for human error".

With "rubbery" languages of that type, there would seem to be two alternatives: (1) the user is aware of the built-in flexibilities of the language and its translator; (2) the user is unaware of them. In the first case, the language is still usable for communicating programs precisely, because the programmer can predict how the computer will interpret the programs he writes in the language. In the second case, the "cushion" has hidden features which may do things that are unpredictable (from the vantage point of a user who doesn't know the inner workings of the translator). This may result in gross misinterpretations of programs, so such a language is unsuitable for purposes where computers are used mainly for their speed and reliability.

Now there is actually a third alternative: (3) the user is aware of the built-in flexibilities of the language and its translator, but there are so many of them and they interact with each other in such a complex way that he cannot tell how his programs will be interpreted. This may well apply to the person who wrote the translating program; he certainly knows its insides as well as anyone could-but he still may not be able to anticipate how it will react to a given type of unusual construction.

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