Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (109 page)

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Authors: Douglas R. Hofstadter

Tags: #Computers, #Art, #Classical, #Symmetry, #Bach; Johann Sebastian, #Individual Artists, #Science, #Science & Technology, #Philosophy, #General, #Metamathematics, #Intelligence (AI) & Semantics, #G'odel; Kurt, #Music, #Logic, #Biography & Autobiography, #Mathematics, #Genres & Styles, #Artificial Intelligence, #Escher; M. C

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Samuel's Checker Program

As a matter of fact, such a method was developed by Arthur Samuel in his admirable checker-playing program. Samuel's trick was to use both dynamic (look-ahead) and static (no-look-ahead) ways of evaluating any given board position. The static method involved a simple mathematical function of several quantities characterizing any board position, and thus could be calculated practically instantaneously, whereas the dynamic evaluation method involved creating a "tree"

of possible future moves, responses to them, responses to the responses, and so forth (as was shown in Fig. 38). In the static evaluation function there were some parameters which could vary; the effect of varying them was to provide a set of different possible versions of the static evaluation function. Samuel's strategy was to select, in an evolutionary way, better and better values of those parameters.

Here's how this was done: each time the program evaluated a board position, it did so both statically and dynamically. The answer gotten by looking ahead-let us call it
-was used in determining the move to be made. The purpose of S, the static evaluation, was trickier: on each move, the variable parameters were readjusted slightly so that S approximated

as accurately as possible. The effect was to partially encode in the values of the static evaluation’s parameters the knowledge gained by dynamically searching the tree. In short, the idea was to "flatten" the complex dynamic evaluation method into the much simpler and more efficient static evaluation function.

There is a rather nice recursive effect here. The point is that the dynamic evaluation of any single board position involves looking ahead a finite number of moves-say seven. Now each of the scads of board positions which might turn up seven turns down the road has to be itself evaluated somehow as well. But when the program evaluates these positions, it certainly cannot look another seven moves ahead, lest it have to look fourteen positions ahead, then twenty-one, etc., etc.-an infinite regress. Instead, it relies on static evaluations of positions seven moves ahead. Therefore, in Samuel's scheme, an intricate sort of feedback takes place, wherein the program is constantly trying to "flatten" look-ahead evaluation into a simpler static recipe; and this recipe in turn plays a key role in the dynamic look-ahead evaluation. Thus the two are intimately linked together, and each benefits from improvements in the other in a recursive way.

The level of play of the Samuel checkers program is extremely high: of the order of the top human players in the world. If this is so, why not apply the same techniques to chess? An international committee, convened in 1961 to study the feasibility of computer chess, including the Dutch International Grandmaster and mathematician Max Euwe, came to the bleak conclusion that the Samuel technique would be approximately one million times as difficult to implement in chess as in checkers, and that seems to close the book on that.

The extraordinarily great skill of the checkers program cannot be taken as saying "intelligence has been achieved"; yet it should not be minimized, either. It is a combination of insights into what checkers is, how to think about checkers, and how to program. Some people might feel that all it shows is Samuel's own checkers ability. But this is not true, for at least two reasons. One is that skillful game players choose their moves according to mental processes which they do not fully understand-they use their intuitions. Now there is no known way that anyone can bring to light all of his own intuitions; the best one can do via introspection is to use "feeling" or "meta-intuition"-an intuition about one's intuitions-as a guide, and try to describe what one thinks one's intuitions are all about. But this will only give a rough approximation to the true complexity of intuitive methods. Hence it is virtually certain that Samuel has not mirrored his own personal methods of play in his program. The other reason that Samuel's program's play should not be confused with Samuel's own play is that Samuel does not play checkers as well as his program-it beats him. This is not a paradox at all-no more than is the fact that a computer which has been programmed to calculate 7T can outrace its programmer in spewing forth digits of π.

When Is a Program Original?

This issue of a program outdoing its programmer is connected with the question of

"originality" in AI. What if an AI program comes up with an idea, or a line of play in a game, which its programmer has never entertained-who should get the credit? There are various interesting instances of this having happened, some on a fairly trivial level, some on a rather deep level. One of the more famous involved a program to find proofs of theorems in elementary Euclidean geometry, written by E. Gelernter. One day the program came up with a sparklingly ingenious proof of one of the basic theorems of geometry-the so-called "pons asinorum", or "bridge of asses".

This theorem states that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal. Its standard proof requires constructing an altitude which divides the triangle into symmetrical halves. The elegant method found by the program (see Fig. 114) used no construction lines. Instead, it considered

Pons Asinorum

Proof (found by Pappus [-300 A.D.

] and Gelernter's program [--1960

A.D. ]). Problem: To show that the

base angles of an isosceles

triangle are equal. Solution: As the

triangle is isosceles, AP and AP'

are of equal length. Therefore

triangles PAP' and PAP are

congruent (side-side-side). This

implies that corresponding angles

are equal. In particular, the two

base angles are equal.

the triangle and its mirror image as two different triangles. Then, having proved them congruent, it pointed out that the two base angles matched each other in this congruence-QED.

This gem of a proof delighted the program's creator and others; some saw evidence of genius in its performance. Not to take anything away from this feat, it happens that in A.D. 300 the geometer Pappus had actually found this proof, too. In any case, the question remains: "Who gets the credit?" Is this intelligent behavior? Or was the proof lying deeply hidden within the human (Gelernter), and did the computer merely bring it to the surface? This last question comes close to hitting the mark. We can turn it around: Was the proof lying deeply hidden in the program? Or was it close to the surface? That is, how easy is it to see why the program did what it did? Can the discovery be attributed to some simple mechanism, or simple combination of mechanisms, in the program? Or was there a complex interaction which, if one heard it explained, would not diminish one's awe at its having happened?

It seems reasonable to say that if one can ascribe the performance to certain operations which are easily traced in the program, then in some sense the program was just revealing ideas which were in essence hiddenthough not too deeply-inside the programmer's own mind. Conversely, if

following the program does not serve to enlighten one as to why this particular discovery popped out, then perhaps one should begin to separate the program's "mind" from that of its programmer. The human gets credit for having invented the program, but not for having had inside his own head the ideas produced by the program. In such cases, the human can be referred to as the "meta-author"-the author of the author of the result, and the program as the (just plain) author.

In the particular case of Gelernter and his geometry machine, while Gelernter probably would not have rediscovered Pappus'. proof, still the mechanisms which generated that proof were sufficiently close to the surface of the program that one hesitates to call the program a geometer in its own right. If it had kept on astonishing people by coming up with ingenious new proofs over and over again, each of which seemed to be based on a fresh spark of genius rather than on some standard method, then one would have no qualms about calling the program a geometer-but this did not happen.

Who Composes Computer Music?

The distinction between author and meta-author is sharply pointed up in the case of computer composition of music. There are various levels of autonomy which a program may seem to have in the act of composition. One level is illustrated by a piece whose

"meta-author" was Max Mathews of Bell Laboratories. He fed in the scores of the two marches "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "The British Grenadiers", and instructed the computer to make a new score-one which starts out as "Johnny", but slowly merges into "Grenadiers". Halfway through the piece, "Johnny" is totally gone, and one hears "Grenadiers" by itself ... Then the process is reversed, and the piece finishes with

"Johnny", as it began. In Mathews' own words, this is

... a nauseating musical experience but one not without interest, particularly in the rhythmic conversions. "The Grenadiers" is written in 2/4 time in the key of F

major. "Johnny" is written in 6/8 time in the key of E minor. The change from 2/4

to 6/8 time can be clearly appreciated, yet would be quite difficult for a human musician to play. The modulation from the key of F major to E minor, which involves a change of two notes in the scale, is jarring, and a smaller transition would undoubtedly have been a better

The resulting piece has a somewhat droll quality to it, though in spots it is turgid and confused.

Is the computer composing? The question is best unasked, but it cannot be completely ignored. An answer is difficult to provide. The algorithms are deterministic, simple, and understandable. No complicated or hard-to understand computations are involved; no "learning" programs are used; no random processes occur; the machine functions in a perfectly mechanical and straightforward manner.

However, the result is sequences of sound that are unplanned in fine detail by the composer, even though the over-all structure

of the section is completely and precisely specified. Thus the composer is often surprised, and pleasantly surprised, ar the details of the realization of his ideas. To this extent only is the computer composing. We call the process algorithmic composition, but we immediately re-emphasize that the algorithms are transparently simple."

This is Mathews' answer to a question which he would rather "unask". Despite his disclaimer, however, many people find it easier to say simply that the piece was

"composed by a computer". I believe this phrase misrepresents the situation totally. The program contained no structures analogous to the brain's "symbols", and could not be said in any sense to be "thinking" about what it was doing. To attribute the composition of such a piece of music to the computer would be like attributing the authorship of this book to the computerized automatically (often incorrectly) hyphenating phototypesetting machine with which it was set.

This brings up a question which is a slight digression from Al, but actually not a huge one. It is this: When you see the word "I" or "me" in a text, what do you take it to be referring to? For instance, think of the phrase "WASH ME" which appears occasionally on the back of dirty trucks. Who is this "me"? Is this an outcry of some forlorn child who, in desperation to have a bath, scribbled the words on the nearest surface? Or is the truck requesting a wash? Or, perhaps, does the sentence itself wish to be given a shower? Or, is it that the filthy English language is asking to be cleansed? One could go on and on in this game. In this case, the phrase is a joke, and one is supposed to pretend, on some level, that the truck itself wrote the phrase and is requesting a wash. On another level, one clearly recognizes the writing as that of a child, and enjoys the humor of the misdirection.

Here, in fact, is a game based on reading the "me" at the wrong level.

Precisely this kind of ambiguity has arisen in this book, first in the Contracrostipunctus, and later in the discussions of Gödel’s string G (and its relatives).

The interpretation given for unplayable records was "I Cannot Be Played on Record Player X", and that for unprovable statements was, "I Cannot Be Proven in Formal System X". Let us take the latter sentence. On what other occasions, if any, have you encountered a sentence containing the pronoun "I" where you automatically understood that the reference was not to the speaker of the sentence, but rather to the sentence itself?

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