Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being (44 page)

BOOK: Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being
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When you have a calling that strong, it’s coming from your soul. You’re hearing the cry of your spirit yearning to express itself. When you answer that call, everyone benefits, because whatever you do personally to bring Spirit into matter and bring joy into your life changes the whole universe. The word
comes from the root word
meaning “mother.” When we refer to Mother Earth, it’s more than a metaphor. Our physical bodies are made from the same elements as the earth herself. Our bones are made from minerals. Our blood and amniotic fluids are very much like seawater. Matter is the densest thing in creation. When we bring Spirit into dense matter through the discipline of connecting and reconnecting again and again with Spirit-drenched joy and pleasure, we bring heaven down to earth. We help lighten and lift the heavy vibrations of shame, anger, and resentment—not just for us, but for everyone!

You’re a divine being who is designed to live agelessly. Honoring the “vessel” that is your body, and savoring every moment of life that you can—that’s the whole point of being here. Your very conception and your presence here in this particular time and space was not a mistake. It is a miracle that was orchestrated before you were born by your spirit, the part of you that is eternal.

We are the leading edge of creation, and we are God dancing in flesh. We are not lowly, sin-ridden creatures who require redemption for the original sin of being born human. We and God are one. If you reclaim your goddess nature and express it as joy and passion for living, you experience what it is to be a divine creation—and you experience it now, without having to wait to make your transition into the nonphysical world. And when you experience divine creation here on earth, you flourish.


We’ve forgotten that everything is connected to everything else. This is scientific fact. In our bodies, braided collagen strands make up our connective tissue, or fascia, which weaves through our organs and tissues and connects our muscles to our bones and skin, serving as a cytoskeleton. Electricity is conducted along the fascia by water molecules that sit atop the collagen molecules and act as liquid crystals, receiving and sending out energy (including energy that is bound up with information). This is why massaging your feet, for example, actually rejuvenates and relaxes your whole body! Acupuncture meridians lie along the fascia like a highway for subtle energies and the messages they contain.

In tribal cultures, the wisdom of our connection with everything is taken for granted. That ancient wisdom is now being documented scientifically because we can finally measure it rather than simply intuit it. For example, research by Thomas Zwaka, M.D., Ph.D., of the Black Family Stem Cell Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, found that p53, a tumor-suppressing protein, prevents cancer cells from replacing healthy cells. When p53 mutates, cancer
He says his study suggests that our evolution required cooperation, so we’re actually wired not for cheating, manipulating each other, or fierce competition but for working in concert. And in her blog post “Cancer Is a Selfish Gene,” researcher Lynne McTaggart notes that this protein or gene acts like a “keeper of the peace, much like the queen bee in a hive.” Darwin seems to have overlooked the cooperation aspect of nature that underlies the competitiveness obvious on the surface.

Another example of how connected we all are, and are meant to be, is the story of the “elephant whisperer,” the late Lawrence Anthony. He was a conservationist who saved the lives of countless elephants—many of them rogues that had left their herds and were destined to be destroyed by humans. After Anthony’s death, two separate herds of wild South African elephants that he had saved slowly made their way through Zululand, a 12-hour journey, without eating or drinking, arriving at the Anthonys’ compound a day apart from each other. Each herd stayed for two days to mourn and pay their respects to the man who had saved them before slowly making their way back into the bush. How is it that two separate herds of wild elephants knew that the heart of a great man who had loved them had suddenly stopped?

Whether we’re discussing the behavior of the cells within our bodies or herds of elephants that somehow know a friend has died, both are examples of a profound truth: the hermetic philosophy of the harmony between man and nature contained in the phrase “As above, so below.” We’re now at a crossroads in our understanding of our place in the universe. We are finally coming to see that we are designed not to dominate nature and each other but to live in cooperation. We have to cultivate a relationship with something far greater than our egos. Until we do, we can’t flourish.

A relationship with the Divine allows you to trust in and align with Divine Order. We all come to realize that change is constant and we can either go with the flow or spend our lives fighting it until we tire ourselves out. Aligning with Divine Order has nothing to do with passively waiting for something to happen
you. Instead, it’s about surrendering your will to Divine
Will, knowing that the divine part of yourself knows your heart’s desire better than your conscious mind, conditioned by cultural expectations, ever could. Your authentic, true self doesn’t lie to you, mislead you, or take you away from your power source. It’s a relief to turn your life over to Divine Will, or God. Remember, God is not some external force you’re disconnected from, but the life force itself, which lives in you—not on some cloud somewhere.

Once you’ve aligned with Divine Order and Divine Will, you’re free of the need to micromanage your life. You stop striving after perfection. The addiction to control and people pleasing ends. Instead, you make your life an offering to the Divine and ask God to use you. Then you follow the signs as they appear and act accordingly.


In her exquisite book
The Game of Life and How to Play It
(first published in 1925), writer Florence Scovel Shinn says that the perfect outcome for every problem or desire in our lives has already been chosen for us and will be revealed when we call in Divine Order. Years ago, before I was an author, I was reading an old edition of Scovel Shinn’s book and a particular passage resonated for me. It was a Friday at 11:00
, and I stood in my bedroom and read the text out loud: “Infinite spirit, show me a sign. Show me the next best use of my gifts and talents.” At 2:00
that same day, I received a call from a literary agent who said, “I think you should write a book.”
is Divine Order at work.

Divine Order works for the small stuff too. The more you align with it, the easier it is to get pointed in the direction of
what you need (and not always the way your ego wants it at the moment). The key is to loosen your grip. This past summer, I suggested to my daughter, who had just become engaged, that we shop for her wedding dress. I had no idea where or how to go about this, given that when I’d gotten married, I had borrowed a wedding dress and returned it to its owner the very next day. I
was in medical school at the time and under the mistaken impression that taking the time to really get into something as frivolous as a wedding—including all the drama about the dress—was silly.

Anyway, unlike me back in the day, my daughter had given her dress a lot of thought, and had even created a Pinterest board I had never seen, which included a photo of her dream dress. She was aligned with what she wanted to manifest, and I was just plain open to whatever needed to happen. The first two shops we checked on the day we had chosen were closed. Late in the day, without any expectations at all, we went to a third one without an appointment—I didn’t realize they often turn you away if you don’t have an appointment. Who knew what a big deal buying a wedding dress at a wedding boutique is? Kate spoke briefly with the owner of the shop to convince her to let us in, and then tried on the first dress she pulled off the rack. It fit perfectly and was exactly what she had always envisioned. In fact, it was so perfect that when she emerged from the dressing room, stood up on the pedestal, and saw her reflection in the mirror, she wept with emotion. It was a beautiful example of what can come when you align with Spirit and don’t get in the way. Nothing is too small for Spirit to care about—not the hair on your head, not the lilies of the field, and not the perfect wedding dress. Sometimes the manifestation is quick, and sometimes it takes years. The key to remember is that the Divine knows exactly what you need. And yes, the gown looked almost exactly like the one on Kate’s Pinterest board!

The other thing about being aligned with Divine Order is that once you have some life experience, you can look back and see how those so-called obstacles turned out to be opportunities, and those lost opportunities turned out to be the greatest blessings. You say, “Oh, thank God I didn’t stick with him!” and “If I hadn’t been fired, wow, I would never have started my business!” The medical intuitive Caroline Myss says that when you pray for the angels to make your life better, you’d better watch out, because it’s a day at the beach for an angel to wipe out a job and marriage within a week. It happens—but that rupture often leads to rapture.


Ever since I read all of Edgar Cayce’s work when I was about 12, I’ve resonated with the idea of reincarnation and soul contracts. (Edgar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, was a renowned healer who lived in the late 19th and early 20th century and assisted with the healings of thousands of individuals through tapping into the Universal Mind.) I believe that we make soul contracts with ourselves and other souls before incarnating into our human bodies. These contracts set up whom we’re going to have primary relationships with, what types of things we intend to accomplish while we’re here on Earth, and what unfinished business we’re going to resolve. They are at work even when we don’t realize it. And generally speaking, those with whom we have the most “unfinished business” end up being family members! So even when you study and work with the Law of Attraction, you will often find that your soul contracts supersede your ability to get what you want. Tosha Silver puts it this way:

I once read a woman who took her “manifesting” very seriously. She had a vision board in every room, a personal coach, and a list of affirmations so long it took an hour a day to say them all. Yet for all her drive, most of her wishes never occurred. She was desperate, especially since her coach thought she was “blocking” the manifestation.

“Well,” I said to her, “actually, while our thoughts do attract reality, there’s much more. Because in a given lifetime, we also have
prarabdha karma
, our soul’s personal curriculum. The lessons we signed up to learn. So it’s not just always visualize, get down, and jump on the party-train.”

With sufficient detachment, acceptance, and openness, things fall into place … effortlessly. They just line up. Here is a prayer to say when what you want isn’t being manifested: “Change me, Divine Beloved, into One who wishes to genuinely let You take the lead. Let me know true surrender, openness, and acceptance. Take over my actions, so I know when to act, and when to pause.”

One day, we look back and see a pattern and finally get what we were supposed to get all along. That’s when we can move on to the next lesson. One reason I keep a journal is so I can
look back and see how divinely guided I have been all along. Documenting my experiences in the journey and writing down my dreams are very practical and proactive ways to build trust in this divine guidance. If you think back to a painful time in your life that happened long ago, can you see how it served as a turning point to bring you to this moment when you are wise, joyful, and experienced in the art of triumphing over adversity? Now think back to a painful experience you had last week or last month or even this morning. Have you already made your way from grief, frustration, anger, or loss to joy? Would you have made that journey as quickly if that experience had happened 20 years ago? I bet not! You are stepping into your ageless years already. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, wisdom is simply memory with the emotional charge removed. What a revelation—when we can look back on the painful parts of our journeys, appreciate the perfection in the unfolding of all of it, in retrospect, and no longer feel the pain. That is freedom, and it allows you to seize the days ahead with joy and delight.


My daily intention is to give my life over to the Divine and then wait for the impulse to act. If I’m passionate about something, I always know that I’m meant to do it. Excitement about something always means that you’re aligned with who you really are! Learning Argentine tango was like that. Sometimes, you just
Sometimes, you get a sign. It could be a message on a truck or billboard, a dream, a snippet of a song lyric that you hear just when you need an answer—or you can seek a sign from oracle cards, or listen to your intuition if it is screaming “no!” or “yes!” A couple of days ago, I set the intention to experience magic, just for the fun of it. The next day, while driving to a friend’s house, I saw a car in front of me with a license plate that read MAGIC. I laughed with delight. This kind of thing happens all the time once you begin to align with the Divine!

Acting in alignment doesn’t mean you can’t try to manifest something specific. I’m all for vision boards and focusing your intention. You can ask Spirit for whatever you want. But be
flexible. Don’t get exhausted trying to use your will instead of Divine Will. Be open to the fact that Spirit answers prayers three ways: “Yes!” and “Not now” and “No, because I love you too much.” Think back to a time when the answer was “Not now.” Does it make sense now? Do you see how the Divine had something better in mind? And what about a time when, in retrospect, you see that God wasn’t saying, “No, because you don’t deserve it,” but “No, because I love you too much.” You dodged a bullet on that one, correct?

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