Goddess of Love (6 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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Feel his power. You cannot fight it. You are meant for him.”

She went to move and felt that magnetic pull again. She held her ground and didn’t move.

“Who?” she found herself asking. She didn’t know why. She should be running for her life or trying to project her magic to stop them from hurting her friends.

CC cried out and fell to the ground next. Ariella looked down to the ground in shock as fear filled her soul.

You are stronger than them, than him. You are a powerful
Goddess. This is your destiny.

She jerked forward at the voice and squinted her eyes at the rogue wolves. Their growls grew deeper.

“I don’t think so, wolf. Tell him I’m not interested.”

Immediately the sound of another set of growls filled the darkness. The rogue wolves turned. Three of them leaped forward just as Ariella spotted Orion and Palidor. They were in wolf form and they were pissed off.

As soon as the wolves attacked, CC and Margarite cried out in pain and then passed out on the ground. Ariella thought they were dead. In an instant she felt a combination of emotions. She feared not only for CC and Margarite, but also for Orion and Palidor as they fought the three rogue wolves. But then she felt the hand grip her arm and yank her upward. Her feet left the ground from the impact of the pull. She smacked chest first into the rogue wolf. His eyes zeroed in on her eyes and held her gaze with evil power. She tried to escape but it was no use. She was transfixed on the eyes she stared at. She saw everything, all his intentions and his life.

“I can help you. I can save your soul, wolf,” she whispered aloud.

Ariella could feel the battle within him. The black magic, the evil grasping a hold of the wolf’s body and soul. Black claws gripped him hard, he cried out in pain as he debated for a moment about receiving

Dixie Lynn Dwyer

help from her. She knew instantly that this wolf did not want to be rogue. He had a family, a mate, they were alive and prayed to the Goddesses for his safe return.


The roar came from out of nowhere. The evil so great, so powerful the wolf released her arm and prepared to attack.

A large growl filed the air as Palidor stopped the rogue wolf from attacking her. It was so quick. The look of fear, regret, and need in the wolf’s eyes, then the change to evil, so bad, so dark she shuddered as Palidor attacked and killed the rogue wolf. He saved her life. Palidor and Orion saved her life again.

* * * *

As soon as he knew they were safe, that his mate was safe, Palidor shifted back to human form. He was crazed, filled with anger, with possessiveness so great he couldn’t stop his next move. As Ariella yelled at him, reprimanded him for killing the wolf, and carried on about his soul, he hauled her up and against him.

She grabbed onto his upper arms as he pressed her against the wall. She was so feminine, her scent all intoxicating. “Mine.” He growled and then covered her mouth and kissed her deeply. He could hardly breathe through his nose. His wolf was so voracious with need and desire he wanted to claim her right here against the back of the brick building.

She clenched his skin tighter, tried pulling away, and then he cupped her breast, ran a hand over her ass, and squeezed. She clung to him, kissed him back, and plunged her tongue into his mouth as they battled for control.

She was his and Orion’s. They nearly lost her to those rogue wolves. He moved his hand from her ass to under the skirt she wore and found her mound. He pressed his fingers over her soaking, damp panties and she pulled from his mouth. “Palidor.”

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


He licked her neck, and tried to maneuver his fingers under the flimsy silk thong she wore.

“Palidor, please slow down. Oh, by the Goddesses, what are you doing to me?”

She thrust her hips against him and he growled low.

“You’re our mate. You’ve tried to use magic to block what is meant to be. You’re in a hell of a lot of trouble, mate,” Orion said and then ran his fingers under her hair to the base of her neck to draw her mouth closer to his. Orion kissed her next, and as Ariella lifted to the right to capture his mouth with her own, Palidor thrust his fingers under her panties and straight up into her cunt.

“Oh!” She moaned and then Orion swallowed her cries of pleasure.

Palidor pumped his fingers and thrust his hips. His cock, although confined by his jeans, rubbed snugly under her cunt and ass.

She grabbed hold of his hair and tilted upward, her breast hitting his chin. He lowered to nip her flesh over the blouse she wore and another moan of pleasure rumbled in her chest. Her pussy exploded and she became almost limp in his arms.

Orion released her lips and held her hair and head in a very possessive manner.

“You belong to us.”

“You belong to Venificus,” Palidor said, stroking her pussy three more times before Ariella lowered her head to his shoulder and hugged him.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Chapter 5

They called in a special crew to clean up the mess. One of the four rogue wolves was alive. Venificus guards took him into a van and headed to a special security building for interrogation. Ariella watched, feeling sadness for the wolf. She felt the arm come around her midsection and gasped at the surprise hold. Tilting her head way up, she locked gazes with Orion.

“We’ll be by shortly. First we must ensure the safe deliverance of our mate to the estate,” he stated to the Omegas.

“Your mate?” they asked and then smiled as they looked Ariella over. Orion growled low, and the Omegas bowed their heads.

“Congratulations. Shall we alert your parents?”

“The ball is still going on. We’ll make the announcement there,”

Palidor chimed in.

Ariella cringed. She tried to pull from Orion’s embrace. “No, I don’t want anyone to know. I’m not ready for this.”

Orion turned her around and held her by her shoulders.

Her heart soared with great appreciation for both wolves. They were so sexy and handsome. Tall, much taller than her, with large muscles and dominant personalities. As they gave orders to the men, she felt her nipples tighten and her pussy arouse. Both men sniffed the air.

“You are a very naughty, Fae wolf. This type of behavior and resistance to our mating must stop. Those men came here to get you, to take you to their possible leader. You are in danger, and as your mates, we are the best ones to protect you,” Orion said. His large hands warmed her chilling shoulders, and then she heard the howls
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from the rogue wolf they’d captured. He was being forced into the van, and she, Orion, and Palidor turned to look when fire illuminated his body. Right before their eyes, he erupted into flames, his cries of pain echoing in the darkness.

“No. Oh no.” She cried out and tried to go toward him but Orion held her tight.

“Don’t. There’s nothing you can do.”

“We need to get Ariella out of here and to safety. I feel the evil,”

Palidor whispered as Orion directed her toward another vehicle. She looked toward the darkness of the surrounding area behind the club.

She felt its presence. Her body felt a mix of emotions. The evil was bad. Its thoughts were of destruction and annihilation of were across the earth.

Don’t look at him. Go with your mates. You will need them. Love
will guide the way.

Ariella swallowed hard as she got into the SUV. After a glance over her shoulder, she knew that CC and Margarite were being taken to the Fae infirmary. She prayed that they were okay, as the words from the voice she heard lingered in her mind.

Love will guide me? But I’m not in love. I’m not ready for mates.

Not now when these poor innocent wolves need me.

* * * *

Being in an enclosed space with their mate after shifting was wreaking havoc on their bodies. Orion sat in the passenger seat, and Ariella was in the middle as Palidor drove the SUV.

“We should take this time to talk, Ariella,” Orion suggested. He watched her as she sat stiffly between them and clasped her fingers on her lap. He reached over and placed his much larger hand over both of her hands.

She jerked a moment, turned toward him, and wound up leaning into Palidor. Palidor growled low.


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She looked toward him and eased her way into the center, as she tried to pull her hands away.

“Don’t fight it. You feel exactly what Palidor and I feel. It’s fate.”

She shook her head.

“I know that you are young, Ariella. My brother and I may seem intimidating in size and demeanor, but we would never harm you.”

“No,” she blurted out.

“No, you don’t think we are intimidating?”

“No, I mean, yes, of course you are. Not that I’m intimidated by you. Either of you,” she added as she looked toward Palidor who gave another small growl as he gripped the steering wheel.

Ariella swung her head back toward Orion. “Why does he keep doing that?”

Orion covered her hands and then placed his other hand on her thigh. She tightened up again as he leaned closer. Inhaling her scent.

Her natural perfume aroused his wolf.

“He is on edge. Certainly tearing apart a few wolves who intended to hurt our mate has left him that way.”

She jerked toward Palidor and then back at Orion.

“You see. This is why I don’t want mates. Not now. I won’t become a possession.”

Orion moved his hand slowly under her skirt and right to her mound.

“I won’t lie to you, Ariella. Being our mate makes you our possession, but it’s all good.”

She shook her head as he licked her neck and then pulled her lobe between his teeth. She tilted her head back, offering more of her neck to his ministrations.

He licked and suckled her skin as he pressed his fingers against her soaked panties.

“You feel it.”

“No,” she whispered.

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“Open for me. Let me make you feel good. You know you crave my touch as much as you crave Palidor’s.”

“Mmm,” she moaned and slightly moved her head side to side.

“Open for him. For us,” Palidor said in a firm tone.

She moaned and Orion felt her cream leak through her panties. He pressed the material aside and stroked ever so softly over her pussy lips. His mouth pressed just as gently against her skin.

“You want it. You feel it. You are our mate.”

Her legs parted, her head rolled back, and Orion pressed two fingers up into her pussy.

She grabbed onto his wrist and he chuckled.

“So independent and in need of being in charge. You are going to need lots of discipline, Fae wolf. Lots and lots of discipline,” he whispered as Palidor pulled the SUV onto the shoulder.

Orion increased his thrusts as Palidor ran his hand up along her inner thigh.

She turned toward him.

“Discipline starts now.”

He kissed her deeply on the mouth while he used his fingers to undo the buttons on her blouse. Orion continued to stroke her cunt, causing more and more of her scent to surround them.

Her body jerked the moment Palidor moved his mouth from her lips to her breast. He pinched her nipple.

“Oh!” She moaned aloud and grabbed onto him.

Orion leaned forward and used his mouth to move the material over, so he could lick part of her breast that stuck out from the lace bra she wore.

Palidor unclipped the front of the bra and her breasts emerged, making her gasp and thrust her hips against Orion’s fingers.

“Oh. Oh my, what are you two doing to me?”

“I need a taste, brother,” Orion stated, feeling his eyes change and his wolf pull near surface.


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“Then taste what is ours.” Palidor pulled her onto his lap sideways and cupped her breast.

* * * *

Ariella moaned as they shifted her how they wanted her. Being so petite and light, these huge wolves turned her around and continued to assault her with their sexually talented tongues, fingers, and hands.

Her ass and hips were hanging over Palidor’s thick, hard thighs, and Orion’s fingers continued to thrust into her pussy.

She felt her body begin to tighten, when suddenly Orion lowered his mouth to her mound and replaced his fingers with his tongue. She screamed her release, feeling her body explode on impact as Palidor cupped and pinched her nipple while he sucked on her neck and shoulder.

“Orion. Palidor,” she said their names and rocked her hips against Orion’s mouth and tongue. She felt his long thick tongue press deeper and knew he was using his wolf abilities to draw more out of her.

She’d never had sex before. She’d never let anyone near her private parts, yet here she was allowing two brothers, wolves, to control her body.

She tightened up and Palidor pulled on her nipple. “Oh.”

“Relax and enjoy it. This body, these breasts belong to us.

Orion pulled his mouth from her pussy and she felt half relieved, half abandoned.

“And this pussy and ass, too.” He stroked his tongue from the crack of her ass, over her sacred hole to her pussy. She shook from his words, his tone, and Palidor’s declaration.

“Your turn,” Orion said to Palidor as Orion lifted up, pulled Ariella into his arms, and hugged her to him. He kissed her on the mouth and she could taste herself on his lips. He twirled his tongue around hers and she felt his hands over her ass spreading her cream from her pussy to her anus. His hold tightened as she moaned into his
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mouth and tried to lift up. As his finger pressed over the tight bud and then moved down over her pussy, she began to rock against him.

She felt Palidor’s hands on her hips and she tightened and then allowed him to lift her to her knees. She was now facing Orion, on her knees in the front of the SUV, with her bare ass facing Palidor.

His hands moved over each globe and squeezed.

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