Goddess of Love (4 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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Her destiny involved saving Draco, but from what she didn’t know.


Ariella jumped as she heard her mother’s voice. She was shaking now. She was caught between feeling sexually high strung, knowing that she just pleasured herself in the shower, and concerned that her mother may sense it all.

“I’ll be out in a moment.” She turned off the shower, grabbed the towel, wrapped herself up, and quickly dried off. Growing up, it always seemed that her mother was aware of what Ariella and her brothers were doing before they did it. Some things she let them get away with, but others she put her foot down. When they were older, they learned of their mother’s abilities and those of their friends. It was quite disconcerting. However, for Ariella, it was exciting.

Especially as she became a woman and started to have her own

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visions, her own indication of what she was, what she was capable of doing and the fact that Charity, Feldman, and her mother had trained her.

But deep down inside she knew there was more for her to do. She felt it, and seeing the vision of Draco confirmed the emotions she had been feeling. However, the fairy in her wanted to fight this mating thing every step of the way. Mischief and mayhem could at least buy her some time and figure out how to help Draco.

* * * *

Antoinette joined her daughter in her bedroom. She was caught between wanting to reprimand her for putting her life in danger and using her magic to block out Orion and Palidor. And congratulating her on trying to keep her intended mates at bay while also establishing her independence from the start. However, the Venificus men were royalty, and it was quite the honor to be chosen by such high Alpha males to be their mate. This wasn’t going to be an easy process.

Antoinette hid her smile.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest as Ariella emerged, hair wet, drying it with a towel and appearing flushed.

“Mother, I’ve been reprimanded enough by the Alphas, what more can I say to you?” she asked with a bit of an attitude.

“For starters, how about why you were using your magic to block out Orion and Palidor?”

Ariella swung her head up in shock and her jaw dropped.

Antoinette had to laugh.

She walked closer and caressed her daughter’s shoulder and arm.

“Ariella, take it from me, this is not something that you can control. They know that you are their mate. The magic didn’t entirely work on them.”

Ariella took a deep breath and then released it. “I’m not ready for this. It’s not fair, really. I’m only twenty-two years old. They are
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huge, they are Alphas, and they will try to control me. I’m not going to accept this. Not now.”

Antoinette crossed her arms in front of her chest and chuckled.

“The Goddesses have spoken. You’ve had some visions, am I correct?”

Again Ariella looked at her in surprise. Her cheeks suddenly reddened, and immediately Antoinette had the feeling that Ariella was embarrassed at her visions. She needed to clarify what she knew and ease Ariella’s mind.

“Honey, I cannot see your dreams, your fantasies, or your visions.

I am only pointing out that you must be aware that the Venificus brothers are your mates for you to have tried to block them. You also went into the forest knowing that the orders were sent to remain within the perimeter. So what were you doing there? Do you think it was solely for you to meet Orion and Palidor, or do you believe there is more to what happened?”

Ariella sat down on the edge of the bed.

“There is more to what happened. It was significant for Orion and Palidor to be there, but for the record, I didn’t need them to fight that rogue wolf. He was weak.”

“That is not what Palidor stated.”

“Am I injured? Do I wear any battle wounds?” she asked abruptly.

“Ariella, you need to calm down and accept your fate. I am not the enemy, nor are your fathers, your brothers, or the Venificus brothers.

This is part of your destiny. You should be overjoyed knowing that such prime Alphas are your intended mates.”

Ariella shot up from the bed and tossed the towel down onto the rug.

“I do not want this right now. There is so much that I need to do. I have my own dreams, my own feelings inside telling me that now is not the time.”

Antoinette sighed.


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“Honey, are you sure? Are you certain that it’s not just you being stubborn and not wanting to accept your fate? You could be confused and perhaps not reading the signs, the visions correctly.”

“Mom, there are things that I have seen. There are sensations, visions that I have had recently that tell me that there is more to come and more for me to do.”

Antoinette felt concerned. This was her daughter. She didn’t want her hurt or killed. It was so difficult to not use her own abilities to see what was to come.

“This is not my battle, my life, my destiny. As hard as it is for me to say this, Ariella, you need to follow your gut and your heart. We have trained you well. But please, be open to what the fates say.

Perhaps you will need Orion and Palidor to complete whatever is yet to come.”

“I don’t know them. I like to handle things on my own. I don’t need them.”

“Ah, that is where you are wrong. Try to put aside that stubbornness and independence for a moment and look at what you have seen, and the visions that the goddesses have shown you. Be careful, Ariella. Evil has a way of manipulating the mind, and once you open yourself up to that weakness, there is no turning back,”

Antoinette stated, and then felt the ache to her head. She was speaking from the heart, but also with some knowledge of the black magic lingering in the distance.

“Mom, are you okay?” Ariella asked as she came to her, knelt on the floor, and covered her hands with her own.

Antoinette smiled, as she saw what was already in her daughter’s heart and mind.

“Be strong, Ariella. The Goddesses have plans for you. You are destined for greatness, and will need the power and love of Alpha royalty to succeed.”

Ariella laid her head on Antoinette’s lap as Antoinette caressed her long brown hair.

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She prayed to the Goddesses to watch over her child, and knew that her part was over. This was Ariella’s journey, her fight. Letting her go brought tears to her eyes and heaviness to her heart.


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Chapter 3

Jacob, Troy, Brad, and Luke stood in the main library speaking with Orion and Palidor Venificus. Both young men had turned into very intimidating, strong Alphas. Their fathers and mother should be proud.

“We are sorry to have placed you in the middle of that situation in order to assist our daughter. But we are grateful you and your men were there. Ariella can be quite the handful,” Brad stated, as he looked up toward the staircase and her bedroom. A room on the entire opposite end of the house from the rest of the family. She was so set on establishing herself without the assistance or branding of a pack name. Sometimes her determination and stubbornness worried Brad and his family.

“We were just glad that we were there to assist her and the other women,” Palidor replied.

“Ariella needs to follow the rules and the orders given. That situation could have had a different ending. I take it that you will instruct her to not make such a poor decision in the future. The danger is not gone,” Orion said with a bit of attitude. He seemed authentically upset with Ariella. He and his brothers grew up with their children as well as Lexi’s children.

“Do you believe that there is danger approaching our pack territory?” Jacob asked.

Orion looked at Palidor and then at Brad and the others.

“On the down low, there have been a series of brutal attacks throughout the country. We are not at liberty to give any details or to even make public this information. However, our suggestion would be
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to place your security teams, your Omegas and Betas on alert. It can’t hurt,” Orion suggested.

“Keep the women and children close. Don’t let them go too far without the accompaniment of men who can protect them if necessary,” Palidor added.

“These wolves from the forest, they were rogue. They also seemed to know who Ariella was. It concerns me greatly,” Troy stated.

“I think we need to put our foot down here, Troy. Ariella has a habit of coming and going as she pleases. If there is something going on, perhaps we need to limit her freedoms,” Brad stated.

“It couldn’t hurt. She’s a very beautiful woman. She should definitely take precautions,” Orion said.

“Understood, and again, we thank you,” Brad replied.

“Will you be visiting your parents and family, or are you off on another assignment?” Luke asked them.

“We haven’t been home in two years. I’d say we are overdue.

Besides, knowing our mother, she knows that we are a short trip from her now. She’ll probably have a feast waiting for us,” Palidor stated as he and Orion began to walk with the men from the room.

“We’re having a grand ball this weekend. Perhaps the two of you will find some time to attend?” Brad asked with a smile. He thought so much of these men, and he felt for their loss at the disappearance of their brother Draco.

“Perhaps. We will see. Thank you for the offer,” Palidor replied, and the men all shook hands.

“You are welcome here anytime,” Brad added as the men left the house.

They headed back into the room.

“So, what do you think?” Luke asked Brad and the others.

“Ariella was biting her tongue down here earlier. I’m surprised she told us all as much as she did. She knew something was up in that forest. That is why she went there,” Brad said with confidence, as he

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ran his fingers through his hair. He was so concerned. He thought as his cubs got older and went into adulthood that he would worry less.

Not the case, and especially not with Ariella.

“They seemed very concerned over her,” Jacob stated as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Just then Antoinette entered the room.

“Who seemed very concerned over who?” she asked, as Troy pulled her into his arms and kissed her before turning her around and holding her in his arms.

“Orion and Palidor over Ariella.”

“Oh.” She lowered her eyes.

“What is going on? You know something?” Luke asked her.

Her cheeks reddened. “I know nothing, mates.”

“Oh, yeah, right. Here we go. What have you seen? What is going on, oh wise one with the visions?” Jacob teased as he tickled her. She began to laugh and they all moved closer to their mate.

“Did you tell them about the ball?”

“Yes, we gave them the invite. They will probably visit Charity and the royal Alphas. Perhaps if their work doesn’t call them away, then they will attend.

“Perfect,” she replied.

“Why is that perfect?” Brad asked.

“We haven’t had everyone together in so long. It will be nice to get everyone together.”

“Are you keeping secrets, Antoinette?” Jacob asked as he started rubbing his hands together.

Antoinette stepped away and started back, stepping toward the doorway.

“Now, my mate, what would make you say that?” she asked with a smirk.

“You know what we do to our mate if she lies to us or doesn’t follow our rules,” Troy added.

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“I think she’s hiding something. I say a good spanking is in order,” Brad said as he quickly got to her before she could escape out of the room and up the stairs.

She squealed and Brad kissed her as he caressed his hands over her ass.

“Brad, there are people in the house, including our children,”

Antoinette reprimanded.

“We are your Alphas. What we say goes, and we don’t answer to anyone in our house.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she stated as he began to back her toward the large leather couch.

“What’s the secret?” Luke asked then slapped his hands on his thighs making her jump. Brad hid his chuckle as Antoinette gasped, and then the scent of her cream filled the air. They all growled low.

“Oh, you can’t be serious. Okay, fine. But I think you should just wait to find out on your own when the time is right.” She gasped again as her rear hit the arm of the couch.

Troy closed the doors and locked them. Luke and Brad joined Jacob in front of her.

Jacob undid the button on her pants and then the zipper. He was determined, but the look in Antoinette’s eyes did a number on all of them. Brad smiled. “You are in for it,” he teased.

Jacob pulled down her pants and turned her around. He whispered next to her ear as he caressed his hands through her hair. Antoinette closed her eyes, and her scent filled the room. “No keeping secrets from your Alphas.”

Brad reached between her thighs and stroked a finger over her pussy lips.

“Oh!” She moaned and then bent forward.

The sound of Jacob’s palm landing on her bare ass cheek aroused all their wolves.

Brad began to thrust his fingers into her cunt as Jacob, Troy, and Luke took turns slapping her ass.


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“So fucking sexy. Always, Antoinette. Always our woman,”

Jacob stated as Antoinette cried out, exploding in ecstasy.

Brad pulled his fingers from her cunt and then kissed her lips as Jacob pulled down his pants then thrust into her from behind.

“It’s on, baby. Your Alphas need you,” Luke whispered.

“When we’re done thoroughly loving our woman, we expect answers,” Troy stated as Antoinette moaned and then smiled with her eyes closed as she pressed her ass back against Jacob, giving as good as she was getting.

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Chapter 4

Paulof of the Morago Pack hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. One of the scout teams of rogue wolves had come so close to nabbing the Goddess’s daughter, Ariella. Those darn Venificus stood in the way of progress again. He felt his anger getting the better of him. Because of these multiple Alpha leaders and their magical mates, he was having difficulty succeeding in the plan. His cousin Morago was stuck in another realm behind bars, thanks to the Goddess of the circle. Gaurhoth was working on getting his cousin out of there. This plan was taking time. A long time. He would love to get his hands on the Goddess of the circle. She was well protected right now, but he had in his possession something none of them knew about. Morago had been quick in making a copy of the diary of Henry Lesting. His experiments were to near perfection and with the help of a few other mystical warriors yearning to destroy the Were Alphas, Paulof was close to achieving their dream.

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