Read Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2) Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Sports, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Werewolves & Shifters, #sports romance, #Werewolves, #paranormal erotic romance

Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2)
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Reenie rushed over to Mabel and led her over to them. When they reached the parking area, Kelly started the SUV and waited for her father and Dalton, her new alpha, to join them. She ignored the congratulatory calls and hollers from her pack members milling around the lot. None of what just happened had sunk in yet. The only thing on her mind was getting Brandon home safe and sound.

“I’ll follow you home and help you get him settled.” Reenie came up to her and tapped her shoulder.

“Thanks for everything,” Mabel said. “We’ll talk later, OK?” With that, she headed into the darkness and disappeared from view.

Kelly bounced from one foot to the other. Finally Dalton and her father came into view, supporting Brandon between them. Kelly yanked open the passenger door of the SUV. What the hell had taken them so long? She gritted her teeth as time stretched out like a rubber band in slow motion. She wanted to urge them on, but didn’t want them to jostle him in any way. Every move they made, each shake of his body, sent shots of energy jittering along her limbs.

After what seemed like an eon, they arrived at Brandon’s car.

“Finally! Put him in the seat. Don’t hit his head or I’ll skin you both alive.” Kelly shuffled back to give them room and watched with interest as they maneuvered him into the vehicle.

Martin stepped back. “There, happy now, kid?” A twinkle of amusement lit up her father’s dark-brown eyes.

“Now now, Martin.” Dalton held up his hand. “He doesn’t look comfortable. Maybe we should throw him into the backseat?”

“Yeah, I see what you mean.”

Both men began to reach for Brandon, only for Kelly to dash in front of them, impeding their process. “Touch him and I’ll tell everyone what you really do on those ice fishing trips.”

“Now, kid—” her father started.

“You promised not to tell. You tryin’ to humiliate your alpha, spawn of Martin?” Dalton’s features hardened, but humor shone in his bright blue eyes.

Kelly snorted. “Baking cupcakes and brownies, making s’mores, and watching reruns of
I Love Lucy
doesn’t exactly fit your manly image. Maybe I should tell them about the time you let me give you pedi…

Martin covered her mouth. “Fine, fine, kid. Get out of here. Just let me know when the wedding is.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead and nodded toward his motorcycle. “Dalton, my man, get dressed and let’s go. I have a hankering for some ribs. Later, kid. Call the doc if anything happens, yeah? Love you.”

“Love you too, Daddy.” Kelly turned and checked in on Brandon herself, before shutting the door and climbing into the driver’s seat. She glanced at him every few seconds while trying to focus on the road ahead. Her arms shook, and she gripped the wheel tightly as a fresh set of tears cascaded down her face.

She pulled over to the side of the road as sobs racked her body, and the adrenaline and stress of the challenge bottomed out. Sadness, fear, pain, relief, and joy dumped into her, creating an emotional stew that seemed to be sucking her down a tunnel.

“Honey?” Brandon’s graveled voice pulled her out of her turmoil.

She lifted her head to find him staring at her, cobalt-blue eyes shining. He gave her a tired smile.

“Do you—” he coughed and cleared his throat. “Do you need me to take over? I feel stronger.”

She wiped away the moisture and shook her head. “I can handle it. Promise. How are you feeling?”

She leaned over to check on him, but he shook his head. “Don’t touch me. Not yet. My skin is screaming at me.” He cleared his throat and swallowed. “My body is settling back into its skin and the wolf is calming down. My shoulder is…better.” He licked his lips and let out a slow yawn. “Just need sleep.”

“OK, let’s go home. Once you’re better, I’ll tell you what happened. You just sleep, OK?” She wiped away a few stray trails of moisture and flicked up the turn signal.

“Not under yet. What happened to Alberto?”

She trained her gaze on the street as she recounted Dalton’s ruling.

“So, Dalton is our new alpha. He’s fair.” The leather creaked under Brandon’s shifting weight.

Kelly resisted the urge to ask him if there was anything she could do to make him more comfortable.

“Yeah, he’s accepted our mating and declared us a couple before the pack. We can be together.” She whispered the last part.

“At last. Took us long enough.” He coughed out a laugh. “
beautiful, intelligent, sexy,

She smiled. “All yours as you are mine. No one can tear us apart. Ever.”

“So shall it be. Now take us home, honey. I want to spend my last birthday weekend night with you.” The material creaked again.

Kelly risked another peek at him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and even. “Happy birthday, Brandon, my mate. Later, we’ll try those cock rings out.”

“I heard that,” he muttered, voice deep and rough.

“Just checking.” She grinned.

He grunted, but didn’t protest further. She looked forward to helping him recover, using pleasure and comfort to heal him. They had fought for their future together and won. Everything they did from here on out they would do together. They were mates now and forever. No one could tear them apart, just as the vow said.

“I love you, Brandon.” The words came out strong and clear, without wavering.

“I love you too, Kelly.”

Brandon’s hand came over and rested on her thigh, allowing some of his body heat to seep past the denim into her skin. By that simple touch, their words were sealed. No more running or hiding or ignoring their feelings.

They were mates, and Kelly wouldn’t have it any other way.





~ About the Author ~



Multi-Published Author, part vampire, part pixie, Selena Illyria was born with a need to write and enable. Her imagination takes her into the paranormal, sci-fi and fantasy genres and all sorts of mischief. When not writing she enjoys catching up on her TBR pile, watching some of her favorite programs and listening to her favorite music as well as teasing people with posts on decadent food and plot bunnies.


Discover more about Selena Illyria here






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~ Also by Selena Illyria ~



Try the first in the exciting
Bachelor Auction


Mate Not Wanted

Bachelor Auction Book One

Selena Illyria



Letting Madison go unmated? Pierce won’t stand for it…

Lioness shifter Madison doesn’t want to be mated. So when her friends bid and win tiger shifter Pierce McKinney at the Bachelor Auction, she knows she’s screwed. Pierce is the one man who can get under her skin. Especially when she knows that sex with Pierce will burn hotter than the sun…

Pierce McKinney has been trying without luck to wear Madison down. So when her friends win him at a charity auction, he’s determined to win her for his own. He’ll give her what she needs and desires, and he’ll even bring in a friend to play to her fantasies. But Madison belongs to him, and only him. And he intends to show her that he plays for keeps. Even if she’s too stubborn to admit it. Because Pierce is too stubborn to let her walk away…


Mate Not Wanted



Bewitching the Vampire

Flushed and Fevered Book One

Selena Illyria



A stubborn witch vs a vampire king…who will win on Halloween?

Bridget is a witch who has been given a sweet deal—nab a rogue vampire and score a big payday, but she must deliver him within twenty-four hours. She’ll need help from Joe, the local vampire liege, to find the rogue vampire fast. Joe agrees to give her the information...if she agrees to play a few hands of poker with him. For each hand, she must reveal a bit about herself. And for each hand she wins, he'll answer any question she asks. But Bridget isn’t sure she can keep things objective—not when Joe gives her that seductive grin.

Joe has always had an interest in the little witch. She defies his expectations and surprises at every turn. But despite his natural inclination to help her, he decides to make her work for the information she needs in the most delicious ways. With a little bit of seduction and a little bit of bondage, he tests her resolve to play the game…and tests his own self-control to contain the blood beast inside him. The stakes are sky-high, for both of them. But on Halloween, the most powerful night of the year, which one will be the winner?


Bewitching the Vampire



Making Demons Purr

Flushed and Fevered Book Two

Selena Illyria



They will bind her to them in every way they can.

Seraphena, a black panther shifter and familiar, hasn’t had a night off in months. Between work, dealing with her mother, and issues with her pard, her life is one challenge after the next. So when she finally finds herself with a night to herself, the last thing she expects is spending it with her secret crushes, Carver and Thorn, demons and owners of her favorite café, The Java Demon. Neither does she expect what happens when you play high card strip with a couple of pros. They give her a hot game, a night to remember with a little kink on the side. But Sera knows it can’t last with all the complications in her life. The last thing she needs is having to explain two men at once—and demons at that.

Carver and Thorn have wanted Sera from the moment she first strolled into the Java Demon for that low-fat caramel macchiato. Now that they have her in their life, they refuse to let her go. They will bind her to them in every way they can, fulfill her fantasies, and show her the love and support she needs. Nothing will stand in their way—not work, not her mother, not her pard. But it might be Sera herself who shuts them out if she can’t stand up to those who would dictate their love…


Reader Discretion Advised: Contains ménage, spanking, exhibition, and light BDSM elements


Making Demons Purr



BOOK: Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2)
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