The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Frères

BOOK: The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Frères
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Published by Tanglewood Press, Inc., September 2008.
Originally published by Tanglewood Press, Inc., June 2006.

© Marie LeTourneau. All rights reserved. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Designed by Allison Higa Design and Amy Alick Perich
Editorial assistance provided by Lisa Rojany Buccieri

The publisher wishes to thank Jean-Philippe Baty for his assistance with this book.

Tanglewood Press, Inc. P. O. Box 3009, Terre Haute, IN 47803

Printed in China
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ISBN 978-1-933718-18-7 (paperback)
ISBN 978-0-9749303-6-7 (hardcover)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

LeTourneau, Marie.

The mice of Bistrot des Sept Frères/ written and illustrated by Marie
LeTourneau with Danielle Reed Baty.

 p. cm.
Summary: Petite Michelle comes to the rescue when the chef at a famous Parisian restaurant for mice runs out of the secret ingredient in his prize-winning cheese soup. Story is interspersed with French words.

     ISBN-13: 978-0-9749303-6-7 (alk. paper)

     ISBN-10: 0-9749303-6-9 (alk. paper)

 [1. Mice-Fiction. 2. Restaurants-Fiction. 3.Soups-Fiction. 4. Paris (France)-Fiction. 5. France-Fiction.] I. Baty, Danielle Reed. II. Title. PZ7.L454Mi 2006


French pronunciations

Au fromage (oh FROmahj)

Au revoir (Oh ruhVWAR)

Le bistro(t) (luh beeSTRO)

Le Bistrot des Sept Frères
(luh beeSTRO day set frair)

Bonjour (baw-joor)

Le bouillon (luh bweeYAW)

Cafés express (cafAY exPRESS)

Cher (shair)

La crème (la krem)

Est (ay)

Excellent(e) (ekselAHNT)

Félicitations! (fayleeseetass YAW)

Des fleurs (day flure)

Les frères (lay frair)

Le Maître D'hôtel (luh MAYtra d'ohTELL)

Les oeufs durs (lays euh dure)

Les oignons (lays on YO)

Le pâtissier (luh patees YAY)

Petit, petite (puhTEE, puhTEET)

Le poivre (luh PWAVruh)

La sauce piquante aux poivrons
(la sose peeKAWNT oh pwavRAW)

Sept (set)

Les serveurs (lay sairVEUR)

Les serviettes de table
(lay sairveeYETTE duh TAHbluh)

La soeur (la sur)

Le sommelier (luh somelYAY)

La soupe (la soup)

Le sous-chef (luh SUE chef)

Le thym (luh TEH)

Très bien! (tray byeh)

Voilà (vwaLA)


The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Frères

n Paris' Latin Quarter, Chef Marcel owns a fancy bistro called
Le Bistrot des Sept Frères
, or The Bistro of the Seven Brothers.

Le Bistrot des Sept Frères
has the very best in mouse cuisine. Anyone who is anyone eats there. It is the hippest place in Paris!

Chef Marcel is known throughout France for his wonderfully delicious
soupe au fromage
, cheese soup.

The cheese soup is made with a very special, secret ingredient known only to Chef Marcel. Every year, the bistro wins the big award for the best cheese soup in all of France. The bistro is always busy, but Chef Marcel has plenty of help in the kitchen from his seven sons.

This is Jean-Pierre. He loves boating.

The twins, Jean-Paul and Jean-Henri, adore skiing in alpine races.

Jean-Philippe plays a mean bass in a blues band.

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