Glow (24 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“I did my job. I sent you the article this morning and-” Vanessa assured her.


Aunt Ellen raised her hand telling Vanessa to stop talking. “You were to
work with my nephew and write the 'it' piece for Glow-”


“And I did that, Ellen, I-” Vanessa snapped her mouth shut knowing my aunt
hated being interrupted.

“Do not interrupt me, Vanessa. I had you work with my nephew with the
utmost confidence that you would act as a professional. This is not
professional and I refuse to have someone like you as my next Editor-inChief.” she raised her chin.

“If you would just read-” Vanessa pleaded.

“I will read it and if it is any good then you will in fact receive full credit for
the piece. However, Miss Montello, I do not want and will not stand for
someone like you with your unprofessional behavior to work for me any
longer. Consider this your termination as you no longer work for
Glow magazine. You and your assistant can pick up your final paychecks
when you come in on Monday to clear out your office.” Jackson stood behind
her with an accomplished grin on his face. I cannot believe that bastard
actually called my aunt. I glared at him.

“Aunt Ellen, you can't fire them. This is my fault,” I jumped out of my seat,
weaving myself between people and followed her toward the door. She
turned around so fast that her long black hair whipped my chest.

“I can and I did. Which you are absolutely right, Benjamin. This is all of your
fault. Your girlfriend and her hussy little assistant can thank you for that,”
she leaned in closer. “If I could fire you as my nephew, I would. Goodnight,

I stood there with my jaw clenched as I watched my Aunt Ellen leave
Estrada's with Jackson high tailing it after her like a dog chasing after a bone.


“Shit!” I said aloud running my hands roughly through my hair.

I did it now... I had officially messed everything up for Vanessa. I should
have just left without my damn phone. Hell, I could afford a million phones if
I wanted to. But I just
to stay here and screw everything up for her and
now Maria. Why didn't I just go back to Chicago and leave Vanessa alone? I
didn't because I wanted her, and now all she wants is her job. I felt my heart
breaking into a million pieces.

I sighed looking over at Vanessa and Maria who are sitting in their seats
completely motionless and empty like they are on pause as the world
continues to whiz by them. I stared at Vanessa's broken expression knowing
that I have literally and officially ruined her life. She was going to blame me
for this... she was going to blame me for losing her job at Glow and I can't
say that I blame her because I don't. If I could, I would kick my own ass right
onto the next plane to Chicago. No, better yet, make it the next plane to Haiti.

Chapter Fourteen: Truth Be Told
Vanessa's POV

Love... it is the undeniable affection you feel for another person. It's a
profoundly tender, yet sexual desire towards someone which love is felt. It is
in the way he sends your heart flying when he holds your hand, or brushes
the loose hair from your eyes. It is in the way he makes you breakfast, or
gazes into your eyes during dinner. It is in the way he rescues you from
behind crates in a dark alley late at night, or the way that he kicks a
beautifully half-naked woman out of his house. To me... that is my love. My
love, Ben McGurthy.

Was I upset about losing my job at Glow? Your damn right I was... but not at
Ben because love conquers all. He had apologized and pleaded with me on
his knees that night at Estrada's after he chased after Ellen. He thought I was
going to be upset with him. My heart wouldn't let me be angry as I stared into
his eyes full of sadness and sorrow. I suddenly wanted to comfort him as I
could see how sorry and hurt Ben was for everything that had happened.
Through everything, I had learned that love truly does exist in our world. It
just depends on when we let it happen.

“I have the new emails all printed out for you,” Maria chirped as she strutted
into my office.


“Alright! I wonder what 'Nessy' has in store this month,” I smiled, taking the
stack of printed emails from Maria's hands.


“Enjoy,” Maria looked over her shoulder and winked at me as she walked
back out of my office. She is so strange, I shook my head.


What am I still doing behind my desk, and why is Maria still my secretary?
Well, have I got a story for you...




“I am so sorry Vanessa, I never intended for any of this to happen,” Ben now
apologizing for the trillionth time tonight.


“Hey, I told you...” I reached over from the passenger side placing my hand
upon Ben's thigh. “it's not your fault, Ben. I just need to let it sink in, okay?”

“That's what I am so scared of, Nessy,” he sighed. “What if when it sinks in
you hate me for all of this? Honestly, I wouldn't blame you. You have every
right to hate me,”

“Ben, I love you... I am not going to blame you for any of this. I promise,” I
rubbed his leg soothingly.

When it would sink in? I had no idea as all I was at that very moment, was
numb. I watched him as a sad smile tugged at his lips. He then grabbed my
hand, lacing our fingers together.

“I love you, too.” he squeezed my hand tightly making me smile.

We were suddenly quiet. In my head, I truly wasn't blaming him for
anything. I just needed time to think. What was I going to do? Where was I
going to work? For the last several years, my life had been at Glow, nothing
but. With
in realization, I started to cry.

“Oh, my God!” I cried out. I started to sob.

“I am so sorry, Vanessa,” Ben let go of my hand placing his on my shoulder,
pulling me close to him. “Come here,” he said softly.
For the remainder of the ride, I cried on his shoulder. He rubbed his hand up
and down my arm trying to comfort me the best he could.

We arrived at my house and Ben helped me out of the car. He picked me up,
then carried me tightly in his arms and into my house as I cried hysterically.
He went straight to the bedroom, lying me down on my bed. He took my
heels off then, his shoes. I felt the bed dip behind me and before I knew it, his
hands were wrapped around me tightly. Ben didn't say not one word to me as
he just let me lay there and cry. Every few minutes or so he would kiss the
back of my head and run his fingers through my hair. I had no idea how long
I had laid there crying for, but I do know that Ben never, never left my side.

When I finally awoke, the rays of sunshine were bursting into my room. It
filled me with the hopes of a new day. Still in the same position, my neck
was sore. I hadn't moved all night. I slowly rolled over to face Ben. I stared at
his peaceful, sleeping face. His chest rose, then fell as he breathed deeply; his
lips were slightly parted. I smiled, tracing his lower lip with my finger. His
eyes shot open as I had startled him. He took in one sight of me and instantly

“Good morning,” I whispered, running my fingertips down his cheek.


“Good morning, beautiful,” he reached up, lightly running his fingertip under
one of my swollen eyes.


“Your eyes are so swollen.” he frowned. “Are you okay, Nessy?” he asked


I slowly nodded, then shrugged. “I think so,” I paused. “Thank you,”


Ben furrowed his brow. “For what?”


“For last night,”


“It drives me crazy knowing that was all I could do given everything bad that
has happened in your life since you met me,” he swallowed hard.


I could see that inside, he was an absolute mess. He was beating the shit out
of his insides; mentally, and emotionally. It was tearing my heart in two.

I leaned in, then gave Ben a soft kiss on his lips. “I do not blame you for
anything, I promise. I love you you, and I am happy with you. This...” I
gestured my hand in the air. “this whole thing with Glow, I will be okay. We
will be okay,” I smiled. “Besides, there is always the New York Post,” I
joked making him laugh back at the memory of when we first ran into one
another. I had thought he was a graduate looking for an internship at Glow. I
had tried to send him to the Post. Ben was laughing as he grabbed me tightly,
pulling me over on top of him.

“God, I love you...” he squeezed his arms around my waist. “so much,”


“I know,” I smiled, then kissed him passionately. He groaned against my lips
as he rolled over on top of me.


I pulled away from Ben and we both looked at one another with
a look of confusion.


“Are you expecting anyone?” I asked, propping myself up on my elbows.


“No,” he shook his head.

. Ben quickly moved off of me and I hopped off of the bed, then
ran to my front door. I opened the door quickly to see none other than Ellen
McGurthy standing on my doorstep.

I felt the lump in my throat swell at the image of this astonishing woman with
sleek black hair, in a tight black Gucci dress and heels standing before me. I
wasn't ready to see her yet. The wound was still so fresh... why not throw salt
on it?

I gestured my hand into my house. “Would you like to come in, Ellen?” I
looked over my shoulder to see Ben standing at a distance next to my couch
with his fists clenched tightly.

“I only have a moment as I have an appointment for lunch.” she quickly
stepped through the doorway and was looking around my place. “So I must
make this quick.” she eyed me up and down.

“Aunt Ellen,” Ben stated through his teeth.


“Could we sit down?” she asked ignoring Ben.

I still was staring at her. How could she be standing here in my living room
after she just fired me. After all of these years, she just let me go like I was a
worthless piece of trash.

“Of course,” I sat down in the middle of my sofa.

I watched Ellen as she took a seat next to me. Ben was instantly sitting on the
other cushion with his hand on my back reassuring me that he was here, and
it was going to be okay.

“Why are you here, Ellen?” I asked softly.

I studied her carefully; her fidgeting hands, the breath of air releasing from
her red lips slowly. I had never seen Ellen so uncomfortable. This is bad...
this is so bad. I reached next to me and squeezed Ben's leg nervously.

“Vanessa,” she stopped. I waited for her to continue. What was so damn
difficult to say to me? I mean come on, like firing me wasn't the worst.

“I'm sorry,” she released a humungous breath then tapped her palms on her
knees. “That was the hardest thing I have ever had to say,” she laughed. Ben's
hand instantly stopped rubbing my back, and the grip I had on Ben's leg

She is what? “Wait... you are what? S-sorry?” I stuttered. Come again? Ben
and I stared at Ellen, I'm sure with our mouths open and our eyes wide with
shock. In all the years I had worked for Ellen McGurthy had I never heard
that woman say she was sorry, to anyone. She was a bitch. She had a black
heart... so I thought.

She was starting to look uncomfortable again. I felt myself smiling inside at
her becoming uneasy.


“I'm sorry,” she paused again.



“Well, I am sorry for listening to Jackson last night before reading the article
you sent me,” she made eye contact with me. “It was marvelous, Vanessa,”
she smiled.

“It was?” my voice barely above a whisper.


“Quite frankly, it is one of the best that I have ever read,” she shrugged.


“Really?” I squealed making Ellen roll her eyes. She didn't like excitement.

“Yes. You took that piece and turned it into something amazing. Something I
never thought in a million years would come from you. An article about
love,” she looked over at her nephew. “An article about the love you never
believe existed. It was an article about my nephew, Ben.” she winked at him.
“This article will make the cover of our next issue, and you, Vanessa will be
on the front cover.”

I didn't know what to say, I was at a loss for words. I felt my mouth open
quickly then snap shut. I couldn't speak. She loved it! She wanted me on the

“I want you back at Glow,” Ellen reached over and grabbed my hand. “Glow
isn't... well, Glow without you, Miss. Montello.”
“You are giving me my job back?” I could hear my voice was shaky. I was
starting to cry.

“No.” Ellen shook her head with a smile making my heart break a little more.

“I want you back at Glow as my Editor-in-Chief. I want you to start a
column of your own, 'Ask Nessy'. I am sure after this article is released,
readers all over the world would love to ask you your opinions on love.” she
squeezed my hand.

“I would also like Ben...” Ellen leaned over then smiled at him. “to work for
Glow as well. His ideas for articles I think would highly benefit the

Oh my God, oh my God!
I couldn't contain it, I couldn't. I jumped off of the
couch making Ellen jump with fright as I shrilled from excitement.


“Yes!” I squealed. I took a deep breath as I stood in front of Ellen. She was
actually laughing a little.


“Yes, I want this, I do. Ben?” I looked over at the still, wide-eyed sexy man
on my couch.

“I-uh...” he was nervous, I could tell as he ran his fingers through his blonde
hair. “What is it I would be doing exactly?” he looked at Ellen then winked at

How exciting is this? The love of my life going to work with me everyday... I
carefully watched Ben. I could see the light in his eyes as he awaited Ellen's

“You will be the lead of your own team overseeing ideas of the articles. Once
a week you will have a meeting to brainstorm a bit, and oversee where the
articles are going. If the idea would flow well once written, if you will.” she
Ben slightly shook his head making me frown. “I can't work with Jackson.”
he stood up quickly. “With all do respect, Aunt Ellen, given he is your
assistant and all; I would kick his ass,” he shrugged, placing his hands in the
pocket of his jeans he was still wearing from last night.

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