Glow (21 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“Well, who are they from?” she fidgeted her fingers nervously.

“Dr. Love.” Dr. Chase Roberts. I had completely forgotten about him in all of
this crazy love stuff I have had going on.
“Are you serious?” Maria ripped the card from my hands. Her mouth slightly
moved with every word she read.

“Aw, he said your beautiful!” she cooed.


“I'm not ready for this yet,” I plopped down into my chair.


“Yes, you are. You still have a job to finish and besides, it would be good for
you to get out of the office.”


“Maria, I-”

“I know you have been sleeping here, okay? I understand that you don't want
to go home. But, life goes on and we learn to move on which is exactly what
you are going to do.” she walked behind me and spun my chair around
pushing me towards the door of my office.

“Maria, what are you doing?” I held onto the arms for dear life as she ran out
of my office and down the hall towards the elevator.


“We need to hurry before Natasha comes looking for that Gucci blouse you
have on,” she grunted, pushing me faster.

the elevator opened and she pushed the back of my chair as hard as
she could, knocking it forward. I landed hard on the floor of the elevator with
, and a

“Ow! Maria!” I quickly stood up dusting my black slacks off.


“Call Dr. Love, and don't forget to call me! Doctors orders!” she laughed as
the elevator door closed.

I was walking to my white BMW rental-yes it looks just like Ben's, which
was not my fault. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through the contacts
until I came to Chase's number. I hit the call button.
“Dr. Roberts,” he answered.

“Thank you for the roses,” I said sweetly. I wanted to smack myself as I
could the nervousness behind each word I spoke.


“Miss Montello,” I could hear the smile in his voice. “You are very welcome.
I'm hoping that they made you smile,”


Smile? Nervous to say the least. “They did,” Now I am smiling.


“Nice timing on your phone call, I actually have tonight off. Do you want to
go have dinner?” he asked casually.


I stopped as I stared at the white BMW. No, not really... “Yes, I would love
to,” I sighed.


“Great, how does seven-o-clock at Vincenzo's sound?”


Vincenzo's is a fabulous Italian restaurant in Manhattan. Awarded the best
pizza in all of the East Coast.


“Seven-o-clock it is. See you then!”


“Okay, have a good rest of your day... goodbye, gorgeous,”


“Bye,” I said before quickly hanging up.

I dropped my phone back in my purse and continued to stare at the car. I
threw a fit when all the rental place had luxury wise was this white BMW. I
would have waited until they had something different but my poor car is in
shambles, and I couldn't drive it wrecked anymore.

I clicked the unlock button and hopped inside. The smell of Dior was filling
my nose. It was all in my head, I know, but I couldn't help but smell him
every time I got into this car.
I swallowed hard feeling as though I was going to start crying. My moment
of truth; I missed him, I missed him so much.

I placed the keys in the ignition and closed my eyes taking a deep breath in
through my nose.


“I love you,” I whispered.


God, love sucks!


Ben's POV

I was in my room packing my clothes as I decided it would be best to just go
back to my dad's in Chicago. I had done nothing but cause grief and hell for
everyone around me. Hurting Vanessa was the worst. All I wanted to do was
be around her and I fucked up. Why did I have to call my Aunt? Why didn't I
just move back with the hope of connecting with her? Because I am a dumbass.

I tossed the last pair of jeans into my suitcase and looked over at my alarm, it
was two-fifteen in the afternoon. I was supposed to meet Ethan for lunch at
three. I checked in my pockets for my phone to text him to let him know I
would be on time. I patted my pockets down, then spun in circles looking
around the room. My phone was gone. I looked in the bathroom, under my
bed, under the night stands, gone.

“Where the hell is my phone?” I said aloud to myself as I walked into the
living room. I dug between the cushions, on the floor, under the couch... no

“What the hell?” I had it this morning.
I stood up straight placing my hands on my hips as I sighed. I looked around,
trying to think of the last place I had used it. It was in my car. I quickly
walked outside to check in my Beamer, then it hit me as I see an empty

Going back to Chicago, I didn't need my car anymore as I had two at my
dad's house. I sold my car this morning to a guy who owns a rental place in
lower Manhattan. He needed a luxury car for a customer this morning.

“Shit,” I dropped my chin to my chest.


I rushed inside and grabbed my home phone. I decided that even though my
phone is on vibrate, maybe someone would hear it?


Vanessa's POV


Swallowing the lump in my throat did no good as I had been crying the entire
way home.


The sound of a vibration interrupted my sob. I stopped the car on my street
and looked around the front seat.


“What is that?” I picked up my purse, nothing was under it.


Buzz... buzz.


I grabbed my phone out of my purse... it wasn't my phone.
“Ah! What is that?!” I said annoyed. I opened the car door and got out. I
knelt down reaching my hands under the seat.
I felt something vibrate my fingertips. I reached farther gripping
something hard under my fingers. I pulled it towards me.


“Got it,” I grunted as I stood up. It was someones phone.


It buzzed in my hand with a local number flashing across the screen.


“Hello?” I answered.


The phone reeks of Dior. There's the smell, I knew I wasn't going crazy.


“Thank, God you have my phone!” he sighed and I could hear the relief in
this man's voice.


“Uh-I guess so,” I got back into the car.


“Can we meet up later? Are you in Manhattan?” he asked sounding like he
was in a hurry.


“Yeah, I am...I could meet you now, I know you want your phone.” I


“I have lunch plans and I am running a little behind. Can I call you when I'm
done? We can meet up then?” he suggested.


“Sure,” I nodded.


“I seriously appreciate it, thank you,” he said politely.


“No problem,” I hung up sighing as I put the car back into drive and headed


Ben's POV


I heard the woman hang up. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared
at it.


“How rude was that?” I said aloud as I put the phone back on the base.


I heard a honk out front, my cab was here. I quickly grabbed my sweater and
ran out the door to meet Ethan for lunch.


The drive to Manhattan seemed to take awhile as traffic was awful. I just
stared out the window thinking about that chic on the phone earlier.


Something about her voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on


“Here we are,” the older man in a golf hat says as he pulled to the curbside. I
saw Ethan standing there waiting for me.


I hopped out of the cab. “Sup, bro?” I smiled at him as I got my wallet out to
pay the cab driver.


“Hey,” he nodded.


“Thanks a lot,” I handed him the money.


“No problem,” the driver then rolled the window up and took off.


I looked over at Ethan who is staring at me.


“What?” I shrugged.
“What the hell happened with, Nessy?” he eyed me.


“Let's just go in and sit down, I'll explain it all,” I pat his back.


“You seriously had a naked model in your house?” he asked as we walked in
the door of the diner.


“Half naked, and no she wasn't a model,” I laughed.


The waiter sat our food in front of us.


“Seriously, what happened?” Ethan asked again as he dumped ketchup on his


“It's over. It doesn't matter,” I shrugged throwing a fry into my mouth.

“Apparently it does,” he set the ketchup down and looked at me. “It's enough
for you to take off again back to Chicago. And my sister... oh my God,
dude,” he shook his head in such a manner that I was a little nervous.

“What about her? Is she okay?” I asked trying to keep calm.


“Oh, yeah, yeah...she's fine, bro. She's been sleeping at the office,” he


“What? Why?” I asked. Why would she do that?

“Something about not wanting to go home because all she can do is think
about you... blah, blah,” he waved his hands. “She came by my apartment the
night before last looking like the exorcist; hair sticking up, black under her
eyes, and in sweats.” he opened his eyes wide. “You don't look that great
either, Ben.”

I sighed. “The other night nothing happened between Belinda and I.” I took a
bite of my burger. “Long story short, we were hanging out. I wanted her out
of my house and she wouldn't leave. I went and got Vanessa from Swingers,
took her home, confessed my undying love for her which we both know went
horribly bad. I got home and the chic was laying on my couch half naked.” I
shrugged. “So, I led her out the door at the same time Vanessa was coming
up my walkway and
... just like that, I am going back to Chicago.” I took
another bite.

“Vanessa was at Swingers? Holy shit!” he laughed hysterically.


“Right? I could have killed that bastard for taking her there,” I laughed.


“You seriously threw that chic out naked?” Ethan stared at me.


“No, she had a bra and underwear on,”


“So, she was naked,” he argued.


“Dude, shut the hell up,” I laughed throwing a fry at him.


“Basically my sister listened to nothing I said to her and she is being
stubborn,” Ethan was absolutely right.

“It looked so bad, dude. Honestly, I don't blame her.” I said truthfully. It was
all Karma biting me in the ass for the shitty choices I had made since I have
moved back to New York.

He dropped his burger onto his plate, leaned forward and stared at me. He
finished chewing.


“Do you love her? Like, seriously love my sister?”


I looked him in the eyes. “Yes, Ethan, I love Vanessa,”


“Why are you sitting here then? Do something about it,” he sat back in his

“I have! What else can I do?” I threw my arms up. “Besides, she said to
forget about the other night, and we are friends.” I shrugged. “I'm not going
to push it,”

“Bullshit,” he said blatantly.


“You tell me what you think I should do then, Ethan. I have hurt her-not
intentionally- and have literally messed everything up,”


“No, it's all been bad timing, and Brenda or whatever her name is messed
things up, you didn't.” True.

“Her name was Belinda, and I tried to tell her but she won't listen to me,” I
was frustrated over this whole thing. I just want to be with Vanessa, but I
know after the other night that that will never happen.

“You'll figure it out, bro. I know you will,” he smirked. “Let's go play some


I nodded tossing the cash on the table for our lunch. My phone could wait
until later.


Vanessa's POV

I stood out in front of Vincenzo's waiting for Chase to show up. I kept
checking this guys phone, but shockingly he must not need his phone as bad
as I would have thought. It was two minutes until seven and I see a cab
pulling up to the curb with a smiling Chase in the back passenger side.

I smiled and waved at him. He paid the driver and hopped out of the cab in a
pair of faded blue jeans, and a black button up shirt. His black hair was
perfect and messy.
“Hi,” I said as he turned toward me.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he lightly kissed me on the cheek. “You look amazing,”


“Thank you,” I smiled. “Ready?”


“I've been ready since I met you,” he winked.


I laughed feeling the blush creep up onto my cheeks. This isn't so bad.


“So, tell me, how old were you when you knew you wanted to write?” Chase
asked before wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“I was about ten,” I smiled at the memory. “I was supposed to do a report on
Matilda. Well, I ended up pretty much writing the entire story in my own
words. My teacher- Mrs. Birch- entered it into a contest. I won and it felt so

“Wow, your kidding,” he looked interested. It's a start, I guess.


“Seriously, and ever since then I spent most of my weekends, and vacations
just writing away,” I laughed.
I continued to eat.


“Your phone,” he pointed to my purse on the back of my chair.

“Oh, I had to rent a car and apparently someone left their phone in it,” I dug
it out of my purse and saw it's another local number. “It'll just take me a
second. I'm sorry,”

“You're fine,” he assured me with a smile.


“Hello?” I answered.


“Good it's not dead yet,” he sighed.
I laughed. “Nope, it's still alive and buzzing,”


“I thought I might have taken too long. Lunch turned into a few games of


“It's fine,” I shrugged. “So do you want your phone?”


“Yeah, where are you?” he asked.


“I'm at Vincenzo's restaurant off of Main in Manhattan. Do you know where
that is?”


“Oh... yeah, yeah,” he said quickly. “Be right there. Meet me in ten out


“Got it,” I hung up.


“He will be here in ten minutes, it'll only take a second,”


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