Glow (11 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“I'll text you guys tomorrow,” she turned to walk away.
“Vanessa, wait,” I jogged up to her.


“What, Ben?” she raised her brows.


“Remember what I-” I was going to remind her to be available but never be
available. In other words... don't sleep with the tool!

“I'm not going to sleep with him, Ben,” she whispered to me. “Have a little
faith in me.” she winked and then walked away. I stood there as Maria kept
telling me, “Come on, let's go,”

I hated standing there on the dark street watching her walk away. Every time,
my heart aches a little bit more...



We stopped at a doughnut shop a few blocks away from Estrada's. I got out
of Vanessa's car and locked the doors. I looked up and had seen Maria's tiny
frame walking so fast it looked like she were ready to take off in a full out
sprint in her black mini skirt and boots- her brown curls bounced crazily.

“Maria!” I hollered. She turned to look at me and walked even faster.


Oh no you don't...


I jogged. “Hey, hey, hey...” I grabbed her arm then stopped her. “You are not
going anywhere,”


She groaned. “Ben, I swore to secrecy,” she stomped her boot.


“Let's just go inside, have some coffee and talk. That's all...” I smiled. “and if
you don't want to tell me anything, I respect that,”


“Really?” she looked at me knowingly.


“No,” I shook my head then laughed.


“Ben,” she drawled, the potent smell of alcohol graced my face.


“Please,” I whispered making eye contact with her. “This is important to me.
You are the only one who can help me, Maria,”

She stared at me for a long moment. “Ugh, fine...” she rolled her eyes then
quickly walked away from me and into the doughnut shop. I walked in
behind her smiling,
I got her...

We grabbed our coffee and took a seat next to the window.


I stared at Maria who was sadly twirling her red stir stick around in her


“What's up?” I asked Maria as I studied her facial expression and I could see
that she was seriously struggling with what to say to me.


“I am debating on whether or not I want to talk to you about all of this stuff
with Vanessa,” she shrugged still staring at her coffee.


“If you're worried I'll say something, I won't.” and I wouldn't.


“I know,” she raises an eyebrow at me. “Well...”


“What?” I laughed at her uncertainty. “I won't!”

“The thing is that,” she hesitated. “Vanessa is such an amazing person, Ben.
She is beautiful, smart, witty and she has been alone for so long. She
deserves to be happy,” she took a sip of her coffee.
I nodded, not saying a word so Maria can continue.

“I see you... you're gorgeous, smart, funny and you like her. But, Ben, you
are a player.” she glanced back down at her coffee. “She deserves so much
more than that. Someone like me, fine, I play the game too... But, Vanessa,
she is special,”

“I know she is,” I sighed, leaning back into my chair. She isn't telling me
anything I don't already know. I refused to pry as she is starting to open up.


My turn...
“Okay,” I groaned internally. “There is something that you need to
know, something I have never told anyone else,”


“What is it?” she leaned in.


“You getting all excited is making me nervous,” I said skeptically.

“You say that you haven't told anyone else so... that pretty much tells me you
have no one else to tell,” she eyed me carefully. “You can trust me, Ben. I'm
all ears,”

“This is serious shit, though,” I said still unsure.


She didn't say a word, she just looked at me like, “And?”

I see it this way, if I confided in her and told her everything- How I set this
article up just to be around Vanessa, how I have been in love with her since
we were little, and why I am a 'player', the worst she can do is tell Vanessa.
But what would Vanessa say/do? I guess you have nothing to lose if you
don't have anything to lose to begin with, right?

“Alright,” I looked around the doughnut shop skeptically then leaned in
closer. Maria and I were nearly nose to nose. No one is paying any attention,
here it goes. “I set up this whole player thing,” I said quickly knocking my
knuckles on the table top. It felt great to get that off of my chest.
Maria just shrugged. “Right, I know this,” she said in monotone. “You and
your aunt-”

“No,” I whispered. “I mean, I called my Aunt Ellen and convinced her to do
it, Maria.”


Her eyes went wide with shock. “Why?”


“I'm not sure if Vanessa told you, but, I have been best friends with Ethan
since we were kids,”


“I didn't know that,” she sipped her coffee and continued to stare at me
waiting to hear more.

“After I met Ethan and Vanessa, I moved away to Chicago a few years later,”
I relaxed in my seat. “I would always ask how Ethan's 'sister' was doing and
one day he had told me how Vanessa had gotten a job working for my aunt at

“Okay,” she nodded.


“I've read all of her articles, and I just missed her, so I moved back,” I


“Wow, hold up a second,” she waves her hand. “It sounds like you are
skipping a part in there. Now, why did you move back here, Ben?”

“I moved back here for Vanessa,” I smiled slightly. “I fell in love with her
the first time I met her, and after I moved, I just never forgot about her I

“Oh my God! Ben, you love Vanessa!” she shrieked causing all sorts of

“Shh,” I looked around to see an old man staring at us.
“Read your paper, dude,” I glared at the old man. He just shook his head and
continued to read his paper.

Maria gaped at me. “Ben, that was r-”

I continued. “Look, I know you think I am a 'player', but deep down I have
never committed to any woman because... I only want to commit to

I didn't hear anything come from Maria, she looked like she were going to
have a heart attack.


“You okay?” I asked her.


“This is the cutest thing I have ever heard!”she cooed.


“Please, no...” I placed my hands upon my face. “Don't say that,”


“Ben,” she leaned forward placing her hand on my arm. “Do you know what
this means?” she whispered excitedly.


“Yeah, I look like a pussy,” I smirked.


“No,” she chuckled. “We need to get you two together,”


“She doesn't like me, Maria. She thinks I'm a bastard,” I stated.


“True-sort of,” she tilted her head to the side thinking about it. “She told me
about a dream she had... something about kissing you,”


“It wasn't a dream,” I spun my coffee cup in a circle.


“What?!” she said loudly. “You are a bastard,”


“I didn't tell her it happened because she was so drunk, and I didn't want to
hear her go off about it being a huge mistake,” I shrugged.


“Oh, good one,” she pointed at me. “I would've done the same thing,”


“Right?” I laughed.


“You need to tell her how you feel, because she didn't change over night for
the damn article you know,” she hinted.


“What are you talking about?” I creased my brows. Is she about to tell me
that Vanessa changed for me?


“She called me and asked me to come over, so I did and had her do a few
lessons on that website,” she moved her fingers on an imaginary keyboard.


“Oh, no...” I laughed aloud.


“Oh yes, and I even tested my pimp hand on her,” she grinned widely.


“Seriously?! Baby powder, too?!” I was still laughing.


“You know this! Up top!” she gave me a high-five.


“So why did she call you?” I asked.


“Because she wanted to make
'want her',” she mocked, flipping her curls
behind her back.


“You're kidding,” I was in awe. I could not believe that she did in fact change
for me.

“I swear to God,” Maria smiled. “She had said that you told her she needed to
be 'sexy' and 'irresistible'. Something about you had teased her a few times
and she fell for it?” she had a puzzled look on her face. She didn't need to
understand- the only two people that matter in all of this is Vanessa and I.

I sat back with an accomplished smile on my face now that I know what her
intentions are for all of this.
This is going to be fun...
Chapter Five: Tit For Tat
Vanessa's POV


Jordan pulled into my driveway and I could see that my car was still gone. I
looked at my phone, it's just after two in the morning.


I wonder what 'plans' Ben and Maria have?


After I had walked back into Estrada's with Jordan, the only thing on my
mind was Ben. It frustrates me to no end too, because I hate Ben McGurthy.


“You've been kind of quiet, you okay?” Jordan asked touching my cheek
softly with his finger tips.

I tilted my head and smiled at him. “Of course I'm okay.” I sighed. “I just
keep thinking of the ways I can torture Ben if he wrecks my car,” I laughed.
Not like it isn't already wrecked, I could care less.

“I'm sure your car is fine,” he smiled, his gray eyes sparkled.

“Do you want to come in? Have some coffee?” I offered. I could use the
company as I'm afraid if he leaves, my mind will be filled with unnecessary
thoughts of a certain someone.

“You don't have to ask me twice,” he got out of the car and jogged to my
door opening it for me. I have never had a guy do that for me.


“Thank you, kind sir,” I curtsied.


“You're welcome, princess,” he bowed.


My smile faded quickly. Princess... Ben is the only one who calls me


“Hello?” Jordan waved his hand slowly in front of my face trying to get my


“Oh, sorry,” I shook my head lightly. “Just... ignore me,”


“I don't think I want to,” he smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
He softly kissed me on my forehead. Such a gentleman.


“Let's go inside,” I smiled.


Jordan followed me into the house. As I set my clutch down onto the counter
he walked around the living and dining room just looking around.


“This is really nice, Vanessa,” he smiled approvingly.


“Thank you,” I got two coffee mugs from the cupboard. “Maria and I spent a
weekend painting, and going to Pier 1,” I shrugged.

I'm curious, did Ben take her to the restaurant he took me to? Is she
touching and kissing on him? I suddenly felt slightly sick to my stomach. I
turned my back to Jordan and closed my eyes for a moment trying to erase
the ridiculous thoughts from my head.

Get a grip! For goodness sakes, Vanessa...

I placed his cup under the coffee machine and let it fill. I inhaled deeply,
letting the aroma of fresh coffee fill my nose. The smell brought back the
memory of Ben sitting at my counter the other morning reading the
newspaper next to the cupcake boxes. I laughed a little to myself- I was so
angry that morning. Moving on, I could care less, so of course I can laugh
about it now.

I felt Jordan's chest against my back as he snakes his arms around my waist.
“What's so funny?” he whispered into my ear.


I grabbed his cup of coffee and turned around quickly pressing the cup
against his chest lightly, giving us some space.


“Absolutely nothing,” I smiled sexily as he took his coffee from my hand.

He followed me as I walked into the living room, making sure I swayed my
hips with every step. I got a sense of sensual excitement as I could feel his
eyes on me. I took a seat on the couch. He sat down close to me so I slightly
turned my body towards him letting him know I am comfortable. I leaned my
side into the cushions and rested my arm on the back of the sofa, I took a sip
of my coffee. Jordan was staring at me with a smile on his face.

“What?” I smiled back.


He just shook his head. I could see that his cheeks were turning red. I needed
to say something, he was becoming nervous.

“I thought it was weird how the waiter kept calling me Nikki,” I said
bewildered. “I mean, Josh knows me, I don't know why he kept calling me
that,” I chuckled. I wrote my name along with my phone number for him...
not too sure if I
him to contact me now.

“It was weird,” he added.


“Yeah,” I shrugged taking another drink of coffee. Okay... this is beginning
to be a little odd. I have nothing to say to Jordan.

Jordan leaned forward grabbing my coffee cup gently out of my hand and set
it on the coffee table with his. He turned toward me and stared intensely into
my eyes. He reached out touching my cheek with his fingertips. I relaxed and
closed my eyes as it felt comforting. The next thing I knew, I felt his lips on
my cheek, down my neck, and then on my chest. I laid back onto the couch
as I felt his weight upon me. I opened my eyes to see he was hovering above
me. He looked incredibly sexy flexing his jaw, his blonde hair was perfectly
messy. I ran my fingers through it as I stared into his gray eyes.

“You're beautiful, Vanessa,” he said thoughtfully.


“Thank you,” I whispered. “You're beautiful, too.” I laughed.

His lips came crashing down on mine. They were soft, and gentle; extremely
inviting. I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip. I quietly moaned as I opened
my mouth, deepening our kiss. His hand cupped my face as I let my hands
wander underneath his t-shirt feeling each definition of his abs. I wrapped my
legs around his waist tightly, pulling him closer. Goosebumps rose on his
heated skin as I let my fingers caress his back.

We lay there kissing intensely, touching one another for awhile. I was
surprised that he never let his hands wander anywhere below my waist. He
was the perfect gentleman. I wouldn't have minded going a little further with

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