Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (18 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“Vampires are forbidden to get involved in werewolf politics,” one of the other men of Alpha De’Angelos’ pack said.

“He’s mated to a werewolf,” Zac replied. “That makes him a member of this pack.”

“Besides, I’ve never been much for the rules,” Alastar said. He was still naked and leaning casually against a tree like they were talking about sports and not trading threats.

caught Sebastian’s gaze and nodded over to the other men from
pack. Sebastian quickly looked toward them, then turned back to him with a knowing look.
could cloak his Delta scent, but right now, he was working to have it go into overdrive. The men with Alpha De’Angelos already looked as if they were having trouble being around the Deltas and their scent.

Sebastian stepped off to the side of the Alpha and Zac, who continued yelling at each other.
followed his lead and focused on two of the men off to the side of the group. Slowly, he ran his hands over his chest and down his abs to frame his groin.

“What in the hell are you doing?”

Owen sounded part scared and part pissed. When
glanced over at him, Owen’s eyes were wide, his mouth almost dropping open.

“Distracting the enemy, baby,”
answered, not taking his eyes off the other men.
“That’s why we have this scent. It distracts and drives wolves nuts. These guys may be serious homosexual haters, but right now, they want me and Sebastian. And it’s got to be fucking with their heads something fierce.”

“Smart men are so damn sexy,”
Christian replied in both their minds.

had difficulty not laughing, but they were in trouble here. He moved closer to the two men and started stroking his cock. It really wasn’t easy to get hard right now. The only thing that helped was the thrill of the impending fight.

“Like what you see?”
purred as he started to stalk the men.

“Yes, I want.” The first man reached out to

“No, you don’t,” the other man growled. “He’s a Delta, a guy. Hold it together, Louie! He’s fucking with your head.”

“I don’t care. I want him.”

“Dude, you’re not even fucking gay,” the second man said, shaking Louie. “You’ve got that cute little girlfriend, remember?”

“She doesn’t have to know.”

Louie broke free and ran for
. All
wanted to do was punch the guy. First, this shit here, and then he’s willing to cheat on his poor girlfriend based on the fact she’d never find out.
What an asshole.

stood his ground and waited for Louie to come over to him. The man started nibbling and licking his chest. He glanced to the side. Sebastian was having the same effect on the other two men. It seemed Zac was still arguing with the Alpha, and the other guy was too busy staring holes into Dobry and Owen. Great, on top of everything else, a human hater.

“You want me, admit it,”
said to the second guy. Louie was still touching him. “Just touch me.”

“What is this place? A constant fucking orgy?” Alpha De’Angelos yelled when he turned to see what they were doing.

Lightning quick,
turned and knocked Louie out with one punch. Alastar moved just as fast to help Sebastian. Focusing on the second guy,
grabbed him roughly by the hair and threw him into a tree.

Turning just in time to see the fifth guy shift and launch at Owen,
screamed, “No!” His heart threatened to jump out of his chest as he dove for Owen. He wouldn’t make it in time, but he still had to try.

Matt and Christian got there first, shifting to wolf form mid-dive. They landed growling and snarling at the last man standing in front of Owen and Dobry. Owen and Dobry, bless them, didn’t move a muscle.

“Enough!” Alpha De’Angelos shouted. “You’ve made your point.”

“No, we really haven’t.” Zac growled, moving to stand directly in front of the Alpha. “You’re all still alive. That can change in a second, you feel me?”

“Yes, I hear you, Alpha Sheehan,” the other Alpha replied. “You are within your rights to kill us all. I would have if you came on my lands. I’ll call off the hunt on Christian, as long as he never steps foot on my pack’s lands again.”

“No fucking problem,”
Christian said in
’s head since he was in wolf form still.
“You’d have to get an army to drag my ass back there.”

“He says that won’t be a problem,”
told Alpha De’Angelos for Christian. “He doesn’t go where he’s not wanted.”

“How would you know that?” Alpha De’Angelos asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I heard him in my head, through our mating bond.”

“You really are mated to my son, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Alpha, I really am,”
answered, almost feeling sorry for Alpha De’Angelos. While the guy was a total asshole, people who were this prejudiced and filled with hate missed so much of the world. It was self inflicted of course, but it always saddened

“We would have killed you all if not for your freak human pet,” the other man with Alpha De’Angelos said.

could even reply, the Alpha moved in a flash and punched the man in the face.

“I said enough!” he yelled so loudly it echoed. “It’s done. No more threats. Don’t ever disobey me again.”

“Yes, Alpha, sorry, Alpha,” the man quickly said.

It really came out more in gurgles because the man was trying to snap his broken jaw back into place. But
knew groveling when he heard it.

“How did you turn out as sane as you are, Christian?”
asked while his mate shifted back into human form.

“My mother,” Christian replied, never taking his eyes off his father. “She was a great woman, who showered her children with love and affection.”

“Don’t talk of your mother, boy.” Alpha De’Angelos snarled.

rolled his eyes. This hot-and-cold shit from Alpha De’Angelos was getting old. “She’d be turning over in her grave if she knew what you were doing here, god rest her soul.”

Constantine and everyone else seemed confused when Christian responded by bursting out in laughter. “That was the funniest thing I’ve heard in years,” Christian finally said when he could talk, wiping tears out of his eyes. “Who do you think first told me I was gay, Father?”

“You’re mother…”

“Was not anywhere near as judgmental as you are.” Christian shook his head. “She noticed I wouldn’t get naked with the other boys and shift when I was sixteen. Mom took me off to the side and told me it was okay to get excited, that no one would suspect that it was because I liked other boys. They would all think I was excited about shifting and running, that most men get excited before shifting.”

“She never told me that,” Alpha De’Angelos responded, looking paler by the second. “Why would she not tell me that?”

“What would you have said, Father?”

“I would have told her how wrong…”

“Exactly,” Christian answered, looking disgusted with his father. “Mom loved me for who I was, not just because I was her child. She helped me learn about being gay, that I wasn’t the only one and that there was nothing wrong with it. Hell, she helped me hide it from you!”

“She betrayed me!”

“No, she didn’t! She protected her son, even if it was protecting me from you!”

“I don’t want to hear any more,” Alpha De’Angelos said, suddenly looking older and defeated. “Your mother was a good woman. I don’t want to hear you smear her good name.”

“She was a great woman, and I’m not smearing her name. I’m telling you why she was so wonderful.”

“I renounce you as my son, Christian,” Alpha De’Angelos replied, looking stern again. “You are no longer allowed to carry the De’Angelos name, and death will come to you if you ever step onto pack lands again.”

“Fine,” Christian answered, looking like he’d just been slapped before turning and walking away from the group toward the lake.

couldn’t keep a tear escaping for the pain his mate was suffering. It trailed down his cheek before he could wipe it away. Looking over at Owen,
saw his little mate felt the same.

He went over, took Owen’s hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze before they went after Christian. A few moments later, they found him sobbing, sitting on the edge of the dock.
sat on one side while Owen sat on the other side of Christian. Both men leaned in and wrapped an arm around Christian.

“I was thinking we should all have the same last name anyways,” Owen said quietly after a few moments. “I know being mated for you guys is the same as being married, but humans change their last names when they get married. I think that and the tattoos would be a great way to show both worlds we belong to each other.”

“I’ve always been a De’Angelos,” Christian replied still sniffling. “I wouldn’t know how to be anything else.”

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet,”
said quoting Shakespeare.

“I was thrown out of my family in a way, too,” Owen answered gently. “And
is the reason we all came together. I thought it would be nice if we both took Stylianos.”

“You really have been thinking of that, baby?”
asked, shocked as all hell.

“Yeah, I’m sorry if it’s a stupid suggestion, but my family name doesn’t mean anything to me,” Owen replied in almost a whisper, looking down at his hands. “And I want this to be real between us, not just in the werewolf community. I want to be your family, as much as you are already mine.”

“You are our family, Owen,” Christian said, wrapping both arms around their little mate. “And I love you. You are one of the two most wonderful men I’ve ever known, and I’m proud to be your mate.”

“That goes the same for me,”
said pulling both of them into his arms and on his lap. “I love you both more than I can ever put into words. You make my life, my heart, and my soul complete.”

“I think taking
’s last name is a great idea,” Christian answered looking up into
’s eyes. “And not because I’m suddenly without a last name.”

“Plus I think Owen Stylianos is a way sexier name than Owen Carrell.” Owen giggled. “Not that I want to be sexy for anyone but you, too—which reminds me of something,

“What’s that, baby?” he asked, rubbing his head and scent over both his mates.

“You ever let another man touch you like you did earlier and I will cut off your balls in your sleep and hide them so they can’t be reattached.”

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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