Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (13 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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pulled his fingers free and wiped the remaining lube on his cock. Once he felt he wouldn’t hurt Owen, he wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and lifted him up. Owen’s eyes widened when
pressed him against the shower wall, but the man naturally wrapped his legs around
’s waist.

“That’s it, baby. Just hold on.”

supported Owen with one hand under his hips. He grabbed his cock with the other hand and guided it into his mate’s tight entrance. Once the head slid past the first ring of muscles,
gripped Owen by his hips and drove up into the man.

Owen screamed. For a moment,
thought he might have hurt him until the man’s head fell back and he got a good look at Owen’s face. Sheer bliss radiated from Owen’s glowing, wet face.
pressed forward again and watched Owen’s mouth fall open. Small cries of delight fell from Owen’s lips.

“Is this what you wanted, baby?”

Owen dug his fingers into
’s shoulders and he nodded. “Fuck me harder,” Owen shouted.

was only too happy to oblige. He thrust up harder, pounding into Owen’s tight grip over and over until Owen cried out so loudly that
thought the shower door might shatter from its shaking.

Owen’s inner muscles clamped down on
’s cock like a vise grip when hot liquid filled the space between them only to be washed away moments later by the shower water.
gritted his teeth as sensation overwhelmed him.

He tried to thrust again but the tight grip Owen’s body had on his cock wasn’t allowing him to go anywhere. It was like Owen’s body refused to give him up.
would have been frustrated if Owen hadn’t leaned over and bit into the soft skin between his throat and his shoulder.

as ecstasy exploded through him. His
cock pulsed, and he filled Owen’s ass with his seed. His knees threatened to give way, and
felt the knot at the end of his cock extend and take hold inside of Owen, which caused the man to cry out again.

pressed Owen against the shower wall and he continued to rock his hips. He couldn’t move much but it was enough to keep Owen on the edge of another orgasm. When Owen’s breathing increased to a rapid tempo,
bent down and bit him.

Sweet, hot blood filled his mouth, even while more seed splashed against his stomach.
sucked for a moment more, then withdrew his teeth and licked the bite mark closed. He tilted his head back to look down at his sexy little mate. Shock filled
when he found Owen passed out cold.

He chuckled when the knot inside of Owen receded, and he pulled free of his mate’s body. He quickly moved the shower spray over both of them until they were clean, then turned off the shower.

lifted Owen into his arms and stepped from the shower. He pulled a towel of the towel rack and did his best to dry himself and Owen off. After grabbing another dry towel, he carried it and Owen back into the bedroom.

He found Christian awake, drinking a cup of something hot while he reclined back against the pillows.

“I thought you were going to rest?”

“Through that?” Christian laughed and waved his hand toward the bathroom.

felt his face heat up, and he was pretty sure it had nothing to do with the hot shower he just climbed out of.

“I don’t think the dead could have slept through that.”

“Did everyone hear us?”

“Everyone heard Owen, that’s for sure.”

grimaced. “Oh, that’s going to embarrass the shit out of him.”

“No one will say a word, believe me. From what I understand from Aiden, Matt is quite the little noise maker himself.” Christian frowned. “He also has a thing for running around naked.”

“I hope he plans to curb that little impulse while we’re here.”

Christian chuckled. “Doubt it, but we can always ask.”

shook his head and he laid Owen down on the bed next to Christian and pulled the blanket up over him too.

“Is he okay?”

“Yes, we just proved that his body can handle multiple orgasms. He just seems to pass out from it.”

Christian scooted down in the bed, laid his arm over Owen’s stomach, and began running circles on the man’s skin with his fingers. “We’ll have to work on his stamina. He’s mated to a Delta now. He’s going to need to be able to put up with a lot of orgasms.”

“I don’t think he’s going to argue much.”

Chapter 7

“So, if you can see the future, how come you’re not like a millionaire?” Matt asked Owen the next morning as they all sat around having breakfast. “I mean can’t you see the winning lotto numbers? Or at least play poker or something. You’d be able to tell who was going to do what.”

“He’s not a Magic Eight-Ball, baby.” Zac chuckled as he went to kiss Matt on the top of his head. Owen kept a smile on his face but his hands were clenched into fists under the table. He was so tired of people treating him like he was a walking parlor trick.

“Even if I could do that,” Owen said, proud that he sounded calm and even. “I don’t think that would be really fair to use my gift that way. I mean why don’t you go around and just take anything you want because you’re stronger and faster than humans?”

“Owen, I didn’t mean it like that,” Matt said quietly, looking down at his hands.

Great, now he was an asshole for making the man feel bad.

“I know. It’s fine.” Owen stood and took his plate to the sink. “I’m going to take a walk and get some air.”

He didn’t wait to hear what anyone said and headed to the patio door. Once outside, he walked along the lake, finally letting the tears he had been holding in stream down his face. Why had he thought being here would be any different? Just because everyone else was a werewolf, he was still the odd man out. Not only was he just a human, but he was also a human freak who had psychic visions.

When he was over halfway around the lake, he fell to his knees and started sobbing. Owen had been asleep last night when the other Delta, Sebastian, and his mates had come over to hear about their situation. He’d been shocked when he’d gotten up and found himself alone in the bed.

Going in search of his mates, he found they all were already talking about his gift. Hiding his disappointment in Constantine and Christian for telling everyone about him, he tried to eat breakfast, barely choking down the food. He was so upset that he couldn’t even remember what he ate. Then the questions started just like they always did…

Can you predict the future?

What number am I thinking of right now?

And Owen’s all-time personal favorite, the question about knowing the winning lotto numbers.

He really had hoped that a group who was so different might understand what he went through better. But Owen had been fooling himself. He would be better off on his own. Owen had made the mistake of trusting again, and once again, Owen had been betrayed.

“Get off me! Don’t fucking touch me,” Owen shouted when he felt arms encircle him. “Just leave me alone! You’ve done enough fucking damage.”

“What did we do?”
asked. He instantly let go of Owen. “We just wanted to come out and make sure you were okay, baby.”

“I’m not your baby,” Owen snapped, looking up at
. Whatever was on Owen’s face made Constantine and Christian shrink from him. “I trusted you…again! And look where it’s gotten me.”

“Owen, we don’t know why you’re so upset,” Christian said, kneeling in front of him carefully as if trying to appease an upset mental patient. That really set Owen off into his anger.

“Of course you don’t know.” Owen laughed bitterly and stood. “You both have your heads up your asses too far to see what you’ve done!”

“That’s enough.”
growled and looked at Owen, the anger on his face showing in the tight tension in his jaw.

If Owen were pissed and hurt, at least he could share the wealth with his mates.

“I don’t know why you’re upset, Owen, but there’s no reason to talk like this to us. You need to calm down and just…”

“Or what?” Owen yelled, standing there with his hands on his hips. “What if I don’t? Are you going to beat me up? Are you guys going to go all wolf on me and put the little freaky human in his place?”

“Of course not,”
said. The anger slipped from
’s face to be replaced with a look like he’d been smacked by Owen. “We would never hurt you, Owen.”

“Too fucking late, asshole,” Owen screamed as loud as he could before he turned and ran. He didn’t have a clue where he was running, but anywhere had to be better than being there. Unable to see because of the tears, he tripped several times. Righting himself, he kept right on running blindly.

When his legs started to burn, he finally slowed to a walk. After walking for what seemed like hours, he sat on the ground. He needed to rest a bit before going back and getting his car. Owen didn’t want to be there another minute with any of them.

His anger was almost a living, breathing being of its own, working through him until he saw nothing but red rage. He was so stupid for believing in Christian and
and all their lies about wanting to love him, putting his needs before their own. What a crock of shit! Fine, they were attracted to him and wanted sex. But they still treated him like everyone else, just a toy for their amusement, sharing his gift with their friends for laughs.

Owen had been through it so many times before, but no more. He was going to get in his car and drive home the first chance he had. Owen sat there wishing that he had fought against the werewolves who had taken him. Maybe then they would have killed him and ended this cruel joke of a life he had. That was the last thought he had as he rolled to his side and let the weariness he felt all the way down to his soul take him away in sleep.

* * * *

“What the fuck was that all about?”
asked as they stood there watching their mate run away from them.

Christian rolled his eyes at his big Delta mate’s outburst.

“Well, fine, if he wants to be a brat and run off, good riddance.”

“Are you done?” Christian asked. “Owen’s hurt. We did something to hurt him, don’t you get that?”

“We didn’t do anything. He—”

“We don’t know what we did, but obviously we did something,” Christian growled back. “It was after what Matt asked him about his gift. Then when he was yelling at us, he called himself a little freaky human.”

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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