Read Gina's Education Online

Authors: Mariah Bailey

Tags: #submissive, #50shades, #kink, #BDSM, #dungeon, #master, #mistress

Gina's Education (4 page)

BOOK: Gina's Education
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“Your model?”

“Yes. I give demonstrations on techniques. For instance, anyone can spank a person, but with the proper technique, you optimize the effect. Last night when I used the belt on you, did you notice how I waited between strokes?”

She nodded, crimson cheeked, and he continued, “That gives your body more time to react and send the endorphins to your brain. You will want your clients to get the most out of your effort.”

The idea obviously horrified her. “You mean to spank me in front of people?”

Robert smiled. “Not only for spanking, my dear. I’ll also have you model when I show others how to use the ropes to bind your breasts, and make what is called a rope dress. The knots are quite elegant, you know.” He delighted in her reactions.

“As to the other people watching you, humiliation can be a great aphrodisiac. There is a little voyeur in most of us, Rose.”

He watched her digest this information and continued. “We offer a number of services here. We train Masters and their submissives. We even train slaves from time to time. Sometimes it is a husband who wants to train his wife to be more obedient, sometimes she wants to learn to be a better submissive. That’s where this consent form comes in. Your role is to submit to me. Do you have any questions?”

“Why would a wife want to do this? Why does anyone want to be spanked, for instance? Doesn’t that lead to spousal abuse?”

“On the contrary, my dear. The purpose of the training is to avoid that very thing. A Master must learn self-control before he can control anyone else. I think you’ve already found ways to control some of your emotions, haven’t you?” Rose thought about it and realized she had used her anger to keep herself from crying throughout much of the last two years, so she nodded.

“As to the spanking – didn’t you enjoy it?” His face was placid but his eyes were laughing.

He watched her still perusing the form in front of her and when she didn’t answer immediately, he said, “This is when punishment is applied, my dear.” He watched while that sunk in, and saw the look of horror on her face.

“I’m so sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to offend you!” She actually didn’t realize what she had done wrong, though, and her face told the tale.

Robert smiled and replied, “When I speak, I expect your full attention. I expect you to answer me promptly and use my title of Master throughout your training sessions. When I tell you to strip, even if it were on a busy highway, I expect nothing less than immediate compliance! When you strip in front of strangers, and you will do that for me, you are to behave as though it is the most normal thing you have ever done. You will carry yourself with poise and dignity, even when you feel the least dignified.” Robert waited, evaluating her reaction. Yes, she was obviously uncomfortable, but she would do her very best to accomplish her tasks. That was clear.

“Yes, Master Robert,” was her only reply, but her head was spinning.

“How do you feel right now?”

“Overwhelmed, Master. I’ll try my best to please you.” Her expression was nervous, but determined.

Robert took her wrists gently in his hands and walked her into another room. “I think we will start here,” he said, and told her, “strip.”

She was already feeling the effects of her submission to this man. There was no doubt about obeying him. It was already beginning to feel right to be naked in front of him. She faced the frame of the cross and allowed him to attach her wrists to the straps without resistance. Her adrenaline was pumping and she felt humiliated as her legs were pushed apart to be strapped to the rack.

He watched her face as he asked, “Now, my dear, which would you like to try first, the vibrator or the whips?”

She barely reacted, but he caught it.

“Whips it is, then!”

Rose just groaned, knowing she had given herself away.

What he did next surprised her. He rubbed her back with baby oil. He sensed her question and explained, “Your recent living conditions have left your skin terribly dry, and the whips could easily cut your skin. We don’t want you all sliced up, now do we?”

Her answer came in a low moan, “no,” as she enjoyed his ministrations. She was slipping deeper into submission with every stroke of his hand on her back and bottom. A sudden smack on her behind made her realize she forgot to say, ‘Sir.’

“Thank you, Master Robert.” Somewhere, deep in her subconscious, was the realization he was protecting her, just as he promised.

Robert began with a flogger, a light thwack on her back, and used it for a warm up. After several minutes, he switched to another flogger with thinner strands. This one had a stronger smack, but nothing he did so far hurt. “You will want to begin slowly with your clients,” he explained. “This method will prepare them for the actual whip.” He watched her reactions and smiled as the expression on her face went from tense and fearful to calm and even dreamy.

“Are you enjoying this, my dear?”

“Mmmm, yess, Sir.”

Robert switched to a whip and began the rhythmic motions. Soon Rose would be over the moon, high on the chemistry of her own body. Molding her into a valued employee rather than a slave or a call girl was proving to be more enjoyable than he’d expected. He actually appreciated the change of pace, and it was clear already she would do whatever she could to please him without breaking her first.

“Tell me how you feel right now,” he whispered.

“Mmm, wonderful, Master.”

When he was through with her whipping, Robert left her hanging there, completely drenched with sweat and her own orgasm. He took off his clothes and entered her from behind with no resistance. Rose bent back toward him, and he kept teasing her inner lips with his tool. He rubbed her up and down, but pulled back a little more every time she stretched back to take him in. Rose was groaning in frustration when he suddenly slammed into her, turning her groans into a loud gasp. “And now?” he asked.

She grunted, “Possessed, Master.” It was the only word that came to mind; she couldn’t see the satisfaction on Robert’s face. He sent her over the edge almost immediately, and her juices flowed all over him as he pumped into her. She was into a second wave of orgasm when he spurted his load, satisfying them both.

Still holding her to him, Robert released her from the cross and held her for a while. He took her into the shower at the far end of the hall and stepped into it with her. She was in such a dreamy state he knew he couldn’t leave her yet.

He spoke soothingly to her and lathered her body and his, cleansing them both. This was doing nothing to bring Rose back to reality, though. His ministrations were only prolonging the delicious state she was in. Master Robert chuckled at the effect he was having on her and simply enjoyed having her in his arms.

After they rinsed, he wrapped her in a towel and guided her back to the room and onto the leather sofa there. He held her for a little while longer, still speaking softly to her. Pretty soon she found herself able to understand the words and finally heard his question, “How do you feel now, my dear?”

“Precious, Master Robert.”

The answer filled Robert with an emotion he didn’t recognize, but it made him feel happier than he ever remembered being.

Rose came back to earth still feeling more wonderful and satisfied than she ever had. She smiled up at her Master and said, “Thank you, Master,” and meant it with all her being. She gathered her clothing and dressed. Robert dressed and told her he had some work to do. “You can go rest for a while.”

“Thank you, Master; I do have a lot of things to put away. When will you need me?”

“Six o’clock, dressed for dinner.”

Rose thought, “That only gives me about an hour, and there is so much to put away!” She nodded at Robert and left.

When she got to her room she was flabbergasted! It looked like she had lived there for a long time.

All of her purchases had been carefully hung in her closet, and all of her old clothing in both her suitcase and her laundry bag had been cleaned and pressed. Those, too, were all hung neatly in the closet. Her box of memorabilia was opened and papers had been placed carefully in the writing desk in her room, and her family pictures were dusted and placed on the bureau and desk Overwhelmed at being treated so well, tears started to flow down her cheeks.




Robert went to his study and heard a knock on the door almost immediately. “Come in, Drew.”

The two men hadn’t had much time to talk and Drew wanted to tease his old friend. “A little break in the usual routine, lately,” he started.

Robert grinned. He knew he had to expect some ribbing from Drew. They had been together since their training as young men. They’d trained with a Master in New York before deciding to move south and open their own club. After a few years, Robert had bought the Manor and moved his operation here. Drew knew Robert’s appetites as well as his own, and this special interest in Rose was out of character.

The tall sandy-haired man continued to taunt his friend, “I never even got to taste this one! Where is your sense of fair play and sharing, old man?”

Robert threw his head back and laughed out loud, but his only verbal response was an admission in itself. “Shut up!” Both men laughed and turned their talk to business.

They were essentially business partners, but never made it official. Drew ran the video side of the business and both serviced clients.




That evening, Mayor Potter, his wife, and Selectwoman Ellen Parsons joined them for dinner. Rose’s choice of the black wool dress and pearl necklace, with the black high heels and black stockings, met with Robert’s approval.

Dinner was stuffed quail with butternut squash and green beans. Rose noticed Robert’s glances of disapproval at her when no one was looking his way. She was puzzled at first, but the second time he did it, he pointedly put his fork down. Rose put her fork down, also, and Master Robert nodded slightly. Still puzzled, Rose waited for him to indicate what she should do next.

After a minute, Robert picked up the fork and took another bite of food, giving her another glance. Rose did the same, then put the fork down realizing she was almost finished eating and everyone else still had nearly full plates. Robert smiled in appreciation when she realized why he wanted her to do that. “She really is easy to train,” he thought.

After a delicious dessert of peach cobbler, they all retired to the living room where politics became the subject for the evening. There was some activity in the foyer from time to time, but no one took any notice of who came or went downstairs.

Drew was charming and Ms. Parsons appreciated his easy banter. Rose noticed Drew made several suggestions about changing the way Ms. Parsons voted, but he did it in such a way she appeared to have thought it was her own idea! He did the same thing with the Mayor about a traffic light, and he too seemed to think it was his own idea when they left.

After the politicians left, Rose asked Drew, “What was your major in college?”

Drew laughed and asked, “Why do you ask?”

“I wondered if it was politics.”

“Nope,” he laughed. “I took Psychology. I did my dissertation on atypical sexual practices.”

Rose smiled and said, “That explains so much!”

“It does, doesn’t it? I bid you both a goodnight.” He was still chuckling when he left.

Robert was finishing his brandy, smiling at his friend and Rose and feeling content tonight. He seldom felt content. He enjoyed it.

With the last swallow of his drink, he said, “Come, pet. Let’s go to bed.”

Rose looked up at him and asked, “May I sleep in the bed with you, Master?”

Robert laughed out loud. “Nothing stopped you last night!”




When they got to his room, Robert sat and watched while Rose took off her clothes. He seemed particularly appreciative of the underwear she’d chosen for the evening. When she got to the black lace bra and garter belt, he had her stop. “Just take off your panties, my dear, and put your shoes back on.”

Rose was surprised, but happy to comply. Robert came up behind her then and checked her for readiness. “You are not very wet, my dear. Why are you not ready for me?”

Blushing, Rose stammered, “I – I’m sorry, Sir! I thought,” but she didn’t know what to say.

“No worries, my dear,” he said smoothly. “I can fix that for you.” The tone in his voice sent shivers up her spine!

Robert pulled some clamps out of a drawer and placed them on the table for her to see. He reached over and folded the top of her lace bra cups down and exposed her nipples, then twisted the clamps on them. She bit her lip rather than scream at the pain. Robert smiled. “That’s my good girl.” She smiled back at him, and he continued, “Now, I’ll show you some of the features of my bed.”

He reached up behind the drapes on the four-poster bed and pulled down a pair of cuffs attached to a chain and put them on Rose’s wrists. She stood quietly, wondering what was next.

“I know what will make you wet, my dear,” he said. “Do you want it?”

She hesitated. “What do you want to give me, Master?”

“I want to give you what you need. Do you want it?” His answer revealed nothing.

“I want what my Master thinks is best for me.” She actually held her breath hoping it was the right answer!

“Good girl. I know you will enjoy this.”

He opened another drawer and took out some rods. She heard the ‘swoosh’ of a rod being whipped through the air and shuddered at what was coming! He landed the rod on her behind with a thwack! She yelped more in surprise than pain. It stung a little, but it wasn’t bad. “I thought you were going to keep quiet for me, my dear.”

“Sorry, Master Robert. I’ll do better.”

The next smack landed and was much harder. Rose gulped back the sound and tears filled her eyes. The next one was lighter, like the first. As long as she was quiet, they continued to be easy, and yet they still stimulated her endorphins.

“Turn around, my dear. I think you need a few smacks on that mound of yours.” He watched the horror in her eyes, but not a sound came from her. She held her breath, but the light taps he put there didn’t hurt at all. In fact, by the time he finished, she was feeling pretty good. She had that dreamy look on her face again, and he got her attention by snapping one across her breasts. She jumped; then she giggled. “Yup, that’s what you needed.”

BOOK: Gina's Education
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