Gift from the Sea (24 page)

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Authors: Anna Schmidt

BOOK: Gift from the Sea
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“Ready, Maggie?” Her father offered her his arm as Jeanne took her place just ahead of them in front of the closed sanctuary doors.

“Yes, Papa,” Maggie said and drew in a deep breath as Jeanne tapped lightly at the double doors and magically
they opened. Maggie gasped as Dr. Williams and Sean held open the doors. Beyond them the pews of the small church were packed with townspeople, school chums and neighbors all standing and smiling as Maggie and Papa made their way down the center aisle.

“They came,” she murmured as she nodded and smiled.

“They wouldn’t have missed it. You and Stefan have given them something to celebrate,” Papa said.


Maggie forgot everything and everyone else as Stefan stepped forward before she and Papa could reach the altar. Papa kissed Maggie’s cheek and then placed her hands in Stefan’s as they turned together to face Reverend McAllister.

And to the background of the time-honored vows, Maggie saw that on this Easter Sunday, God had resurrected so much more than her faith. Through her union with Stefan God had given the people of Nantucket hope. Whatever storms might come their way, they would weather them. Maggie would love Stefan every day of their lives together, be that time short or long, and she would thank God for every challenge and every blessing and every precious hour they would share.

Dear Reader,


It’s always a writer’s joy to revisit characters from a previous book, so this opportunity to bring back Gabe and Lucie Hunter from
and tell the tale of their spirited daughter, Maggie, was a special treat for me. The World War I setting also gave me a chance to explore an era of history that has long fascinated me, and it was indeed an eye-opening experience to research how frostbite might have been treated in 1918! I hope you enjoyed returning with me to Nantucket to consider the challenges of opening one’s heart to finding the way to forgiveness and acceptance in a time of war. And as always, be in touch via my Web site at or through regular mail at P.O. Box 161, Thiensville, WI 53092.


All best,

  1. In what ways was Stefan able to hold fast to his faith in spite of the losses and challenges he suffered?
  2. Stefan tells Maggie that if she questions and doubts, then she has faith. Agree? Why or why not?
  3. What preconceived ideas about Germans in general did Maggie have?
  4. How were those prejudices changed so she was freed to love Stefan?
  5. What is your definition of prejudice?
  6. Have you or someone close to you ever experienced prejudice firsthand? If so, how was that incident unfair to you or your loved one?
  7. Can you think of a time when you were guilty of prejudice against another person or group of people—even if you did not openly express those feelings? If so, how did God help you come to terms with that?
  8. Scripture tells us to love our neighbor. Who are our neighbors?
  9. Was Stefan a traitor or a patriot for Germany? Why?
  10. What challenges might Stefan and Maggie face once they marry?
  11. What does the Bible teach about forgiveness?
  12. In today’s world, how important is it for us to open our hearts and minds to a better understanding of cultures and peoples that differ from our own? How might we accomplish that?

ISBN: 9781408937655

Gift from the Sea

© Jo Horne Schmidt 2009

First Published in Great Britain in 2009
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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