GhostlyPersuasion (7 page)

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Authors: Dena Garson

BOOK: GhostlyPersuasion
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She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed the zipper down.

“Now, slip your hand in and tell me how wet you are.”

Once again she did as Seamus bade. Her fingers skimmed
through the narrow patch of hair until she reached her clit. She pushed past
the swollen nub until she reached what her fleshy folds were trying to hide.


She drew the silky dampness up to her clit then slid her
finger back and forth across the sensitive peak. Katie bit her lip as she
absorbed the sensation. Knowing Seamus was watching her heightened the feeling.

Their gazes locked as she rubbed her clit with slow, steady

In her mind’s eye she saw Seamus leaning over her. It was
his hips that pushed her legs open. It was his hand that touched her pussy. It
was his finger that stroked her clit.

The sound of crunching gravel startled Katie out of her

Seamus put one finger to his lips, telling her to remain
silent, then floated through the trellis wall. Katie zipped and buttoned her
jeans and straightened her top.

When Seamus returned he said, “It’s just a couple out for a

Katie nodded. “Perhaps we should get back to the room.”

“If you’d like.”

“You’re coming too, right?” she asked as she stood.

“Is that a trick question?” He smirked.

Katie snorted in response. “Oh whatever.” She brushed past
Seamus so he wouldn’t see her cheeks turning pink.

As they walked back to the garden entrance, they passed a
couple walking arm in arm. A pang of jealousy struck Katie. If things were
different, she would be strolling in the garden with Seamus’ arms around her.
Then again, if things had been different, she would have never met him.

Chapter Seven


“Are you all right?” Seamus asked.

“I’m fine. Why?”

“You have an odd look on your face.”

“I do?” Katie pretended innocence.

He nodded. “Either you had an unpleasant thought or you need
to go to the bathroom. Care to tell me which it is?”

Katie laughed. “Well, I don’t need to go to the bathroom.”

“Then what was the thought that made you frown?”

She smiled, amazed by how perceptive he was. “It occurred to
me that if things had been different, I would have never met you.”

It was his turn to look pensive. “I suppose that’s true.”

“Not that I’m glad you had a curse placed on you or
anything,” she reassured him. “I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

“I wouldn’t think so.”

The walk back to the garden entrance was much shorter since
they didn’t weave in and out of the many pathways. As they climbed the steps to
the terrace, they fell silent. Several couples were milling about. Katie
guessed they were either having drinks before dinner or relaxing after.

“Are you hungry?” Seamus asked. He must have noticed all the
people in the hall outside the restaurant as well.

She shook her head without saying anything. She ate lunch
late and wasn’t ready for dinner just yet so they kept moving to Katie’s room.

After unlocking the door, she held it open for Seamus. As he
floated by she realized how pointless the gesture was but it was hard to break
ingrained habits. Not that she frequently let men into her hotel room.

“So…” she said as they reached the sitting area.

“The night air was a bit cool. Did you get chilled?” Seamus

“A little.”

“How about a bath to warm you up again?” he suggested.

Katie smiled. “That’s not a bad idea.”

The bathroom was probably the best thing about the suite.
The blend of modern conveniences and antique designs created a relaxing

She went immediately to the tub, pulled the stopper and
turned on the hot water. When she turned around, Seamus was leaning against the
counter with his arms folded over his chest, watching her.

A thrill shot through her as she thought about stripping in
front of him. Could she really do it?

To give herself another minute to decide, she took her time
finding a hair clamp. Once she had her long tresses twisted up and secured on
the back of her head, she walked to the towel rack, picked out two then hung
them on the warmer. Next she lingered over the selection of bath salts.

“What do you think? Lavender, rose or vanilla?” she asked.

“Whichever pleases you. I am not able to smell much.”

“Much?” Katie considered what he’d said. “I hadn’t thought
about that. So you
smell a little?”

“I suspect it is only strong odors that I am able to smell.
But even then, they are faint.”

“Huh.” Katie continued to process the thought even as she
absently studied the containers in front of her. Finally she just grabbed one.
She checked the temperature of the water, made a quick adjustment then added
some of the bath salts.

When she turned around again she couldn’t tell if he was
amused or waiting to pounce. Maybe both?

A quiver ran through her. With trembling legs, she sat on
the edge of the tub so she could take off her shoes. It was hard to concentrate
on what she was doing, knowing Seamus was just across the room, watching her.
And she wasn’t bold enough to meet his eye, much less tease or tantalize him.

After her shoes and socks hit the floor she stood and
finally looked across at Seamus.

“Have you done this before, Little Katie?” he asked quietly.

“What? Strip in front of a guy?” She shrugged one shoulder
in a half apology. “Actually, no, I haven’t.” When his eyes widened in surprise
she quickly added, “I mean, I’ve been with men before, but we always undressed
each other as we were—”

“I understand,” he said, cutting her off.


He smiled. “It’s okay. Just relax and pretend that I’m not
even here.”

“Easy for you to say,” she mumbled.

Katie looked down at the water level to make sure it wasn’t
getting too full. She was being foolishly modest. She wasn’t unattractive but
based on how open her social schedule typically was, she wasn’t attracting men
by the dozens.

Hoping to distract them both, she said, “You know, the night
I met you, I had just taken a long, hot bath.”

When Seamus didn’t offer any comment she reached for the
bottom of her shirt and pulled it off. She tossed it at the hamper then made
herself look him in the eye.

“You weren’t hanging around in my bathroom where I couldn’t
see you, were you?”

“Afraid not.”

“Good answer.” She unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, pushed
them over her hips and down her legs then stepped out of them.

When she bent over to pick up the jeans, Seamus said, “I am
sorry I missed the opportunity, however.”

The blatant appreciation in his eyes made her feel like one
of the most beautiful women on earth. She gave him a smile. “Yes, well, I
suppose you’re making up for it now, huh?”

“We’ll see,” he said cryptically.

Katie tossed the jeans on top of her discarded shirt.
Gathering her courage, she unhooked her bra then wiggled her shoulders so the
straps slid down her arms into her hands. Instead of tossing the pale-pink bra
into the pile, she walked up to Seamus and set it on the counter behind him.
The cool atmosphere that surrounded him eked onto her bare skin, raising goose
bumps and making her nipples harden.

In an effort to up the ante, she slipped her hot-pink lace
panties off and left them on the counter with the bra.

Standing that close to him, Katie couldn’t miss the desire
burning in his eyes.

Acting braver than she really felt, she pivoted on the ball
of her foot and glided to the tub. It was doubtful she had ever made such an
effort to ensure she climbed into the bathtub as gracefully as a princess.

As she sank into the steaming water some of the tension in
her muscles relaxed. When she was all the way in, she leaned against the back
of the tub and studied Seamus.

“Care to join me?”

“As a matter of fact, I would love to. But I believe the
only thing that would accomplish would be to cool your water much faster than
you’d like.”

“That’s probably true.” Even though she figured that was the
case, it was still disappointing.

“Besides, the view is better up here,” he said with a cheeky

Katie looked down at herself. The waterline was bobbing just
below her breasts, acting as a pillow for them.

She rolled her eyes but smiled back. “Men.”

“What would you do without us?”

“Women would probably eat a lot more chocolate, wear
sweatpants more frequently and odds are that neither bras nor pantyhose would
have ever been invented,” she said matter-of-factly.


Seamus’ gaze drifted down to the water then all the way down
the length of the tub to her toes.

“If I could, I’d take that washcloth,” he pointed to the
short stack of folded linens on the ledge of the tub, “and make sure every part
of you was thoroughly cleaned and inspected.”

A shiver ran through Katie’s body. God, if only Seamus could
do that.

He skimmed his hand through the bubbles that floated on top
of her bathwater but his movement didn’t disturb a single one. Katie bent her
knee, breaking the surface of the water, disturbing those same bubbles.

“So…” She sat up, reached for a washcloth then reclined
against the back of the tub again. With a lift of one eyebrow, she asked, “Are
you implying that I’m dirty?”

“Not at all.” His voice remained calm but his expression was

Katie twisted the cloth with both hands, forcing most of the
water out. “Good. I’d hate for you to have a wrong impression of me.”

“Be assured that I have a very high opinion of you.”

She picked up the bar of soap and enclosed it in the folds
of the washcloth. She rubbed both between her hands, making the cloth bubbly.
Slowly she extended one leg up, out of the water, then applied the soapy rag as
far as she could reach. She repeated the motions on the other leg.

“You missed a spot.”

Katie knew he was teasing even though his face looked quite

She raised her leg again and pretended to inspect it.

“Just there.” Seamus touched a place behind her knee then
let his finger glide down the back of her thigh.

Goose bumps broke out all over her leg.

She tried to tell herself it was because of the cold from
his ghostly essence and had nothing to do with Seamus. But that was a lie. She
wanted Seamus to touch her. She wanted to feel his hands all over her body. She
wanted to lie beneath him and feel his body possessing hers.

Like she’d never wanted anyone else before.

It was pointless to imagine she was going to meet some
fairytale Irish hunk and have a wild affair with him while she was here. Every
time she tried to conjure up that fantasy, the hunk looked just like Seamus.

Why not indulge her fantasies as far as she could in the
time she did have with him?

Katie soaped the rag again and applied it to the spot Seamus
had pointed out in slow, easy strokes. She let the suds run down her thigh until
they floated onto the surface of the water. “Did I get it that time?”

“I think so. But I imagine the other leg needs some work

She propped her foot on the edge of the tub behind Seamus
then raised her other leg out of the water. Once again she soaped the rag and
pretended to thoroughly yet slowly clean her knee and thigh. When she was done,
she hooked that foot over the edge of the tub in front of Seamus, giving him a
wide-open yet watery view of her pussy.

“Anything else you think needs inspecting?”

His eyes were instantly drawn to the water. When he raised
them again, the hunger was unmistakable. “I can think of a thing or two.”

“I’d hate for something to be left unattended.” Katie’s
pulse sped up. Where was this vixen-like attitude coming from?

“Raise your hips up out of the water so I can see.”

Her heart thudded heavy in her chest but she did as he said.

Seamus leaned close, putting his head right between her
thighs. He was close enough Katie would have been able to feel his breath if he
had any. With one finger he touched her clit.

The contrast of the cold against her warm skin and the
tingles from where their bodies merged sent electric shocks straight to her
pussy. Her mouth fell open when she let out a gasp.

Katie shivered as he ran his finger down then around her
opening and back up to her clit. She bit her lip as the sensations grew
stronger. It was a delicious combination of hot and cold. The barely there,
electric touches were more than a tease but less than she needed.

She closed her eyes to better absorb the feelings.

When he plunged a finger into her opening her breath caught
in her throat. Her pussy clenched in response but there was nothing to grip.

Seamus’ strokes quickly became maddening. She wanted more.
She wanted him. Inside her.

“Seamus, please,” she pleaded. “I need to come.”

“Help me get you there. Touch yourself.”

Katie didn’t need further prompting. She reached between her
legs and found the spot that was crying for relief. With just a few strokes her
head was rolling back and her hips were pumping, seeking what she really

Seamus continued to touch and stroke her pussy. Their hands
merged more than once, adding to the sensations she was feeling. Every now and
then he would plunge a finger into her opening, sending her spiraling even

Finally she crested. A hoarse cry was ripped from her lips
and her whole body shook with her release. She sank back into the water more
relaxed than she had been in weeks.

When she opened her eyes, Seamus was watching her intently
once again.

“You are beautiful when you come.”

A smile spread through her. “No one is pretty when they
come. Everyone knows that.”

“I disagree,” he said.

Katie blushed. “Well, thank you.” She looked at Seamus’
crotch. He had a very impressive hard-on. “Can I help you with that?” She
nodded to his lap.

“I would love for you to help with that, but I suspect that
I will have to take care of it later.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” She cocked her head to the side
as she realized that she was able to see the wall on the other side of Seamus.


Katie sat up in the tub. “Seamus? What’s going on? Why can I
not see you clearly? It looks like you’re fading.”

“Damn. I’m sorry, Little Katie. This happens sometimes.”

“What happens? What’s wrong?” She tried to reach for him but
when her hand passed through him, the tingles were not very strong.

“I have to fade out for a bit and regain my strength.” His
voice was fading.

“You mean like falling asleep?”

“A bit.”

“But you’ll come back?”

His smile was tender as he reached for her face. “As soon as
I can. Hopefully in the morn.”

“Okay.” Her heart twisted in her chest as she watched Seamus
fade away. One more thing that was completely unfair about his situation.

There had to be a way to break that damned curse. If one
selfish twit who knew nothing of witchcraft or the paranormal could bring it
about, surely there was a way to reverse it.

It was too bad there wasn’t a way to throttle a ghost. If
Etain really did haunt someplace in the castle, Katie would love a chance to
tell her off. The idea of pushing Etain off the battlements crossed her mind
but Katie quickly dismissed it. She could never do that. Besides, it probably
wouldn’t do anything to a ghost anyway.

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